The Cortland Democrat, Friday, November
1, 1889.
With your consent I would like to say a few
words in regard to an item that appeared in the Taylor items of your paper of a
recent date, which was a slur not only on the pastor of the Union Valley
charge, but also on the community as well. The item referred to charges that
the pastor had to live on potatoes and salt because he had no money to buy
anything else to eat; and in other ways charges the people with neglect.
In reply I wish to make a plain statement of
facts and then leave people to draw their own conclusions. In the first place
if any one will take the trouble to look at Conference minutes they will find the
Union Valley charge has paid a good salary for years, and the past year the
salary allowed was the sum of $500 and the use of the parsonage which has a
good garden of 1/2 acre of land. The salary has been paid in full and the
stewards have the pastor's receipt for the same; and in addition to this the
pastor has had at least $100 in presents from people living in the charge which
there has been no account made of.
Hoping the above will meet the eyes of every
person who has seen the other item [see prior post on this subject—CC editor] and
that in the future your correspondent will use more judgment in reporting such items,
I remain, yours truly,
Steward of the Union Valley charge.
N. Y., Oct. 26, 1889.
Look Out for the Cars.
Citizens of South Otselic express the opinion
that the Auburn branch of the Ontario & Western, if the court compel
the opening of the road, will run through this Otselic Valley. Officers of the
road were at South Otselic last week looking into the matter. There is little
doubt but the court will order the road to be run.
The Chenango Telegraph last week gave an account of a parallel case in which
Judge Love, of the Federal Court, rendered a decision which settles the right
of railroads to suspend operation of non-paying lines. Attorney Sheldon, of
Chicago, for the United States Trust Company, applied to the court for an order
on the receiver of the Wabash system to have the road known as the Clarinda
branch, connecting Roseberry, Mo., and Clarinda, Iowa, suspended, on the ground
that the receipts of the branch were not sufficient to pay expenses. The order
was refused, the court declaring that railroads are governmental institutions,
public conveyances and common carriers. The right to build a road through private
property was granted on the representation that the road would furnish
transportation for the public. People are dependent upon such roads for
transportation. Courts have no right to deprive people of this transportation
on the showing that the road does not pay expenses.—Cincinnatus Register.
The Beattie creamery, at Truxton,
last week sold their entire make of butter for the season of 1889, to W. P.
Sumner of Jacksonville, Fla.
Edwin M. Hulbert, of
this village, last week bought 101 tubs of butter of the East Homer creamery, being their September and October make.
The Chautauqua Literary circle
will meet at the residence of Mrs. C. F. Thompson, No. 23 Clayton Ave.,
Tuesday evening, Nov. 5th, at 7:30.
Daniel S. Brown has a pig
seven months and eighteen days old. When dressed it weighed three hundred and
seventy-four pounds and a half. Next.
J. Q. Perry, of the Cincinnatus
house, has disposed of his hotel for other property, to Messrs. Limburger, of
Marathon, and Livingston, of Whitney's Point.
The Hitchcock Manufacturing Co.
are erecting a trestle 70 feet high, on top of which will be erected two large
tanks, for the storage of water to supply their automatic sprinkler system.
John Sheridan, who was noticed
in last week's DEMOCRAT as having left the county alms house, was found by
keeper Frisbie, on Tuesday last, on a Mr. Petrie's farm, located about two and
one-half miles southwest of Cortland.
Two hundred and thirty-two shares of Homer & Cortland Gaslight
Company stock belonging to the Wilkinson estate, were sold by George Doheny, at
the Court House Monday morning, to Arthur S. [Kennedy] of Auburn, at $28 a share.
Senator Hendricks was one of the bidders.—Auburn Advertiser.
He Took Laudanum.
John A Howe, formerly a
resident of this town, and who lived with his son on a farm a few miles
northwest of this village, look two ounces of laudanum with suicidal intent on
Saturday, the 19th ult. He lived until the following Monday morning, when death
resulted. He is said to have lived unpleasantly with his son, and became melancholy
and discouraged over his poor health and poverty. He was a carpenter by trade,
was industrious and honest, and brought up a large family. For the past few
years he had been badly crippled with rheumatism.
All Souls' Church Notes.
Prisoners' day will be
observed next Sunday morning in All Souls' church. In the evening the subject
of the discourse will be, "Are skeptics and infidels responsible for human
iniquity?" Seats free. A cordial invitation is extended to all.
A series of revival meetings
will be held in All Souls' church, commencing Monday evening, November 11th, at
7:45. The meetings will be held every evening, with the exception of Saturday,
for two weeks. Rev. Stanford Mitchell, of Boston, Mass., will have charge of
the meetings. Mr. Mitchell is a singer of marvelous power, and is the Sankey of
the Universalist Church. A cordial invitation is extended to all.
