The Cortland Democrat, Friday, May 22,
Officers Looking for a Barber.
Two or
three years ago a barber named Kilian Goebel alias Ed Fuller, alias Ed Poight
was in the employ of Mr. Henry St. Peter, the popular South Main street tonsorial
artist, but suddenly shook the dust of Cortland for other localities.
Lately he
visited Cortland again and Friday last engaged a horse and buggy at Nichols'
livery, rear of Mansion House in Homer village, ostensibly for a day's outing at
Little York, promising to return in the evening of the same day. He has not been
recognized among the citizens of Homer or Cortland since; but a warrant for
grand larceny placed in Sheriff Borthwick's hands has resulted in the finding
of the horse and buggy at a livery stable in Syracuse where it had been driven
at an early hour in the morning while, as stated, the apparent owner went to
breakfast. A reward has been offered for the arrest of the man and a
description of him has been sent to officials in all directions. He is 6 feet
tall, weighs about 140 pounds, light complexion, very light blue eyes, long
sharp Roman nose, smooth face, hair cut short, speaks in broken English. Claims
to be a K. of P. and tried to work the local lodge.
From Frying Pan into Fire.
Eugene D.
Van Alstyne, a glass worker, residing at 71 Willow street, Ithaca, is reported
to be capable of earning good wages at his trade, but the amount credited to
him on the pay-roll of the present week will be limited. Tuesday Sheriff Borthwick
received a dispatch from Ithaca signed B. Van Alstyne, asking him to arrest the
aforesaid and a woman named Cora Golden. The dispatch stated that the pair
drove a rangy sorrel team of colts. The
telegram gave no information as to the charge against them and as it did not
state that a warrant had been issued for their apprehension, the officers
decided to act with caution in the matter of making the arrest.
citizens had seen the rig and about 4:30 policeman Sager, having received a similar dispatch, escorted the twain before
police Justice Bull, but as no one present could prefer a charge against them
they were discharged. An hour or so later a party arrived from Ithaca with two warrants;
one for grand larceny and one for abandonment, and the Sheriff from Ithaca soon
located his game in Homer.
couple had been crippled momentarily through the setting of a wheel. When the sheriff
reached Homer his wards were expostulating to a large audience on the merits of
the team and situation. The man was placed in jail until the arrival of police officer
J. E. Coy, of Ithaca, who returned with the prisoner Wednesday afternoon.
A son of
Van Alstyne came Wednesday morning for the turnout claiming the property as his
own. On the off rear axle was a black platform wheel, the forward wheel being a
similar misfit. The cargo of cheese, oyster crackers, half-pound package of
cucumber pickles and empty quart bottle forcibly reminded the young man that a genuine
old time had transpired, and as he had no particular desire to view the
paternal features, under existing circumstances, he at once proceeded to gather
up the scattered conveyance, declaring that the old man would have his
reception later.
From the visiting
official it was learned that the senior Van Alstyne had just been liberated from
a 30 day's confine in jail. The woman started for Ithaca on the first morning train.
She was apparently about 25 years of age. The man is near forty.
Slight Blaze in Cortland.
A run was
occasioned by the pulling of [fire alarm] box 333 at 3:30 Wednesday afternoon.
One line of hose was laid and water turned on before the hose had unreeled, the
water forcing an exit from a coupling on the carriage. The cause of the alarm
was occasioned by some clothing blowing against a single-tube oil stove in the
rooms of Miss Ola Beal and Adda Gillette, second floor of 14 West Court-st.
Prompt action saved a serious destruction of property. However something like
$100 loss was sustained by the young ladies. No water was thrown into the
building by the hose companies. Mr. H. M. Lane's goods were somewhat damaged by
smoke and the result of preparation to remove. The stove was thrown out of a
window and the fire extinguished.
Teachers Engaged.
A meeting
of the Board of Education was held Monday evening, and among other business
transacted the following teachers were engaged for the current school year:
Mrs. M.
A. Rice, Miss Bennett, Miss Hunt, Miss Williams, Miss Snyder, Miss McGowen, Miss
Cleary, Miss Knapp, Miss Blackmere, Miss Ada Wallace, Miss Turner, Miss Lyman,
Miss Cole, Miss McNamara, and Miss Alger, teacher of music.
several teachers have not yet been assigned to position in the public and ward
A Distinguished Visitor.
