Tuesday, December 29, 2015


William H. Clark.
The Cortland Democrat, Friday, June 12, 1891.

   The DEMOCRAT thinks that brother Clark should go. Let the question be submitted to a vote of the people of this village, and the DEMOCRAT will not only agree to abide by the result, but promises in advance to be entirely satisfied with the people's decision.
   If brother Clark will resign, much will be forgiven. [Mr. Clark, editor and publisher of the Cortland Standard, was chairman of the Local School Board. He and the Local Board requested the resignation of Dr. Hoose, principal of the State Normal School in Cortland—CC editor.]
   Hon. John A. McDonald, premier of Canada, died last Saturday evening.
   Dr. Cheney may be a good man and possibly weigh two hundred pounds, but Cheney is not Hoose.
   If Brother Clark had located in Potsdam in 1876, instead of Cortland, would Cortland's loss have been Potsdam's gain? It isn't much of a conundrum after all.
   The Standard was dumb as an oyster last week, on the subject that is agitating the citizens of this village and vicinity. It repeated the dose this week. Silence is sometimes golden but not always. The President of the Local Beard virtually says to the people, "What do you propose to do about it?"
   The directors of Union Theological Seminary voted to retain Dr. Briggs as a professor by a vote of twenty to two. The General Assembly of Presbyterians held in Detroit recently, voted four hundred and forty to sixty to have him go. The seminary seems to have the best of it thus far.
   The Kansas Farmers' Alliance proposes to start a farmers' bank in that state with a warehouse attachment for the loan of money on produce. The farmers of that state seem to think a bank is a bank and of course must have oceans of money. Experience may teach them a sad lesson.

Gov. S. J. Tilden
   Wyoming will become a State on July 6.
   Scranton lost $175,000 by fire last month.
   "An inch of rain" means 22,000 gallons, or one hundred tons, to an acre.
   Seventeen thousand one hundred and sixteen emigrants arrived in New York last week.
   At 35 years of age S. J. Tilden did not own $500, yet at his death he possessed $15,000,000.
   Last year Germany produced 5,342,043,000 quarts of beer, or over 106 quarts for each of its population.
   The libel suit of M. W. Van Auken against the Utica Observer resulted in a verdict of no cause of action. An appeal will be taken.
   The census of British India, recently taken, shows a population of 286,000.000 of whom 220,000,000 are under the direct government of the Queen, and 65,500,000 under the sway of feudatory princes.
   An Owego cat is nursing three little woodchucks with her litter of four kittens. The woodchucks were dug up before they had yet opened their eyes, consequently the cat will be the first mother they have ever seen.
   Five million two hundred and forty-six thousand six hundred and thirteen immigrants arrived in the United States in the decade from 1880 to 1890, besides such as surreptitiously came over the borders from Canada and Mexico.
   The new [proposed] elevated bridge across the Hudson river at New York will cost $50,000,000. It is to be 155 feet above the the water. It will contain six railroad tracks, two for passengers, two for freight and two for express trains.
   James Hughes of Chicago, master workman of the Union Clothing Cutters, Trimmers and Tailors of North American Trades Assembly 231, Order Knights of Labor, convicted in Rochester of extortion, was yesterday sentenced to one year in State prison. Hughes is 37 years of age, a widower with no children.
   E. D. Thayer, president of the Brando, Vermont, National bank, had $40,000 in notes and mortgagee stolen from his seat in a Rock Island sleeping car, not far from Chicago, yesterday. When nearing Chicago he went into the dining car, leaving his satchel on his seat, and when he returned it was gone. Mr. Thayer is 80 years old.
   A railroad conductor says that female tramps are on the increase. They are not as daring as the men in jumping on or off trains, but they are found hanging all over a freight car, on the trucks or clinging to the truss rods by hands and feet, in fact in dangerous places that a male tramp would never think of getting in.
   The sun-spot observer of the Rochester Democrat states that if the present spottedness continues, we may experience a year without a summer, in which frosts may be expected every month. Spots are as numerous now as in the maximum of 1885. The sun is an interesting object now to those who take an interest in the changes going on in our variable star and the consequent weather changes.
   Politics are notoriously rotten in Oneida county. Hon. T. E. Kinney testified in the Van Auken libel suit that on one occasion thirty dead men were voted in the first ward of Utica.
Our Top-Heavy "Education."
   An interesting story is told, and it is a true story, of a merchant who inserted an advertisement to the effect that he wanted a book-keeper, married, of irreproachable private character, an expert accountant, one speaking French, Spanish and German preferred, to whom, reference being satisfactory, would be paid $500 salary for the first year—less than $10 a week. To this advertisement, which was originally ordered inserted for a week, came the first day seventy-four answers. The advertisement was taken out. Now here is a curious condition of affairs. The men who applied were men of education; many of them had seen the traditional better days, yet they were willing to accept $10 a week, a trifle less, at the very time when the great army of labor is striking for an increase from $4 a day of eight or nine hours' duration.
   The question naturally arises, is it better to teach one's sons a trade or to give them what is technically known as an education? There is a heap of thought in that, and if the material prosperity of the housesmiths and the workingmen of whatever name may be taken, on the one hand, and the nervous, feverish anxiety of the educated men seeking clerical situations may be taken as an index on the other, is it not a fair inference that there is something rotten in this particular State of Denmark?—N. Y. Press.

