Wednesday, December 30, 2015


The Cortland Democrat, Friday, June 12, 1891.


   The great event of the week at Loring's Station is to be a drama played by the young people of this place, at the school house Saturday evening June 13th, admission 15 cents. The proceeds to be used for the benefit of the school. The following is the cast of characters:
      David Murray, keeper of Fairpoint Light, J. S. Conrad
      Larry Divine, his assistant, Alva Harmon
      Hon. Bruce Hunter, Ranny Phillips
      Clarence Hunter, his ward, Will S. Byram
      Scud, Hunter's colored servant, Merton Conrad
      Peter Paragraph, a newspaper reporter, George Pierce
      Bess Starbright, cast up by the waves, Lena M. Pierce
      Miss Minnie Daze, Hunter's niece, Lillie Bentley
      Mother Carey, a reputed fortune teller, Nellie S. Byram
      Biddy Bean, an Irish girl, Mary J. Bishop
The Limerick Boy."
      Dr. Coates, George D. Pierce
      Harry, his son, J. S. Conrad
      Paddy Miles, Alva Harmon
      Reuben, W. S. Byram
      Job, a gardener, Aiden Grant
      Mrs. Fidget, Nellie S. Byram
      Jane, her daughter, Mary J. Bishop

   Drouth still continues.
   Mr. A. W. Pierce and wife were in Cortland Wednesday.
   Dr. J. C. Nelson was called to Apulia last week to see a number of sick.
   Supervisor Muller has J. J. Bosworth employed painting and paper hanging.
   Albert Pierce and wife, of Mont Clair, N. J., are still here and both are apparently in good health.
   Messrs. Hilton & Patrick have a number of workmen busy at work on the barn they purchased of Wm. Baldwin, fitting it up for a store.
   We were misinformed in regard to the pension received by Mrs. Rhoda Peters. The amount is eight instead of twelve dollars per month.
   Carl Weigand has returned home from Cornell, to spend the summer vacation. From all reports Carl is making rapid progress in his studies.
   Mr. J. B. Lewis a resident of Truxton previous to 1853, and now of Grant Park, Kankakee Co., Ill., has been visiting friends and acquaintances here lately.
   M. E. Kenney and wife, of Utica, have been in town since the 7th inst. Mr. Kenney has built a new barn and made other repairs on the premises owned by him, and now occupied by J. J. Bosworth and Robert Hall.
   It seems to be the impression generally that there is no necessity for a saloon to be kept here, and as the present board of excise will grant no license to such an institution, any one attempting to run one in the place will find no very smooth sailing.
   The Ladies' Home and Foreign Missionary Society held a meeting at the Baptist church Wednesday the 10th inst. Miss Mary Day addressed the meeting in the forenoon and the afternoon was mostly devoted to business matters. Miss Day, who is a fine speaker, was born in Burmah, her father being an American missionary residing in that country at that time, and she herself has acted as missionary there 11 years, leaving about two years since on account of impaired health. She will return to Burmah soon.

   Mrs. Isaac Webster is in Auburn staying with her daughter Nellie.
   Mr. Dwight Hatfield visited friends in Chenango county last week.
   Mr. Francis Webster has traded horses with Mr. Henry Parker, of Cortland.
   Mr. C. L. Steadman has Mr. Frank Geralds' boat on the pond this summer.
   Mr. Levi Steadman has gone to Norwich to visit his daughter, Mrs. Mary DeBarr.
   Mrs. Lute Corl has gone to Little York to take care of her brother-in-law who is sick.
   Hon. A. P. Smith is having his house in Groton City repaired. Mr. Langdon who occupies it is doing the work.
   Mr. Chet Morehouse, of Norwich, is moving his goods into the house formerly owned by Dr. E. E. DeBarr.
   A small, brown and white dog was found the other day by Mr. G. A. Bliss, entangled in a scarecrow on his cornfield.

   Mr. Norton, of Homer, is visiting his uncle Deacon Arba Rice.
   The Misses Ranney of Groton were in town the forepart of this week.
   Miss Annette Van Buskirk has returned from a several weeks stay at Moravia.
   There will be a Children's Day concert at the Congregational church next Sunday evening.
   Repairs have been made on several of the bridges and sluiceways in town, adding much to the safety of the roads.

