Monday, May 23, 2016


The Cortland Democrat, Friday, April 29, 1892.

Republican County Convention.
   The Republicans held a county convention in the Republican League rooms in this place last Tuesday afternoon to select delegates to the State convention and to elect a new county committee. E. W. Childs of Scott was selected to preside and M. B. Aldrich of Marathon and W. S. Foster of Homer acted as secretaries. The town of Willett was not represented.
   Mr. Henry Howes of Cuyler nominated the following delegates to the State convention: [State Assemblyman] Jas. H. Tripp of Marathon, J. C. Barry and Dorr C. Smith of Cortland, W. H. Crane of Homer, Jas. T. Steele of Preble and Howard W. Kinney of Cuyler. They were elected by acclamation.
   Mr. J. C. Atwater of Homer offered resolutions endorsing the administration of President Harrison and his firm stand in favor of sound currency, his exertions in extending reciprocity trade relations with other countries, his unswerving advocacy of protection of American industries and labor and freedom from scandal in every department of the government. The resolutions denounce the Democrats in the legislature for passing the excise bill, the partisan New York inspectors' bill, the unjust Congressional, Senate and Assembly apportionment bills and the actions of the committee on privileges and elections in denying the minority the right of testimony. The resolutions also censure the course of Senator Hill, the State canvassing board and Isaac H. Maynard for the part taken in the contested election cases last fall and the Court of Appeals for the decision rendered in the premises.
   The following new county committee was elected:
   Cincinnatus—Dr. M. L. Halbert.
   Cortlandville—Jerome Squires, C. P. Walrad, A. D. Wallace, Robert B. Innis, A. H. Atkins.
   Cuyler [blank]
   Freetown—James H. Seeber.
   Harford—Chas. A. Keech.
   Homer—J. C. Atwater, E. J. Bockes, S. M. Byrum.
   Lapeer—Orson A. House.
   Marathon—C. E. Boyden, F. M. Beardsley.
   Preble—J. T. Steele.
   Scott—M. G. Frisbie.
   Solon—Willis D. Shuler.
   Taylor—Lucien Birdlebough.
   Virgil—F. E. Price, D. P. Shevalier.
   Speeches were made by Hon. R. T. Peck, Jerome Squires, John C. Barry and A. E. Seymour.
   On motion the convention adjourned.
   At a meeting of the county committee held immediately after the convention adjourned, Jerome Squires was elected chairman, A. D. Wallace, secretary, and C. P. Walrad, treasurer.

   Cortland is divorced from Onondaga in the new Congressional apportionment, and "Uncle Rufus" Peck will never get a vindication. He can never represent this district in the State Senate nor in Congress.—Skaneateles Free Press.

   The Republicans at their Congressional convention held in Syracuse on Wednesday elected Wm. B. Coggeshall of Syracuse and Hon. R. T. Peck of Cortland to represent this Congressional district in the Republican National convention to be held in Minneapolis. Both delegates are understood to belong to the Hendricks-Hiscock faction of the party.

   Assemblyman Tripp of this county is on record as voting against the bill allowing women to vote. That cooks his goose with the ladies. He is also on record as voting against the bill making the legal rate of interest 5 per cent, instead of six. That ought to settle him with the farmers but it won't. The DEMOCRAT predicted last fall that he would vote against reducing the rate of interest but the farmers didn't believe us.

   The change in the make up of the Congressional districts will not be quite so favorable to Cortland Republican as under the old regime. Jim Belden will have no further use for our local politicians and the money he has been in the habit of distributing to the local candidates, clubs and churches will be pretty sure to go to Madison county. The Cortland Standard has lost a fat contributor in election campaigns and we don't wonder it thinks unkindly of the reapportionment. In fact it looks very much as if the wealthy and liberal politicians had moved out of the district.

