Thursday, April 30, 2015


McGraw Corset Factory.
The Cortland Democrat, Friday, January 31, 1890.

   The question of the day is, "How much did you have in?"
   Our quiet village was thrown into a high state of excitement on Friday afternoon by the announcement that the Corset Factory of P. H. McGraw & Son, together with all of the real estate of the firm had been sold and transferred to Warner Bros. of New York city. Notices were immediately posted announcing the transfer and that the factory would be closed until Monday for the purpose of taking an inventory, and would be re-opened and resume business on Monday. The change was due to the embarrassment of the firm of P. H. McGraw & Son caused by endorsing heavily with the firm of P. H. & D. McGraw. The factory re-opened Monday under the management of Warner Bros. The Warner Bros. assumed all obligations of P. H. McGraw & Son.
   On Saturday morning our community was thrown into a still higher state of excitement by the announcement that the firm of P. H. & D. McGraw had made a general assignment to O. A. Kinney. The liabilities of the firm are variously estimated at from fifty to seventy-five thousand dollars with comparatively no assets to meet the liabilities. The cause can be easily accounted for, the firm were doing business entirely on borrowed capital, many farmers, having the entire proceeds of their farms for many years deposited with them. It has been the custom of poor working people to deposit their hard earnings with the firm. The loss falls heavily on many and the entire community will be deeply affected by the failure. "Not much protection for the poor laborers who deposited their hard earnings with this republican firm."
   NEPOS. [pen name of correspondent]

   John Taylor is very ill at his home on Cortland street.
   De Forest Baker has been on the sick list for several days past.
   Miss Mertie Jones, who has been seriously ill is now convalescent.
   Jesse Shoales has been very ill at his home on Cortland street, with the grippe.
   For once during the winter we have had one day of passable sleighing.
   Hilsinger & Salisbury purchased the market building occupied by them, last week, of Clark Pierce.
   The Empire Quartette of Cortland are billed to give one of their entertainments at Marathon Opera House on Wednesday evening next.
   Jay Miller died at his father's residence about one mile west of this village, on Sunday last. He was buried on Tuesday. Rev. Mr. Weeks officiated.
   The failure of the McGraw brothers hurts in this vicinity badly. They had purchased the creamery butter manufactured at the Wightman factory, and nearly all of the season's production is still here. Money is scarce and times have not been so hard in years.
    *    * [pen name symbol]

   Mrs. Parker Gilbert is very sick with la grippe [influenza].
   Miss Nettie Olmstead is visiting relatives in Syracuse this week
   A large amount of butter is yet unsold in this part of the county.
   George and Robert Morehead have sold their farm to Thomas Kelley.
   A large number of our people are confined to the house on account of la grippe.
   George Oaks has taken a farm of sixty acres, belonging to Mrs. Morris Watrous, to work on shares.
   Henry Cummings has taken Reuben Roods farm to work on shares. He will take possession in two weeks.
   Norman Harmon of East Homer and formerly of this place, has been appointed court crier by Judge Eggleston.
   The snow that fell was quite a welcome visitor. The farmers used it to good advantage last Friday and Saturday.
   The Grangers will give a literary entertainment and neck-tie sociable at their hall on Wednesday evening February 5. All are invited.
   Mr. and Mrs. Benedict who live on a farm near Homer village, joined the Grange in this place last Saturday evening, and on Monday Mr. George Moore, the Director insured their property in the Patrons' Fire Relief Association. Thus one by one the farmers of this county are getting insured in the best, safest and most reliable insurance company.
   We hear a great many now express a dislike to the farm, because "no money can be made and it is very hard work to earn a living." Others have pleasant and happy homes and are contented and enjoy life on the farm. They have won success by hard work and have taken pleasure in planning and putting into practice what is profitable. While gaining a competence, they are building up the farm at the same time. Farmers of to-day must think and carry out their own plans. In every trade and profession, to keep abreast of the times is the struggle. It takes persistent work to do it. Let young farmers do the same and cultivate an increasing interest in the work and there will be fewer dissatisfied occupants of the homestead.
   GRANGER. [pen name]

