His Story of the Robbery.
(From the
Syracuse Evening News.)
detailed story of his daring attempt at robbery does not correspond in all its
details with those already published. He says that when the express train
arrived in this city he walked up and down the platform until he located the
money car. He also claims that he wore a beard at this time, but if he did it
was a false one, for his face was smoothly shaven when he was captured.
locating his car he walked out of the station past the gates, knowing he could
not board it while at the depot. As the train moved out he caught the car which
was then moving quite rapidly. As soon as the train was outside of the city
limits and clear of bridges he got up on top of the car and fastened his
grappling hooks—prepared for business. He descended the rope ladder to the door
sill and peered through the glass.
McInerney was sorting out bills in front of the safe. Whilst hanging on with
one hand he broke the glass out of both doors and putting his head through one
and the pistol through the other demanded McInerney to "hold up his
hands." Instead of doing this the messenger grabbed his revolver and
dodged to the side of the car where Perry was operating, slowly working his way
toward him. Perry blazed away at him and shattered the hand holding the
revolver just as he intended to do. The messenger attempted to pick up the
pistol with the other hand then and Perry shot at his hip, intending to disable
him; but instead struck him in the thigh. Thereupon McInerney got hold of the
revolver. A third time the desperado fired, and instead of hitting his man in
the shoulder, as he intended, grazed his head and stunned him. This was caused
by McInerney ducking. As he fell he dropped his revolver.
In the
meantime Perry unhooked the door and entered. Perry says: "I picked up his
revolver and threw it out the car door, kept him covered all the while with my
own in the mean time, as he was coming to himself again. I felt sorry for the
poor fellow, as he kept groaning with pain and I offered him my handkerchief to
tie up the wounded hand. He would not take it. I then took out my knife, and as
fast as he took the packages out of the safe at my orders, I cut the strings
that tied them. These contained nothing but jewelry, and at the point of the
gun demanded him to open the three other safes. He said he could not as they
were all sealed, and he did not have any keys."
to this story the messenger did not touch the bell rope. Instead, the conductor's
suspicions were aroused by hearing the pistol shots. The latter went forward,
and peering in the car, saw the strange man about the time his efforts were proving
fruitless. This was between Weedsport and Jordan. The conductor immediately
pulled the signal for air brakes. When the train slowed up Perry jumped out of
the car. He pulled out his revolver and vigorously rather than elegantly ordered
the conductor, "Swing that train ahead G—d—you, or I will blow you full of
holes. This the conductor did without delay. Perry made a move to cross the
tracks, which the conductors supposed he did, but instead turned around and
boarded the train again. As soon as he got on he let himself down between the
cars and by means of the chains and other appendages, got under the platform so
that the conductor and trainmen would not discover him in passing through. In
this dangerous retreat he held forth till the train reached Lyons.
Tired of this Wicked World.
Monday afternoon a lad handed a note to Rev. J. J. McLoghlin, of this village, which
announced that by the time he had read the same, the writer, Edward Dillon,
would be beyond earthly aid. Father McLoghlin at once started with Michael Dillon,
a brother of Edward, for the latter's residence on Barber avenue. They found no
one on the first floor of the house, but on descending into the cellar Dillon
was found hanging by the neck from a rope, one end of which was fastened to a
joist. His feet did not touch the ground, his tongue protruded from his mouth,
and he was evidently nearly strangled to death. Michael at once cut the rope and
after a few minutes Edward began to show signs of life and Dr. Hughes was summoned,
and the man is now on the road to complete recovery.
summer Dillon undertook to conduct a saloon in Homer, but without much success.
Six months ago, it is said, he deserted his wife and four children and the
latter, having no means of support, were subsequently sent to a convent in Binghamton.
Since his return Dillon has tried to prevail on his wife, who has been at work
as a domestic in Homer, to live with him again, but she would not. Dillon is
about 40 years of age. Continual brooding over his unfortunate circumstances
undoubtedly was the cause of his attempting the act.
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Cortland House and Opera House (Opera House on left side of this image on Groton Ave.) |
Messrs. Kellogg & Curtis opened a six days' special kid glove sale. See
Grady & Corcoran placed some very handsome fixtures in their store
O. H. Wildey
has rented his photograph gallery in Homer to K. Burton Mallery, of that place,
and W. H. Brown, of Palmyra.
annual meeting of the Cortland County Veteran Soldiers' and Sailors'
Association will be held in Wells' Hall, Friday, March 11th, at 10 A. M.
Irene Earle, pastor of the Webster Universalist parish, will preach in the
Universalist church Sunday morning and evening. Every body cordially invited.
evening there will be a prayer meeting at H. E. Andrews, 42 Owego-st. Rev. C.
