The Cortland Democrat, Friday, November
15, 1889.
The Will of the People—As Expressed at the
Late Election Set Aside by the Disgraceful Interference of President Benjamin
Dispatch to the New York Star.)
Nov. 9.—Democratic Senators are threatening to make trouble about the
proclamation yesterday issued admitting Montana as a State. The proclamation was
prepared in the most hurried manner, and was issued, almost at a moment's
notice, with a manifestation of anxiety which was at first incomprehensible,
but which is now made apparent from the admissions indiscreetly made in
Administration circles. It is now asserted that this action of the President
makes the Montana Legislature solidly Republican, and thus practically reverses
the will of the people as expressed at the election.
contest has been, as every one knows, over the returns from Silver Bow County, which
were thrown out by the Republican canvassers on no other apparent ground than
the fact that the members elected by the vote of this county would give the Democrats
a majority in the Legislature and enable them to elect two United States Senators.
The matter was before the Territorial Court, where it properly belonged. That
Court, it was believed, would sustain the action it had already taken in the
matter by ordering the vote to be counted as cast.
Prince Russell
represented to his father and Attorney-General Miller that unless something was
done to head off this possible action of the legal authorities of the Territory, two Senators would be lost. Accordingly
Mr. Miller hastened his report on the sufficiency of the steps taken by the people
of Montana to admit the Territory to Statehood, and a proclamation was signed by
the President just in time to prevent the Territorial Court from placing a
final stigma on the attempted Silver Bow Returning Board fraud.
action of the President remits the question to the adjudication of the
Republican State Judges, who derive their titles from the same action, and who
are liable to impeachment by the Legislature which they will thus be called
upon to create, for their action will virtually decide whether that body shall
be Democratic or Republican.
But if
Senators claiming admission to the United States Senate should present themselves,
bearing certificates so obtained it is the declared purpose of the Democratic minority
to have a thorough investigation of the whole circumstances attending the Montana
election and the disgraceful interference of the President and his son in connection
A Black Brute Lynched.
Va., Nov. 8—Owen Anderson, an 18-year-old negro, was lynched here yesterday.
Anderson on Wednesday outraged a respectable 17-year-old white girl returning
from school. He was arrested, confessed and was jailed. A crowd of men gained
admittance to the jail by pretending they had a prisoner, and when inside
overpowered the jailer and secured his keys. They dragged Anderson to a derrick
in the neighborhood and strung him up, afterwards riddling his body with bullets.
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Peter Jackson |
The Negro Whips Smith.
11.—The fight between Peter Jackson the colored Australian pugilist, and Jem
Smith, the English champion, took place at the Pelican club as arranged. The
fight was for a purse of 1,000 pounds, subscribed by members of the club.
Jackson outfought Smith for two rounds, whereupon the English fighter
deliberately cross-buttocked Jackson. The referee then gave Jackson the
Truxton Catholic Fair.
members of the Catholic church in Truxton, desire through the columns of the DEMOCRAT to extend their thanks to the
following firms in Cortland and Truxton, who donated articles to their fair
which proved to be a financial success netting $700. They also thank the
non-Catholics of Truxton for their kind and liberal patronage during the fair.
Chicago Book Co., Pictaresque Washington.
H. B. Hubbard, set of castors.
Watkins Bros., two handkerchiefs.
J. M. Sampson, rug.
Mager & Stoker, counterpane.
Warren, Tanner & Co., gossamer.
Kellogg & Curtis, silk umbrella.
Sager & Jennings, plush odor-case.
Collins & Daehler, smoking set.
A, Mahan, violin.
Mrs. J. T. Davern, lady's hat.
S. M. Benjamin, marble shelf.
Beard & Peck, plush couch.
Mourin Bros., plush rocking chair.
G. I. Pruden, large photo of pastor.
Selover & Schutt, doz. cabinet photos.
C. H. Overton, two dollars.
W. H. Clark, two dollars.
Edgcomb & Co., whip.
P. H. & F. H. Dowd, kid shoes.
Watson & Co., Homer, marble shelf.
Mullen Bros., hanging lamp.
Hilton & Patrick, fancy lamp.
Lincoln & Whaite, decorated tea set.
O’Conner Bros., decorated dinner set.
J. C. Weigand, album.
Miss Casey, lady's hat.
F. J. Woodward, marble top table.
W. R. Woodward, sack of flour.
C. & A. Stevens, two sacks of flour.
Miller & Arnold, ham.
C. C. Dalsey, six cases lemon and birch beer.
F. H. Morse, half ton of coal.
Dr. Williams, one dollar.
A great
many other fancy articles were donated by Cortland and Truxton ladies.
It Takes
Eighteen Days to Go from Nose to Breech Through One Kind.
At last the cannon is turned down and is
ready to be bored inside. In this operation it must be bored so straight and true
that the boring tool, entering at the exact center of the small end of the
cannon, will come out precisely at the center of the large end, seventeen feet away.