Fairgrounds and Driving Park, 1894 map.
   Farmers should consult Brown & Maybury's ad this week, before buying Paris green.
   Miss Lettie Graham, a wayward young girl of this place, has been sentenced to the industrial school at Rochester by Justice Bull.
   The eighth annual encampment of the N. Y. Division of Sons of Veterans will be held at Binghamton, June 23d, 24th, 25th and 26th, 1891.
   Mr. W. S. Freer will give a social party at his hall in Higginsville, N. Y., on Friday evening, June 19th, 1891. Music by Daniels' full orchestra. Bill, $1.25.
   The Cortlands defeated the Normals last Saturday on the fair grounds by a score of 15 to 8. This is the first time the Normals have been defeated this season.
   From a social standpoint Cortland has been well favored with church and lawn socials, picnics and the like, this week. There has been from one to three each day, with a liberal patronage.
   The Binghamton Driving Park Association will hold their spring meeting on their grounds June 16th, 17th, 18th and 19th. Ten purses of $400 each are offered for trotting and pacing. A very large list of entries have been made.
   The regular semi-monthly mothers' meeting (west) will be held at the residence of Mrs. W. H. Hatfield, No. 143 Tompkins street, on Thursday, June 18th, at 3 P . M. Subject of last week continued: "The relation of the child's body to its soul and the outer world." All ladies are cordially invited.
   The Cortland County Sunday School Association will meet in convention at the Methodist church, Virgil, on Wednesday, June 17th, commencing at 10 o'clock A. M. Delegates from the various schools of the county will be entertained. An excellent program has been prepared for the occasion.
   Wednesday afternoon, as the E. C. & N. yard crew were running out to the Elm street station, brakeman Estabrook, who was standing upon a car deck, came in contact with a telephone wire, knocking him down. Usually the wire is at a proper height, but as some repairs were being made to the line the wire hung low. A cut close to the left eye was the result.
   The Sons of Veterans have secured the services of Mr. Mark Madison, of Boston, who will produce for them, 4th of July week, the romantic military drama by General Judson Kilpatrick, entitled "Within the Enemy's Lines." The play is said to be one of the most successful American dramas ever written, and will be presented with beautiful scenery, costumes, and one hundred people.
   A three-round pugilistic ring encounter took place near the fair grounds last Tuesday afternoon, between James Matthews and Edward Rittenhouse, two factory employes, to settle a personal grudge. A draw had been declared before the officers arrived upon the scene. Later, Matthews appeared before Police Justice Bull, acknowledged his guilt as a participant, and was fined five dollars.
   News was received here from Middleport, N. Y., Tuesday, of the fearful accident that occurred to the son of Frank Burghardt, formerly of this place. It seems that while the boys were playing, the youngest son, Howard, had a pistol and by accident shot his brother Linez in the face, putting out one eye and disfiguring the face quite badly. The bullet lodged in the brain. At last account he was alive.— Whitney's Point Reporter.
   Both gutters on Homer avenue, from Fitz avenue [West Main Street] northward to the driving park, have been plowed out and the accumulation been used in raising the center of the first named avenue for some distance south of Graham's blacksmithing shop. Preparations are also being made to widen Homer avenue, north of Barber avenue, by moving the west walk several feet from its present position, thus making a continuous walk to the driving park.
   An exchange says in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth and all things therein. He then created man and woman; and left the loafers on the corners, and in due time they multiplied and then spread into the post-offices, and depots and the stores. In the latter place they sit and explain state and national problems that have vexed great minds, and exist partially by sampling goods. While he is thus engaged his wife is out washing for her neighbors, and the poor helpless children are left at home to care for themselves as best they can. There is nothing more noticeable than a loafer.
   A brass band has been organized in Marathon.
   A cross walk is being laid from Argyle Place to the east side of South Main street.
   The interior of Dickinson & McGraw's shoe house is being neatly decorated by painter F. P. Coffin.
   The young ladies of Lincoln Lodge will give a sociable in the Lodge rooms next Wednesday evening.
   The Cortland Wheel Club will hold their first annual tournament on the fair grounds Saturday August 1st.
   Delos Bauder's "Maxey B" won the first two heats in the 2:27 class at Elmira on Tuesday. The second heat was made in 2:26 1/2.
   The Marathon, Texas Valley, Freetown and Killawog Sunday School Association will hold its next session at Texas Valley, June 18th.
   Never drink iced milk. It breeds colic. Never drink a goblet of milk at a time. It will form a hard and semi-indigestible curd.—Exchange.
   The Odd Fellows of Cortland District have arranged for a basket excursion to Maple Bay, Onondaga lake, on June 27th. Tickets, $1.
   An improvement is being made at the junction of Lincoln and Homer avenues by flagging the gutter and making a level surface of the street proper.
   Hitchcock Hose have their annual picnic at Floral Trout Park, Saturday of this week, afternoon and evening. See that the boys have a liberal patronage.
   Rev. W. A. Smith, of Groton, will address the Homer Academy Alumni next Wednesday evening. Subject: "When to marry, and what sort of a wife to choose."
   Game Constable Grassman desires us to give notice that the law prohibits the spearing of fish of any sort, and that persons who violate the same will be promptly prosecuted.
   June 17th is the date for the next convention of the Cortland County Sunday School Association. The exercises will be held in the M. E. church at Virgil 10:30 A. M.
   Reports from several Cortland residents are to the effect that the continued drought is seriously affecting the supply of well water, and city water connections [to Water Works—CC editor] are constantly being made.
   Mr. Bert Bently, organist of the Baptist church in this place, has composed an anthem which was given in the church last Sunday evening, by the choir. Good judges of music pronounce it a first-class composition in every respect, and Mr. Bently is receiving hosts of congratulations.
   Not only the farming community, but business men as well, are entertaining grave forebodings from the continued season without rain. Meadow lands are good sod, but aside from orchard grass no growth is perceptible. Wheat and rye are of good color, corn and potatoes are looking up, and that is about the extent.
   The Governor has signed the Saxton ballot law amendment, which among other things provides that election districts may contain 400 voters each. The blank ballot is abolished; and the number of ballots for each fifty voters is reduced from 200 to 100; ballot clerks need not write their initials on the ballots. Election districts shall be divided before August 1st.
   Farmers who desire to secure the bounty on maple sugar, next spring, should file their applications with A. Von Landberg, Collector, at Syracuse, before July 1st. Section 232 of the tariff law reads: "The producer of said sugar, to be entitled to said bounty, shall have first filed prior to July 1st of each year, with the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, a notice of the place of production, with a general description of the machinery and method to be employed by him, with an estimate of the amount of sugar proposed to be produced in the current or next ensuing year, including the number of maple trees to be tapped, and an application for a license to so produce, to be accompanied by a bond in a penalty, and with sureties to be approved by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, conditioned that he shall faithfully observe all rules and regulations that shall be prescribed for such manufacture and production of sugar."