   There are 12 new cases of grip reported for the week past.
   Mrs. Geo. Peck and three children are suffering from an attack of la grippe.
   Mrs. Minerva Giffith is in very poor health. Dr. Higgins of Cortland attends her.
   Mr. Abram Griffith has been quite sick from a relapse of grippe. Dr. Nelson of Truxton attended him.
   Mr. Dix Hobart is confined to the house from a relapse of grip. Dr. Hendricks of McGrawville attends him.
   It is currently reported that Mr. Wm. W. Brings will occupy the Hibbard farm soon to be vacated by T. A. Cushing.
   Mr. Fred. A. Cushing has purchased the widow Bennett property consisting of house, barn and 2 1/2 acres of land. Consideration $1300.
   Mel Haight met with a severe accident Monday of this week. While shaving the end of a sleigh runner, the drawing knife slipped, cutting an ugly gash in his leg just below the knee.
   UNCLE SI. [pen name]

   Many people here are very sick at the present writing.
   Miss Carrie Baum is staying at A. Borthwick's as his wife is sick.
   Mrs. O. Lamphere is dress making at Mrs. C. Tuttles this week.
   Mr. John Eades killed nine hogs Monday and sold them at Marathon at $5 per hundred [weight].
   When any one smokes hams in the woodshed look out for fire, as Mr. B. Grant came near losing his house one day last week.
   The marriage of Miss Elida Lamphere to Mr. Benjamin Homer, of Virgil, took place Thursday, Jan. 23, at the home of her mother, Mrs. L. Lamphere. Rev. Mr. Torry officiating.
   After a successful term of school Professor Lathrop is to leave us. We shall miss him in school, in church and in the Lodge to which he belongs, as he has filled all these places creditably.
   There was a small attendance at church on account of sickness, yet Rev. Mr. Topping spoke on these words "Blessed is the man that walketh not in the way of the ungodly, nor stand in the way of sinners, nor sit in the seat of the scorner."
   KATE. [pen name]

   Mrs. M. C. Butterfield is quite sick. Dr. Bolles of Cortland attends her.
   Mr. M. C. Butterfield has lately received a very fine portrait of himself done in India ink.
   Rev. J. H. Zartman will preach here next Sunday evening.

   The Ladies' Aid Society met at the house of Orrin Pratt, on Tuesday last.
   Dr. D. Burdick and wife, of Homer, visited at J. B. Briggs' on Saturday.
   Willie Gutchess & wife, of East River, called on friends in town on Saturday and Sunday.
   Ryan Green underwent the painful operation of having his limb reset on Sunday by Dr. H. D. Hunt.
   Dr. Johnson was called to Walter D. Briggs' on Monday, on account of the sickness of Franklin.
   Mr. and Mrs. Frisbie, of the County House, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Briggs, on Sunday. [Mr. Frisbie was the Superintendent of the County House—CC editor.]
   Among those on the sick list are Mr. Elijah Stanton, Charles Wilcox, Mr. Anderson Francisco, Cal. Shepard, Marshal Briggs and Mrs. Eugene Van Hoesen.
   The community were greatly startled by the announcement that Geo. Maycumber, in company with Mrs. Emily Van Patten and son, had gone to Illinois, there to be united in matrimony on Tuesday of last week.
   Among the arrivals in town we notice F. T. Van Hoesen and sister, of New
York; also Mrs. Morrison and daughter, Martha, who have been visiting in Ohio for some time. They were called home by the sickness of their father, Matthias Van Hoesen, who has been dangerously ill, but is slightly improving at present writing.
   PETE. [pen name]

   Farmers are patiently waiting for sleighing.
   Mrs. Miles Bennett still continues in poor health.
   Ira Fox had a wood bee last Thursday. About ten cords were cut.
   Mrs. George Jaquins is confined to her bed. Dr. Kenyon attends her.
   The patrons of DeLong's factory lose from six to eight hundred dollars by the McGraw failure. There are also individual losses by residents of this place. One man loses $1,600 and another $3,000.
   Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Brooks' little child Kittie, had convulsions Sunday, caused by worms. Dr. Halbert was hastily summoned, who administered the proper remedies. The child was considered better at this writing.
   CALUMET [pen name]

   Will Dolon, who has been very sick with pneumonia is improving slightly.
   Miss Jennie Dolon of Cortland, who has been caring for her brother returned home on Tuesday last.
   Miss Mamie Kerrigan, who has been sick for some time, was able to commence school again Monday.
   Assignments seem to be the order of the day. Many people here realize the fact that it is hardly paying business.


