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Homer Avenue M. E. Church circa 1900. |
The Cortland Democrat, Friday, May 29,
Dedicated Wednesday, May 27, 1891—Interesting
Services—The Entire Debt Cancelled.
sitting in the well arranged edifice of the Homer Avenue M. E. Church was filled
at 2:10 Wednesday afternoon when the choir opened the dedicatory exercises by
singing: "I was glad when they said unto me," etc., Miss May Watkins
presiding at the organ. Resident pastor Rev. Charles Hamilton then stated the
object of the exercises and read scriptural passages, upon the request of presiding
Elder Beebe of this district, who conducted the services.
Hymn 822
was then sung, and the Rev. Mr. Annable read a scripture lesson from 2
Chronicles, 6th and 7th chapters, followed by the Rev. Mr. Stacy of Memorial
church, Syracuse, with reading of portions of the scriptures commanding that a
feeling of friendship and brotherly love exist.
A feeling
invocation was offered by Rev. David D. Campbell of the first M. E. church followed
by the singing of hymn 868, which brought the exercises to the spiritual feast
of the afternoon—a sermon by the Rev. D. Butz, of Drew Theological Seminary, who
paid a tribute to the active work of those who were instrumental in the erection
of the present edifice which was to be dedicated. His chosen line of thought
was embodied in 2 Thessalonians, 1:10—"When he shall come to be glorified
in his saints, and to be admired in all them that believe (because our
testimony among you was believed) in that day."
considering the saint's life three imperative thoughts present themselves: A
centrally founded doctrine; a clear and accurate definition; a prime and
fundamental purpose. Without these characteristics success will not result—with
them life's work will not be a total failure. Proof that it is the Supreme wish
that they may become saints is given in Psalms xcvii-10; 1 Cor. vi, 2-7; 1
Thess. iii-13; Romans i; 1 Cor. i; Collossians i; 2, 7, 12, 26; 1 Samuel ii-9.
undervalue the influences with which God has surrounded the people, viz: The
Bible, the sabbath, temples erected to his worship, the bible class, the Sunday
school—all for what? The sixth chapter of Romans read understandingly might
prove beneficial in the enlarging of the saints' church. The doctor named three
classes of saints to be met with in all localities: the quiet, the aggressive
and the benevolent. The mention of the latter caused a momentary gleam of mirth
to appear, but as no request for donations followed and the speaker continued the
portrayal of the saint's life and mission, attention was undivided until the closing
sentence: "Our shining shall be but the reflection of Christ which is in
Elder Beebe then briefly outlined the financial condition of the society showing
a debt of $8137.09 having been incurred in purchase of lot, erection of church
and parsonage. Of this amount $3,807.09 had been cancelled leaving a balance of
$4,430 to be provided for by pledges upon the following liberal terms of
payment: one-fourth to be paid July 1, '91; December 1, '91; June 1, '92 and
December 1, '92.
B. Stoppard and Frank L. Bosworth as secretaries were kept busy for upward of
an hour recording three $300, one $200, two $100, and near a score of $50
donations, then $40, $35, $25, $20 and down to $5 until $3,575 was the handsome
footing and great joy was manifest upon each countenance.
evening service began at 7:45 o'clock, the choir singing "Within This
Temple's Sacred Walls." Bro. Beebe read the 84th Psalm and hymns 768 and
248 were sung. Presiding Elder Hermans of the Elmira district was then
introduced and delivered a most thoughtful discourse upon God's love for his
children, as disclosed in 1 John iii: 2—"Beloved, now are we the sons of
God; and it doth not yet appear what we shall be; but we know that, when he
shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is." While there
is a tendency to look up to great men as exemplary christians after reading
Paul's epistle to the Romans we can reflect that what we are we were not when
created in the image of our maker. We marvel at God's love for a sinner. The
comparison of St. John's view, "that we be called the sons of God"
with that of Jesus when he said: "Your father, the devil, and his works ye
do,'' shows that while it may be fortunate to belong to a blue blood family of
long lineage for patriotic and heroic deeds, and though there might be
something in blood, yet the grace of God does not run in blood or some great
men might be good. There is cause for great wonderment that the light of God's
grace should shine through the bramble and thorn path as it does, inspiring a
grand central thought: What are we? Man claims superiority over the living
kingdom earth; yet there are minute insects whose power of vision beat man out
of sight. The closing thought was that while the world may
be cold, there is a good time coming bye and bye.
