Monday, May 30, 2016


Homer, N. Y. Train Depot.

The Cortland Democrat, Friday, May 20, 1892.

Killed on the Track.
   Last Thursday afternoon, Michael Lonrigan, an employe [sic] in the Howe Stove works in this place, was run over and killed by the D., L. & W. express train that passes this station at 6:32 P. M, just north of Homer village. He was walking on the east track and stepped over on the west track to avoid an approaching freight train and was struck by the express and thrown into a ditch by the side of the road. His neck was broken and the right leg was smashed above the ankle. He was carried to the Central House in Homer where he died at 10 o'clock.
   Lonrigan came to Cortland about a week previous to the accident from his home in Cleveland, O. For three or four days he had acted and had complained of pains in the head. Drs. Moore and Angel had prescribed for him and when he left his boarding place that afternoon he said he was going to see his physician. He formerly worked in a shop in San Francisco, where he with others had taken the place of hands who were out on a strike, and who threatened to injure those who had taken their places. It is supposed that the constant fear of assault had unbalanced his mind. His fellow employes in the stove works raised about $40 by subscription to send the remains to his friends.

[Cortland Wheel Club Tournament.]
    The following list of prizes will be competed for at the coming tournament of the Wheel club, June 18th.
   Sixteen mile road race to Little York and return, with four laps on the track at the finish—first [prize], Secure pneumatic bicycle, Woodruff Little Cycle Co., Towanda, Pa.; second, road cart, Hitchcock Mfg. Co.; third, Bucher cyclometer, Benjamin & Andrews, Syracuse; fourth, revolver, F. N. Harrington; fifth, one dozen cabinet photos, Hyatt & Tooke; sixth, silk umbrella, Watkins Bros.; seventh, bicycle shoes, Seaman & Baker; eighth, box cigars, F. E. Brogden; ninth, collar and cuff box, Boynton & Co.; tenth, pair of Aztec pottery vases.
   One mile novice, safety—first, gold medal, club; second, one dozen cabinet photos, M. DeVer Westcott; third, collar and cuff box, Sager & Jennings.
   One mile safety, open—first, Liberty pneumatic bicycle, Wilson, Myers & Co., New York; second, cathedral clock, Pope Mfg. Co., Boston; third, oxidized silver toilet set, Havens & Mead; fourth, silk umbrella, G. J. Mager & Co.
   Two mile lap race, safety—first, solid gold watch, H. P. Grey; second, Bidwell cyclometer, Bibwell Cycle Co., New York; third, child's seat, "Beauty," Gormully & Jeffety, Chicago; fourth, sweater, Collins & Daehler; fifth, bronze shaving mirror, Brown & Maybury.
   One mile safety, 3:10 class—first, indicator pneumatic inflator, F. I. Graham; second, pneumatic seat, Pneumatic Seat Co., Toledo; third, one year's subscription to "The Bearings," Chicago.
   Green race—first, Solid Comfort bicycle saddle, Bretz & Curtis, Philadelphia; second, hand grip, I. Whiteson; third, one year's subscription to the American Cyclist, Hartford; fourth, silk stocking supporters, Cortland Corset Co.
   Two mile handicap safety—first, Kodak camera, Eastman Co., Rochester; second, road cart, Cortland Wagon Co.; third, cyclometer, Spaulding & Co., New York; fourth, outing shirt, Maher Bros.
   One mile ordinary, open—first, Argentic portrait (16x20) of the winner, G. I. Pruden; second, trout pole, W. G. Meade & Co.; third, center stand, Beard & Peck.
   Team race—first, silver mounted banjo, A. Mahan; second, etching, Wallace & Co.; third, set kid boxing gloves, Spaulding & Co., Syracuse; fourth, carpet sweeper, Buck & Lane.
   Half-mile safety, open—first, road cart, Cortland Cart & Carriage Co.; second, telescoping steel trout rod, G. F. Beaudry; third, silk umbrella, Burgess & Bingham.
   Cortland Wheel Club, handicap, (one minute limit)—first, gold medal, club; second, one year's subscription to the Cortland Evening Standard ; third, one year's subscription to the Cortland DEMOCRAT.
   One mile ordinary STATE CHAMPIONSHIP—first, gold medal; second, silver medal, New York State Division League of American Wheelmen.
   One mile, man vs. horse— $50 to the horse, if it wins; and a full dress suit to the rider if the man wins, Waters & Kellogg, Homer.
   A Royal Scorcher pneumatic safety, Reuben Wood's Sons, Syracuse, will be given as a prize for the best mile under 2:23 in any event during the day.
   The Cortland Daily Journal will be sent one year to the Cortland county man who makes the fastest mile during the day.

