Monday, April 27, 2015


The Cortland Democrat, Friday, January 24, 1890.

Family Reunion.
   Last Sunday, Jan. 12th, was the occasion of the seventh reunion of the Houghton family of Oswego Co., N. Y. It was held at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Dunsmoor on Port Watson street. This pleasing custom was originated by the [surviving] members of the family and the date selected in honor of the birthday of the late Mrs. Abby Houghton, of Parish, Oswego Co., who was the grandmother of Mrs. Dunsmoor and mother of the Houghton brothers and sisters present.
   The guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dunsmoor were Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Houghton, Mr. Claude S. Houghton, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Skinner, all of Oswego city, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Wiles of Auburn, Mr. and Mrs. Forest Houghton of Parish, Mr. and Mrs. E. Dodge and Miss Blanche Dodge of Cortland. Col. C. V. Houghton and family, G. G. Houghton and Wm. H. Houghton were absent on account of sickness. It is the custom of the family to meet in reunion each year at the residence of the different members of the family.
   The day and evening was passed in social reunion, with music and a generous feast. The refreshments were gotton up and served by Mrs. H. W. Griffith and son of Homer.
   A novel feature of the occasion was that the family assembled on the piazza at 2 P. M., Jan. 12th, 1890, bare headed and without wraps, doors all open as in a May day and had their pictures taken in a group by L. E. Burnham. Next year this reunion will be held at the residence of B. D. Houghton of Oswego city, he being the oldest son.

   At the regular annual meeting of the stockholders of the Cortland Desk Company held recently, the following officers and directors were elected:
   President—James S. Squires.
   Vice President—Theo. Stevenson.
   Secretary—M. Saunders.
   Treasurer—E. D. Barker.
   Manager— Wm. J. Elsom.
   Directors—James S. Squires, Theo. Stevenson, E. B. Nash, J. C. Seager, M.
Saunders, E. D. Barker, Wm. J. Elsom, M. K. Harris, E. O. Rickard.

   At a regular meeting of Golden Rule Council No. 10, Order of United Friends, the following officers were installed:
   P. C. C.—S. M. Byram.
   C. C—P. F. Lyons.
   V. C. C.—Albert Terrell.
   Prelate—M. Ryan.
   Marshall—S. L. Danforth.
   Recorder and Treasurer—C. W. Saunders.
   Financier—W. W. Seaman.
   Trustee 3 years—A. G. Newton.
   Representative—S. M. Byram.
   Alternate Representative—P. F. Lyons.
   Installing officer—S. M. Byram.

A. O. U. W.
   At a regular meeting of Cortland Lodge, No. 351 A. O. U. W., the following officers were duly installed:
   P. M.W.—D. J. Smith.
   M. W.—Wm. Covert.
   Foreman—E. Woodworth.
   Overseer—Geo. I. Coe.
   Recorder—C. W. Saunders.
   Financier—Elmer M. Williams.
   Treasurer—Wm. Dunlap.
   Guide—H. S. Webb.
   Q. W.—Geo. W. Wolcott.
   O. W.—Fred W. Howes.
   Trustee—Wm. Pearson.
   Representative to Grand Lodge—C. W. Saunders.
   Alternate—D. J. Smith.
   Installation ceremonies were conducted by Past D. D. G. M. W., Wm. Pearson.

   The stockholders of the Howe Stove Company held their annual meeting at their offices on Monday last and elected the following directors for the ensuing year: Wm. H. Clark, Theo. Stevenson, E. O. Rickard, J. M. Milne, F. W. Collins, A. A. Sprague, C. E. Thompson. The directors elected the following officers:
   President—Wm. H. Clark.
   Vice-President—Theo. Stevenson.
   Secretary and Treasurer—F. W. Collins.
   Superintendent—A. A. Sprague.

   The stockholders of the Cortland Top and Rail Company elected the following directors for the ensuing year at their annual meeting: Theo. Stevenson, I. H. Palmer, C. L. Kinney, Chas H. Stickney, Adam Kinley, Willis Holmes, William Martin.
   The following officers were chosen:
   President—Theo. Stevenson.
   Vice-President—Chas. H. Stickney.
   Treasurer and Manager—C. L. Kinney.
   Secretary—Irving H. Palmer.
   Superintendent—Willis Holmes.

   On Tuesday evening of last week, Eagle Fire Company of Marathon elected the following officers for the ensuing year:
   President— Dr. C. B. Trafford.
   Vice-President—Frank Cusic.
   Secretary—Andrew Buckley.
   Treasurer—J. O. Peebles.
   Foreman—C. S. Myers.
   Assistant—James Cusic.
   Trustees—Frank Southworth, James Lombard, Frank Crannell.