A final
successful effort was then made to obliterate the small debt existing, the church
dedicatory service performed, and the benediction pronounced as a close of a memorable
event in the history of Homer Avenue M. E. Church.
Marathon Has a Sensation.
Samuel B. Pierce of Marathon, alighted from the 6 a. m. D. L. & W. train
last Friday morning having in custody one Michael McGuire, a former employe of
Dunphy's tannery in that village. On Thursday McGuire is reported to have divided
his time between lounging about the tannery and emptying schooners laden with
brewery products. About 6 P. M. he was seated upon a fallen tree in the ravine west
of the tannery, resting his head upon his hands. As a citizen approached the spot,
McGuire sprang to his feet, gazed at the intruder and instantly drew a razor twice
across his throat, upon the left side, but owing to the bad edge of the blade, the
juggler vein was not tapped.
The man's
condition at the time of the act bordered on the delirium state. After the wounds
had been closed a watch was placed over the would-be self-destroyer until morning,
when he was removed to the county house, where he is in a fair way to speedy
Keep Matches From Children.
her six-year-old daughter at play with dolls and other toys in a room on the
second floor of 83 Maple avenue extension last Thursday, Mrs. Alfred Tiffin busied
herself with the numerous details of a housewife's duties. Tired of play the little
Miss took a tour of inspection finally pausing to view the match case; next to examine
the contents and finally to ignite the brimstone-tipped sticks solely for the amusement
afforded in the crackling ignitation [sic] and pretty blaze. Rapidly each one was
blown out until a number of the extinguished matches lay strewn about the carpet.
child sport; but "'tis a long road without any turn" reads the old
saw, and the child lighted another match, when followed a terrified scream to which
the mother responded only to find the curtains and draperies in flames.
Regardless of personal danger, Mrs. Tiffin opened a window, tore down the
burning decorations and throwing them into the yard stamped out the fire which
was consuming the carpet and with the assistance of neighbors saved her home
with the precious young life.
After the
excitement had died away, Mrs. Tiffin suffered excruciating pain from seriously
burned and blistered arms and hands. Dr. Hughes dressed the injuries and finds
most favorable symptoms for permanent recovery. Hereafter the pretty match
safes will be placed beyond the reach of little hands, as they should be in
every home.
Found Dead in Her Bed.
upward of eight months past Mrs. Huldah B. Hathway, widow of the late James B.
Hathway, has been in very poor health at times being utterly helpless,
requiring during the greater portion of that period as much care as a child. Of
late, however, she has been sufficiently strong to take a limited stroll about
the grounds of her home, 50 Tompkins street, even as late as Sunday, retiring
that evening in apparently her usual spirits.
morning her sister, Mrs. E. J. Walker, who was her constant attendant went to
Mrs. Hathway's room (the latter from choice always occupying apartments on the
first floor) to announce breakfast, when she was horrified to discover the body
of Mrs. Hathway stretched upon the bed. A hasty examination disclosed that life
was extinct. Summoning the nearest neighbors a more minute examination
disclosed a portion of a clothes-line wound three times about the neck and tied
in a single loose knot. From the fact that no indenture was made upon the skin
an inquest was deemed unnecessary and the physicians decided that heart failure
was the cause of her death. The body was prepared for burial and funeral
services were held at 3 P. M., Wednesday.
The Only Place to Advertise.
At a
recent convention of general passenger agents of leading railroads, held in Denver, it was resolved to suspend all other methods
of advertising except that of newspapers. The experience of these men had fully
demonstrated that money spent in railroad guides, hotel registers, fancy show cards
and other schemes of like character did not pay, and should be prohibited.
The newspaper
is the natural and proper medium through which to reach the public, and this is
the conclusion of all who have any knowledge upon the subject of advertising. All
other devices are useless and worthless. The columns of well established and
reputable newspapers furnish the only proper means of directing the attention
of the public to what you have to sell. The most experienced business men
realize this fact.
Saturday at the Driving Park.
afternoon a regular field day will be held on the Cortland Driving Park. A
foot-ball game, base ball and other field sports will take place. Admission
25 cts. Carriages free.
The Central
club room of Cortland horsemen was the recipient of some antique xiiith century
furniture yesterday, from an appreciative listener to turf recitals.
wedding of Mr. William Walsh and Miss Maggie Dohoney was celebrated last Wednesday.
The ceremony being performed by Rev. Father McLoghlin, at St. Mary's church, in the morning.
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