The fair for the benefit of the church building
fund opened in the church parlors, last Tuesday afternoon. A large number of
people were present during the afternoon and evening, and made purchases from
the elegant display of fancy articles that were offered for sale; many sat down
and enjoyed the chicken pie supper which had been prepared.
The fair continued through
Wednesday. In the evening the patrons were treated to a rich concert and literary
entertainment in the audience room of the church. The Acme Quartette were present
and rendered three selections, which were received with delight by all, as was also
the violin solo by Master Allie Gillette. In fact, all who took part in the entertainment
are entitled to great credit.
The society will net a
handsome sum, and is to be congratulated that the fair was a grand success.
Annual Social.
The annual social of Loyal
Chapter of Kings Daughters and Kings Sons will be held Wednesday evening,
November 6, at the residence of Mr. H. C. Beebe, 78 Clinton avenue.
A short musical and literary
programme will be given and light refreshments served. As the object of this
social is to give members an opportunity to become acquainted with each other,
it is hoped they will, as far as possible, be present together with their
husbands and wives.
Those attending are requested
to bring cake or sandwiches. Unmarried members will please feel at liberty to
invite a friend to accompany them.
A cordial invitation is
extended to members of other circles.
![]() |
Benton B. Jones, editor and proprietor of Cortland Democrat. |
Pursuant to the call printed
in the DEMOCRAT last week, a large number of the young Democrats in this
village met in Firemen's Hall, last Friday evening, and organized by electing
B. B. Jones chairman, and Jas. Culp secretary.
On motion of Hugh Duffy, a
committee of five was appointed by the chair to secure signatures to the roll
and to look after the interests of the same. The following gentlemen compose
the committee: James Culp, A. J. McSweeney, Frank Moran, Burdett Richardson, M.
On motion, the following
committee on permanent organization was appointed:—Ed. Fitzgerald, Hugh Duffy,
D. W. Van Hoesen, J. H. Wallace, John O'Neil.
The following committee on
by-laws and constitution was appointed: M. Comfort, Ed. Fitzgerald, J. Hub.
Wallace, Hugh Duffy, M. Brownell, J. H. Turner, B. B. Jones.
On motion, the chair appointed
D. W. Van Hoesen and Jas. Dougherty a committee to secure rooms for the use of
the club.
About 60 members signed the
roll of the club, after which an adjournment was taken until Tuesday evening at
the same place and hour, when the several committees will report.
An adjourned meeting of the
club was held on Tuesday last, at which there was a large turnout. Stirring
remarks were made by Hugh Duffy, J. Courtney, Jr., G. C. Hubbard. J. R.
Schermerhorn, S. Gooding, R. F. Randall, William Winter and E. Fitzgerald. The chairman of the different committees reported, and
asked for further time, which was granted, and the meeting adjourned until
Wednesday evening, at 8 o'clock.
The members of the club
convened again on Wednesday evening last, pursuant to adjournment. The
committee on permanent organization made the following report, which, on motion
of John Courtney, Jr., was adopted:
President—Frank E. Plumb.
Vice-Presidents—F. W. Collins,
Geo. C. Hubbard. Jas. R. Schermerhorn.
Secretary— John O'Neil.
Secretary—Jas. Culp.
Treasurer—J. Hub. Wallace.
Committee—Hon. L. J. Fitzgerald, Geo. L. Warren, B. F. Taylor, B. B. Jones, M.
Brownell, Hugh Duffy.
The name selected for the club
is "The Cortland Democratic Club." The committee appointed to select
rooms for the use of the club were not ready to report, and were given until
the next meeting to hand in the same.
On motion, the club adjourned
to meet in Firemen's Hall in this village, on Friday evening, Nov. 1st, at 7:30
o'clock, when it is expected that all of the committees will be ready to report
and business of much importance will be transacted. A full attendance of all
members and all who desire to become members is earnestly desired.
At a regular meeting of the
Cigar Makers' International Union, No. 116, of
Homer, N. Y., the following resolutions were adopted:
WHEREAS, The Howe Ventilating
Stove of Cortland, N. Y., is a Union made stove manufactured by skilled
workmen, therefore be it
Resolved, That we recommend and request all friends of
labor to buy no other than Union made stoves.
Resolved, That the above be inserted in our county
newspapers and also a copy be sent to the Stove Moulders Union, No. — of Cortland,
N. Y.
Homer, N. Y., Oct. 29, 1889.
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