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S. S. Knox |
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Joseph E. Eggleston |
The Cortland Democrat, Friday, October
25, 1889.
Why Judge Knox Should Be Elected.
nearly six years Judge Knox has ably, faithfully and conscientiously discharged
the duties of County Judge and Surrogate. That he has been the best Judge and Surrogate the county ever had, even the
most intense partisan will not deny. That other gentlemen of equal ability have
held the same office in this county is admitted, but no predecessor, within the
memory of the present generation has given to the duties of the office so
unreservedly, his whole time and attention, as has Judge Knox. If the memory of
editor Clark runneth to the contrary, let him name the exception.
Knox is a man of unusual industry, and can always be found at his office ready
and willing to discharge all of his duties.
Judge Knox was placed in nomination six years ago, he promised if elected, that
he would give his whole attention to the duties of the office, and also
promised that he would not while he was County Judge and Surrogate, accept any
retainer or engage in the practice of law. Anti-election promises are not
always kept, but the promises made by Judge Knox have been strictly and
conscientiously observed at all times, and under all circumstances.
A County
Judge and Surrogate who engages in the practice of law, must of necessity, neglect
the duties of his office.
Knox by dropping his law practice and giving his entire time to the office to
which he was elected, has been able to save many thousands of dollars to
persons having business before him, which would otherwise have gone into the
capacious pockets of the legal fraternity.
Those who
believe that a wrong has been done in allowing widows, orphans, and other persons
interested in the distribution of estates, to have their full distributive share,
will not vote for Judge Knox. Those who believe that the widows, orphans and
others interested in decedents' estates should be protected even though lawyers
may lose their retainers and large fees, ought to, and we think will vote for
Judge Knox.
Knox's ability, integrity and industry as County Judge has been demonstrated by
six years conscientious service. He stands personally, and as a judicial officer
without spot or blemish.
In point
of qualification and adaptation for the office, he stands immeasurably the
superior of Mr. Eggleston.
To make
the change from a judicial officer who has demonstrated his entire
qualification for the office, to one whose qualifications (if he has any) are
unknown would be like taking a leap in the dark.
A natural
gas trust is now announced. It is undoubtedly composed of the Republican Spell
Binders of 1888.
Tanner's mouth continues to remain open. While he may be fool enough to write
letters, the people of this country are not fools enough to read them.
member of the old Cortland Ring is supporting Eggleston for County Judge. Why
is he the candidate of their choice?
Tanner wrote a "confidential" letter to Private Dalzell, and the thing
happened which always happens when one fool writes to another fool—the letter
was given to the press.—Syracuse Journal.
What has
become of Clark's Anti-Saloon party? Is
it doing anything in the cause of temperance this fall, or has it been laid
away in a dark room until such time as the candidates in nomination are in
accord with the principles of the party?
President has appointed Hon. Green B. Baum of Illinois to be Commissioner of
Pensions, vice Tanner removed. Senator Hiscock is said to be particularly pleased
over the appointment and some people in Syracuse are uncharitable enough to
believe that he might have secured the place for Major T. L. Poole, if he had
felt so disposed.
well enough alone" is a pretty safe maxim to follow, whether in business or
politics. If you are doing well in business, stick to that business and do not
be led into outside speculative ventures that may and probably will prove disastrous.
If a public officer is discharging his duties faithfully and well, don't take
the chances of a change. The chances are nearly all the other way.
voter should remember that when he casts his vote for County Judge, he is in
fact selecting an executor of his estate. This being true, ask yourself this
question: "Which of the two candidates would you select for your executor,
Eggleston or Knox?" You are not voting for a Democrat or a
Republican, you are simply selecting an executor of your estate. This is a
question of vast importance to every citizen. Look at it as you would any
business transaction.
following communication has been forwarded to the Democratic Senatorial Committee, and explains itself:
B. B. Jones,
DEAR SIR:—Please
make known to your Committee that it is absolutely impossible for me to accept
the nomination for State Senator. The business in which I am engaged absorbs my
entire time and consequently prevents my taking on anything that would require
time or attention.
I fully
recognize the honor conferred by so unanimous a nomination as was given me, and
wish that circumstances were such that I could accept, but the reason given above
explains why I cannot and I hope my friends will be satisfied with the
explanation. Time is limited so I hope you will convey this information as
promptly as possible and promise to the nominee my hearty and strongest
Very Resp'y,
New Brand of Cigars.
