Monday, May 9, 2016


The Cortland Democrat, Friday, March 18, 1892.

Death of Dr. D. H. Stone.

   Dr. Dewey H. Stone died at his home on Cayuga street in Homer last Monday morning of Bright's disease, aged 36 years. Dr. Stone was president of the Cortland County Medical Society and was a promising young man and had already secured a large practice. For some time past he was aware of the fact that he was afflicted with the malady which caused his death, and that in his case it was incurable, but his indomitable will power enabled him to keep up and continue the practice of his profession almost to the last moment of his life. 
   He was about town on Saturday apparently in his usual health. Some of his immediate friends, however, were aware of his physical condition, and to them the news of his sudden death was not so much of a surprise. The members of the County Medical Society attended the funeral at Homer, on Wednesday, in a body.

Hospital Donations.
   The following gifts were received at the hospital during the months of January and February:
   Can of fruit, Mrs. E. H. Hicks; 1 pair of pillow slips, 1 can fruit, Mrs. E. Frize; Tidy, squash, basket of apples, Mrs. Ettling; milk tickets, 50 cents, G. I. Severance Daily Journal, Chas. Smith; reduction on work $2.00, D. G. Corwin; writing pad, memorandum, D. F. Wallace & Co. lamp, Mrs. F. D. Smith; half-bushell apples, P. H. Whiting; 3 photographs, 3 photo frames, Mrs. M. D. Wescott; 2 hanging lamps, Madison Woodruff; discounts on groceries, 55 cents, F. M. Johnston; use of hall for reception, $10.00, John L. Lewis Lodge, I. O. O. F.; making out insurance papers, James Nixon.
   The following children paid for the ornamenting and making of the Hospital mite box which is at the D. L. & W. station; the cost was $4.45: Harold, Ralph and Ned Bierce, Charles and Harry Raymond, Vernon and Bessie Peck, Harry Greenman, Nellie Etz.

Friendly Sons of St. Patrick.
   The second annual banquet of the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick was held at the Messenger House, Wednesday evening, March 16, 1892. About one hundred and fifty persons were present, who were received by the reception committee in the parlors of the second floor. The reception lasted from 8 o’clock until 10, during which time the guests were entertained with choice selections of music, including a cornet solo by Patsy Conner of Homer.
   Supper being announced, the guest repaired to the dining rooms, where mine host Ingraham had tables spread with the most tempting viands. The rooms were tastily decorated with flags, and mottoes adorned the walls and the first impression one gained after entering was that he was welcome. The tables were arranged in the form of a T with two long tables on either side and each was decorated with beautiful flowers. C. N. Hardy had charge of the music which was highly appreciated by all.
   President James P. Maher presided at the head table, and Enos E. Mellon acted as toastmaster. After the menu had been discussed and its contents tested, Mr. Mellon introduced Rev. J. J. McLoghlin, who opened the program, which was as follows:

                            PROGRAM AND TOAST LIST.
Selection, Orchestra.
Toast—The Day We Celebrate, Rev. J. J. McLoghlin.
Song—Hail, Glorious Apostle, Glee Club.
Toast—America, C. W. Smith.
Song—Selected, Frank Lanigan.
Toast—American Statesmen, Hon. J. E. Eggleston.
Song—Selected, Glee Club.
Toast—Irish in America, Thomas J. McEvoy.
Song—Forward March (by request), Glee Club.
Toast—The Freedom of the Press, Hon. W. H. Clark.
Selection, Orchestra.
Toast—The Bachelors, James Dougherty.
Song—The Kruiskeen Lawn [Irish Drinking Song], Glee Club.
Toast—The Government of the United States, William Corcoran.
Song—America, Glee Club.
Toast—Irish Nationality, J. K. McGuire.
Song—The Meeting of the Waters, Frank Lanigan.
Toast—The Manufacturing Interests of Cortland, Hugh Duffey.
Selection, Orchestra.
Toast—The Past and Present Political Leaders of Ireland, John Courtney, Jr.
Selection, Glee Club.
Toast—The National Resources of Ireland, M. F. Cleary.
Song Selected, J. P. Maher.
Toast—The Mothers, B. T. Wright.
Song—The Song My Mother Used to Sing, Glee Club.
Toast—Irish Heroes, C. F. O’Brian.
Song—Tale of Beauty, Fare Thee Well, C. N. Hardy.
Toast—The Growth of Our Beautiful City, John C. Barry.
Comic Song (by request), Frank Lanigan.
Music—Glee Club.


Their First Annual Banquet a Grand Success.

