Action of the City Fathers.
At the meeting of the Board of Trustees held
last Monday evening, it was decided to raise $30,000 to pay for the site of the
new school building [Cortland High School] by issuing 1 per cent bonds with interest
payable Oct. 1st annually. The principal of said bonds to become due as follows:
$1,000 Oct. 1st 1892 and $3,000 on the same day in each of the years 1893, 1894
and 1895. The balance of $20,000 to be
paid in not less than ten years [and] not more than twenty years from the date
of issue.
The bonds will be sold at auction at not less
than par to the person offering to take them at the lowest rate of interest,
public notice of the time and place of the sale to be published for four weeks
in the Cortland Standard, Cortland DEMOCRAT and Daily Journal.
the transaction of considerable routine business the board proceeded to appoint
the following village officers for the ensuing year:
Village Clerk —Fred Hatch.
Street Commissioner—Byron D. Bentley.
Policemen—James E. Sager, O. L. Jackson,
Albert Goldsmith, Edward D. Parker.
Health Commissioners—1st Ward, Daniel N.
Lucy; 2nd Ward, Daniel Geer; 3rd Ward, J. D. Doran; 4th Ward, Richard C. Duell.
The strife for the appointment of street commissioner
was lively, there being twelve candidates. Thirteen ballots were cast and on
the last ballot Romanzo Bosworth and Byron D. Bentley each received two votes.
President Price gave the deciding vote in favor of Mr. Bentley.
The salary of the health commissioners was
fixed at $35.
The board adjourned at about 1 o'clock Tuesday
Last Friday morning one of the elevators at
Wickwire's wire mills failed to work as well as usual and steps were at once
taken to put it in order. The wire cable had slipped off the drum and became
wound about the shaft. The elevator was being slowly lowered to the ground floor
to be repaired but when it reached a point about midway between the first and
second floor it caught on one of the safely dogs and could not be moved.
Charles H. Healey, foreman of the weaving room stepped on the platform and knocked
the dog away with a hammer when the elevator fell the length of the slack in the
cable wire, the wire parted and the elevator dropped to the bottom of the
shaft. Both of Healey's ankles were badly strained and he was so badly jarred
that when a carriage was ordered to take him to his home on Fitz-ave., he could
not stand the jar of the Main-st. pavement and the carriage went around through
Church-st. The fall was about fifteen feet. Dr. F. D. Reese was called to
attend him and it is thought he will be able to be out in a couple of weeks.
The water in the Tioughnioga river
overflowed its banks last Sunday in many places and particularly at Port Watson
street bridge and below. It covered the highway on the east side of the bridge
to a depth of several feet, and the highway on the west side of the river
leading south to Hon. O. U. Kellogg's farm buildings and beyond, was
covered with water, as was a good portion of Mr. Kellogg's flats. Hundreds
of people were on the spot on Sunday to look at the angry waters as they swept
down the stream. South of Port Watson street was an immense lake. The water had
lowered considerably by the following morning.
Milk Cooler Company.
On Monday last Messrs. Marvin Main and E. B.
Glen sold a one-third interest in the Champion Milk Cooler, recently patented
by them, to Mr. H. L. Smith for some years past book keeper in the Second National
Bank, and the business will hereafter be conducted under the style and name of
the Champion Milk Cooler Company. This device for cooling milk and removing the
animal odor, always present in the milk, is undoubtedly the very best in
existence and it has met with a very flattering reception wherever it has been shown.
The company have testimonials from the leading dairymen of the State who are
using it, and in every case it has given perfect satisfaction. The shipping department
will be in charge of Mr. W. W. Bennett, for some years past book keeper in Mr.
L. R. Lewis plumbing and gas fitting establishment. Messrs. Main and Glen will
travel in the interest of the company, while Mr. Smith retains his position in
the bank and looks after the correspondence and the financial interests of the
The April term of the Circuit Court and
Court of Oyer and Terminer convened in this place last Monday morning, Hon. Gerrit
A. Forbes presiding. The Grand Jury was called and sworn and the Judge delivered
the usual charge. E. F. Jennings of Cortland was appointed foreman, and A. O.
Tennant of Willett was elected clerk.
The first case tried was an action brought by
Coroner Geo. D. Bradford of Homer against Charles W. Smith, proprietor of the
Cortland Daily Journal. The
plaintiff asks for damages for a libel, which he claims defendant published
concerning his official action as coroner, in a report made of the proceedings
in the inquest held upon the body of Ione Barber in April, 1891. The part of
the report published by defendant and which the plaintiff claims to be
libelous, was that part which charged in effect that the plaintiff had
substantially directed the verdict of the jury and had needlessly brought
disgrace upon several young men in this village. The defendant denied that he
had intended anything of the kind and claimed the report was a fair account of
a judicial proceeding, and that there was no malice on his part and that defendant
had suffered no injury. The case was ably summed up by [former] Judge A. P.
Smith for the defendant, and by Franklin Pierce for the plaintiff and the jury
retired to deliberate on their verdict Tuesday afternoon. On Wednesday morning
they came into court and announced that they had agreed on a verdict for the
plaintiff for $750. The defendants counsel made a motion for a new trial on the
ground that the verdict was excessive and there was not sufficient evidence
upon which to found the same. The motion was denied with leave to defendant to
make a case to be heard before Judge Forbes at a later day. Franklin Pierce of
New York appeared for plaintiff, and A. P. Smith and J. Courtney, Jr. for
Jerome J. Woodruff vs. the Syracuse, Binghamton
& N. Y. Railroad Company. Plaintiff
resides in Homer, and owns land at the north end of the village on Factory brook.
Four or five years ago the defendant built a second track on their road and
widened the bridge across the brook. Plaintiff claims that in doing so they
choked up the course of the stream and caused the water to set back and
overflow on his land causing damage and he sues to recover for the same.
Defendant denies the claim. Case on trial as we go to press. Franklin Pierce of
New York, for plaintiff; Jenny & Marshall of Syracuse for defendant.
by Coal Gas.
Last Saturday Mr. S. J. Barnum residing at
No. 15 North Main-st., had a new stove set up in his house. On retiring for the
night he adjusted the dampers, as he supposed properly but in reality they cut the
draft from the chimney and forced the gas from the stove into the room. Mrs. Barnum
awoke at about 5 o'clock in the morning and aroused her husband telling him she
was ill. He endeavored to get up and open the outside door but he fell to the
floor. He knocked on the door leading to Mr. J. M. Churchill's part of the
house. The latter came into the room and found Barnum lying on the floor and
his wife had fainted in bed. Mrs. Churchill applied restoratives and the couple
were finally restored to consciousness. Barnum received several cuts about the
head when he fell.
Born in
BINGHAMTON. April 3.—Mrs. Richard Foote a
prisoner in the Broome County jail awaiting trial on an indictment for the
murder of her husband last fall, was delivered of a 12 pound female child this afternoon.
Mrs. Alvin Delong, who is also awaiting trial on the charge of having shot and
killed her husband, and who has occupied the same cell with Mrs. Foote, is
acting as her nurse.
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