   Mr. Will Clark of Syracuse spent the day with Dell June Monday.
   Mrs. Fred Atwood and children of Groton are visiting friends here.
   Mr. and Mrs. Frank Burt visited friends in Peruville last Saturday and Sunday.
   Miss Mabel Graves of Cortland visited her aunt, Mrs. R. Reynolds, last week.
   John Hubbard has a good second-hand top buggy that he offers for sale cheap.
   A full delegation of singers from this place attended the convention at Cortland last week.
   Presiding Elder U. S. Beebe will preach in the M. E. Church this week Friday and Sunday evenings.
   Mr. Biggar and sister started Monday for Delaware Co., where they will spend some time visiting relatives.
   Children's day has been postponed until the third Sunday in June. An extra fine programme is being prepared.
   A sample cheese was cut at the M. P. U. depot Saturday night. It proved to be so very nice that it took three large cheese to supply the patrons [sic].
   The Free Methodists are making preparations to hold camp meeting in Miner Merrick's woods, commencing June 24. The camp ground is directly north of Dan Burt's residence.
   Mr. and Mrs. Nash made a flying overland trip to Lebanon last week, going one day and returning the next. Frank Parker's mustang, "Fleetfoot" was the beast that made the journey.

   Frost for three nights here and not near enough rain yet.
   Mr. Charles Davis lost a good cow with milk fever last week.
   Wm. Stacy shipped another load of calves on Tuesday last.
   Doctor Morgan and family were visiting friends in town this week.
   Henry Gray's people have returned from California, where they have been spending the winter.
   Mr. George Wilcox has a new iron roof on his house and is giving it a new coat of paint. Al Beekman is doing the painting.
   Mrs. Vincent died at the residence of her daughter Mrs. Charles Phoenix, on Wednesday last. Her remains were taken to Fabius for burial.
   Strange that some of our young men that work in Tioga county, have to go Lang [sic] to Tompkins county to get shaved of a Saturday, but this is an age of strange things, for brothers are warring with one another, there not being room enough in Harford Mills so they take to Hunt's Corners for a stamping ground. The good alone are great.

   Water is failing in many wells.
   Dennis Sweeney is very sick with the pneumonia, so we hear.
   Mr. John Weller and wife, near Syracuse, are visiting in town.
   Mrs. Effie Hutchinson, of Massachusetts, is visiting at her father's, Mr. E. H. Butts.
   Mrs. Martha Potter of Cortland is in town for a few days stopping with her daughter, Mrs. Gaylord.
   Mr. C. C. Clarke has just put an awning in front of his store and has succeeded in getting water by driving [a well.]
   Sherman Brown was buried on Monday, Rev. F. H. Dickerson officiating. He had been ill of paralysis of the throat for nearly a year. His age was 64. He was buried in Borodino.
   Mr. E. H. P. Potter is limping about, occasioned by getting his foot into the place where the maul fell. Mrs. Emily Clarke has a similar experience from the falling of a sadiron.
   Mr. Austin Brown and Will Pidge narrowly escaped death last Friday. They had been unloading a load of straw and had backed a pair of colts from the barn and were engaged in pitching the scattered straw from the ground, when suddenly some young cattle belonging to E. H. P. Potter and son, which had broken out, came rushing over the hill down toward the team, frightening them. The lines not being in reach, Pidge grabbed one by the bit, but in going down the steep hill it flung him in front and the team and wagon both went over him, leaving three gashes upon his head and a damaged hand, beside other bruises. About this time Mr. Brown had got hold of the bit of the other horse and down the hill they went, smashing him against the fence and a pile of boards, breaking both bones of his left arm and also his jaw, beside other less severe, wounds. Dr. Babcock was called to dress the wounds.

Surrogate's Proceedings.
   June 8th.—in the matter of the guardianship of Daniel Warden, Lizzie Warden, Nellie Warden, Mamie Warden and Eva Warden, of Solon, N. Y., minors. Petition for the appointment of guardian filed, bond and oath filed and letters of guardianship issued to James Dougherty Esq., of Cortland.

Chauncey M. Depew
Public Men at a Dinner.
   The remark is frequently heard "Chauncey M. Depew must have a powerful digestive apparatus to be enabled to eat so many public dinners." The fact is, Mr. Depew eats very little at a public dinner and he drinks less. He usually gives one the impression that he has eaten his dinner at home before coming to the banquet. Such, indeed, is the case with a very large number of public men who find it necessary to attend numerous banquets. Henry Ward Beecher scarcely ever ate anything at a public dinner, except perhaps, a few mouthfuls of fish or a little fruit. Roscoe Conkling was in the habit of skipping everything on the bill of fare after the soup, of which he was fond. Ex-President Cleveland eats very sparingly, and only touches the substantial dishes. Men who have only one or two opportunities a year of discussing a Delmonico dinner generally devour everything that is set before them, but the men who are summoned to the banquet board night after night fully appreciate the wisdom of passing the fancy viands by.

