A Nest of Tarantulas.
Last week
we made mention of a large tarantula that was found in a bunch of bananas at G.F.
Beaudry's store. Since the capture of this monster specie of the spider
family, each bunch of bananas has been thoroughly inspected believing that
another would be found. On Friday of last week, as William Dermody was plucking
some of the fruit from a well-filled stem at Mr. Beaudry's store, he discovered a
cocoon about the size of a bantam's egg. The cocoon was removed and placed in a
box, where it was opened and found to contain many hundred spiders about the
size of the head of a pin, and when placed under a magnifying glass the body
and legs of a well-developed tarantula were plain to be seen in each. While
they had not matured enough to travel any, yet the tiny legs or feelers were
almost constantly in motion, showing that they were alive.
Beaudry kept the young tarantulas in a box and many of our citizens went in to
look at the curiosity. At this date but few of them are alive, the climate not
being right for them to live for any great length of time.
An Excellent Appointment.
Benton B. Jones, editor of the Cortland Democrat, has been nominated by
Governor Flower as one of the trustees of the State Asylum for Idiots at
Syracuse, in place of Frederick Hyde, deceased. The appointment is an eminently
proper one and a well-deserved honor. While not possessing the medical
knowledge for which Dr. Hyde was so widely known, Mr. Jones
is an expert of large experience in the political manifestations of idiocy, and
has frequently been called upon to meet and prescribe for most serious and seemingly
hopeless cases of weak-minded cases among the members of his own party. He has
often felt like consigning some of these cases to the asylum, and now that he is
to be a trustee of the institution it may be expected that he will make an
example of a very few pronounced ones. If he could subject the free silver
majority of the present Democratic congress to the kindly care of the asylum
until after election, we feel confident that he would do so—but this, we fear,
is beyond his power.—Cortland Standard.
If there ever had been a doubt in the mind
of any person in this vicinity, as to the crying need of a resident trustee of
the State Asylum for the weak-minded, a perusal of the above ought to remove
that lingering doubt at once and forever. Prescriptions
heretofore administered by the DEMOCRAT in alopathic doses having failed of a
cure, a commitment ought surely to follow.
The Groton Bridge Co. has shipped some iron
telegraph poles to Mexico.
A Grange has been organised at Poolville
with twenty charter members.
The Burnett block, Fort Plain, burned
Saturday. Loss about $28,000.
Sunday's storm again blocked the Central
between Rome and Oneida.
Ex-State Senator James Daley, forty-nine,
died in New York Sunday.
The Standard Oil company has put in the
lowest bid for furnishing the world’s fair with petroleum fuel.
Waterloo and Seneca Falls spent $18,000
entertaining tramps last year, justices of the peace committing them to jail
for the sake of fees.
Complete returns of the enumeration in
Buffalo makes the population 278, 822, exclusive of the public institutions,
which will bring the total up to 283,000.
Earl Grey of Delphi, who claims to have been
born February 17, 1783, is doubtless the oldest man in the state. A directory
of Delaware county, published in 1840, gives his age as 57.
Wages were reduced 20 per cent in several
departments of the Singer Sewing machine factory at Elizabeth, N. J.
shortly after the company subscribed $10,000 to the World's Fair. It seems as
if the workmen were to pay for the “generosity” of the company.
Several of the brewery firms of Syracuse
have combined and formed a trust, with a capital stock of $850,000, divided into
8,500 shares of $100 each. The combination includes the National Brewing
Company, Thomas Ryan, Moore, Quinn & Company and the Greenway Brewing company.
The Honorable (?) Isaac H. Maynard, thief of
election returns, conspirator against the rights of the people, a Judge so lost
to all sense of shame as to exult over his own crimes, is at last being made to
feel, in some slight degree at least, the lash of punishment. The castigation
which he has received from decent democratic newspapers and the weak defense
which even the most hide-bound have made in his behalf have already driven him
into print with a letter which only serves to paint his great crime in darker
colors and emphasize his lack of all moral sense.—Cortland Standard.
In the face and eye of the fact that Judge
Maynard's appointment to the bench was recommended by Judge Follett and all the
republican Judges of the second division of the Court of Appeals, the Cortland Standard
characterizes him as a thief. Judge Maynard acted as counsel for the
democrats in the recent election cases and simply performed his duty. The republicans
agreed to abide by the decision of the Court of Appeals and lost and now they
are swearing at the Court and Democratic counsel. Our neighbor sustained the rape
of the Presidentcy in 1876-7, the ousting of Democratic Congressmen two years
ago, the stealing of the states of Nebraska, New Hampshire and Connecticut in
1890, and now holds up his hands in holy horror because its party was prevented
from stealing the Senate and Assembly in this state last fall. Judge Maynard is
an honorable man and the editor of the Standard is well aware of the
fact. If he had been employed by the republicans and had won their case for
them he would have been a saint.
