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photo courtesy Grip's Historical Souvenir of Cortland |
The Board of Supervisors of Cortland County
convened in annual session in the rooms provided for them in the third story of
the County Clerk's office building, Monday last at 1 o'clock, and was called to
order by Frank Place, Clerk of the last Board. The following Supervisors were present:
Cincinnatus—E. T. Dye.
Cortlandville—Delos McGraw.
Cuyler—B. F. Lee.
M. Brown.
Harford—W. R. Hammond.
Homer—A. H. Bennett.
Lapeer—Perry Hazen.
Marathon—Lyman Adams.
Preble—A. H. Van Hoesen.
Scott—M. G. Frisbie.
Solon—Henry Kelly
Taylor—A. K. Bennett.
Truxton—F. P. Saunders.
Virgil—W. A. Holton.
Willett—Willson Greene.
Mr. Greene, of Willett, was made temporary chairman.
On motion of Mr. Frisbie, the Board proceeded
to take an informal ballot for permanent chairman, with the following result:
B. F. Lee, 12.
Willson Greene, 3.
On motion of Mr. Greene, the ballot was made
formal and Mr. Lee was declared duly elected.
Mr. Holton offered a resolution fixing the
compensation of the clerk of the Board at $150 per annum, which on motion of Mr.
McGraw, was made a special order for Wednesday
The Board then proceeded to take an informal
ballot for clerk which resulted as follows:
Frank Place,7.
Jas. Dougherty, 5.
E. E. Mellon, 1.
Blank, 2.
The board then proceeded to a formal ballot
with the following result as follows:
Benj. Smith, 2.
G. W. Copeland, 4.
Thos. Davidson, 7.
Blank, 2.
A formal ballot resulted as follows:
Thos. Davidson, 8.
G. W. Copeland, 5.
Chauncey Meacham, 1.
Benj. Smith, 1.
Mr. Davidson, of Freetown, having a majority
was declared duly elected.
Mr. Saunders offered the following
resolution which was adopted:
Resolved, That the sessions of this
Board be from 9:30 o'clock A. M. to 12 M., and from 1:30 P. M. to 4 o'clock P.
On motion of Mr. Saunders the chair was
authorized to appoint two additional committees of three members each to he called
"The Military Committee'' and "The Excise Committee."
Mr. Greene moved that the standing committees
consist of three members each except the committee on equalization, which shall
be composed of five members.
Mr. Saunders offered an amendment which was
adopted making the committee on equalization and footing assessment rolls
consist of seven members.
The rules of the assembly were adopted so
far as applicable.
The following is the order of business
1. Presenting petitions and communications.
2. Reports of standing committees.
3. Reports of select committees.
4. Motions, resolutions and notices.
5. Special orders of the day.
6. General orders of the day.
7. Unfinished business (generally.)
The following resolution was offered by Mr.
Bennett of Taylor, and was adopted:
Resolved, That we tender our thanks to the members of Post Grover No. 98, G. A. R.,
for the appropriate manner in which they have decorated the walls, and the good
condition in which we find the rooms.
Board adjourned to Tuesday morning at 9:30.
The chairman announced the following standing
committees for the session:
On Court House and Jail—Messrs. A. K.
Bennett, Dye and VanHoesen.
On Settling with County Treasurer—Messrs.
McGraw, A. H. Bennett and Saunders.
On Settling with County Clerk and Sheriff—Messrs.
Saunders, Brown and Adams.
On Settling with County Judge and Justices—Messrs.
Dye, Hammond and Hazen.
On Settling with School and Loan Commissioners—Messrs.
Hazen, McGraw and Kelly.
On auditing Constables' Bills—Messrs. Holton,
Kelly and A. K. Bennett.
On Miscellaneous Bills—Messrs. Brown,
VanHoesen and Hammond.
On Appropriations—Messrs. Frisbie, McGraw
and Greene.
On Public Printing—Messrs. Saunders, A. H.
