Monday, April 13, 2015


William Clark, editor and publisher of the Cortland Standard.

J. E. Eggleston, county judge-elect.

Editorial on page two.

The Cortland Democrat, Friday, November 22, 1889.

   Before election the editor of the Cortland Standard announced to his friends that Eggleston would undoubtedly be elected, because he would have the support of all the saloon and hotel men. Mr. Clark, although he is the leader of the Anti-Saloon party, evidently knew what he was talking about, for the result shows that his prophecy was correct with an occasional exception.
   Most of the saloon and hotel keepers in this village did vote for and some of them worked hard for Eggleston. What has the Democratic party received in return for voting for the liquor men candidates for License Commissioners for years past? Has it received any benefit whatever? It has earned the name of being the "whisky party" which certainly is not very much to its credit. The election of commissioners, who favor granting licenses, is solely for the benefit of the hotel and saloon keepers. It does not help the Democratic party in any particular.
   But besides helping Democratic saloon and hotel keepers it helps Republicans who are in the same business, and they repay the Democrats in the fall by using the cudgel thus placed in their hands to defeat Democratic candidates. The Democrats of this town, practically give up their town ticket at the February elections, that the hotel and saloon men may have license. In the fall many of the Democratic hotel and saloon keepers turn against the candidates of the Democratic party and join the Republican saloon men in defeating Democratic candidates. How long is this thing going to last?
   The DEMOCRAT has become tired of begging Democratic liquor dealers to stand by the ticket at the fall elections, without success. In the four northern election districts of the town of Cortlandville, 150 Democratic judiciary tickets were cast with Eggleston's name on. Does any one doubt for one moment where they came from? If the Democrats had done their duty here, Knox would have been elected by a handsome majority.
   The only remedy for the evil which has proved so disastrous to the party in many campaigns, is to draw the lines and draw them taught. Let the Democrats of this town when they meet in convention to nominate a town ticket, nominate a Democratic ticket for Commissioners of Excise with the distinct understanding that none but reliable and tried Democratic hotel and saloon men shall be granted a license.
   If the republican liquor sellers want license let them look to their own party for it. Make it a party question and you will be able to handle it with ease. A large number of the republicans of the town, vote for license and then charge the Democratic party with being the "whisky party." Make them show their hands.
Advertisements on page two, Cortland Democrat, November 22, 1889.

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