   The tannery in Marathon is to be enlarged.
   The Normal school closed this week on Tuesday for a three weeks' vacation.
   Messrs. Robinson & Loucks propose to furnish the citizens of this place with clear crystal ice from the Floral Trout ponds the coming season.
   The Evangelist, Miss Lizzie Boyd, of Clyde, N. Y., is expected to be in Cortland next Sunday, to commence a series of revival meetings.
   A social party will be given in Freer's Hall in Higginsville, on Friday evening, January 31st. 1890. Music by Guier's full orchestra. Bill, $1.25.
   Be sure and attend the 45th Separate company's prize drill and dance at the armory, Friday evening, Jan. 24th. Fischer's orchestra furnishes the music.
   Messrs. Buck & Rose, the new hardware firm in the Standard building, have a new advertisement in another column which should be noted by readers of the DEMOCRAT.
   Mr. Sackett L. Wright is the manager of a commission house just opened in the rooms formerly occupied by J. W. Suggett, in Taylor Hall block He will deal in stocks, grain, provisions, oil. etc.
   The firm of Tanner Bros. were sadly afflicted with La Grippe [influenza] the first of the week. Mr. A. F. Tanner, it was feared, would have pneumonia. Geo. Edgcomb and G. Yager were confined to the house, leaving Mr. Jarvis to "hold the fort."
   School Commissioners Stillman,of Cortland, Knapp of Onondaga, Maxton of Jefferson, and Knapp of Tompkins, are in Albany conferring with Superintendent Draper, with reference to a movement for getting a larger appropriation for the public schools, and to effect a change in the district quota.
   Those persons who gather up the census statistics next June, are to be paid for doing the work as follows: For every living person, two cents; for every death, two cents; for every firm, fifteen cents; for every factory, twenty cents; for every veteran or veteran's widow, five cents; in special cases an enumerator may be paid by the day, not to exceed $6.00. The cost of taking the census of 1880 was over $3,000,000, and the next one is estimated to cost over $4,000,000, the population being estimated at fifteen millions larger than 1880. The work of enumerating has to be done during the month of June next.
   The Cortland Desk Company started up again last Monday.
   W. B. Witty has purchased Geo. Nottingham's interest in the trucking business.
   The Cortland Wagon Company took possession of their new buildings last Monday, and are now running a large force of men. The force will be largely increased in a few days.
   At the annual election of the Hitchcock Manufacturing Co., held Jan. 14th, the officers chosen were Pres., C. B. Hitchcock; Vice-Pres., F. B. Hitchcock; Sec'y, H. L. Gleason; Treas., J. W. Keese.
   Alf. Randall will occupy the south Cushing tenement house on Main street.
   "Section boss" McCormick will occupy the old store, being a little late in securing a better tenant.
   Mr. George Hall, who at present occupies the old store, will more on Chauncey Churchill's farm.
   The frame for the ice house is up and nearly covered. If they could fill it first, it would greatly facilitate the putting on the roof.
   At the dance at Lake House Hall last Friday evening, twenty-five tickets were sold. The hall can be made very comfortable now.
   It would be a good investment to build a dozen or so cheap houses that could be rented at $45 to $60 per year. The taxes here do not eat up the principal.
   The patrons of the milk depot wore very smiling faces as they received their checks for the last month’s milk this morning. It was better than 30 cents per pound for the butter from the same milk.
   D. W. Wilbur, having rented his farm to his son-in-law, has rented the Wheeler place for the coming year. Little York must have attractions or he would have occupied his own place at Preble.
   There are a good many sick around here. Mrs. Raymond, Mrs. Lord, Mrs. Babcock, Melvin Pratt, Zepheniah Hicks, Al Utley, S. D. Perkins and many others. They all call upon the new disease as the origin of it all.
   William Orton, whose escape from the County House was noticed in last week's DEMOCRAT, was arrested in Syracuse Sunday morning and returned Monday. He is the youngest son of the late Henry Orton and inherited a full share of his property. This deposited by the very careful guardians in the Syracuse Savings Bank yields enough to pay for a good proper board and care at the County Asylum.
   Mr. Fred Corl brought his wife down to stay a day or two with her parents today. The whole family of Perkins have been on the sick list for the past two weeks.
    ULI SLICK. [pen name]

   Morell Calkins is in the toils of "La grippe'' this week.
   It now looks as though our supply of ice will have to be imported from Arctic climes. [Warm weather, January 1890—CC editor.]
   Willis Smith has been dangerously ill with pneumonia during the past week, caused by taking cold after having the grippe. His condition now seems favorable.
   The following are the inducements offered by editor Clark of the Standard to subscribers in this vicinity during the past few months: He agrees to send the paper two months free, and at the end of that time they could have it one year for $1.00. We had supposed that Mr. Clark had entered into a sacred compact a few years ago, not to take less than $2.00. Are we right about this?
   CALUMET. [pen name]

   About every one seems to be in the fashion. They are having "La grippe."
   Mr. James Warden is quite sick with typhoid pneumonia. Dr. Hendricks is attending him.
   The funeral of Miss Anna Worden, of this place, was held from the Catholic church here on Monday last.
   Ira Baker gave a social party at his home on Friday evening last. Dancing was the favorite pastime of the evening.
   Phelps Bros, have built several fine sets of sleighs this winter. They have just completed a "dandy" set for Sager & Corcoran.