Bennett and Adams.
On Footing Assessment Bolls—Messrs. A. H.
Bennett, A. K. Bennett, Holton, Hammond,
Brown, VanHoesen and Greene.
On Settling with Supervisors and Clerk—
Messrs. VanHoesen, Frisbie and Greene.
On Jurisprudence—Messrs. Greene, A. H.
Bennett and Holton.
On Equalization—Messrs. A. H. Bennett, McGraw,
Saunders, Frisbie, Greene, Adams and A. K. Bennett.
On Settling with Superintendent of the Poor—Messrs.
Hammond, Saunders and McGraw.
On Coroners' Bills—Messrs. Kelly, Dye and
On Settling with the District Attorney—
Messrs. Adams, Greene and A. K. Bennett.
On Military Affairs—Messrs. Holton, Brown and
On Excise—Messrs. A. K. Bennett, Hazen and
Col. Frank Place who had been elected Clerk
of the Board, declined to serve and Enos E. Mellon, of this village, was
selected to fill the vacancy. The salary was fixed at $200 per annum.
Clothes line thieves are operating in Homer.
Don't fail to see "A Legal Wreck,"
in the Cortland Opera House, Friday evening, Nov. 15th.
Subscriptions are being solicited for the Homer
Shoe Manufacturing Company. The capital stock is to be $20,000.
Hose Company No. 3, of Homer, will give a
dance and exhibition drill at the hotel in Scott, on Thanksgiving night.
The Monitor,
the organ of the Prohibitionists, has suspended publication, and its late
editor and proprietor, Mr. Lewis, has returned to Burlington, Vt.
"Has the State the right to take the
life of the willful murderer?" This question will he considered by Dr.
Taylor in the Congregational church, next Sunday evening.
Geo. A. Paddock and Dr. D. W. Burdick have
bought the handsome store of E. W. Tripp, in Homer. Mr. Tripp has purchased a
furniture store in Medina, and will move there.
The ladies of the Presbyterian church will
give a tea meeting at the residence of J. W. Keese,
on Prospect street, Friday afternoon, Nov. 15th. The programme of exercises
will begin promptly at 4 o'clock. Tea will be served at 5:30. All are invited.
A. J. Goddard has purchased of S. M. Ballard
a lot 25x90 feet on Railroad street, just east of Edgcomb & Ballard's
furniture store, upon which he proposes to erect a handsome block. Ground was
broken for the underpinning on Wednesday. Architect Beardsley is drawing the
The addresses of Hon. C. R. Skinner, Prof.
Chapin and other members of the School
Commissioners' Association, given at the chapel of the Normal school, before
the students and faculty, were both interesting and instructive. Several of the
speakers paid high compliments to the school.
The friends of Mr. A. Mager, of Woodruff street,
made him a surprise party, last Friday
evening. About fifty young people were present. Refreshments were served, after
which good music was furnished, and dancing was enjoyed until the small hours
of the morning. Mr. Mager's friends presented him with a gold-headed umbrella, with
his initials, a smoking set, and handsomely bound book, "Life of Washington.''
"Chit-Chat" is the name of a
twenty-page weekly just started in Syracuse by H. Hermon Smith, who is well
and favorably known in this county. Mr. Smith is a graceful and fluent writer, and the columns of his new
venture contain many articles from his pen. We hope to see the new paper have a
large circulation here, not only because his friends in this county ought to
give that much of encouragement to his personal worth, but because the paper is
richly worth $2.50 per annum.
The Homer Republican says: Mr. Hosea
Sprague celebrated election day on his 96th year by riding to Cortland on the street
ears, and then walking back to Homer by the way of the East River road, coming
over the steep hill which divides the two valleys, a distance of about four miles.
He returned to the polling places in the evening after his walk, to hear the result
of the election, and said he felt no inconvenience or exhaustion from his
exercise. Can any of Cortland county's old gentlemen equal this feat of
endurance? [Mr. Sprague died at age 100--CC editor.]