   J. B. Polk, the eminent comedian, will present his new play entitled "The Silent Partner" in the Opera House, Wednesday evening, Feb. 5th. Seats on sale at Wallace's.
   On Tuesday Mr. Ed. Lucas, an employee in the Cortland Chair and Cabinet works, had his face severely cut by a stick that was hurled from one of the machines in the shop.
   The Cortland Democratic Club moved into their new quarters in the new Miller building last Tuesday evening. Their rooms are on the second floor and are very pleasant and convenient.
   Sheriff Borthwick arrested one William Kelley at Wellsburg, N. Y., on Wednesday, who is charged with forgery and larceny in obtaining $180 from Matthias Van Hoesen, of Preble. He was indicted by the last Grand Jury.
   Weather Prophet Devoe says: "It will be cold from the 22d of January to the close, and the ice dealers will be able to cut ice the 1st of February, and the third wave will reach us on February 17th. March will enter with a snow storm, but it will clear up warm and there will be an early spring.
   The Cortland Standard heads an item "New Ice Firm." This must be owing to the chilling effects of Brother Clark's "protection" theories, and an unexpected depression in the price of "bulbous roots." In Moravia we haven’t seen new ice yet, firm enough to even encourage the small boys on skates. Old ice is the firmer of the two. Moravia Register. 
   The regular monthly mothers' meeting will be held at the residence of Mrs. James S. Squires, No. 44 Tompkins street, on Tuesday, Feb. 4th, 1890, at 2:30 P. M. Subject for consideration, "Kindergarten in the Home." Papers of great interest by leading Kindergarteurs will be presented. All mothers and others interested in the care and training of children are cordially invited to be present.
   A friend of the Chenango Telegraph, reminded of the adage that, as the days begin to lengthen the cold begins to strengthen, has figured out how the days lengthen. December 20th is the shortest day. From that date to December 31st the days increase in length 4 minutes; in the month of January, 55 minutes; in February, 1 hour and 9 minutes; in March, 1 hour and 21 minutes; in April, 1 hour and 13 minutes; in May, 1 hour and 1 minute, and in June 11 minutes. Then they begin to shorten.



Wednesday, April 29, 2015


Tom Platt
Thomas B. Reed

The Cortland Democrat, Friday, January 31, 1890.


  • Town meetings will be held in this county February 18, and we hope the Democrats of the several towns will nominate their best men for the several offices to be filled. Especial care should be made in selecting candidates for supervisor. As a rule the Democratic members of the last board were good, substantial reliable men who were anxious to transact the business before them and go home, but being in the minority were prevented from doing so. It looks now as if some of the old republican ringers would be left at home and new men sent in their places. If they are, the old delegation of Democrats, should they be returned, will be able to have some influence in the board and the business can be transacted with decent dispatch. With a little extra effort in some of the towns, a Democratic majority in the board could be secured. Why not make the effort? A live Democratic board of supervisors could transact the business that comes before them in ten or twelve days and they would commend themselves to the tax payers by so doing.

  • The World's Fair bill has passed the Assembly and Senate. Tom Platt managed to have the names of twenty-two commissioners added to the number selected by the citizens' committee of New York. Most of these new committeemen are republicans. Tom couldn't very well let the opportunity pass to intrude some republican politics into a non-partisan measure, notwithstanding prominent republicans advised to the contrary.

  • Speaker Reed, of the House of Representatives, is ruling the house with an iron hand. The rights of the minority are entirely ignored. Such a course will undoubtedly be found not to be without its compensations, for it will result in a democratic majority in the next house, and the arbitrary course of Mr. Reed may be used as a precedent to plague its inventors.

Growing Rapidly.
   The following is a summary statement of the accounts as audited by the Board of Town Auditors of the town of Cortlandville, in favor of the justices of said town for the following years, viz:
   For verification of the above figures, we refer to the records on file in the Town Clerk's office of the Town of Cortlandville, and the proceedings of the Board of Supervisors of Cortland county, for the several years above stated. The above bills are all against the Town of Cortlandville, and do not include county charges.
   The abnormal increase in Justices' bills are glaringly apparent in the years 1887, 1888, and 1889, as will appear by an inspection of the figures we have given. It is but just to the other Justices of the Town of Cortlandville, to say that the enhanced, unnecessary and enormous bills of one of the Justices [Lewis Bouton, R.--CC editor], since his advent to office on January 1st, 1887, accounts mainly for the increase.
   As an illustration, we point to his bill against the town of Cortlandville in 1889, which was audited in his favor for $1413.05. The manner in which his bill has been so largely increased, is as significant as the large bill itself. Yet this Justice has the hardihood to ask the taxpayers of Cortlandville, to continue him in office four years more. If there are tax payers who after paying over two per cent on their assessed valuation, wish to pay still more, we cannot see how they can better accomplish it, than by voting for this man. Those who wish to economize, and lessen taxes will as a matter of self preservation vote against him.
Cortland, January 29, 1890.