The boring tool, or "bit," is held firm and motionless, while the
great mass of steel to be bored turns around. This plan is found to insure
steadiness of the "bit." It would be almost impossible to make this
bit firm and solid enough to do its difficult work and yet free to turn around
in the cannon.
The bit attends strictly to business, and
steadily bores its way through the steel. The boring tool is called a "hog
nosed" bit, and it roots up that cannon as if it enjoyed the operation. No
long, graceful curls come from this boring, but small, crisp shavings that are
removed as fast as they accumulate in order that the boring tool's work shall not
be interfered with. The bit is going into the steel at the rate of
three-eighths of an inch for every turn of the cannon, and it is making a round
hole almost large enough for a boy to put his head in—five and three-quarters
inches in diameter. As the round hole grows deeper the heavy bar, on which the
bit is fastened, advances into the cannon steadily, moved by a number of wheels
and screws that form part of the lathe.
I must not lose sight of the shavings, the
little ones that come from the inside, and the long, spirally twisted ones that
are turned from the outside of the cannon. A military looking man, standing near
the lathe, does not lose sight of these shavings or trimmings, either. This man's
business is to carefully inspect the borings and trimmings. That is what he is
paid to do. Uncle Sam pays him and expects him to earn his salary. The cannon is
being made for Uncle Sam, and he intends to find out all its qualities, whether
good or bad. So the man eyes the borings carefully.
Now, if with a plane or your knife blade, you
will cut a thin shaving from a bit of wood, it will show any little flaw
existing in the wood from which it was sliced. The tiniest knot hole or crack
will show in the shaving much more plainly than in the wood itself. So it is
with a cannon's shaving. It is a dreadful tell-tale, and the fault finding man
beside the gun knows this perfectly well. He examines the spiral turning, or
the little piece of boring, and finds no evidence of a flaw or crack. The long spiral
strip is as smooth as glass and as glossy as your sister's curls.
Into the solid steel the hog-nosed bit roots
its way, until it is in so far that a little electric light must bear it
company, to show the workmen how matters are progressing in the heart of the
cannon. After eighteen days of steady boring the bit lets daylight into the bore
of the cannon by emerging at the other (or larger) end, seventeen feet away.—St. Nicholas.
George Ogden, of Ovid, shot a rare sea bird
on Cayuga Lake last week for which he refused $25. He has it mounted.
Report says that Lyman Murdoch, of Venice,
estimates his loss by the abandonment of the I. A. & W. railroad, to be $15,000.
The Inter-State fair managers of Elmira have
already chosen the first two weeks in September for holding their fair in 1890.
The United Glass Co., of Syracuse, in which
several gentlemen in and around Oneida are interested, has decided to increase
the capital stock from $1,000,000, to
$1,500,000. The company has recently purchased the Clyde plant, built in 1827,
and the oldest in the United States. The company now owns all the factories in
the State except that at Syracuse.
Saturday Senator Leland Stanford's great
filly Sunol broke the three-year-old trotting record made by Axtell, finishing the
mile in 2:10 1/2 on the Bay District track, San Francisco. On the same day and
track the yearling stallion record of 2:38 1/4 was lowered by Count
Valensines's Faustino, who turned the mile in 2:35. Regal Wilkes also beat
Axtell's two-year-old record by reeling off a mile in 2:20 3/4.
The question of selling the penitentiary and
site is being strongly urged by the inhabitants of the second ward, Syracuse. It
is said $100,000 can be realized by the sale of the ground, which has grown to
be very valuable, and that this sum would build a new jail in the vicinity of
Split Rock, where the convicts could be profitably employed in stone-breaking,
thus abandoning the present policy of taking prisoners by contract from
adjoining counties.
The marriage of Prince Hatzfeldt to Miss
Clora Huntington, daughter of Collis P. Huntington of New York took place last
week in the Catholic oratory at Bromton, England. The ceremony was performed by
Bishop Emmans. The wedding was private, only relatives and a few friends of the
bride and groom being present. A wedding breakfast was served at the German
Embassy, after which Prince Hatzfeldt and his bride started for Italy on their
wedding tour.
A plan is on foot to build a great suspension
bridge over the North River, from New York to Jersey City. A celebrated Pittsburg
bridge builder is having the model made. The total length of the bridge will be
5,350 feet, of which 2,500 feet will be taken up with the approaches. The main
span of 2,850 feet will extend between two lofty towers 506 feet in height. The
undertaking is a colossal one. An idea of the bridge's dimensions can be gained
from the fact that the support towers are almost double the height of those of
the Brooklyn Bridge, and the span is 1,255 feet longer.
The work of taking up the track of the I. A.
& W., south of Genoa, was begun on Saturday last, by a gang of men who
commenced at the south end of the Genoa switch. About three miles of rails and ties
have been taken up thus far. Yesterday some delay was experienced by the crew
in getting to work on account of ties, the track near Ozmun's, and further on, the
track had been well greased. It is reported that two trains each way between Auburn
and Genoa will be run for a time, but no one seems to have any very definite idea
as to how long the arrangement will continue.
Watervliet Arsenal:
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