The Cortland Democrat, Friday, December
13, 1889.
Protection vs. Free Trade.
Cortland Democrat:
DEAR SIR.—We are sorry to see by your late
issue that any of our citizens can be so blind as 'Fair Play" seems to be
to the justice, fairness and general advantage of the little scheme
of "a little coterie or cabal of retail merchants, grocers and market
men" to have the Board of Trustees of our village pass an ordinance, or
ordinances which shall relieve them from the effects of legitimate business
competition and give them the exclusive right to retail the necessaries and
comforts of life in Cortland, and compel purchasers to pay the prices they may
combine to fix or agree upon among themselves.
Fair Play's blindness to the wisdom and beauty of such a kind and
benevolent exercise of fatherly "Protection" on the part of our city
fathers is very surprising to us. For we have often thought and have sometimes
remarked that, if a high protective tariff is such an advantage to the whole
nation,—if it tend to vastly increase the wealth of the nation as a whole, we
could not see why smaller sections of our country, states, counties and even
cities and villages might not adopt the principle to their own special and
local advantage.
We have never found a high protectionist who
could give us any good reason why the protective plan should not, and
could not, be brought down to the smallest municipalities with advantage to all
business enterprises and manufacturing establishments located within their
borders and to the general enrichment of the whole community, except that the
Constitution of the United States does not allow the thing to be done. And if
it were not for that unwise and unfortunate
clause which our forefathers put into the constitution, we should hear a
loud and urgent demand for a high State tariff protecting us against the
competition of all the West and East and South, as well as against the cheap products
of Canada.
But if our dear grandfathers—the old fogies—made
such a mistake as to incorporate such an article in our Constitution, let us do
what we can to correct the error and begin right here in Cortland. Let our wiser
city fathers pass an ordinance which shall exclude all foreigners or non-residents
from offering any thing for sale in our retail markets.
We are sure that our neighboring farmers will
not object to such a measure, for many of them seem to think it best for their
interests to have to sell their products at Free Trade prices and buy all that
they need to buy at high protective prices. At least many of them vote for
just such a plan nationally, and why should they object to it locally?
Certainly they cannot do it consistently.
Of course, if we happen to have a short crop
of potatoes in this region, we shall expect our grocers and provision merchants
to send out to other parts of the country and bring in car loads of potatoes to
our markets, and our meat markets are generally supplied with meats brought
from the great slaughter houses of the West, which are sold for good, round
prices while our farmers cannot sell the beef of their own producing, for any
living price; but we will not have these same farmers coming into town and going
around our streets, selling the products directly to the consumers. And if any
man shall propose to rig up a cart and buy home raised meats or other products,
and go about selling them from house to house, let him pay a prohibitory tax,
or else be arrested and imprisoned at once.
But this is not all. We propose to be consistent
and thorough in this matter. Our dry goods merchants need protection as well as
others. And the fact is, that a good many of our citizens have the bad habit of
occasionally running up to Syracuse or down to Binghamton and making quite
large purchases of dry goods and various kinds of merchandise, which thing ought
to be stopped. Let us have then, officers appointed to board every train that comes
in from every direction and levy a proper assessment upon all the purchases which
our citizens have made in other markets. This would make the whole system complete
and consistent, and according to the usual high protectionist argument, it would
enable our merchants to realize higher prices and larger profits, and
the consumers to get their goods very much cheaper. And thus
all, seller and buyer would be greatly benefit.
Now, do you not see the wisdom and the advantage
of the scheme, Mr. Fair Play? To be sure
the constitution of the United States is said to stand in the way of carrying
out such a local measure to its full and necessary completion; and when some of
the southern states undertook to empower their cities and towns to adopt such a
plan of local protection, some of our northern wholesale merchants and
manufacturers resisted it and the higher United States Courts sustained them in
defying such city ordinances. But, what of that? Have we not a Board of Trade
that knows what is law and what is best for the community, better than the
United States Courts do or the framers of our constitution did? The idea of
such local protection is only the logical and consistent carrying out of
the whole protective tariff argument, and so let us adopt it in full, that the
people may see the wisdom and advantage of it. Yours Truly,
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Cortland's 2nd Courthouse and Jail, located at corner of Court and Church Streets--the current location of the library. |
- Cashier C. E. Silcott of the House of Representatives at Washington is wanted badly. He turned up missing last week and $71,800, that he had in the safe, took its departure at about the same time. He has not yet been found.
- Washington dispatches announce that the speaker of the House has appointed Jas. J. Belden, a member of the Committee on Appropriations. "Jim" will be quite at home on this committee.
- There ought to be no politics about the job of painting the Court House. The committee of the board of supervisors appointed to look after the matter, reported the other day, that they had ascertained the amount that Mr. Geo. Crossman would charge for the job. Are there no other painters in this village competent to do the work? The DEMOCRAT begs leave to inform the committee that there are any number of painters in this village that would be glad to do the work in a workmanlike manner and at a fair price. You make printers bid for county work and why should not painters do the same?
- Jefferson Davis, ex-President of the Southern Confederacy, died last Friday at New Orleans. Mr. Davis' earlier years gave promise of great future usefulness. He was a brave and intrepid officer in the war with Mexico and served with distinction on many fields. As a statesman he commanded the respect of his opponents. He had the courage of his convictions but the mistake of his life time was in being the head and front of the rebellion. He undoubtedly believed he was right and many who condemn him now in the bitterest terms, might have believed and acted as he did under the same circumstances. Men have passed judgment upon his course quite freely for the past twenty-five years. A wiser power will judge him hereafter.
They Hope to Serve
the People.