Two Chinamen and a White Woman Found Dead in a Chinese Laundry.
   BINGHAMTON, N. Y., Jan 24.—Two Chinamen and a white woman were found dead in a Chinese laundry in this city today. They were discovered by a railroad man, who called at the laundry early in the morning for some goods. One of the men was lying on his face on an ironing table in the front room, as if he had fallen while at work or while trying to stagger toward the door. The other man and woman were in an adjoining bed room. They were dressed only in some underclothing. The man lay as if he had rolled from the bed to the floor, and the woman lay partly across him and nearer the door.
   The police were at once notified and they recognized the girl as Mary Sweeny, a character who has figured in Police Court proceedings and whose reputation was not good. She was about twenty-two years old and good looking. She came to this city from Scranton and had respectable parents living at Oliphant, Pa.
   The Chinamen were named Yee Lee and Sing Lee. They came here from New York about two years ago and were quite prosperous.
   In the room was a stove with no chimney. In this there had been a charcoal fire, from which, it is generally supposed, gas was generated, causing the suffocation of the three victims. An autopsy, however, failed to show any gas in the lungs of either of the dead bodies, which leads the coroner to suspect that there may be more to the affair than at first appears.
   Charles Sherman and William Edson were arrested to-night as witnesses. They say that they were passing the laundry about three o'clock this morning, and seeing a light went in after some work that one of them had left there. They noticed a strong odor of opium in the room, but did not notice gas. They found the man in the outer room, as described, and after unsuccessfully attempting to arouse him, concluded he was drunk with opium and came away.
   The bodies of the dead Mongolians will be taken in charge by friends, and will be sent to China or San Francisco for burial.

   The potato is one of the most important of cultivated plants, and in universal cultivation in temperate parts of the globe. It is a native of mountain districts of tropical and sub-tropical America, probably from Chile to Mexico, but there is some question as to where it is really indigenous. Humbolt doubted if it had ever been found truly wild, but subsequent travellers of high scientific reputation express themselves thoroughly satisfied. Maize and potatoes are the two greatest gifts which America has given to the rest of the world.
   The potato has been cultivated in America and its tubers used for food from times long anterior to the discovery of America by Europeans. It seems to have been first brought to Europe by the Spaniards from the neighborhood of Quito in the sixteenth century. No more important event of its kind has ever taken place than the introduction of potato culture into Great Britain and other European countries. It was long called "Batatas," or sweet potato, which is the tuber or plant meant by English writers down to the middle of the seventeenth century. It appears to have been brought to Ireland from Virginia by Hawkins in 1565, and to England by Sir Francis Drake in 1623.—American Rural Home.

Patrick S. Gilmore.
Gilmore Band 1884.
   CHENANGO.H. D. Ingersoll has become a resident of North Pitcher and is rapidly filling his store with new goods, and we judge he is a man who will soon gain the confidence of the public. Rev. Mr. Gleason of Smithville is assistant in his store.
   Supervisor L. D. Smith, of Plymouth, has a number of valuable colts which have been stricken with a peculiar malady, new in this section. It has the appearance of a species of paralysis. Two have died, and others are suffering.
   The new addition to the silk factory in Norwich is completed, and new machinery and shafting is being placed in position. A largely increased force of employees will be required when all is in running order. The silk mill promises to be a paying institution for the stockholders and a great benefit to our village.
   MADISON.—Gilmore's band will visit Oneida in February.
   The work of drilling for gas at Chittenango has commenced.
   Mrs. Martha Young, of Earlville, a pensioner of the war of 1812, died Friday, aged 92.
   F. W. Nash, late of the New York Times, has purchased a half interest in the Morrisville Leader.
   During 1889 there were 9,353 pupils in attendance at the public schools of Madison county.
   TOMPKINS. — It is said that the [collected] dog tax in Ithaca amounts to $240.
   The Freeville Furniture Co. are busy getting their machinery in shape and will soon be able to commence work.
   The Elm Tree Hotel in McLean is for sale. This property under the right management would be a very good investment as well as a benefit to the place.
   A poor, overworked and suffering horse fell on Aurora street, Ithaca, Monday night and could not get up again. Those who saw it determined to put the horse beyond suffering, and purchased the horse for $16. They then ordered it shot.
   The apportionment for school monies for 1890 accords to Tompkins county: 34,445 population; 213 teachers employed for 28 weeks or more; $15,361.56 for teacher's wages according to district quotas; $11,442.74 according to population; $338.83 library fund; for supervision $800. Total $27,943.13.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015


