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Benjamin Harrison. |
The Cortland Democrat, Friday, March 18,
Washington Letter.
(From Our
Regular Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, March 14, 1892.—Mr. Harrison certainly has not favorably
impressed the majority of the
republican Senators by his manipulation of the Behrings Sea matter in such a
way as to create a war scare, whatever effect it may have had in other quarters.
Senator Sherman, who is chairman of the Senate committee on Foreign Affairs,
expressed his opinion in very few words by saying, "A war, or even a contention between the
United States and Great Britain for a cause so trivial as one year's fishing
for seals, would be a crime against civilisation." A prominent republican,
who is a warm personal friend of Secretary Blaine, said today that this whole
affair had been directed by Mr. Harrison without the knowledge of Mr. Blaine,
who was for nearly a week too sick to attend to any business, and that when Mr.
Blaine learned what had been done his first impulse was to take advantage of
his illness, make that an excuse, to tender his resignation to take effect at once.
He was persuaded to change his mind, but it is not at all certain that he will
consent to remain in the cabinet. He is going South as soon as he can travel,
and the date for his return is very uncertain. Naval officials are dropping
mysterious hints about sending a naval force strong enough to fight to stop the
poaching in Behrings Sea, but nobody here believes that there will be any
fighting, or any occasion for fighting.
The Democrats of the House held a caucus
Saturday night and authorized a committee to select the House members of the
Congressional campaign committee for this year. Representative McCreary of
Kentucky will probably be the chairman of the committee, which will begin work at
The United States Government has profited
directly to the extent of $4,000,000 by its dealings with the inventors of the country,
that being the amount of the surplus earnings of the Patent Office now lying
idle in the U. S. Treasury, to say nothing of the indirect benefit the country has
received by reason of the inventions upon which it has granted patents. This
makes it seem all the harder, on account of the failure of Congress to
authorize the expenditure of a portion of the surplus earnings of the Patent
office; to provide necessary room, the Commissioner of Patents has been
compelled to stop furnishing copies of patents issued. This is a hardship, not
only to inventors, but to manufacturers, owners of patents, and other business
men who for one reason or another often find it important to have copies of
certain patents.
Great business pressure is being brought to bear
on the House committee on Rivers and Harbors, in favor of the proposed ship channels
connecting the great lakes, and more than one hundred Representatives, from
Northern, Central and Western States have signed a letter addressed to the
committee, strongly endorsing the scheme, and asking that it be provided for in
the river and harbor bill shortly to be reported to the House.
The House committee on Territories will take
a formal vote on the bill for the admission of New Mexico, on Wednesday of this
week. It will he favorably reported, and It Is believed that it will certainly
pass the House, but the indications are that it will, be "hung up" in
the Senate.
Senator Hill's [ex-governor of New York—CC editor]
southern trip appears to be giving the republicans a lot of trouble. He goes in
response to warm and pressing invitations, and he is certain to meet a welcome
worthy of his distinguished services for, and his prominent position in the
democratic party.
So many members of the House wish to make
speeches on the free wool bill, now before the House, that it will be necessary
to hold night sessions this week in order to give even a few of them a chance
to have their say before the vote is taken next Monday. The present arrangement
is to have the debate closed by ex-Speaker Reed for the Republicans, and
Speaker Crisp for the Democrats.
Two things will occur on Tuesday, March 22,
in which democrats everywhere are deeply interested. At Washington the House
will take up the Bland free coinage bill, and at Austin, Texas, the legislature
in special session will begin balloting for a Senator. There are three
candidates here—Senator Chilton, who holds the position by gubernatorial
appointment, Representatives Mills, and Culbertson who declined the position of
Inter-state Commerce Commissioner to which ex-Representative Clements of Georgia.
has since been nominated because of his desiring to enter the Senatorial
contest, and it is really to their credit that all three of them propose
remaining here and attending to their Congressional duties while the contest is
being decided.
Springer is slowly recovering, but his physicians do not hold out much hope of
his being able to take any further part in the work of this season.
The bill for the admission of Arizona will
be favorably reported this week, and it will in due time be passed by the
The Elmira, Cortland and Northern railroad in
connection with the Northern Central railway will run one of their popular low price
excursions from points on the line of the E. C. & N. to Washington, D. C.
on Monday, March 21st, '92.