   Mrs. C. P. McVean is suffering from a severe attack of influenza.
   Those who attended the oyster supper on Wednesday evening last, report a pleasant time.
   The first victim of scarlet fever was buried here yesterday. A little daughter of Maurice Johnson.
   The public are invited to help the M. E. Society pay their pastor's salary by giving him a donation at Wiles' Hall on Wednesday evening, January 29th, 1890.
   There seems to be a general demand for about eighteen inches of snow, warranted to lie where it fails, and remain about three months.
   "CLEO." [pen name of correspondent]

   Professor Lathrop and James Smith are staying with friends in Lapeer over Sunday.
   The proprietor of our store is very lenient with the roughs. Ten dollars pays all damages.
   Harvy Tuttle sold his black team to parties south for the sum of $225, and he has more good teams left. Mr. Geo. Burton of Groton has agreed to work for Harvy Tuttle the coming summer at $22 per month.
   Rev. Mr. Topping spoke to an attentive audience, from these words "Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling."
   The la grippe has not only reached our place but inhabits most every house. It has already outlived its welcome and many will be glad to give it the go-by.
   A great change is about to take place here this spring. A. Stanton of Blodgett Mills will move on to Solomon Carr's farm. A. Metzgar on Mr. Tuttle's farm, L. Stanton on the Eaton place and many others too numerous to mention.
   At the Agricultural Bureau there was a prize offered to the one that raised the most potatoes from one pound of seed. Mrs. S. Klock of our town received the second premium, which was fifty dollars. Farmers or Grangers beat this if you can.
   KATE [pen name]

   John Burke and John Sears swapped horses the other day.
   John Lee crushed the end of one of his fingers last Monday by getting it caught in one of the cogwheels of the hand car that he was helping to lift from the R. R. track.
   John Sears, who has been living for several years on the farm owned by Duell & Benedict, is going to move on the Oliver Stafford farm about 1/2 mile north of State Bridge.
   The Teachers' Association is to be held in this place Saturday, Jan. 25. As this session bids fair to be one of especial interest let's all go. The entertainment committee have made arrangements to provide dinner for the teachers in the basement of the M. E. church.
   Curious to see the mail bag taken from the "crane,'' Mr. Sherman Sholes leisurely started to cross the R. R. track in advance of the rapidly approaching 5 o'clock mail and express. A warning screech from the engine and a dexterous grab by Verne Merrick, barely succeeded in getting the old gentleman across. While the rush of the passing train blew his scanty locks about his ears, he quietly remarked "guess he knew enough to get out of the way" but admitted the cars were nearer than he thought. It was indeed a very narrow escape which must have terminated in a sad accident only for the timely aid of young Merrick who is employed at the depot.

   George P. Miller is said to be dangerously ill.
   Mr. Harvey Hammond is reported as being very low.
   Business here is very dull; almost at a standstill. Would it be in order for some of our Republican friends to arise and explain?
   There are several new cases of grippe reported since last week. The old Russian bear sticks to this place like grim death to a dead nigger.
   Report says Wilfred Young has purchased the interest of the rest of the heirs in the farm formerly owned by John Young, deceased.
   Mr. J. M. Seacord is just recovering from an attack of pneumonia, the result of a relapse from la grippe. Dr. Higgins of Cortland attended him.
   UNCLE SI. [pen name]

   Wm. J. Mantanye Esq. was in town on Monday.
   Walter Adams of Syracuse, N. Y. was in town Tuesday.
   Moses Adams is dangerously ill at his home on Front street.
   Wm. Valentine died at his home about two miles north of this Village on Monday last.
   Elmer Schouton has purchased the milk route of Frank Corwin, and will hereafter distribute milk to his customers.
   Mrs. DeForrest Baker is confined to her home with a severe attack of pneumonia, and fears are entertained for her recovery.
   Mrs. Benj. Adams an old resident of this town died at her home on First street Monday afternoon. She was 77 years old. The funeral services are at the house on Thursday.
   *    *
      * [pen name symbol]

   Mrs. J. B. Briggs is on the sick list with the grippe.
   Mrs. Geo. Barker is one of the lucky number of those having the grippe.
   Homer Cummings commenced loading his maple logs on the cars at Preble on Monday.
   Our school commenced on Monday of this week. Mr. Jones, although not fully recovered from his illness, but by dint of exertion on his part is able to attend to the school duties.
   The funeral of Mr. Dix Hobert was held on Sunday afternoon last, at 1 o'clock, at the house of Dr. H. D. Hunt, a son-in-law of the deceased. He was seventy-six years of age. Rev. Mr. Curtis officiated.
   Matthias Van Hoesen is quite ill with the grippe, and it may well be said of his house that it is a hospital. His wife has been an invalid for a long time. Mrs. Green, his daughter, is in poor health, but keeps around, and Ryan Green came home on Sunday afternoon with both bones of his leg broken, caused by falling on the sidewalk in Cortland, on Saturday evening. He was in attendance at court as deputy. Albert V. H. Cummings brought him home.
   PETE. [pen name]

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