George Gould

Jason Gould
Jay and George.
   I have read a good deal in the papers about Mr. Gould's ill health and general physical decay which had set in with him, and when he entered an elevated train recently and sat down opposite me with his son George, I looked at him with some curiosity. He has grown thin and old in looks. There is no doubt about that, but he has gained a look of alertness and quickness of movement which formerly did not distinguish him. The sinister look has disappeared from his face entirely, and his rapidly whitening beard and hair gave him almost a benevolent countenance. He smiled frequently and with great good humor as he talked with his son. The latter has grown stout and is a perfect counterpart of the Cubans whom one sees behind cigar stands. He is stocky, powerfully built, and solemn. The contrast between a profound and thoughtful-looking son and the amiable and chatting father was very strong. Mr. Gould only came a shade above George's shoulder and George Gould is very short for a man.
   The great millionaire nodded in a good-natured fashion to half a dozen brokers in different parts of the car. The brokers, who had all been waiting for recognition with breathless anxiety, took off their hats and bowed with extreme respect. After they had taken off their hats clear from their heads and put them on again Mr. Gould touched the rim of his own hat with his finger. The action was significant. It seemed to say to everybody that he did not care to have men raise their hats to him, but that he would acknowledge the courtesy in kind if it was necessary. Everybody seemed to know Mr. Gould and his son. The railroad guards threw open the gates and stood aside, and the passengers waited until they had passed out, and even the necessity of catching trains at Forty-second street did not lead commuters to rush in front of the two tranquil little men. Everybody whispered "there goes Jay Gould and his son George," and then people stood still and watched them pass by.
   There is no doubt that our aristocracy will be one of money if we ever have one in America.
Rich Jewels Deposited in the National Museum at Washington.
   The most valuable jewels in the National Museum in Washington, D. C. are the relics of our great men near the entrance. These are worth tens of thousands of dollars in intrinsic value of the gold and jewels of which they are made, to say nothing of the workmanship. There are swords by the dozen set with diamonds, guns inlaid with precious stones, and canes which have heads of gold in which gems are imbedded [sic]. A guard is detailed to watch them night and day. Each case has a burglar alarm connected with it, and the least meddling would set an electric bell ringing and call the museum army together.
   The Grant collection is one. It is made up of hundreds of gold articles exquisitely engraved, and brought together from all parts of the world; of rare stones, of china more valuable than though it were solid gold, and of other articles which, if melted down, would fully pay the President's salary for a year or more.
   In one case there is a complete collection of gold and silver coins of Japan, which has a wonderful numismatic value, as it is the only complete set in existence, except one in the Japanese treasury. Some of the gold coins are a quarter of an inch thick and as large around as the top of a dinner pail. Seven of them cost $5,000, and there are perhaps a hundred in the collection.
   In another ease there are half a dozen large elephant tusks, which the King of Siam gave to Gen. Grant, and there are six pieces of costly jade given him by one of the princes of China. All the swords presented to him are there, and many of them have diamonds set in the hilts.
   One of the medals which are in the collection contains $600 worth of gold and is as large around as the bottom of a tin cup. The gold articles in the collection would fill a peck measure, and many cities seem to have given Gen. Grant a gold box containing the papers in which their freedom was presented. The box which he received at Ayr, Scotland, is as large as a cigar box, and is of solid gold. The City of Glasgow gave him a still larger one, beautifully chased and the gold box which he received from the City of London is a wonder of artistic workmanship, bearing an engraving of the Capitol on one side and of the London Guildhall on the other. Enameled on its golden surface are the Union Jack, the Red, White and Blue and the Goddess of Liberty shaking hands with the British Lion.
   The order of the Shelekat, which the Sultan gave to Mrs. S. S. Cox, is also kept in the National Museum. It is a star larger around than a trade dollar, which sparkles with more than 100 diamonds. The diamonds are set in gold on brown, gold and green enamel. The star has five points, and there are twenty-six diamonds on each point. It has a beautiful ribbon sash connected with it, and was given to Mrs. Cox one night at the Sultan's palace, when she went there to dinner with her husband and ate Turkish viands served up by a French cook on gold plates. After the dinner was over the Sultan presented this insignia. She thought she was to have it forever, but it seems that his majesty only lends such presents for life, and when she dies it is to be returned to him.

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