The fare for the round trip has been placed
at $10.00, and tickets are good to return on any regular train within ten days.
A Pullman sleeper will be placed at Elmira for the accommodation of E. C. &
N. passengers, and will be accessible at 9 P. M. A tourist agent will accompany the party to look after the
comfort of the excursionists.
Tickets will be good returning via direct line
or Philadelphia allowing a stop off at Baltimore or Philadelphia within limit of
Tours to
Washington and Old Point Comfort, Va., via Northern Central
On account of the enormous popularity accorded
the Northern Central Railway Co.'s
personally conducted spring tours to Washington during the past seasons, the company
have arranged to run a series of three personally conducted excursions from
points in Central New York to the National Capitol on the following dates,
February 22nd, March 21st. and April l8th, at a popular rate of $10.00 for the
round trip. Excursion tickets will be valid returning via direct line, or via Philadelphia,
and will allow a stopover at Baltimore and Philadelphia within the limit.
Side trips may be made as follows from Washington:
To Old Point Comfort. Va., and return for $3.00; Richmond, Va., and return for
$4.00; Mt. Vernon and return, for $1.00; and from Philadelphia to Atlantic
City. N. J., and return for $1.50; and to New York city
and return for $1.00. Thus affording the public an opportunity of visiting four
of the most important cities in the United States at a figure within the reach of
A special train of sleepers' and day'
coaches will leave Elmira, N. Y., at 11:50 A. M., and run through to Washington
without change.
For space in sleepers, tickets, and guide to
all points of interest at Washington apply in N. Y. C Ticket Agents, or B. P.
Praser, Passenger Agent, 19 Exchange-st., Buffalo,
N. Y.
The new billiard table for the Tioughnioga club
has arrived, and been put in position.
Capt. J. W. Strowbridge brought home some
mammoth lemons from Florida. One of the largest measures 11 1/4 x 12 1/4 inches.
Monroe Miller, furniture dealer of Marathon,
has made an assignment for the benefit of his creditors. H. K. Wilson, Esq. is
the assignee.
Brown & Maybury make a fine exhibit of
tooth brushes of all sizes and shapes in the south window of the drug store in
the Schermerhorn building.
The street car line was blocked by the recent
storm from Thursday until Saturday night. Trips were only made as far as the
horse car barns during that time.
Over two hundred of the citizens of this place
went to Homer last Tuesday evening to listen to Presiding Elder U. S. Beebe,
who preached at the M. E. church, in that place.
On the third page of the DEMOCRAT will be
found an interesting poem that was read at the 50th wedding anniversary of Mr.
and Mrs. G. N. Copeland, which was celebrated at their home in Homer, March 9th,
The annual meeting of the Soldiers’ and Sailors'
Veteran Association, which was to have been held in this place on the 11th
inst., was adjourned on account of the inclement weather, subject to the call
of Geo I. Warren, President.
Do you want to help the Y. M C. A.? Purchase
tickets of Havens & Mead for the Bernard Listemann Concert at the Opera
House next Wednesday evening, March 23rd. They are among the best.
We are
in receipt of a copy of the Buffalo Daily News, of a recent date,
containing illustrations of their new office and the Hoe quadruplex press, that
has just been put in use, and which is capable of printing 1,000 papers per
At the charter election held in Marathon on
Wednesday, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: President,
O. G. Underwood; Trustees, F. E. Whitmore,
J. O. Peebles and F. A. Pulford; Treasurer, Lyman Adams; Collector, W. S. Mack.
Only one ticket was placed in nomination.
Mr. A C Baker, lately of the Ontario Veterinary
College at Toronto, Canada, has returned to Cortland, and formed a co-partnership
with his brother, Dr. W. L. Baker, in the practice of Veterinary surgery and
dentistry. The firm will be known as W. L. Baker & Brother and their office
is located at No. 19 Port Watson street.
O. M. Walters has opened a music store at 37
North Main street, and stocked it with high grade pianos and organs. In fact,
he proposes to keep on hand a complete line of small musical instruments, and
everything pertaining to this line, at prices as low as the lowest. He has an
advertisement in this issue of the DEMOCRAT to which your attention is invited.
