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David Bennet Hill |
The Cortland Democrat, Friday, January
24, 1890.
Gov. Hill Wants the Adirondacks Reserved for
a Pleasure and Health Resort.
ALBANY, Jan. 20.—The Governor transmitted the
following message to the Senate to-night:
To the Legislature:
portion of northern New York, known as the "Adirondacks," has become a
great summer and winter resort for persons seeking pleasure or health, not only
from our own State, but from other sections of the Union. It is rapidly
becoming the nation's pleasure ground and sanitarium. The State now owns a
large portion of this section, which has been placed under the control of the
Forest Commission.
present statute seems to contemplate the retaining of all lands that come to
the State from tax sales as a part of a vast park, without reference to
quantity, quality or locality, and many parcels thus received are small and are
not connected with the main body of the State lands. It seems to me the limits
within which lands are to be retained by the State for this purpose should be
settled and defined, and should include the wilder portion of this region,
covering mountains and lakes at and around the head waters of the several
rivers that rise in that locality, including the Hudson river, and that all the
lands outside of these limits shall be subject to sale as other State lands are
sold. If practicable, these lands could be exchanged for wild and forest lands
within the limits prescribed.
complaint has been made that persons desiring to build summer camps or cottages
upon lands belonging to the State have not been permitted to do so. I see no
reason why, under suitable restrictions, small parcels should not be leased at
a moderate rental for such purposes. Such occupants would have an interest in
preserving the forests in all their beauty, and would be the best of fire
wardens and foresters, while the wilderness would thus afford a summer home to
persons of moderate means as well as to the wealthy.
It is
represented to me by those who are familiar with the situation and the needs of
that section, and in whose judgment I have confidence, that a State park from
fifty to seventy miles square can be obtained by the State in that region at
comparatively trifling expense, and that when obtained, if judiciously and
sensibly managed, it will prove of inestimable value and benefit to the whole
inspection on my part last summer of a portion of the Adirondack region
confirms, in my judgment, the desirability of some appropriate legislation upon
this subject.
reasons are apparent why it is expedient that some independent commission should
investigate this matter and originate a scheme for the carrying out of the
suggestions herein outlined, rather than the Forest Commission, whose powers
are already limited by statute and whose duties are confined to a mere
preservation of the forests. I think the Adirondack forests, instead of being
an expense and burden to the State, are capable, under the liberal policy here
suggested, of paying all expenses of their preservation as well as of yielding
a handsome revenue to the State.
I would
therefore suggest the propriety of authorizing the appointment by the Governor of a commission to be composed of three
or five public spirited and well informed citizens, familiar with the
Adirondack region and its needs and having no adverse interests (who shall
serve without compensation except traveling and other necessary expenses), to
investigate the whole subject, and recommend to the Legislature a plan for the
creation of a State park in the Adirondacks and fix and define the limits
thereof, and for the leasing of small parcels thereof for summer camps,
cottages and buildings, and for acquiring all forest lands within its limits, and
make such other accommodations as the commission may deem proper.
[Signed] DAVID B. HILL.
Look up Their Records.
It is
understood that one of our Justices is a candidate for re-election. It is also understood
that he is a candidate for the office of Police Justice of the Village of Cortland.
Any aspirant for office ought to be willing to stand upon his official record,
and we propose that the taxpayers of the town of Cortlandville shall have a few
chapters from his official record, notwithstanding it may not be entirely
credit able to him.
For the
year ending Nov. 1st, 1889, his bill against the town of Cortlandville for criminal
business was audited at $1,383.05. For the year ending Nov. 1st, 1889, he paid
over to the County Treasurer in fines, $150.00.
For the
same period of time, another Justice's bill against the town of Cortlandville for
criminal business was audited at $708.55, and for the year ending Nov. 1st, 1889,
the same Justice paid over to the County Treasurer in fines, $234.40.
If any
one doubts the above statement we invite their attention to the records of the
Board of Supervisors and also of the Town Clerk of the town of Cortlandville.
inquiry is especially pertinent now, when our taxpayers are called upon to pay over two per cent, on their assessment
valuation, and the figures are significant.
Jan'y 23, 1890.
Stillson-Benton Wedding.
A large
number of invited guests assembled at the elegant residence of Mr. and Mrs. H.
F. Benton on Wednesday evening to witness the marriage of their youngest daughter
Louise, to Mr. Arthur F. Stillson, also of this place. The ceremony was
performed by Rev. A. L. Benton, of Montrose, Pa., an uncle of the bride,
assisted by Rev. J. L. Robertson of this place. The refreshments which were
elegantly served, soon after the ceremony, were all that could be desired by
the most fastidious and the presents were many and valuable.
Among the
guests from out of town were the following: Col. and Mrs. Lamont and Dr. and
Mrs. C. W. Sanders and daughter Grace of New York, Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Greenman
of Bridgeport, Conn., Miss Ormes of Jamestown, N. Y., Miss Vail, Mrs. E. J.
Kline, Mrs. D. H. Burr and Mr. C. E. Lighton of Syracuse, Rev. and Mrs. A. L.
Benton of Montrose, Pa., Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Greenman of McGrawville, Mr. Harry
Pomeroy of Phoenix and several others whose names were not learned.
