Sunday, May 22, 2016


D. L. & W. Railroad depot at Homer, N. Y.
The Cortland Democrat, Friday, April 29, 1892.

Railroad Accident at Homer.
   Last Tuesday evening as the passenger train which arrives in Homer at 6:47 P. M. made the crossing on Cayuga street in that village, it struck Mr. Amos Selover's hay wagon as he was crossing the track, throwing the hind wheel and axletree some forty feet north and against the milk factory. The horse and forward part of the wagon were thrown to the left of the track and Mr. Selover was thrown completely over the engine and landed thirty feet north of the crossing.
   He was taken to the residence of Dr. G. D. Bradford near by and his injuries attended to. He received quite a severe scalp wound on the head and his side was badly bruised. The physician cannot yet say how serious the injury to his side may prove. The only wonder is that he was not killed.
   Mr. Selover resides on the gulf road north east of Homer and is about 40 years of age.
   The team ran toward home but were caught after running a short distance. Neither horse was injured.

Fatal Accident.
   Last Saturday afternoon Merrit Thompson, a colored individual who worked in a barber shop in the Sager block on Clinton-ave, attempted to jump on the 2:45 coal train moving south, at the Elm-st. crossing, but missed his footing and fell under the cars and was killed. His skull was crushed, his neck broken and his right foot cut off at the ankle.
   Coroner Moore was notified and at once took charge of the remains and had them removed to Beard & Peck's undertaking rooms, where the body was viewed by the jury which had been summoned to meet at 5 o'clock. "Daisy" Thompson was with the deceased when the accident happened and both were under the influence of ardent spirits. The latter boarded the train without accident, but when he saw his companion fall he jumped off. After viewing the remains the jury adjourned to 6:30 Monday afternoon when they brought in the following verdict:
   That Merrit N. Thompson came to his death on the 23d day of April, 1892, while attempting to board a railroad train at the D., L. & W. railroad crossing on Elm-st. in Cortland village, N. Y., and we find that his death, caused by dislocation of the neck and other injuries, was through his own negligence, while so attempting to board said train and we also further find that he was in an intoxicated condition at the time.
   The jury was composed of the following citizens: William Corcoran, foreman; E. H. Bates, Daniel Geer, E. F. Jennings, Cyrus Terpening, J. E. Briggs, Gideon Wright, F. Depuy Mallery.
   No blame rests on the railroad company or any of its employes as the train was in motion and the men were attempting to steal a ride. Thompson's remains were sent to Oxford in response to a telegram from his brother who resides there.

Death of Father Harrick.
   Rev. P. F. Harrick, pastor of St. Stephen's church in Marathon, died at his home in that village, last Saturday morning, aged 39 years. Father Harrick was a very popular priest, and a citizen who enjoyed the respect of all his acquaintances for his quiet demeanor and gentlemanly conduct. He was devoted to the spiritual interests of his flock and was sincerely loved by every member of his congregation.
   For some time past his health had been poor but even his most intimate friends did not suspect that his illness was dangerous. Death is supposed to have been caused by heart disease. The funeral services were held at Marathon on Tuesday last, at 10 o'clock A. M. Rev John J. McLoghlin of Cortland preached the funeral sermon. The interment was at Whitney's Point at 1 o'clock P. M.

A Great Sale of Wagons.
   Mr. W. E. Nivison, representing the Hitchcock Manufacturing Company, was in New York last week on business for his house and while there, sold to one concern, one thousand delivery wagons and 500 road carts. The company are now busily engaged in finishing up and shipping the goods to fill this big contract. The work was sold from some elegant colored plates of the work, printed at the DEMOCRAT office, and the jobs are to be finished in accordance with the plates shown. This proves very plainly that while handsome printing may cost a little more than cheap printing, it pays to have the fine work.

Normal School Notes.
   Prof. Bardwell was again in attendance at an institute in Suffolk county, at Bay Shore, last week.
  Prin. A. H. Mason, 90, of Whitney's Point Academy, called last Friday; also Prin. Stanton of Berkshire and F. Cummins, 85, of Rochester.
   At a meeting of the Base Ball Association last Friday, a committee of two was appointed to secure new members. It was decided to have field sports upon the fair ground, May 30th, consequently manager Lynip is hustling to secure attractions for that day.
   The Local Board has granted to the students the use of two plots of ground upon the Normal campus to erect thereupon tennis courts.
   Believing in substantial growth the Y. M. D. C., the oldest school debating society in the state, has recently adopted a plan providing for an oratorical contest to be held each year during Spring term.

A Series of Concerts.
   Some time since the DEMOCRAT announced that it was the intention of members of the Hitchcock band to give a series of concerts in the Opera House at popular prices, hoping thereby to derive a revenue sufficient to keep the organization up to its proper standard. In order to maintain a first-class band it requires considerable money to conduct it. Heretofore those who composed the band have defrayed their own expenses, bought instruments, uniforms and music. Each year it has been found necessary to add new members, and in order to get them, employment has been furnished to such as could be obtained in some of the factories here.
   Last season the Hitchcock band gained the reputation of being one of the best in Central New York. This year the members propose to make it still better by adding some well-known soloists, and in doing this they need the support and encouragement of the citizens of Cortland. They have already made some additions that will be greatly appreciated, and with a fresh repertoire of the choicest selections, will render some of the finest music ever given in Cortland.
   The band is under the efficient leadership of Mr. Fred Osborn, whose reputation as a musician and instructor is well known in Cortland. In the series of concerts to be given the Opera House orchestra, under the leadership of Prof. Mangang, will enter into the undertaking as co-laborers, and render the valuable assistance that it is capable of. None who have heard the orchestra can fail to speak in praise of its productions, and when it is seen that the two first-class organizations are to combine in giving a series of concerts this ought to be sufficient guarantee that the undertaking as far as the music goes, will be a grand success.
   The first concert will be given at the Opera House Saturday evening, April 30, and as the prices have been placed at 10, 20 and 30 cents, there is no reason why every seat should not be occupied. Everybody turn out and lend to the band a helping hand.

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