Dr. Lucien Warner
The Cortland Democrat, Friday, January 31, 1890.

The Firm of P. H. & D. McGraw, Produce Dealers of McGrawville, Make an Assignment—The Firm of P. H. McGraw & Son Transfer Their Real and Personal Estate.
   For many years past the firm of P. H. & D. McGraw have been engaged in the business of buying and selling produce at McGrawville, four miles east of Cortland. They were large dealers and bought a large share of the butter, cheese and other farm produce, produced on the farms of the towns of Cortlandville, Solon, Cincinnatus, Taylor, Freetown, Truxton and Cuyler. Farmers in all these towns had sold their produce to them for so long a time that they were not at all suspicious, when within the last few years they were often requested to take the firm's notes in payment for their products. Many of these farmers have the notes to this day and will be likely to keep them for some time.
   Many business men, in fact, all good business men, when they became aware of the fact that they were paying for produce with their promissory notes, have been careful not to give them extensive credit and the result proves their wisdom, for on Friday last at 2:45 P. M., the following deeds of their property were filed in the County Clerk's office in this village:
   Deed No. 1.—Quit-claim executed July 23, 1874, by Lucetta M. Fancher. P. H. McGraw and wife and Pamelia M. Kingman, heirs of Harry and Sally McGraw, deceased to Marinda M. Hendrick and Delos McGraw. Conveys a little over one acre of land in McGrawville. Consideration $1. Recorded Jan'y 24, 1890, at 2:45 P. M.
   Deed No. 2. Quit-claim.—Dated June 30, 1884. P. H. McGraw and wife to Presbyterian Church. Consideration $2,000. Recorded same date as above.
   Deed No. 3. Quit-claim.—Dated Jan'y 23, 1890. P. H. McGraw to Caroline
Stephens. Lot in McGrawville, recorded same day. Consideration $800.
   Deed No. 4. Quit-claim.—Dated Jan'y 23, 1890. Delos McGraw to H. C. Hendrick. Conveys same property as No. 1. Consideration $1,250. Recorded same day.
   Deed No. 5. Warranty.—Dated Jan'y 23, 1890. P. H. McGraw and wife and A. P. McGraw and wife to Martin S. Willson of McGrawville. Conveys an individual one-half of Gristmill property near McGrawville. Consideration $3,200 subject to two mortgages owned by Lucius Babcock amounting to $3,467.17 and interest from April 1st, 1889, which Willson assumes and agrees to pay. Recorded same date.
   Deed No. 6. Warranty.—Dated Jan'y 21, 1890. P. H. McGraw and wife and A. P. McGraw and wife to Lucius C. and I. DeVer Warner of New York. Conveys store lot occupied by Palmer Bros. in McGrawville. Consideration $1. Recorded same day.
   Deed No. 7. Warranty.—Dated same day. Parties same as last above. Consideration same. Conveys corset factory lot. Recorded same day.
   Deed No. 8. Warranty.—Dated same day. Parties same as last above. Consideration same. Conveys stock farm formerly owned by Daniel Rose, near Polkville. Recorded same day.
   Deed No. 9. Warranty.—Dated same day. Parties the same. Consideration same. Conveys 47 acres in Solon formerly deeded to them by Jos. M. Eggleston. Recorded same day.
   Deed No. 10 Warranty.—Same date. P. H. McGraw and wife and Delos McGraw to Dr. H. C. Hendrick. Consideration $2,750. Lot on south side of Main street, in McGrawville, adjoining Ransom Warren's store lot. Recorded same day.
   Deed No. 11. Warranty.—Dated March 15, 1858. Ezra B. Fancher and wife to Louisa McGraw. Consideration $1500. Conveys two parcels of land in McGrawville containing two acres and 13 rods of land. Recorded same day.
   On the same day, Jan'y 23, 1890, the following mortgages of real estate were assigned to Warner Bros., of New York, said assignments being recorded in the County Clerk's office at 2:30 P. M., Jan'y 24th, 1890.
   No. 1. Mortgage executed Oct. 9, 1888, by Dayton J. Hammond and wife to P. H. & A. P. McGraw. Amount due on same $864.45.
   No. 2. Mortgage dated April 3, 1886, executed by Bridget and John McKendrick of Solon. Amount due on same $1,113.68.
   No. 3. Mortgage dated Feb'y 13, 1889, executed by Angeline Prindle. Due on same $600.92.
   No. 4. Mortgage dated April 5, 1884, executed by Jennie E. Benjamin, of McGrawville. Due on same $253.53.
   No. 5. Mortgage dated Dec. 19, 1883, executed by Josiah Young. Due on same $314.50.
   No. 6. Mortgage dated April 6, 1883, executed by Annie Rumsey. Due on same $100.56.
   No. 7. Mortgage dated March 29,1884, executed by Charles Salisbury. Due on same $446.60.