Cortland Wins.
   The Cortland Sportsmen's club held their first match shoot on their grounds near Homer last Saturday. A. M. Schermerhorn and E. C. Rindge represented the Cortland club, and Win. Crittenden of Cazenovia, and Edward Roberts of Canastota, the Madison county club. The following remarkable scores were made:
Thirty single kingbirds, known angles.
Schermerhorn, 29
Rindge, 26
Roberts, 25
Crittenden, 19
Thirty single kingbirds, unknown angles.
Sehermerborn, 30
Rindge, 24
Roberts, 29
Crittenden, 26
Twenty pair double kingbirds.
Schermerhorn ,37
Rindge, 29
Roberts, 24
Crittenden, 19
   This gave the local team 33 birds ahead.
   Schermerhorn's record shows that he broke 96 out of a possible 100, which is a score that would be hard to beat.

Death of D. C. Cloyes.
   Mr. David C. Cloyes, a well known and highly respected citizen, died at his home on Church street last Saturday evening, aged 75 years. Mr. Cloyes was born in New Hartford, Oneida county, in 1816, and was a resident of that county until 1851 when he moved to Cortland. Mr. Cloyes was a contractor by occupation and for some years followed that calling. Sometime in the fifties he opened a grocery store in the building now occupied by W. B. Stoppard on Main-st., which he conducted for several years. In 1866-7, he engaged with J. T. Bosworth and Jed W. Jones in the lumber business, occupying a part of the site now owned by H. F. Benton. Rev. J. L. Robertson officiated at the funeral services on Wednesday. Mr. Cloyes leaves a widow and three children, Mrs. W. J. Mantanye, Mr. W. D. Cloyes, and Miss Mary J. Cloyes, all residents of this place.

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