At about 11 o'clock, Monday, the tannery
whistle was heard blowing continuously, and as the north wind was blowing about
60 miles an hour, the natural inference was that a fire was in progress either
there or near there. The fire bell was rung, and the hose company started and
went to the spot, but before the steamer got across the bridge, it was
ascertained that there was no fire. The whistling was caused by steam freezing
on the whistle cord until the weight of ice was sufficient to open the whistle,
and it could not be stopped until the ice was removed—Marathon Independent.
On Friday last, as Mr. William
Grady was unpacking some bananas that had just been received at G. F.
Beaudry's, he discovered a large tarantula nettled closely among the fruit. It would
measure fully six inches from tip to tip, and is an ugly looking species of the
spider, to say the least.
Blodgett’s Mills.
More wind and snow than news this week.
Members of the Milk Union have purchased a car
load of feed.
Mrs. Reuben Reynolds enjoyed the blizzard
with her sister in Virgil.
Two men and a performing bear were the
attraction Saturday morning.
and Mrs. Oscar Douglas of Binghamton visited friends here Saturday.
Mr. Henry Kinney of Cortland, spent Saturday
calling on old acquaintances here.
John Burk quite seriously injured his shoulder
while shoveling one day week.
Mr. Andrew Lumetree has moved into his house
recently purchased from Harmon Kinney.
Mr. Reuben Reynolds has just received a car
load of Standard Phosphate and is agent for the same.
Will Dwyer who has worked on Chas. Willetts'
farm for the last three years has moved to Cortland.
Summer Hill.
Messrs. George and Bert Corl were stormed in
at Mr. Richard Corl's at Groton City last week.
No mail here on Friday, and the mail carrier
reported the worst going of the season on Saturday.
Mr. Fred Webster of Groton City visited his
sister, Mrs. Rena Ranney last Wednesday and Thursday.
Mrs. A. H. Bliss and Mr. L. L. Bliss of
Groton City visited at Mr. Charles Ranney's last week Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Buckley and Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Hathaway and daughters visited Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Hatfield at Groton
City last Thursday.
The Republicans are very quiet since the
town meeting last week, at which Mr. John McMillen, the
prohibition candidate, was elected by a majority of four.
Little York.
Mrs. Peachout of Wayne Co. is visiting her
sister, Mrs. Peter Selover.
W. T Perkins shipped a car load of charcoal
to Devoy & Co., Syracuse, this week.
John B. Cottrell is loading cars with hay
and shipping to Baldwinsville, some of them.
Mrs. S. D. Perkins spent last Sunday with
her daughter, Mrs. Fred Corl, at Cortland.
We are informed by George Warn, trustee of
this district, that the spring term of school will commence Tuesday, April 5th.
A. B. Raymond last week filled his ice house
with second crop ice, eight inches thick. It was so transparent that he could
read the DEMOCRAT through it.
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Raymond left last Thursday
with his spanking team of bays for DeRuyter, intending to return the next day.
At this writing (Tuesday) they have not returned.
Our "Scott" brother last week
showed commendable zeal and tact in reporting "court proceedings." We
opine that he got a good installment of interest in that "fifty and costs."
"Cry aloud, spare not" for "a good name is better than great
We have improved the stormy weather of the
past week. In reading up that interesting annual, published this year by the
Cortland DEMOCRAT, and ably edited by R. W. Bourne, entitled Supervisors' Journal,
1891. We are indebted to W. H. Crane for our copy which continues our file
since 1855. This shows the shortest session in all that time, and we ask for future
sessions to compete—If they can. We learn many useful things of where our taxes
go, and would advise all tax-payers to call on their supervisor and get a copy.
Why should Homer be assessed $66,778 more personal property than Cortland? Marathon
too, looms up a high per cent of personal property. In the schedule of County
Audits, No. 146 struck us most forcibly. Seizure and burning of nets is a new industry in this county.
If it had been brush, brick, or even charcoal, we could understand it, but nets on the hills of Scott and the small
bit of lake in this county is laughable. One or two lawyers got a nice sugar
plum, but it is in the County Poor Audits that the M. D.'s keep their spoons in
the sugar bowl all the time. There should be some responsible head in each town
to order and direct all this calling of doctors and no bills should be paid without
its sanction. Taken all in all the Journal of 1891 should be well studied by every
tax-payer and see where our taxes go. There is room for reform.
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