Inventor Elmer Sperry.


   Chas. B. Rumsey, of Homer, has been granted a patent for galvanizing or tinning wire cloth.
   The Normals beat the Cornells on the fair ground last Saturday afternoon. Score, 10 to 9. The attendance was not large.
   Mr. Charles Lounsberry has purchased the bakery and retail business heretofore conducted by Messrs. Cobb & Perkins on Court street.
   The stationery store of Mrs. Florence Brush, in Homer, was closed by the Sheriff last Thursday, on executions amounting to about $500.
   The new law provides that the supervisor and two Justices of the peace in any town may appoint five special marshals to preserve the peace.
   The Baptist society in Homer are endeavoring to raise sufficient money to build a fine new church. Over $20,000 have already been pledged.
   Parties who desire to apply for the new bounty on maple sugar in 1893 are reminded that they must take out their licenses before June 30th, 1892.
   Mr. J. G. Limberger will give a Decoration Day party at his hotel in Scott, Monday evening, May 30th. Music by Theo. Reynold's orchestra. Bill, $1.50.
   Mr. Frank Spence, the tailor, fell down stairs at his rooms on Clayton Ave., last Thursday, and broke his left arm between the elbow and shoulder. Dr. Bennett reduced the fracture.
   Mr. E. A. Sperry, of Chicago, gave an interesting talk on "Electrical Machinery," in the Normal chapel last Friday evening. The affair was under the auspices of the Gamma Sigma fraternity.
   The cooking school opened Monday, with a large attendance. For some unexplained reason the heads of many families in town are lending hearty and substantial encouragement to the enterprise.
   A temperance lecture by B. Winget, at the store, corner of Elm and Pomeroy streets, Friday, May 20th, at 7:45 P. M. Subject, "The effects of intoxicating drinks on the stomach." Come and hear.
   The regular semi-monthly mothers' meeting (west) will be held at the residence of Mrs. H. L. Potter, 25 Richard St., Thursday, May 26th, at 3 P. M. Subject, "Imagination." All ladies are cordially invited.
   Mr. Walter J. Hodgson has leased his father's blacksmith shop on Port Watson street, and will conduct a general blacksmithing business. He has secured first class assistants and took possession last Monday.
   Mrs. Widger, who went to Pennsylvania last week in search of her daughter Carrie, and the recreant Davis, returned last Thursday evening with the girl. She declines to give any information as to the whereabouts of Davis.
   Some weeks ago proceedings were commenced against Patrick Dowd, Charles Antisdel, Daniel Donohue, Geo. I. Crane and Michael Murphy, of Homer, for selling liquor without license. The defendants appeared before Justice Kingsbury last Thursday, plead guilty, and were fined $40 each.
   D. J. Chadwlck's pet squirrel got out of its cage, Monday morning, and took a spin on its own hook. The chase—the capture—the return,—secure again, furnished lots of sport for several small boys and a quarter column local, descriptive of the all important event in each of the dailies. Verily, the average daily is one of the great institutions of the land.
   Last Saturday the following officers of the East Side reading rooms were elected: Prof. W. Welland Hendrick, president; Mrs. M. A. Rice, vice- president; Miss Nettie E. Snyder, secretary and treasurer. Parties having chairs, tables, lamps, etc., to donate, can have them removed to the rooms on 2d floor of the Stevenson block, where the reading room is located, by notifying Mrs. Rice.
   The fire department was called out by an irregular alarm soon after 12 o'clock on Saturday. Some one undertook to pull box 223 and made a mess of it, and it was some time before the location of the fire could be determined. One of the chimneys in the double house formerly owned by F. A. Bronson, just south of the corset factory [later the Gillette Skirt factory location—CC editor], burned out and frightened the inmates. No damage.
   The fast freight which passes this station going south at about one o'clock A. M. ran against a horse just north of the bridge that spans Otter creek, last Friday morning. The horse was carried across the bridge on the cow catcher, and was then thrown to one side. Dr. Kingman [veterinarian] was notified, and as one leg was broken, it was thought best to dispatch the animal. The horse belonged to Dan Donohue of Homer.
   The many friends of Mr. George F. Richards, of the E., C. & N. car shops, gave him a genuine surprise last Friday evening. His wife presented him with an elegant new upright piano and the friends present gave him a handsome willow rocking chair. His associates in the shops, Messrs. J. H. McCarthy, Thos. Sweeney, James Walsh and Chas. A. Wheeler presented a fine new meerschaum pipe. The time passed with music, cards, etc., until a late hour.
   Architect A. L. Merrick of Syracuse was in town last week, conferring with the Court House committee, and will submit plans and estimates in a few days for the necessary repairs.
   The annual meeting of the Cortland County Homeopathic County Medical Society was held at the office of Dr. Santee, last Wednesday afternoon. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year: President, Dr. Potter of Homer; Vice-President, Dr. Hinman of Cortland; Sec. and Treas., Dr. E. M. Santee of Cortland. The next meeting will be held June 22d, at the office of the President.
   A special election is to be held on Tuesday next, to vote on an appropriation of $1,200 for extending mains from the reservoir to the corner of Academy and Center streets. A six-inch main is to be laid, giving ample water supply. The appropriation is to be raised in two annual installments of $600 each. The petition calling for this election was numerously signed, and the tax will no doubt be voted as it should be.—Marathon Independent.
   Mahan's 18th Music Festival, June 6th to 10th, will be one of the great musical events of the year. To bring together such artists as Mme. Clementine de Vere Sapio, Lillian Carllsmith, Campanini, and the many other excellent people as soloists, and combined with the great festival chorus and festival orchestra, must give the people who patronize such enterprise the very highest order of concerts. The leading artists this year are among the greatest singers in the world. See advertisement of Festival in another column.