Rye straw
is now one of the ingredients in the cheap brand of cigars. The substance is
steeped in a strong solution made from tobacco stems, and is then manufactured in
such a manner as to make a fair imitation of the sort of tobacco used for wrapping
cigars. The flavor of the tobacco stems is communicated to the rye straw. The
world continues to move.
The pine
trees on the south side of Port Watson street have been cut down.
Whiteson & Co. have a new and
attractive sign over their store building on Main street.
Robert H. Finn, of Cortland, has a contract to build three new dwelling houses
on Railway avenue.
ventilating apparatus recently put in the Normal School building, seems to have
proved a complete failure.
Carpenter, of Dryden, shot an American eagle just south of Dryden lake, a few
days since, that measured eight feet from tip to tip of wings.
The Cortland
Corset Company has elected the following officers: President, Jas. P. Kellogg; Vice-President, A. H. Watkins;
Secretary, Geo. S. Hunt; Treasurer, Byron H. Bierce.
The business men of Homer have decided to
employ a night policeman to patrol Main street between the Mansion House and
the Hotel Windsor, from 9 P. M. to 5 A. M. Frank Crofoot has the job at $1.50
per night.
At a Prohibition gold medal contest held at
Blodgett's Mills, last Thursday, the medal was awarded to John M. Hinds, of
Cortland, for his superior oratorical abilities. Master Hinds is only 15 years
of age. The medal, furnished by Mr. W. Jennings Demorest, of New York city, was
received Tuesday morning and delivered the same day to the lucky young man.
About thirty members of the Normal School class
in Botany enjoyed the benefits and pleasures of a field excursion last
Saturday, under the personal direction of Prof.
Montgomery. The Professor conducted them through the woods and fields south of
Cortland, the class having been divided, the gentlemen going in the forenoon
and the ladies in the afternoon. Although late in autumn, many flowers were
gathered and analyzed. Fruits, leaves and ferns also received attention. The
students showed great interest in this practical work, and appeared highly
pleased with the excursion.
The Cortland Desk Company shipped a large lot of their desks to
London, last week.
Chas. H. Warren, Esq., of Gloversville,
formerly of Cortland, has purchased the lease of the Dexter House in this
village, and will take possession Nov. 1st. Mr. Warren has had many years'
experience, and knows how to cater to the wants of the public.
Geo. W.
McGuire, a young Rochester lawyer, committed suicide by drowning in the canal
at that place last night. He was ruined by drink.
English syndicate is trying to form a cheese trust by purchasing all the cheese
factories in St. Lawrence, Jefferson, Oswego and Oneida counties.
A farmer
of Pleasants county, West Virginia, being greatly annoyed by rats in his barn, filled a half hogshead with water, put chaff over the top, scattered meal on
it, and in the morning fished out over 200 dead rats.
The King
of Portugal, who has been ill for some time, died Saturday. His death occurred
at 11 o'clock that morning. The Duke of Braganza, eldest son of the King, who
succeeds to the throne, will assume the title of Carlos 1.
Court Proceedings.
October term of the Circuit Court and Court of Oyer and Terminer, opened at the
Court House in this village last Monday, Hon. G. A. Forbes, presiding. Theo. L. Corwin of Marathon, was appointed foreman
of the Grand Jury and S. M. Byrum of Homer, clerk. The following cases had been
disposed of up to the hour of going to press:
Ellen L.
Ballard as executrix of the estate of William P. Ballard, deceased, against the
Hitchcock Manufacturing Company. On May 30, 1887, a boiler in the shops of the
defendants exploded, killing plaintiffs husband and this action was brought to recover
damages of the defendants. The action was tried a year ago and the jury rendered
a verdict in favor of the plaintiff for $4,000. The defendants appealed to the
General Term and a new trial was ordered. The case is on trial as we go to press.
Franklin Pierce and Geo. S. Sands, for plaintiff, Duell & Benedict and O. U. Kellogg, of Cortland, and
W. P. Goodelle, of Syracuse, for defendants.
Mr. James
Thompson has disposed of his stock of goods in the Hulbert block to Messrs.
Bentley & Johnson of this place. Mr. Bentley is a stirring and industrious
young man and has capital to carry on an extensive business. Mr. Johnson was
formerly of the firm of C. O. Parsons & Co., of this place, and brings to
the firm an experience that will undoubtedly push the business in a manner
highly gratifying to both members.
Wednesday noon of last week Burnham Hunt committed suicide by cutting his throat
with a razor, severing the windpipe and jugular veins. He was first discovered
by the housekeeper, in the residence of his father, on the kitchen floor lying
in a pool of blood, the razor with which he committed the deed lying near. Dr.