   On Saturday Messrs. P. H. & D. McGraw filed an assignment in the Clerk's office in this village, whereby they assign to Orson A. Kinney, of McGrawville, all of their property both real and personal, whether held as individuals or as a firm making no preferences, except to require the payment of their employees in full if there is sufficient property to satisfy such claims. It is pretty generally believed that there will be nothing to pay even these claims as they had already deeded all their real estate and transferred all their mortgages, which constitutes about all of their assets, to Warner Bros., of New York, who have a claim against P. H. McGraw and his son A. P. McGraw, constituting the firm of P. H. McGraw & Son, manufacturers of corsets, amounting to $80,000. In addition to this, Warner Bros. have assumed the payment of the sum of $30,000 in notes at one of the banks in this village, besides considerable indebtedness of the firm of P. H. McGraw & Son in other quarters. Warner Bros. bought the corset business, machinery, stock and tools of P. H. McGraw & Son last week and opened the factory again last Monday.
   No [schedule of] liabilities of either firm has yet been filed, but it is believed that the indebtedness of the two firms, including the indebtedness to Warner Bros., will amount to between $200,000 and $300,000. The amount of loss in the town of Solon alone is said to amount to nearly $50,000, with nearly as much more in Cincinnatus. The farmers of Freetown lose about $10,000 and the losses in Truxton, Cuyler and Taylor are said to be considerable, and Cortlandville comes in for several thousand dollars. There is undoubtedly considerable amounts due to parties out of the county for stock used in the factory.
   The failure is a disastrous one and its effects will be felt by business men throughout the county. Many farmers had left their money with P. H. & D. McGraw and taken their notes at 6 per cent interest because they could get only 3 per cent at the banks in this place. In trying to secure the present penny they have lost many dollars. If they had possessed very much sense they would have known that a private firm could not afford to pay a higher rate of interest than a large and wealthy corporation. Like many other insolvent concerns they continued to take the money of their neighbors, giving their notes for the same, well knowing that they would swindle their too confiding dupes out of every penny of their hard earnings.
   Many business men in this place have regarded the firm with suspicion for some years past and have not cared to handle their paper unless it was well endorsed. Many of their creditors are poor people and will lose their all. Warner Bros. are reputed to be and are undoubtedly very wealthy. The McGraws have secured them as far as they were able for their losses, but the poor people have been left to take care of themselves and must suffer. There was not a good business man connected with either firm and under such circumstances it is no wonder they went to the wall.
   It had been surmised by some that the money raised by the town to pay for the new iron bridges put up during the last season must have been swallowed up in the vortex, but we are pleased to know that the amount has probably been secured to the town and will eventually be paid. We understand that the amount, some $4,000 or $4,500, was placed in the Savings Bank in this place by Supervisor D. McGraw to his own credit and that he checked it out to pay for produce. Last Saturday the Commissioners of Highways went to McGrawville and the matter was finally arranged by the Commissioners accepting Dr. H. C. Hendricks note for the amount which will probably be paid at maturity as the maker is responsible.
   The failure will probably be the most disastrous in its consequences of any that has occurred in the county for many years.
   Articles of incorporation of the McGraw Corset Company have been filed in the County Clerk's office in this county. The company is formed for the purpose of manufacturing corsets and such other articles at are incident thereto, in the village of McGrawville. Capital stock $75,000 divided into shares of $100 each. The term of existence of said company is fixed at 50 years. Three trustees are to manage the business and the names of the trustees for the first year are Lucien C. Warner, I. DeVer Warner and Albert P. McGraw. The following are the names of the incorporators: Lucien C. Warner, I. DeVer Warner and Charles F. Abbott of New York. The articles are dated January 28, 1890.

