Thursday, December 24, 2015


Cortland Normal School.
James Hoose.
The Cortland Democrat, Friday, June 5, 1891.

The Local Board of the State Normal School Ask Principal Hoose to Resign—The End Not Yet.
   Last Monday evening the Local Board of the State Normal School held a meeting which was attended by the following members: President "William H. Clark, and Messrs. Fitzgerald, Duffey, Squires, Suggett, Wickwire and Smith. After transacting some routine business the President explained to Mr. R. B. Smith, that the other members of the board had held a meeting in Mr. Suggett's office on the 16th ult., and that the reason why he was not asked to be present was because it would possibly have been embarrassing to him. They had invited Dr. Hoose to be present and had asked him to hand in his resignation, saying they had taken this course in order to give Dr. Hoose an opportunity to take the initiatory steps in the matter, but that he had given them no answer.
   Mr. Smith stated his position very plainly and said among other things that he was surprised, as he had had no intimation from any member of the board that any such action was to be taken. Everything was quiet and peaceful now, the school was prospering under its present management and he could see no reason for requiring a change.
   Dr. Hoose, who was present, was asked if he had decided to resign in accordance with the request made by the board. He replied that the meeting held May 16th, was not a meeting of the board and that he had received no formal request to resign. When such a request was made he would treat the same with due respect. The board then went into executive session and a resolution was drafted by the President asking Dr. Hoose to resign, which was adopted by a vote of 6 to 1, Mr. Smith voting in the negative. We understand that the motion to adopt the resolution was not seconded but was put by the President and declared carried.

Insane From Alcohol.
   Last Friday two lads aged fourteen and eleven years of Caroline, Tompkins County, named Elmer Chambers and Will Smith spent the day at Dryden Lake for the avowed purpose of fishing. Among their outfit was a pint bottle of alcohol diluted with red candy. In the afternoon the contents of the bottle had been consumed by the lads, and in an elated condition they prepared to return to their home, driving over all manner of obstructions for a short distance when the wagon and harness became wrecked and the Chambers boy plunged into the lake with the determination of suicide. This act being frustrated, he subsequently obtained a strap from the harness and went into a piece of woods nearby to hang himself.
   His young companion gave the alarm and some workmen hastened to the rescue to find Chambers suspended from a branch of a tree, his feet partially resting upon the ground. Death from strangulation had nearly ensued when released, but after a time he regained consciousness, the effects of the alcoholic beverage had rendered the youth temporarily insane.

Killed by a Runaway Team.
   Last week Tuesday the coach team belonging to Mrs. Jacob M. Schermerhorn, of Homer, became frightened while standing at the railway station on James street, in that village, and started towards Main street on a run. The team was attached to a platform wagon and the driver being unable to hold the horses, Mr. James Mahoney, who was in the vehicle, took hold of the reins with him, but the efforts of both men were fruitless and the team ran down Main street to the Schermerhorn place, where they turned in, the wheels striking the fence, throwing Mahoney against a post. He was carried to the house and Drs. Burdick and Webb attended him. His injuries, which were internal, proved to be more serious than was at first supposed, and his death resulted on Sunday. The driver was uninjured.

Central New York Trotting Circuit.
   The aggregate premiums of the Central New York trotting circuit amount to $28,450. Auburn and Dansville have had their meetings. Elmira will hold her meeting June 7-12; Binghamton, June 16-19; Syracuse, June 23-26, entries close June 9; Cortland, July 1-4, entries close June 22; Oswego, July 7-10, entries close June 29; Phoenix, July 14-17, entries close June 29.
   The first day at the Maple Avenue Driving Park, Elmira, will be devoted to 2:27 and 2:45 classes of trotters, and 2:26 pacers; second, 2:30 and 2:37 trotters; third, 2:24 and 2:34 trotters, and 2:40 pacers; fourth, 3:00 trotters, 2:19 trotters and pacers. Purses $400 in all classes.
   The E. C. & N. railroad announce special round trip excursion tickets on any of the above days with one admission to the grounds for $2.50 from Cortland.

Druggists Association.
   The annual meeting of the Cortland County Druggists Association was held at the Cortland House last Tuesday. The meeting was well attended and much interest was manifested. The following officers were chosen for the ensuing year: President, Aaron Sager; vice-president, S. K. Jones; secretary and treasurer, C. F. Brown.