L. G. Smart who resides near, was notified at once, but it was too late to save
him. He lingered about two hours and died. When the doctor closed the wound he
was able to talk, and on inquiring why he did the deed, he said he was tired of
living any longer. Mr. Hunt was of intemperate habits, but for some time past
had not indulged himself. His father died a short time ago, and perhaps this
may have caused in a measure the fatal deed. We learn that he seemed to be
brooding over something for some days previous and was more melancholy than
usual. He leaves a son and daughter, both of whom reside in Cortland. He was
fifty-two years old.
Boyden died on Wednesday morning of last week at his residence on Cortland street.
An autopsy was held on his body the following day. He had been ill for several years
with a peculiar disease that baffled every physician he consulted. He had been
to New York to see eminent physicians, but could receive no permanent relief
from their prescriptions. At the autopsy was found cancer of the pancreas and
slight thickening of the lower valves of the stomach with some tubercles in the
abdomen. The lungs, liver, heart, kidneys and spleen were all in a healthy
state except reduced in size from lack of nourishment. He never suffered much
pain. The physicians present were A. D. Reed, E. H. Barnes, C. B. Trafford, Wm.
M. Bradford, D. C.
Clark, E. Winters, G. L. Smart, and Dr. Gridley of Whitney's Point.
At the
assignee's sale of C. C. Adams' effects E. Clark Carley bid off everything put
up. There was hardly a creditor at the sale. Everything went at an
extraordinary low rate. The creditors will get but a very small per cent of
their original demands.
The new
livery stable of Eber Bowdish, in Brown's Hotel barn, is having a large rush of
Eggleston was in town last week looking to his interests in the Judgeship.
* *
* [pen name symbol]
H. W.
Blashfield will open his cider mill, as he has bought over 200 bushels from the
old orchard on the Jones farm. Bring in your little dabs and get a smell of the
mug by way of remembrance.
A. B.
Raymond is still selling the coal at this station, notwithstanding the reports
that he had been ousted. Cold Brook and Stafford people can save five miles of
hauling by coming here, as he sells at Homer prices.
Mrs. M.
L. Salisbury still lingers with us, although her stomach refuses to retain any
nourishment, and has not for some weeks. It is a very singular case. The attending
physicians call it catarrh of the stomach.
Stewart, with his new vibrator separator, is doing the threshing in this
vicinity this week. The yield of flaxseed is much lighter this year than last—only
about 8 bushels. Oats are up to an average, but light in weight. Buckwheat, a
first class crop.
would undoubtedly be a quiet, nice place for the Teachers' Association to meet
next summer. The older inhabitants have always welcomed and made pleasant such gatherings,
but some new comers, in their great desire to sell chewing gum, may
defeat the project.
Alvin Gay
is moving Willowdale from its present position on Governor's Island to a
position between the hotel and horse barn. Mr. Harris has the job and will get it
there if Gay's cider only holds out. The farewell dance in the old hall was
held Friday evening, about twenty-five couples attending. May the opening in
the new location be as well attended as was the first in its present.
SLICK. [pen name]
—Several hundred dollars worth of new books have been added to the Southworth
Library, Dryden.
We learn
that the Houghtaling Bros., of McLean, have sold their foundry and machine shop
to parties from Moravia.
Groton Bridge & M'fg Co., have been awarded the contract for a
bridge on Genesee St., over the Owasco outlet, at Auburn, for $38,000.
The Court
of Appeals at Albany, last week, granted a new trial to Richard Barber, now
confined in the county jail, convicted of the murder of Ann Mason, near Trumansburg,
one year ago.
evening Oct. 11, a barn belonging to Charles Scott, at Etna, was discovered on
fire and was soon consumed. But little was in the barn except about two tons of
hay. Suspicion at once pointed strongly toward his daughter, Pearl, only fifteen
years old. She was arrested on Saturday, and on Monday an examination was had
when it was proven that she went into the barn only a few minutes previous to
the fire, was seen to come from it and enter the house, and that she had
previously threatened to burn the same. After these facts were shown she made a
full confession, stating that she touched a lighted match to the hay; that her
motive for so doing was the unkindness she had received from other members of
the family who would not permit her to leave home. She had not dared to run
away, for her father would have her brought back and sent [her] to the House of
Refuge. She hoped the house would burn too, and then she could go among
strangers to live and have more pleasant surroundings. This same barn was fired
Aug. 3d, which deed she also confessed; it was extinguished and attributed to a
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