F. P. Sanders moved to Cortland Wednesday.
Capt. James L. Goddard is confined to the
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Neal Dobbins, March 21st,
a girl.
Will Graham of Raritan, N. J., is visiting
his father here.
Chas. Clark has moved into a part of Con
Lansing's house.
Romanzo Bosworth of Cortland, and Mrs. Nora
Stevens of Union Valley have both been visiting in town since the 10th inst.
James L. Goddard and Mrs. Mary Goddard were
joined in wedlock last Thursday. Rev. W. H. Robertson tied the nuptial knot.
"Storm after storm rises dark over the way,"
and the "way" is badly blocked, in fact, more so than at any other
time in the last fifteen or twenty years.
Dr. Nelson was called to Delphi, March 9th,
to amputate an arm for Isaac Springer of that place. The experience which the
Dr. had while a surgeon in the army was a good thing, and since that time, he
has ranked among the best of that profession in this part of the
John McGraw left Wednesday night for Baltimore,
Md., to play with the base ball club of that place. The Baltimores are to play
150 games this season with clubs from the following cities: Washington, New
York, Philadelphia, Brooklyn, Boston, Pittsburg, Cincinnati, Cleveland,
Chicago, St. Louis and Louisville. The club will play the first game April 12th.
Joseph Glenny of this town is failing. Heart trouble.
Mercury down below zero on
Monday and Tuesday mornings of this week.
George J. Green has returned
from Ithaca, where he has been upon a visit.
Mr. Mark Seeley, a middle-aged
man in Spafford, dropped down dead a few days since.
Mrs. Reuben Maxson of this
town is dead. Remains placed in the vault for the present.
The Alvord house was bid off
at sheriff's sale by E. W. Childs for Mrs. Leland Griffin. $626.
Mr. Almeron Barber has a sick
horse that is likely to die. He lost a valuable one not very long since. It bled
to death at the nose.
Married in Scott, Tuesday
evening, March 7, Mr. Ela Clark and Mrs. Merton Whiting, after the Japanese
custom. Performance at the M. E. Church. No cards. [A money raising event for
the church—CC editor.]
Mr. Frank Jenks and Miss
Jennie Sweet are in town and will give a concert at the S. D. B. Church on Thursday
evening, assisted by Miss Norma Spencer of this town.
We had the pleasure of meeting
our old friend Arthur Norton of Skaneateles, recently. We could hardly
recognize him at first. He was not gray-headed when we saw him last.
We learn there is to be a
civil damage case over in Moravia, growing out of the sudden death of a Mr. Smith
of that place, after imbibing at a hotel. The proprietor had been forbidden to
sell, we are told. He was the youngest brother of Dorr Smith of Sempronius.
Congratulations to our friend
John McMillen of Summer Hill. It may be a little mortifying to the republicans
to see their candidate for supervisor beaten by a cranky prohibitionist, but
there's nothing like getting used to a thing, which must begin to be the case
in that town. May John's shadow never grow less.
It seems as if drunkenness is
becoming popular in this town. And why should it not? The voters have declared
in favor of the sale of that which makes people drunk. And any person who will
consent to apply for a license to sell the deadly stuff to his neighbors will
generally sell all he can get or pay for, unless they are too drunk to get
away. It is a miserable business, and most of those who engage in it will
privately tell us so, but there is money in it and that is what they are after.
We are inclined to think when we shall have gone into the saloon business we
shall make it a point to sell all we can, the same as others. Wednesday evening
of last week, a middle-aged man from Sempronius was in this town, and in going
home his horse got into the snow and tangled itself so as to hold it down, and
when found the man and horse were both nearly frozen and the man dead drunk.
They were taken, we are told, to the place where he got his last drink, but the
proprietor refused to keep him over night, and he had to be taken elsewhere.
That same evening and next day, there were several whiskey fights, the drunkest
ones usually coming out second best. If so much money is to be paid for liquor
why should not every man and woman have an equal privilege to sell? Why make a
monopoly of the business by confining it to a few? Let one half sell and the
other half drink and all would be rich for the time being at least.
![]() |
Newspaper printed on wallpaper. |
Grant Selover moved Tuesday into
the house belonging to the ice company.
John B. Cottrel's teams loaded
a car with hay Tuesday for Mr. Gallinger of Summit Station.
Button & Co. are loading a
car with potatoes for which they pay the magnificent price of 25 cents a
Will Gutcheous [sic] returned last
week from Buffalo, where he had been at work in a wagon shop for some time.
Solomon Chapman has bought the
small house near H. W. Blashfield's. It was a good Investment of his back
Thomas Leiber has contracted
to cut a quantity of maple logs for W. T. Perkins. They are to supply an order
from the Novelty Co. of Syracuse.