   At a meeting of Ladies held in this place on Saturday, March 12th, 1892, an organization was perfected to be known as the "Celtic Daughters" of Cortland, N. Y., and the following officers were elected:
   President—Miss Mary Dowd.
   Sec. and Treas.—Mrs. P. H. Dowd.
   Toastmistress—Miss Minnie F. Cleary.
   Not to be outdone by the "Friendly Sons of St. Patrick" in patriotism and loyalty, after the organization had been perfected, it was then and there decided to hold a banquet on the evening of March 10th in the Empire Club rooms. The following committee of arrangements was appointed Mrs. Chas. Corcoran, Mrs. A. J. Lucy, Mrs. J. H. O’Leary, Mrs. T. F. Grady, Mrs. P. H. Dowd, Mrs. C. N. Hardy, Miss Mary A. Dowd, Miss Minnie Cleary, Miss Susie Cleary, Miss Anna Courtney, Miss May Dowd. The committee immediately set themselves to work for the time was limited, and prepared a programme that was to be carried out at the banquet. Speakers were engaged, music provided for and an elaborate menu arranged.
   On Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock, the "Celtic Daughters" assembled at the club rooms and passed the time until 10 o'clock, in social conversation, which was interspersed with choice selections by Graham's orchestra. At this hour the assembly was invited to be seated at the banquet tables, and prayer was offered by Mrs. A. Corcoran. The assembly sang "America" and Miss Mary A Dowd, president of the society, delivered the following address:
   Great achievements often result from small beginnings, and I believe it is a surprise to all present that a banquet could be prepared in so short a time and be so well attended. But when the Celtic Daughters found themselves deserted by the support upon which they have always depended, they determined that if they must they would go it alone.
   For in pleasure or business, whatever the game,
      In law or in love it is always the same.
   In the struggle for power or scramble for pelf,
      Let this be your motto: Rely on yourself.
   For whether the prize be a banquet or throne,
      The winner is she who "can go it alone."
   As the great ship, United States, was immediately after being launched, menaced with destruction by one of the greatest war storms [1812] known in history, so the little boat "Our Banquet" was nearly sunk in the sea of despair by one of the fiercest snow storms known in this vicinity for years. What if it should not be pleasant enough Saturday to commence preparations? Then the cause would be lost for 1892.
   But it takes very little time to interest women not only in a good cause but in a merry making, and "Our Banquet" starting in a joke has become a happy reality.
   We like pleasure, even if we are women, which is asserted in the old saying, "A little nonsense now and then is relished by the best of men."  If men here means human beings, as of course it does, the best of men certainly means women.
   As we welcome each other in sweet friendship, dispensing the bright refining influence of beauty, wit and gentleness among ourselves, let me say in the words of the poet:
   Ye who see no sin in laughing,
   Rather joy exuberant quaffing;
   Ye who know the heart that’s merry,
   Look of cheer and cheek of cherry;
   Laugh and somber shadows banish,
   Laugh and make the horrors vanish,
   Laugh and joy be with thee ever,
   Laugh and stop thy laughing never.
   It seems to be taken for granted that for such occasions as this, foreign speakers are most eloquent, so you will be pleased to learn that the toasts will be responded to by ladies from a distance. Of course you know they have all had ample time to prepare and learn their impromptu remarks, which in consequence, will be without any rhetorical inaccuracies, strong in wisdom and brilliant with wit.
   We have with us this evening, the eloquent Miss Minnie Cleary from South Main, whom I have the honor of introducing as toastmaster.
   The following is the program carried out:

"As onward we journey, how pleasant
To pause and inhabit awhile,
Those few sunny spots like the present,
That bid the dull wilderness smile."
1. Chorus, America.
2. President’s Address.
3. Piano Duet, Mrs. T. F. Grady, Miss Mamie Griffith.
4. Toast, Our Banquet, Mrs. Chas. Corcoran.
5. Soprano Solo, Mrs. T. H. Grady.
6. Toast, Heroes, Miss Minnie Cleary.
7. Chorus, St. Patrick’s Day.
8. Toast, Music, Mrs. T. F. Grady.
9. Violin Selection, Miss Nellie Mulligan.
10. Recitation, Asleep at the Switch, Miss Anna Courtney.
11. Soprano Solo, Miss May Dowd.
12. Toast, Our Home, Miss Mary A. Dowd.
13. Piano Duet, Mrs. T. F. Grady, Miss Mamie Griffith.
14. Toast, American, Mrs. A. J. Lucy.
15. Soprano Solo, Miss Bessie O’Connell.
16. Toast, Ireland’s Heroes, Miss May Dowd.
17. Soprano Solo, Miss Maggie Lanigan.
18. Toast, The gentlemen—God Bless Them, Miss Anna Courtney.
19. Piano Selection, Mrs. T. H. Grady.
20. Toast, The Day We Celebrate, Mrs. W. Maher.
21. Recitation, The Green Flag, Miss Minnie Cleary.
22. Chorus, Farewell.
"Never ask the hour: what is it to us?
How Time deals out his treasures;
The golden moments lent us thus,
Are not his coin, but Pleasure’s."
   Although the time was somewhat limited, yet the ladies went at it with a determination to make the occasion one long to be remembered, and they are to be congratulated upon the complete success that attended their first annual banquet. Each one taking part in the exercises acquitted herself with honors.

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