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Benton B. Jones |
The Cortland Democrat, Friday, January
10, 1890.
Kind Words.
Cortland DEMOCRAT comes to us in a 7 col. quarto form. It is a well edited and
made up paper.—Otselic-Herald.
Cortland DEMOCRAT came to us last week in an eight-page form, seven columns to
the page. It is a well printed paper and shows great improvement.—Skaneateles
Free Press.
Cortland DEMOCRAT, one of the best of our Democratic exchanges, made its
appearance last week in an enlarged form and printed in new type. It now contains
eight pages and fifty-six columns.—Owego Gazette.
compliment Benton B. Jones, editor and proprietor of the Cortland DEMOCRAT upon
the greatly improved appearance of his paper in its new dress and style of
makeup. May it always be thus or better.—Binghamton Democrat.
Cortland DEMOCRAT is about to occupy a new building of its own, is putting in
new presses, and made the advent of the new year as a seven column quarto.
These are outward evidences of a success to be admired.—Moravia Register.
Cortland DEMOCRAT came to us last week enlarged to eight pages and otherwise improved.
The DEMOCRAT, always chock full of news, now becomes the leading newspaper of
Cortland county. Our hand [printer’s hand symbol/bullet directing reader’s
attention—CC editor] to Bro. Jones—Earlville
Cortland DEMOCRAT has recently enlarged to eight pages, seven columns to the
page. It is now one of the handsomest weeklies of the State, and as good and bright
as it is handsome. Brother Jones has our congratulations.—Syracuse Courier.
The Cortland DEMOCRAT, since moving into its
new building on Railroad street [Central Avenue], comes out in a neat seven
column eight page form, greatly improved in appearance. Evidently Bro. Jones
intends booming democratic principles as they were never before boomed.—McGrawville
"Brer" Jones, of the Cortland DEMOCRAT,
shows his enterprise by giving his large circle of readers a surprise in the form
of an enlargement to eight pages, a new caption and, if possible, an
improvement in every department of the paper. Long may the DEMOCRAT and its
editor flourish.—Oneida Union.
Brother Jones of the Cortland DEMOCRAT has
moved into his new building, and celebrates the new year by enlarging that
paper to eight pages, seven columns to a page, and printed on a new improved
press. With increased facilities, he cannot help but prosper, and he deserves
to, for he is worthy of prosperity.—Marathon Independent.
The Cortland DEMOCRAT is one of our oldest
standbys, and Brother Jones gets out one of the best Democrat papers in Central
New York. P. S.—Since the above was put in type the last issue comes to us in
an improved form, having eight pages and a new head. It is handsomer than ever,
and much more convenient to handle.
— Lisle
The Cortland DEMOCRAT last week took on
folio shape and gave many outward and visible signs of its determination to
keep abreast to the times with all the modern improvements and innovations. The
DEMOCRAT is the organ of Democracy in Cortland county. It is a clean, reliable,
carefully edited paper, presenting each week the local, general and political
news in a manner that, must meet with approval from every candid reader.—Binghamton
The Cortland DEMOCRAT appeared last week in
a new dress, enlarged to an eight page, seven column sheet so much changed for
the better in its appearance that we at first failed to recognize in it our old
and always welcome weekly visitor. Brother Jones has just erected a fine block
for his business, and placed in his press room a Cottrell two revolution power
press, upon which the DEMOCRAT is printed, all his presses to be driven by a
six and one half horse-power water motor. We congratulate him upon the success
he has achieved, so well deserved.—Chenango Union.
With the New Year the DEMOCRAT was born again,
and came out as a handsome eight page paper, instead of a quarto. The new DEMOCRAT
was very much improved in appearance by the change and we congratulate Brother
Jones on the event. With characteristic modesty he says not a word of his
papers' changed appearance, but his readers will note it all the same and give
him due credit for the excellent local paper he publishes—politics excepted.