Normal School Notes.
   Prof. D. L. Bardwell left Wednesday afternoon for Central Square where he lectures on "Wonders of a Piece of Coal," and conducts three exercises the following day before the institute on elementary science.
   The class colors for the "A" class are: lavender and white; its motto, "Row, Not Drift."
   Class in music methods was discontinued Tuesday. A class in school law and economy taking its place under the charge of Miss Emma Squires.
   The last quarter commenced to-day.
   Mr. M. H. Ford was in Binghamton Tuesday.
   A lawn tennis association composed of sixteen members was formed last Friday. Work will be commenced at once on the court north of the new building.
   Some improvements will be made to next issue of the Normal News.
   Mr. R. H. Haight, president of the Y. M. C. A. of Syracuse University, addressed the prayer meeting Tuesday evening. Mr. Haight gave the students an earnest talk, explaining to them the value of uniting with some religious association when they attend college and, furthermore, the necessity of greater individual efforts in religious work.
   The ball game last Saturday between the Normals and Cornells while not without errors, was interesting throughout. If the work done by the visitors is a sample of the work in all lines at the university, we don't wonder that so many of our graduates who attend there carry off high honors in every department. Even with their highly bombastic manner, college veils and flowing locks, Pitcher Kales struck out fifteen of their men. Gibson at first base demonstrated his ability as a ball player in the same faultless manner that characterizes him as a speaker, singer or student. Reynolds played second base without an error. Fralick, as short stop, displayed his usual agility in allowing no balls to pass that came his way. Ketcham, the second all-round athlete, well—everybody knows he does good work everywhere. The score, 10 to 9, of course, was in favor of our boys. Next Saturday, the Normals play with the Oneontas at that place. 
   Did the inglorious combat that the local editor of a town paper had that day upon the grounds with a cow, and which drew some applause from the ladies' gallery, or did the fact that some other office got the advertizing matter for the game, prevent him from giving the boys more than a four-line notice of the game? [sic]

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