Last Thursday evening a reception was given
in the Normal school library by Principal Hoose and Mrs. Hoose to the school commissioners
and superintendents, who were assembled here in their thirty-fifth annual
convention. About eighty members of the association were royally entertained by
Dr. Hoose and his estimable lady. Hon. Judge Duell and other members of the
Board of Trustees were present. The members of the teaching staff and many of
the students were also in attendance, and contributed towards the entertainment
of the guests. Refreshments were served in an adjoining room. Fisher's
orchestra discoursed [sic] sweet music for the occasion. The evening was a most
enjoyable one. Every face seemed to beam with happiness.
Prof. Montgomery, of the State Normal School
is in receipt of new appliances and material for laboratory practice by his
classes in Natural Science. Each student in Mineralogy and Chemistry is
provided with an outfit and the work is progressing as favorably as can be
expected in rooms so small as those set apart for it. The laboratory is
more than crowded with students, and the pressing need that exists for
increased as well as more suitable accommodation for work of this kind is
strongly felt. The time has come when our Normal school building is filled to overflowing
in all its classes and sub-departments, and in consequence thereof stands in need of enlargement and improvements
in many directions; but, in no department is this want more urgent than in that
of the sciences, which underlie and largely regulate the practical side of
modern life.
The Cortland Box Loop Company have just put
the Mackey Sprinkler System in their factory.
The case of O. E. Frink, who was charged
with stealing $1,500 from Hunts Corners people, came before the Grand Jury last
week, and he was discharged because there was not sufficient evidence to
convict him.— Cortland Standard. The result in this case is a notable
legal triumph for H. C. Miner, Esq., of this village, counsel for Mr. Frink.
The case is not ended yet, however, as we understand Mr. Frink has brought suit
against the Virgil farmers who rashly caused his arrest, and proposes to have
handsome damages for being dragged back from Chicago in shackles. When he gets
through with these poor farmers they'll know better than lo lift a finger when
the next rascal skips out with their wealth. — DeRuyter
New Era.
A Rich
Last fall John Wallace bought a few acres of
land off from the Fosmer farm, west of this village. His land is situated about
a quarter of a mile up the Summer Hill road which runs past the old cheese
factory just north of Glen Wood cemetery. He has built there a small work shop
in which he is now living until he can build a residence.
About three weeks ago he was looking for
some stone for an underpinning and found, a little to the north west of his
shop, a mound near a small creek which appeared to be filled with flat stones
suitable for laying up a wall. He dug into the mound and found that the stone
in large numbers were laid together in a slanting position, the one capping the
other. After digging out a large pile of stone he found where two of the
regular layers came together and under an old stump, a cavity which contained a
rich store of Indian relics, which had been placed there, possibly with the
body of some Indian warrior before the white man knew of the existence of the
The relics were above thirty in number, and
consisted of flint arrow heads and spear heads of various sizes, stone knives and
two axe shaped stone instruments which were used by the Indians for skinning
animals. One of these instruments was made from a peculiarly marked stone which
Mr. Wallace—who by the way is a veteran collector of Indian relics and
geological curiosities—says is only found in the State of Wisconsin on the
Wisconsin river.
When we called upon Mr. Wallace last
Thursday he showed us not only this interesting find, but also other like
Indian relics and curios and rare geological curiosities.
There are other like mounds filled with
stone nearby the place where the stone instruments were found, and it is possible
that more discoveries of an interesting value may be made on further
examination. It will be interesting to know if this spot was once an Indian
burying ground.—Homer Republican.
Saturday afternoon the fire
bell sounded an alarm and in a very few moments our streets were alive with
citizens. The fire was at the Wightman cheese factory on Peck street. A spark
from the smoke stack ignited the roof, but a few pails of water extinguished it
without much damage being done. Over 30,000 pounds of butter was in the
building, besides a large quantity of cheese. The hand engine was out but
before a stream could be got on the building the fire was out. We learn there was
no insurance on the property.