Mrs. John Wagoner last week
slipped on the ridge in the road and strained the muscles near the hip bone of
her leg. She is now able to sit up but cannot walk.
Caldwell Clark has a Jersey
cow twenty-two months old which weighs 449 pounds and gives 15 pounds of milk
per day. We hear of things worth their weight in gold, but this cow is worth
her weight in milk every month.
During the prevalence of winds
filling up the tracks of the road it is a fine thing to properly plough them
out. But a plow should be rigged with extension mould board and padded landside
to make it efficient. Frank Alyord on the Cold Brook road set a good pattern.
A. B. Raymond and B. L.
McNamara were yesterday examined before a referee in the suit of H. W. Blashfield
against New York parties to whom he shipped cider from six to nine years ago.
It has been in court over four years. A. P. Smith appears for the plaintiffs,
while Joe Eggleston manages the defense.
We have been spending the
stormy days of the past week in refreshing our memory of the different battles
during the late unpleasantness. We used for this purpose Capt. Willard
Glazier's Battles for the Union. The descriptions are terse, and interestingly
written and each of its forty-six chapters describes a battle. We were led to
this course of reading by being shown a copy of the Vicksburg paper printed on
the back of common wall paper which our boys found the type still standing. They
withdrew a short article and replaced it with the announcement that it was the
glorious fourth of July and they were there to celebrate and to stay. A short
time after the war a Chicago paper republished an exact copy—even to the tearing
off the sheet of wall paper—of this edition and Peter Selover coming into possession
of a copy has preserved it. This reading up has strengthened our democratic
belief in a "government for the people and by the people."
ULI SLICK. [ pen name of local
The Cortland Forging Co. shops are putting
in 13 hours per day.
There is a case of small pox in Syracuse.
Dr. Geo. A. Tompkins, of this place, has
been granted a trade mark for alluminium [sic] and its alloys.
The H. M. Whitney Wagon Company are using
the milk depot building adjoining them for the manufacture of carriage bodies.
Mrs. M. H. Yale has purchased the J. A.
Calvert house, corner of Prospect and James street, and the two vacant lots adjoining
for $5,100.
The directors of the Cortland and Homer
Horse Railway Company have decided to lay new ties and street rails on their
road during the coming season.
The Board of Trustees have renewed the contract
with the Cortland Water Works Company for the use of water for hydrants for a
term of five years, from April 1st next.
Last evening about nine o'clock, Frank Bowen,
of Cortland, was driving northward on Cayuga street, and ran upon the ash heap
in front of Beach's mill, upsetting the cutter and throwing him out. He clung
to the reins and the horse ran straight ahead, striking against the mill house,
breaking its neck.—Groton Journal, March 16th.
Assemblyman Tripp has introduced a bill
providing that vehicles, except on railroads, passing over a public highway in
this State must have tires on the wheels three inches wide when they weigh between
two thousand and six thousand pounds, and a tire four inches in width when the
weight exceeds six thousand pounds.
Mr. J. Warren Bostwick, who occupied rooms
on the third floor of the Churchill building, was found dead in bed last Thursday
morning. A rumor was started that he had committed suicide, and Coroner Moore
was notified and a post mortem was held at 10 o'clock by Drs. Hughes and Dana.
The examination disclosed the fact that Bostwick died from cystic degeneration
of the kidneys. Deceased leaves two daughters and three sons.
Referee William Nottingham, of Syracuse, has
filed his opinion in the case of H. Wilson Blashfield against The Empire State
Telephone and Telegraph Company, whereby he finds that the plaintiff is entitled
to $750 damages. Since 1884 the defendants have erected telephone poles from
Homer to Truxton and from Glen Haven and Preble to Homer. The poles were, as a
rule, set at one side of the highways near the fence, and on land that did not
belong to them, in some cases the company paid for the right. The plaintiff
purchased the claims of several farmers and brought this action to recover damages.
The referee holds, as a matter of law, that the casement granted to the public
for a highway was for the passage of men and teams, and not for the erection of
telephone or telegraph poles, or other obstructions. Of course the decision of
a referee does not settle the question, and will have no binding force on the courts,
but Mr. Nottingham's opinion is backed up by strong and sensible arguments, and
ought to prevail on appeal. We understand the defendants will appeal. Frank
Pierce of New York appeared for the plaintiff, and F. E. Stone of Auburn for
Last Thursday evening eight locomotives
arrived at the E. C. & N. station in this place, from the east. Five were attached
to the snow plow, one on the work train, and one on each of the passenger
trains that had been in the snow beyond DeRuyter. One of the passenger trains
started from Canastota the Saturday previous, and had been in the snow from
that time until reaching Cortland.
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