McCully, Supreme Judge of the Honolulu court of the Hawaiian Kingdom, was in
town last Sunday. He was formerly a resident of Oswego county and was a student
in the old Cortland academy and came here to visit the scenes of his boyhood's
school days. Sunday evening he gave an interesting address at the Congregational
church, upon invitation of Dr. Robinson. He is to sail for Europe in a few
weeks.—Homer Republican.
Cortlandville Lodge, No. 470, F. & A. M. will occupy the third story of the new Hopkins
block when the same is completed. It is expected that the rooms will be ready
for occupancy in September or October. They
are to be done off to suit
the convenience of the lodge.
The regular quarterly meeting
of the directors of the Cortland Wagon company was held at the company's office,
Wednesday. Beside the resident members of the Board Messrs. Shuler, of Amsterdam, Smith, of Fort Plain, and Clarke,
of Waterloo, were in attendance. The prospect for the coming quarter is
brighter than the past quarter, which has been most satisfactory alike to firm
and patrons.
Lewis Carey Killed.
Last Sunday afternoon, while
Will Coon and Lewis Carey, two young men of DeRuyter, were driving on the
highway through Quaker Basin, a mile east of DeRuyter, they became involved in
a dispute as to who should drive, and during the struggle for possession of the
lines which followed, the horse became excited and started off on a run. Coon
jumped out, but Carey fell head foremost between the wagon box and wheel, in
which position he remained for some rods and was carried around two or three times
with the wheel. One shoulder was dislocated and he received internal injuries which
caused his death about three hours after the accident, never having regained consciousness.
He was a son of Garrison Carey and was 24 years of age. Both of the young men
are said to have been considerably under the influence of liquor.
W. C. T. U.
The Women's Christian
Temperance Union of Cortland will hold a public meeting in the Presbyterian
church on Sunday, May 24th, at 3:30 P. M., in the interest of the World's
Woman's Christian Temperance Union.
A program will be presented
describing the work and workers of the world's organization.
Every one, man or woman, youth
or maiden, are cordially invited.
Hospital Notes.
The Board of Managers ask for
donations of furniture for sitting-room, a dining-room table and chairs, a
washstand and bureau. Also, carpets for sitting room 14x14 and bed-room 9x10,
table crockery, knives, forks, spoons, shades for six windows, wood and coal
stoves would be very acceptable at this time as a change of matron June 1
necessitates the procuring of the above named furnishings. Persons desirous of
contributing any of the articles may send them directly to the hospital, or if
any one of the managers be notified arrangements will be made for obtaining them.
It is hoped that the list of
donations for each month will include gifts of butter, eggs, and vegetables
from some of our liberal farmers.
The progress towards recovery
of the two ladies from Homer is most satisfactory. These patients were admitted
on May 1 and 3. Dr. E. M. Santee is the attending physician.
The attention of the traveling
public is called to a box marked "Hospital'' placed on the wall opposite the
ticket office at the D. L. & W. station. Its object is to gather in the mites
of those persons who desire to "lend a hand" in sustaining the
Y. M. C. A. Notes.
At the conference held in the
First M. E. church parlors last Wednesday evening, there was sufficient funds
pledged in addition to what had already been given by the many friends of the
Association to warrant carrying on the work for young men. The Ladies'
Auxiliary never fail to do their part and this occasion was no exception to the
rule. After providing a supper, such as only ladies know how to provide, they
pledged themselves for $250 toward the work. The YOUNG MEN in showing their
appreciation of the Association, pledged $300, and friends most of whom had
given before pledged $265. "The Lord loves a cheerful giver."
In thanking one young man for
his pledge he replied, "Do not thank me but thank the Lord for giving me
the heart to give." This is true Christianity, pocket deep.
F. W. Collins, president of
the Association, will address the young men next Sunday afternoon at 5 o'clock.
We hope to see a large attendance at this meeting. All men are invited.
Next Monday evening the
regular monthly meeting of the Association will be held in the Y. M. C. A.
parlors, at 8 o'clock. There is business of importance to transact which cannot
be done at any other meeting, and only by Association members, such as voting
in new members, and receiving appointments of committees, etc.