There seems to be a disposition upon the part
of those who desire the republican nomination for Police Justice to take
"time by the forelock." The election does not occur until March and
yet the following candidates are said to be in the field: Jerome Squires, Enos
E. Mellon, William Corcoran and Lewis Bouton. The fight for the place bids fair
to be a very warm one and there is likely to be some feeling exhibited. It is
claimed that Squires, whose term as Justice of the Peace expires soon, is a
candidate for renomination and also wants to be Police Justice. His opponents
say he wants to make a sure thing of having one of the places, and to this end he
will be a candidate for Justice of the Peace in February and whether he is
successful or not he will be a candidate for Police Justice in March.
The office of Police Justice has a salary
attached of $1000 per annum, with very little to do, and is considered a better
office than Justice of the Peace where some work has to be performed.
Corcoran is the candidate of the
Independent Irish Republican Club, which probably numbers not more than 20 or 30
members all told. The club was organized for business—political business purposes—and
its members intend to be recognized or they propose to know the reason why. It
is said that they have already served notice that they propose to have most of
the mail carriers and it looks now as if they would get about what they
Mellon, thinks he is entitled to the place because
of his legal learning and great party services, and he would undoubtedly make a
lively officer. He proposes to give the other boys a hot tussel for the place.
If Lewis Bouton was a better politician he would
stand a good chance to get the nomination. In these days, to be successful in politics,
it seems to be necessary to be a first-class liar and here is where Bouton is a
big failure. Sometimes all signs fail, however, and he may get the place. But
it matters little who gets the nomination on the Republican ticket, for on
election day, the Democrats propose to be in the field with a good clean
candidate who will win.
H. W. Seaman has opened a barber shop in the
Corwin block.
The winter term of McGrawville Academy commenced
on Monday with a full attendance.
Lucius Babcock, an old and highly esteemed
citizen of this place, had a partial shock of paralysis on Saturday last. He is
reported to be gradually gaining.
Fred Parker who has been confined to the
house with typhoid fever for the past six weeks, has so far recovered as to
again appear on the streets. He expects to again resume his position with
Warren & Tanner about January first.
The popular drama "The Soldier of
Fortune" will be produced at Academy Hall on Tuesday evening, December 17,
for the benefit of McGrawville Lodge No. 330 I. O. O. F. The drama is highly
spoken of and no one should miss the opportunity.
NEPOS. [pen name]
F. E. Sager is able to be out again, after
being confined to the house for two or three days with a severe cold.
The hop given by the Solon boys at Palmer's
Hall, Friday evening, passed off pleasantly, thirty five couple being present; music
by Palmer's orchestra.
School commenced in the new school house
here on Tuesday last, after a long delay. We congratulate the district on having
as neat and comfortable a school house as is to be found in any country district.
Work has been completed on the Catholic church
at Solon. The church looks greatly improved and the church people should feel
well repaid for the money and labor expended.
Cards are out for the wedding of Miss Gertie
Smith and Mr. Miles J. Peck, both of Solon.
Mr. Wm. Blowers attended the funeral of his
mother at Taylor on Wednesday.
C. [pen name initial of correspondent]
Mrs. Austin Barker, who has been very low
for some time, is thought to be slightly improved.
The funeral services of Samuel Bush's little
child was held Monday. Interment at Cheningo.
Miss Clara McLane has been obliged to discontinue
her school for a few days, on account of sickness.
Mrs. Louisa Brown was taken to the county
insane asylum, Tuesday. Her mental faculties have been failing for a long time.
Elwyn Cass is cutting ash and cherry timber
which he purchased of William Skinner, for which he pays $9 per thousand in the
Among those who attend school at the Cincinnatus
Academy this term, are Libbie McLane, Madge Elwood, Earl Faint, and Will Allen.
CALUMET [pen name]
Mrs. Frank Barnes is failing all the time.
Mr. Samuel Mott lost a horse last week with
lock jaw.
Mrs. John Seamans and son, of
Messengerville, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Frank E. Price.
Mrs. John Bays is suffering very severely with
erysipelas in the foot and knee. Dr. Muncey attends her.
A daughter has taken up her abode with Mr.
and Mrs. Rodolph Price. Its weight is about 10 pounds.
The social event of the season took place on
Wednesday, December 4, at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. James Stafford, on the
occasion of the marriage of their daughter, Miss Jennie M. Stafford and Mr.
John C. Griswold. The ceremony took place in the presence of fully one hundred or
more of the relatives and friends of the contracting parties, at 12 o'clock,
the Rev. O. J. Purington of the M. E. church officiating. Congratulations
followed. The wedding feast was partaken of and the happy pair, amid the
proverbial shower of rice, departed for Syracuse and a tour of Niagara Falls
and other points of interest, previous to settling down to the realities of life.
The presents were costly and numerous.
TOPSY. [pen name]
It is estimated that 4,000,000,000 cigars are
consumed in this country annually.
American tourists have spent no less than $17,000,000
in Europe during the past summer season.
The Speaker of Congress gets $3,000 added to
his pay as member—$8,000 in all. He earns it, usually.
The Syracuse Driving Park Association is to
build a new half-mile track on a farm owned by Mayor Kirk.
The late great Boston fire seems to have demonstrated
the fact that an absolutely fire-proof building cannot be made.
The Glens Falls paper mill, said to be the
second largest in the world, will probably pass into the hands of an English
Henry M. Stanley has sold his forthcoming book
outright to the Sampson Low company of publishers for the sum of $200,000.
The first fast overland mail train, from New
York to San Francisco, crossed the continent in 4 days, 9 hours and 45 minutes,
actual running time.
The postal service employs at present 47,466
clerks, 10,835 carriers. 5,640 men in the railway service, 19,190 contractors, 6,434
messengers and 928 special delivery messengers, 59,838 postmasters and 604 employees
in the Department, making a total of 150,935.
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