S. B. Pierce is erecting a
dwelling on Front street.
A stone sidewalk is being placed in front of
the M. E. Church.
Sunday morning a dog belonging to Will
Shaver ran mad. It bit another dog but the animal ran away before it could be killed.
Shaver had his dog killed at once. Parties are hunting for the bitten animal in
order to destroy it before any further results will ensue.
* *
[pen name symbol of correspondent]
David Van Hoesen, the affable and stirring
clerk of O. U. Kellogg, has purchased two and one-half acres of H. M Gates, extending
from the railroad to the lake at the old poplar tree point. He has paid the
expense of laying a switch to the bank of the lake and broke the ground for an
ice house 100x60 feet with 20 foot posts. This will be filled directly from the
lake with as pure ice as can be cut in the State. No muddy stream runs into
this lake. They will also be able to load cars for other places. His father
Martin Van Hoesen will superintend all matters connected with this enterprise.
winter Messrs. Crofoot, Hinck & Van Hoesen erected a medium-sized ice house
on the switch near the gravel bed. This they nearly filled before the thaw shut
them off. They did not ship much until October, since then have sold enough to
repay all expenses and original outlay with a fair per cent on the investment. They
will refill it this winter and talk of building another and larger one.
W. W. Salisbury has been confined to his bed
for the past two weeks with malarial typhoid fever. Under the treatment of Dr.
Stone he is now convalescent, and will soon be ready to take insurance. [Mr.
Salisbury sold insurance policies—CC editor.]
Giles Corl died Sunday evening November
10th, from heart troubles, of which at times he had been a sufferer for the
past twenty years. He had tried many physicians but medicine seemed of no
avail. Dr. R. A Goodell was the last one called but gave no encouragement of a
permanent cure from the first diagnosis nearly two years ago. Mr. Corl was out
doors Saturday until about 11 A. M., when he was taken with the fatal attack.
H. W. Blashfield is having quite a run of cider
making. Apples have been brought fifteen miles to his mill.
A. B. Raymond is remodeling his sitting room
and otherwise getting in readiness to accommodate next season's boarders.
Those democratic whiskey sellers who were
suddenly taken with the virtues of staying at home because Joe [Eggleston,
candidate for county judge—CC editor] had paid them a visit and played a
nickle-in-the-slot game, forgot that there was two license commissioners to be
elected in this town next spring. We predict that the vote next spring will be
ULI SLICK. [pen name]
Kinney has sold his interest in the Earlville Opera House block to Messrs. Douglass,
Parsons and Calkins, who thereby become sole owners of the same.
Four cases of blood poisoning have occurred at
Eaton lately. One little girl had the first joint of her forefinger cut off,
but it is thought the whole finger will have to be amputated to stop the disease.
The prospects for building the Earlville and
Oneonta railroad are becoming more and more encouraging. The road would be a
through line from the leading city in Central New York (Syracuse) to the Hudson
river and New York, and must necessarily at once become a popular route.
large tobacco barn and store house of Geo. P. Hill, of Newfield, was destroyed by
fire on Thursday night last.
The total in the military department at Cornell
University this year is 521 against 433 last year. For the first time now the
military feature of the institution has a regimental organization.
Deeds were filed in the County Clerk's office
late Thursday, transferring the property of the Ithaca and Washington glass
companies to the United States glass company, as the glass syndicate is called.
The usual quiet of Ithaca was broken Saturday
morning by an endeavor to catch a Moravia man named Perry, who was insane, and
was being taken to Ovid by three keepers. He had been coaxed along by various
devices until the bus backed up to the hotel, when he ran away. His keepers followed
and a crowd of several hundred gathered. He was caught at the corner of Tioga
and Seneca streets and was forcibly taken to
the train by his keepers and Policeman Norton.
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