   Potatoes are now bringing from 20 to 25 cents. In 1888 the Cortland Standard claimed that the Mills bill removed the tariff of 15 cents per bushel on potatoes, and that if the Mills bill had become a law, the potato industry in this country would be ruined, because potatoes could be raised in Scotland by the cheap pauper labor of Europe for absolutely nothing, and that they would be brought to this country as ship's ballast free. Well, the Mills bill was killed but the McKinley bill, which raised the duty on potatoes from 15 to 25 cents per bushel did become a law. Will the Standard please rise and explain to its farm readers, wherein the tariff on "bulbous roots" benefits them? The trouble with the potato question isn't in the tariff. The law of supply and demand controls the price. When there is a big crop of potatoes there is no market for them, but when the farmer has a short crop and must buy for his own use and to plant, the tariff of 25 cents per bushel steps in and the farmer must pay the tariff himself. The tariff on potatoes cannot help the farmer, but on the contrary it works to his injury.

   The annual meeting of the N. Y. State Editorial Association will be held in Buffalo the second week in July.
   Thousands of cattle have perished from cold and storms in Oklahoma and Indian Territory. The loss is 30 or 40 per cent.
   The mugwump, potato bug, and the aged man who has voted the republican ticket for the past 50 years, will come out of their shells.
   Elmira had a large failure, Saturday, S. H. Laney, one of her most extensive merchants, going under for more than $100,000.
   Solomon Youngs of Carthage was killed Saturday afternoon by being thrown into a cellar gangway by the breaking of an iron railing on which he was leaning.
   It is believed that Nellie Brown, the Otego school girl who disappeared on January 7, and whose body has been found in the Susquehanna river below Otego, committed suicide because of the separation of her parents.

   In this State $250 worth of household furniture is exempted from execution.
   Mephistopheles could have been reformed by Sancuta coffee, strong and aromatic. Always reliable. Have you tried it?
   M. Murphy bought of Hon. O. U. Kellogg, of Cortland, last Tuesday, a fine bred stallion known as Alwich. The consideration is said to be $500.—Homer Times.
   The board of trustees have called a public meeting of the citizens to be held in the Cortland Opera House, this evening, at 7:30 o'clock. Prof. Brown, of Union college, will address the meeting on the subject of sewers.
   E. E. Mellon. Esq., has opened a law office in rooms over Glann & Clark's shoe store in the Schermerhorn block, where he may hereafter be found. Mr. Mellon is a practical business man and lawyer, who always transacts any business intrusted to him with promptness and dispatch.
   The gas in the parlor stove in Mr. Albert Sanderson's house on Hubbard street caught fire last Thursday and an explosion occurred. The stove doors were forced open and the flames struck Mr. Sanderson, who sat near the stove, in the face, burning his mustache, hands and eyebrows.
   A match game of pool between Mr. Geo. Smith of Binghamton, and Mr. Geo O. Squires, of this place, was played at the latter's rooms on Monday evening. At the end of the game the score stood, Squires 150; Smith 100. A large crowd of people were present. Mr. E. B. Duchette acted as referee.
   The committee appointed by Judge Forbes to formulate plans for repairing or rebuilding the Court House met Messrs. R. B. Smith and W. H. Crane, the supervisors' committee, last Saturday in this village, when the question was discussed. The committee decided to call a meeting of the board of supervisors for Tuesday, May 10, at 10 A. M., to be held in the supervisors' rooms to decide the question.
   Oliver Perry, who has become notorious from his skill in robbing an express car on the Central road and in evading officers on his trail, was a resident of Nanticoke when about 12 years of age. He lived between Glen Aubrey and Lamb's Corners about two years. He was treated in a brutal manor by his father and step-mother, often being strapped down and beaten cruelly. No doubt the treatment made him desperate and the world has little mercy for desperadoes.—Whitney's Pt. Reporter.  
   Messrs. Sager & Jennings have just put in place an elegant new soda fountain manufactured by A. D. Puffer & Son of Boston.
   F. E. Brogden has his new soda fountain in full operation. For a full and further description of the dandy, just drop in and have an interview with it.

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