   The Warden House, in Solon, will be formally opened June 12th, with a ball.
   Maher Bros. are already commencing to celebrate the 4th. Read their boom in another column.
   The King's Daughters will meet with Mrs. A. N. Johnson, at 32 Groton Ave., Saturday, at 3 P. M.
   The McGrawville Sentinel commenced its fourteenth volume this week. May its prosperity be continuous.
   The Chautauqua Circle will meet with Miss Anna Hawley, No. 73 Railroad street, next Monday evening, June 8th.
   Rev. Marion Yager will preach in the Universalist church, next Sunday. Services morning and evening. All are cordially invited.
   Fall fairs will be held at Whitney's Point September 2-4; Greene, September 8 11; Newark Valley September 15-17, and Dryden, September 22-24.
   After being discarded and left severely alone for many years, plain white stockings are actually coming into fashion again, both at home and abroad.
   Mr. W. W. Kelsey has moved his furnace business to Manlius, where he has formed a partnership for manufacturing the same with Messrs. S. & W. Cheney.
   A dance will be given in Wells' hall, this evening, for the benefit of Mrs. Coombs, whose husband died recently, leaving his family in straightened circumstances.
   New stone walks have been laid in front of the residences of E. P. Halbert and W. G. Davenport, on Lincoln avenue. A neat plank walk also surrounds the lawn of E. F. Jennings.
   Alfred McDowell, a well known comedian who has played the part of Asa Beck, in "Mugg's Landing," several times in this city, died in Baltimore on Tuesday, of last week.
   Messrs. Chas. Lewis and P. H. Parker, of the State Dairy Commission, were in town on Tuesday inspecting vinegar sold by our grocers. We understand they will be in town again in a short time.
   A correspondent gives this remedy for the destruction of apple-tree worms: "Dissolve, in an ordinary pailful of hot water, one pound of pure potash and apply to the tree on a rag fastened to a pole."
   The funeral of Mr. John Estes was held from the family residence, Bartlett avenue, Homer, Monday. Mr. Estes was formerly connected with the wagon factories of this village, and enjoyed the respect of a wide circle of friends.
   There was a very heavy shower of rain passed over Virgil, McLean and Groton, last Saturday, with a disagreeable drizzle visiting Cortland. Tuesday night Cortland enjoyed a liberal fall of rain, while Virgil and her neighbors looked on.
   A soldiers' and sailors monument was unveiled at Watertown on Wednesday. The oration was delivered by Gen. Henry W. Slocum, of Brooklyn. The memorial cost over $10,000 and was a present from Mr. and Mrs. George Cook, of that place, formerly residents of Homer.
   July 4th has been selected as the date for the annual temperance picnic of the W. C. T. U., at Floral Trout Park. Mrs. Mary Lathrop has been engaged as speaker for the occasion, with Miss Lily Runels, the noted impersonator and gifted vocalist. A grand day of social festivities is anticipated.
   The barber Voight, with many aliases, who is charged with stealing a horse from Charles Antisdale, of Homer, was arrested in Syracuse, last Thursday, by Sheriff Borthwick, and is now in Cortland jail. He will undoubtedly be indicted at this term of court, and his conviction will probably follow.
   Prof. Leonard, instructor of guitar and banjo, gave a musical at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Wickwire, last Friday evening, which was attended by a large number of invited guests, who richly enjoyed the entertainment. Prof. Leonard's pupils showed considerable proficiency considering the fact that they are all beginners.
   The New York State Music Teachers' Association will hold their annual meeting at Utica, June 30th, July 1st and 2d. Those wishing to join are requested to give their names soon to Clara A. Covil, Vice-President for this county. No pains have been spared to make the meeting a very interesting one and all lovers of music are invited to join.
   Dr. West and two or three assistants were giving free concerts on West Court street, last week, and selling some sort of a decoction which was called medicine. They suddenly left town, leaving several unpaid bills. Sheriff Borthwick found the alleged doctor in Syracuse on Thursday last, and rather than return to Cortland the doctor settled.
   William H. Kirk is about to commence an action against the village of Homer, to recover damages for an injury claimed to have been received in falling off a sidewalk at the corner of Hudson and West Clinton streets, in that village, June 8th, 1890. He asks for $5,000, and has engaged J. & T. E. Courtney, of this place, to prosecute the claim.
Baptist Church Items.
   Rev. G. H. Brigham having been sent as delegate to the May anniversaries of the various missionary societies of the Baptist denomination recently held in Cincinnati, O., occupied the hour for morning service last Sabbath, in giving an exceedingly interesting report. One of the most interesting things he spoke of was the chapel car, presented by Colgate Hoyt, Charles L. Colby, John D. Rockefeller and others. It contains sleeping and dining room for the missionary, Rev. Boston Smith and his assistant, with a chapel seating seventy-five persons. It is to be attached to any train and side tracked at any point on the Northern Pacific, at the option of the missionary. It was formally dedicated at the Union depot and named "Evangel," amid the shrieking of whistles and ringing of car bells.
   Dr. Clough, of the "Telegu mission," was present and gave a report of his work since last December. He has baptized between eight and nine thousand. He calls for twenty-five men and fifty thousand dollars for his field.

Army of the Potomac.
   General preparations are being made for the twenty-second annual re-union of the Army of the Potomac in Buffalo, on the 3d and 4th of July. The exercises will include the corps meetings, an excursion and lunch on the lake and river, trips to the Falls, a public meeting at which Gen. Henry W. Slocum will deliver the oration and Col. Geo. A. Marden the poem, a general illumination of the city and the soldiers' monument and a parade and banquet. The city has made a liberal appropriation and the citizens will increase the fund to ample proportions. The railroads have agreed to make the fare from all points a fare and one-third and lower rate will be made for local excursions. Triumphal arches will be erected on the line of march.
   Under the constitution of the Society every officer and enlisted man who has at any time served with honor in any of the armies, did duty east of the Allegheny Mountains, and has been honorably discharged therefrom or remains in the service in the regular army, is entitled to member ship.
   As stated in the constitution: "The object of this Society shall be to cherish the memories and associations of the Army of the Potomac; to strengthen the ties of fraternal fellowship and sympathy formed from companionship in that Army; to perpetuate the name and fame of those who have fallen either on the field of battle or in the line of duty with that Army; to collect and preserve the record of its great achievements, its numerous and well-constructed battles, its campaigns, marches and skirmishes."
   The initiation fee is $1 and the annual dues but $2. The presence of President Harrison, Secretary of War Proctor and Secretary of the Navy Tracy is confidently expected, and others who will be present include Gens. Doubleday, Howard, Sickles, Butterfield, Fitz John Porter, Connor Pratt, McMahon, Horace Porter, Sharpe, Parke, Vezey, Fairchild, Webb, Chamberlain, Newton, Robinson, Alger, and the Hon. Chauncey M. Depew. The Grand Army of the Republic will turn out in force. The present officers of the Society are Gen. Shelden Connor, President; Gen. Horatio C. King, Recording Secretary, Col. Samuel Truesdell, Treasurer; and Gen. George H. Sharpe, Corresponding Secretary, with headquarters in New York City.

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