Stillson is superintendent of Wickwire Bros. wire works in this place and is a
very genial and popular young business man with an exceedingly bright future before
him. Mrs. Stillson is one of Cortland's most amiable and accomplished young
ladies and has friends innumerable. The young couple will make Cortland their future
home and will have the best wishes of all during the journey through life.
They left
on the 10:58 P. M. train for New York, where they will spend some time visiting
friends and relatives, when they will leave to visit other places of interest before
their return home.
employees of the wire works made the couple an elegant present which testified to
their high appreciation of Mr. Stillson as a man, and which will be highly prized
for the interesting associations ever called to mind by its possession.
President of the Midland Branch of the British Dental Association, Mr. H. C.
Quinby, protests against the present extravagant waste of human teeth by
country surgeons and incompetent dentists, and declares that, while there may be
sufficient reasons for extracting a tooth, it is never necessary to do so merely
to relieve pain. In at least 90 per cent of the cases coming to an active
dentist, pains from the teeth are due to what may be called primary and
secondary toothache.
toothache, the pain of which is oftener felt in the nerve terminals in the face
than in the tooth itself, is congestion of the tooth pulp, and it may be
relieved very easily by careful excavation sufficient to allow an escape of
blood from the pulp, which may then be devitalized by an arsenical dressing. To
complete the operation, which may be postponed for weeks without further
inconvenience, the pulp must be removed from the root canals, and these filled
to the apex.
toothache, or alveolar abscess, is caused by gangrene of the pulp, and is
regarded by most surgeons as so serious as to call for a removal of the tooth,
which in nine cases out of ten might be retained and made useful and
comfortable. The course of treatment is an opening to the pulp to relieve the
pain, followed by a series of antiseptic dressings in the roots to cleanse them
from all putrescent matter, and then, as in the other case, filling them to the
Thomas A.
Howland, a prominent merchant and postmaster at Centre Lisle, has assigned [declared bankruptcy--CC editor].
Auburn woolen mills are about to add twenty more looms to the plant of that
Onondaga Iron Works, Syracuse, have been leased at $10,000 per year to Frank P.
Baird of Ohio.
Blaine, son of Secretary of State Blaine, died at Washington Wednesday night of
pneumonia. He was 35 years old.
Huntington has appointed Mrs. S. C. Knickerbocker of Watertown to be president
of the Woman's Auxiliary for the entire diocese of Central New York.
it is stated, the New York Central will transport dogs free in baggage cars at
owner's risk only when the dog is provided with collar and chain or contained in
a box or crate. Baggage men are strictly prohibited from receiving dogs for transportation
under any other circumstances.
county has given to the world some eminent men. Millard Fillmore spent his
early life in Summerhill; David Locke (P. Nasby) was raised in the same town;
John D. Rockefeller, the Standard oil king, was born in Owasco. Talmadge, the
great preacher, toddled about Cicero, Onondaga county, in his early years.
P. T.
Barnum is not popular with the patriotic citizens of Canada. There is a heavy
duty on circus posters in the Dominion, and Mr. Barnum has been under great
expense in taking printed matter across the border. He planned a Canadian tour
for 1886, and two years before that date he sent tons of posters to Canada and neglected
to pay the duty. The stuff lay uncalled for at the custom-house and was advertised
for auction at last. Barnum sent an agent to the sale, who bought the bills at
a bargain. The story leaked out, and now Phineas T. is on the Dominion's black
list.—N. Y. World.
Public Exercises of the Debating Clubs—Tuesday's
[Debating Clubs' summaries and student essays were omitted by CC editor.]
The interest
which our citizens taken the work of the Normal School was demonstrated on
Tuesday afternoon by the vast assembly which filled the Opera House to witness
the fortieth commencement. Promptly at two o'clock, the exercises opened with
prayer by Dr. H. A. Cordo, followed by the anthem, "Praise God in His Holiness,"
sung by the school chorus.
graduating class numbered twenty-five as follows:
COURSE.—Charles Dominic Hill.
ENGLISH COURSE.— Lucy M. Bucklin, Lottie Louise VanHoesen, Jay Smith White.
COURSE.—Pauline Allis Gardner, Harriet Belle Snider, Libbie Gertrude Gross, Ada
Belle Weatherwax, Myrtle Helen Miller, Cornelia Augusta White.
ENGLISH COURSE. — Bertha Mary Augustine, Emily Hogarth Covert, Lillie Elizabeth
Dunn, Eva Emily Dresser, Carrie Elizabeth Fillingham, Emma Louise Horton,
Frances Newton Heath, Ella E. Jaynes, Irene Belle LaMunion, Gertrude Lizzie
Maxwell, Mary Ann McNamara, Minnie Belle Strickland, Harriet D. Tiffany, Cora
Elizabeth Wood, Gennie Sarah Wratten.
In the
evening from 7:30 to 10 o'clock, occurred the Principal's reception at the house
of Dr. and Mrs. Hoose on Railroad street. Besides the present graduating class,
the class who are to graduate next June, and many of the older graduates were
present, also the Faculty and members of the Local Board. All enjoyed a highly
delightful evening, notwithstanding the severity of the weather outside, and the
first twenty-one years of the Cortland Normal closed up very pleasantly to all connected
with it.
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