E. Hamilton is expected to be present. Everybody cordially invited.
Mr. Frank
E. Brogden opened his handsome drug store in the Miller block to the public
last Tuesday evening. It is handsomely fitted up and presents a very inviting
Geo. W.
Ripley, Esq., manager of the Marathon Opera House, will give a social party at
his house on Thursday evening, March 10th. Daniels furnishes the music. Tickets
75 cents.
Cortland Wagon Co. has opened a branch house in London, England, where all
styles of their wagons and carriages will be on sale in the future. The trade
journals of that country speak highly of the workmanship of the Cortland
members of the Epworth League of the First M. E. church attended an oyster
supper and sociable at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Cole, last Friday evening.
The net results $26, goes towards paying for new carpets for the church parlors.
Farmers who
are preparing for the maple sugar season will do well to read the new
advertisement of Buck & Lane, the well known hardware dealers of this
place. They have everything needed in the line of sugar
tools, and at greatly reduced prices.
Chas. T.
Ellis and company appeared to a full house [Opera House], last Saturday night,
in "Casper, the Yodler." The music was excellent and the performance
gave general satisfaction. Mr. Rood [manager] has signed a contract with Mr.
Ellis who will appear here again next season.
Charlie and Harry Wickwire gave a sleighride party to several of their young
friends, last Friday, after which the party were entertained by Mr. and Mrs. C.
F. Wickwire at their home on Tompkins-st. Refreshments were served and dancing
was the order of the evening.
The Stone
Brothers, of Homer, have formed a partnership for carrying on the foundry and
machine business heretofore conducted by C. C. & L. A. Stone. New machinery
will be put in and the business of manufacturing rotary engines will be pushed.
This little machine is a powerful motor and is rapidly coming into popular favor.
Mrs. Chas
T. Ellis lost her pet dog just after the performance in the Opera House, last
Saturday evening, in a peculiar fashion. While sitting in the Cortland House
parlor the dog jumped from her lap to the floor, striking on its head and
breaking its neck. The dog weighed 2 1/2 pounds, and had been her constant
companion for about ten years.
Mr. J. B.
Haug's new milk depot, located on the east side of the D. L. & W. railway
track, just north of Grant-st., is completed, and the business will be removed
from the building on Pendleton-st. to the new quarters at once. The main building
is 30x100 feet, and the engine and pump house adjoining is 14x16 feet. A large
lot of new machinery is being added.
The number
of national bank failures and peculations has induced the house of representatives
to pass a bill in which the senate will probably concur, prohibiting any
National Bank association from making any loan to its president, vice-president,
cashier, or any of its clerks, tellers, book-keepers, agents, servants, or
other persons in its employ until the proposition to make such loan shall have
been submitted in writing by the person desiring the same to a meeting of the
board of directors, or of the executive committee of such board, and accepted
and approved by them. The bill also prohibits the bank officers and employes
named from overdrawing their accounts. The necessity for more stringent bank
laws was quite clearly demonstrated by the events of 1891, and this bill is
clearly in the interest of prudent bank management.
Village Election.
Notice is
hereby given that the annual election of officers of the village of Cortland
will be held on the 8th day of March, 1892.
The polls
will be open from 9 o'clock A. M. to 4 o'clock P. M. of that day.
polling places fixed and provided by the board of trustees in the respective wards
of the village are as follows:
ward—The barn of James R. Schermerhorn on the north side of Clayton-ave.
ward—Firemen's hall, Main-st.
ward—The office of Harrison Wells, Clinton ave.
ward—Nottingham's shop, Main-st.
officers to be elected at said election are:
president in place of Calvin P. Walrad.
A trustee
in the Second ward in place of Charles H. Price (to be elected by the electors
of the Second ward only).
A trustee
in the Fourth ward in place of John Hodgson (to be elected by the electors of
the Fourth ward only).
assessor in place of Jonathan L. Watrous.
collector in place of Horace W. Seaman.
treasurer in place of Ed. Alley.
commissioners of Union Free school District No. 1 for the term of three years
each in place of W. D. Tuttle, L. D. C. Hopkins and E. F. Jennings.
inspectors of election for the First ward (who shall be elected by the electors
of the First ward only).
inspectors of election for the Second ward (who shall be elected by the
electors of the Second ward only).
Inspectors of election for the Third ward (who shall be elected by the electors
of the Third ward only).
inspectors of election for the Fourth ward (who shall be elected by the
electors of the Fourth ward only).
WALRAD, President.
H. PRICE, trustees.
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