The DEMOCRAT was printed last week on a new two revolution C. B. Cottrell press
which has been set up in the new DEMOCRAT building.—Homer Republican.
When the entire editorial force of a newspaper
has the grip [influenza], any failure to do what ought to be done should be pardoned. This
is our only excuse for omitting to mention in last week's Standard the
great improvement in appearance which our neighbor the DEMOCRAT has made by
discarding the old blanket sheet, four-page form, and adopting the more modern,
convenient and in every way desirable eight page, fifty six column sheet. A new
office and new two-revolution Cottrell press and paper-folder have made it
possible for brother Jones to make a change which in his old quarters and with
his old machinery would have been impossible. We congratulate him on the beauty
of the DEMOCRAT in its new shape, and trust that he will see before long how
terribly inconsistent it is for such a handsome and readable sheet to be
advocating such reprehensible politics.—Standard.
The real estate and personal property of the
Cortland Corset Company, located on North Main street in this village, was sold
by Referee S. S. Knox, on Saturday last to S. E. Welch of this place, and Byron
H. Bierce of Scott, for $3,000, they being the highest bidders for the same. We
understand that Messrs. Welch and Bierce assume all of the liabilities of the
Company amounting to about $18,000. The Company was organized about three years
since with a capital stock of $25,000 and for some months seemed to be in a
prosperous condition, but about a year ago they virtually shut down and have
practically done no business since. We are unable to learn the cause of the
trouble, as the directors seem to be rather reticent about talking in relation
to the matter.
Ice Company.
Messrs. Thompson & Matthews of
Fayetteville, N. Y., have been in town a few days making preparations to start
a retail ice business in this village. They are both experienced ice men and
will doubtless give their customers first class new ice. The ice
they expect to handle will be of a superior quality as they expect to obtain their
supply dally from the large ice house now being erected at Little York by D. W.
Van Hoesen, of this village. They will be in town on or about the first of February
for the purpose of making contracts.
There are 134,000 Mormons in Utah's total
population of 300,000.
Over five thousand Russians have settled in
and around Eureka, Cal., within a year.
The eight business banks in Syracuse in December
reported $7,643,573.33 of loans and discounts and $5,918,837.83 of individual
The Courier Company of Buffalo have shipped
P. T. Barnum, now in England, ninety tons of printed paper for advertising his
"greatest show on earth."
It is thought Jonesburg, one mile outside of
Hudson, will be chosen as the site of the new State prison, to take the place of
the one to be abandoned at Sing Sing.
It is stated that negotiations which have been
in progress for some months with a view to the establishment of a rubber trust
in Trenton, N. J., are about completed. British
capitalists, it is said, are to take an interest amounting to $3,000,000, and
to push the stock in England and Scotland. The capitalists are believed to be the
same ones who bought up a number of American breweries.
The attempt to settle up the affairs of the Riverside
and Oswego Mills Company at 66 cents on the dollar, or 75 cents, 50 cents in
cash and the balance in stock, has failed, and the assignees have ordered a
sale at auction February 6 of all the vast property at Olneyville, which
comprises one of the finest woolen goods mills in the country. This is thought
to be a test of the strength of the Juilliand party as against the Chapins. It
is reported that the mill employing nearly 3,000 hands will not be shut down.
Thursday evening Judge Thomas M. Cooley of
Ann Arbor, Mich., chairman of the Inter-state Commerce commission, was sitting
in his library, when his negro coachman, armed with a double-barreled shotgun,
entered. The Judge saw that he had become insane but, betraying no alarm, he
asked him what was the matter. The negro replied that he had decided to kill
the whole family as they talked too much and left him no time to think. The
Judge told him he agreed with him, and that he would attend to it. By the use
of consummate tact the Judge succeeded in mollifying the man until he at least
laid down his gun and left the room. The Judge at once telephoned for an
officer, and in a short time a deputy sheriff placed the coachman under arrest.
Doubtless a frightful tragedy was averted by the nerve and coolness of the
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