Orris Hose Co.’s Banquet.
   As has been customary for a great many years, the members of Orris Hose Co., No. 1, held their annual banquet at the Cortland House, Thursday evening, January 24. About forty persons were present and promptly at nine o'clock, the party, headed by President I. H. Palmer, marched into the dining room and laid siege upon the good things that were spread for the satisfaction of the inner man.
   Here the party were presented with an elegant menu card gotten up by landlord Rogers, especially for the occasion, and as each one perused its contents and selected from the long list of tempting edibles, they were in turn served by the efficient corps of assistants in quick order.
   It took over an hour for the guest to "go through" the menu, and when finished enough was left to feed a regiment. As soon as the supper was through, the party adjourned to the hotel parlors where fragrant Havanas were passed and upon motion of Foreman Jay Peck, A. Sager, of the Protective Police, was made chairman and then it was that the "social hour" commenced.
   Chairman Sager accepted the position with appropriate remarks, and then demanded from each one present that they either make a speech or sing a song. President Palmer responded with some interesting words, relative to the Cortland fire department in his usual pleasing manner, and he was followed by trustee Kennedy. Chief Engineer Phelps, representatives Dowd, of the Emerald's, Raymond of W. W. Engine Co., and Thompson of the Hooks.
   Glen A. Tisdale, ex-foreman of the company, now of Binghamton and a member of Crystal Hope of that city, was present and made remarks. Paul Carpenter executed some pleasing piano solos, which were enjoyed by the assembly. Each one present did some talking, and when all had answered to the call of the chairman, a hearty vote of thanks was tendered to landlord Rogers for the elegant supper and efficient service he had furnished. Mr. Rogers responded and presented each one with an Orris Hose cigar. At 12:30 the guests departed for home, all voting the occasion a most pleasant one.

Adam Forepaugh

The Veteran Circus Manager Falls a Victim to Influenza.
   PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 23.—Adam Forepaugh, the veteran circus manager, died last night at his residence in this city. Mr. Forepaugh had been ailing for some time. He was attacked a week or two ago with influenza, which developed into pneumonia. He leaves a wife and one son, Adam, Jr., who will succeed to his circus property.
   Mr. Forepaugh was originally a butcher, but many years ago he embarked in the circus business, in which he was very successful, getting together an extensive circus and menagerie, with which he amassed a fortune estimated at more than $1,000,000. He was a large real estate owner. Mr. Forepaugh was 68 years old.

   The Auburn & Ithaca engine house at Freeville is being moved to the present terminus of the road at Genoa.
   Dr. J. H. Gates, formerly of Oswego, N. Y., committed suicide at his home in Chicago Saturday night by shooting. He had suffered for years from neuralgia.
   Last week a prisoner was received at the Auburn prison aged only 24 years, who had already served 12 years behind the bars in reformatories and prisons. His present sentence was for 10 years for grand larceny.
   The Schenectady Locomotive Works will turn out two engines in February, five in March and two in April, for the Central Hudson road. Each engine will weigh 95 tons and will have cylinders 19x26 and six connected driving wheels. They will be used to draw 15 loaded coaches at 69 miles an hour.
   Merrick E. Jones, a produce and fruit buyer at Lansing, Oswego county, has left his wife and family of four children. Jones went to Seneca Falls to purchase apples. He was gone about seven weeks and upon his return his wife found a letter from a young woman named Maud Harpts [sic], from which it would appear that Jones had introduced himself as a single man.
   The Unadilla Valley Railway Company filed a certificate of incorporation with the Secretary of State at Albany last Saturday for constructing a railroad 19 1/2 miles in length, commencing in the village of Bridgewater, Oneida county, connecting with the Richfield Springs branch of the Utica, Chenango & Susquehanna Valley Railroad company, thence running by the most direct and feasible route through the towns of Bridgewater, Brookfield, Madison county, and the towns of Columbus and New Berlin.