All members are requested to
be present. Let us have a social time and begin our work in earnest.
Wednesday forenoon a black
horse attached to a top buggy was hitched in front of J. E. Briggs' clothing
house, corner Main and Railroad streets, when for the purpose of laying the
dust Frank Healey turned the lawn hose directly in front of the horse, causing
it to rear, breaking its fastenings, and it made a dash for down town. U. S.
express driver Jay DuBois stopped the horse in front of Collins & Daehler's.
Having some business to
transact in Price & Co.'s grocery, the driver of J. H. Parker's team left the same attached to a lumber wagon unhitched in
front of the store just before noon. Becoming frightened at something the team
ran as far as the corner of North Main and Maple avenue, where one of the
horses struck the tree standing close to the electric light pole with such
force as to crush in the bones about the left eye. Dr. Baker was called, and
expressed the opinion that the injury could be repaired. The team was very well
bred. Mr. Parker resides about three miles west of this village.
![]() |
A 42-star American flag. |
A Pleasant Surprise.
On Tuesday evening last, about
20 members of James H. Kellogg Camp, Sons of Veterans, assembled at the camp rooms, it being their regular meeting
night. They were drilled for an hour by Lieutenant McDowell of the 45th
Separate Company, who was heartily thanked by the boys at the close.
During the drill, Comrades
Kellogg, Moon and Wheeler of the G. A. R. dropped in, and were gladly and
unsuspectingly welcomed, as they are quite often in attendance at the meeting.
The camp went into session at the close of the drill, proceeded with the
regular order of business, and mustered in a recruit in handsome style.
Immediately thereafter,
comrade H. M. Kellogg was announced by the captain to make a few remarks. He
spoke substantially as follows:
"Brothers of this camp, I
am pleased to be with you to-night, and to witness the creditable manner in
which the business and muster ceremony have been enacted. I was deeply
interested, from the first, in the establishment of a camp of Sons of Veterans
in this place. I was present when this camp was installed; and when the
members, without previous knowledge or solicitation on my part, chose to bear
the name of my son, James H. Kellogg, who died in early manhood, I felt myself
bound to them by a still closer tie. I have watched the labors and struggles of
the camp from the first, have been glad to aid it when I could, and am rejoiced
in its growing prosperity. For a long time, I have been meditating in what way
I could, in a manner most acceptable, make known to the camp in a lasting and
substantial way the deep interest I feel in its welfare. I have reached a
decision on this point and Comrades Wheeler and Moon, who have just retired,
will bring before you a testimonial of my regard. (The captain called the camp
members to their feet, and the comrades appeared bearing a large, elegant,
handsomely mounted silk flag, with gold fringe and the number, name and
location of the camp in gilt letters upon its folds.) Brothers of James H.
Kellogg camp I take pleasure in presenting to you, in behalf of myself and Mrs.
Kellogg, this emblem of your country. I am glad that it bears 42 stars instead
of 38 like the one over yonder. May you feel honored to march beneath its
shining folds, and may you in turn honor it by your service and deeds of
Every member of the camp was
taken entirely by surprise; but, under direction of Captain Chapin, the camp
saluted and gave three rousing cheers for the flag. Then the captain proceeded
to thank Comrade Kellogg, not only for this splendid token of his esteem, but
for his loyalty to the camp in the past, and for his ever ready and generous
assistance and wise and timely counsel in seasons of discouragement.
The Captain was followed by Sgt.
Kratzer, past-Captain Sheeley, Lieut. Fenner, Chaplain Sager, Lieut. Edgcomb, and
Sgt. Alexander, all of whom in few but heartfelt words conveyed to Comrade
Kellogg their sense of appreciation and their sincere thanks. Formal action on
the matter will probably be taken at the next meeting.
The flag is exactly 6 by 6 1/2
feet, which is as large a size as can be conveniently managed on parade, is
made of finest material, and is accompanied by a belt and socket and an
oilcloth case.
No organization can boast of a
finer flag, and few of a larger or more costly one.
Not only is the camp to be
congratulated, but the citizens of Cortland will have reason to gaze with pride
upon the lustrous folds of this starry emblem as it is unfurled to the breezes
on memorial day and other public occasions.
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