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D. L. & W. R. R. locomotive 1151 pulling passenger cars. |
The case of Michael E. Tierney against the
Syracuse, Binghamton &
New York
Railroad company, which has been on trial during the week in Part 1 of
the Circuit in the city of Syracuse held by Justice McLennan, resulted in a
verdict yesterday of ten thousand dollars.
The case is a novel one: It grew out of the
Rock Cut disaster which occurred on the 3rd of November, 1890. Rock Cut is
located about three miles south of Syracuse, and Tierney was engaged in the performance
of his duties on the coal train going south which had taken the side track at
Rock Cut to allow the express going north to pass. Tierney was on the engine
with Mr. Doyle, the engineer, and Mr. Fernan, the fireman. The engineer on the
passenger train was Mr. Burke and the fireman, Mr. Lee. As the passenger train
approached the switch the switchman, one Clark, lost his head in some way,
threw the switch, throwing the passenger train upon the switch where it
collided with the coal train on which Tierney was with his fellow-workmen,
killing both the fireman and engineer of the passenger train and also the
fireman and engineer of the freight train.
Tierney was the only one of the five that
survived a minute. The peculiarity of the case is that while the representatives
of Burke and Lee have been defeated and their cases thrown out of court without
a cent, Tierney has now recovered a verdict of ten thousand dollars. Tierney
recovered because he was an employee of the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western
Railroad company and not of the Syracuse, Binghamton & New York Railroad
company, by whose negligence, through their servant, Clark, he was injured.
The action was originally brought by Mr.
Schwartz of Elmira. Mr. Schwartz alleged in his complaint that Tierney was an
employee of the Syracuse, Binghamton & New York Railroad company, but an
amended complaint was put in after Mr. Schwartz's death, alleging that Tierney
was not at work for the Syracuse, Binghamton & New York Railroad company,
but was at work for the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad company,
and did not assume the risk of the negligence of the employees of the Syracuse,
Binghamton & New York company. The court held that Tierney was
right, after a vigorous contest on the part of the railroad company.
The case will be appealed of course. Jenney
& Marshall of Syracuse, assisted by Benjamin Stultz, appeared for the railroad
company and J. and T. E. Courtney of this village appeared for the plaintiff,
Mr. Tierney.
Birthday Surprise.
Yesterday was the birthday of Mr. E. D.
Wood and his wife determined to celebrate the event by entertaining a few
friends at their home, and to keep the whole matter a secret from her husband until
the proper time. And in this she was entirely successful.
Wood is the manager of the Wickwire Roller Flouring mills on Clinton-ave., and
was last evening busy in his office when his brother-in-law, Mr. J . F. Miller,
dropped in, as he frequently does for a little talk and smoke, saying that he
had left his wife at Mr. Wood's home on his way down. They talked until toward
8 o'clock when Mr. Wood proposed going up to the house, but Mr. Miller wanted to
finish his cigar first. Mr. Wood proposed this a second time a little later,
but Mr. Miller was still engaged with the same cigar. About 8:30, however, they
did go up to Mr. Wood's home at 109 1/2 Clinton-ave., and, as they opened the
door, Mr. Wood was completely astounded to find the house full of his friends
who gave him a joyful welcome home and began to congratulate him on the
It didn't take Mr. Wood long to recover from
his surprise and he entered fully into the spirit of the affair. Mrs. Wood soon
served very nice refreshments and all did full justice to them. Toward 10 o'clock
Mr. Davenport arose and in behalf of the assembled company presented Mr. Wood
with a handsome easy chair which had in some way found its way into the house.
Mr. Wood responded in a happy manner, and the evening altogether was thoroughly
enjoyed by all.
—Mr. Arch W. Stevens has engaged Mr. Coley
Chadwick to assist in his barber shop on Railroad-st. and is now running four
—The Chautauqua circle will meet with Mrs. J.
O. Reid on Main-st., Monday evening, Oct. 16. Election of officers will occur
at that time.
—There will be a sociable of the
Presbyterian church and society this evening at the church parlors. Supper will
be served from 5:30 t o 8 o'clock.
—We publish to-day another in the series of
trade articles that have from time to time appeared in The STANDARD. Every
advertiser should read it.
—Mrs. H. A. Bolles had her black horses,
Smith and Powell, weighed yesterday, and they both weighed in the same notch on
two different sets of scales, 1,176 pounds each. This is certainly a strange
—A lady 58 years of age died in an electric
car in Syracuse yesterday. She had just told the conductor at what street she
wanted to get off. The conductor stopped the car for her a moment later at the
street and the lady did not rise. Investigation showed that she was dead. The
cause was said to be heart failure.
—The famous "Hannah Stump, " an ancient
landmark about which is told an interesting legend connected with the early
history of Virgil, is a thing of the past, Commissioner Shultz having found it
necessary to blast away the rock underneath its lofty place in order to protect
the highway at that point.—Dryden Herald.
—A colored man in the Onondaga penitentiary
made an assault on a keeper yesterday morning and a hard fight followed. The
negro seemed to be getting the better of it until the keeper drew his revolver
and fired. The bullet made a slight flesh wound in the leg, but the convict
halted for a moment and was overpowered by other keepers who had rushed to the
scene at the sound of the scuffle.
—The D., L
& W. R. R. yesterday at the two ticket offices in Cortland, sold seventy
tickets for the World's Fair. The special car that went from Cortland was added
to a special train at Binghamton and went straight through without the delay at
Binghamton that has been customary on former occasions, while waiting for the
regular train. There were over one thousand World's Fair excursionists on the
D., L. & W. system yesterday.
Second Section Crashes into the First Section While That Was Stopping for
JACKSON, Mich., Oct. 13.—A terrible wreck
occurred this morning at about 9 o'clock,
one hundred yards east of the passenger depot on the Michigan Central R. R. in
this city. Hacks and undertakers' wagons are rapidly taking away the dead and
wounded. An excursion train from the East was standing at the depot when
another excursion train pulled in. The engineer lost control of his air brakes
and could not stop his train, and it rushed at the rate of forty miles an hour
into the rear end of the train ahead, plowing under it and throwing the cars in
all directions. Nine cars join in the ruin and the engine is smashed beyond all
recognition. The trains were composed of D., L. & W. day coaches, all of
them excursion specials. The first
section had stopped to let the passengers take breakfast. It had been standing
at the depot about twenty-six minutes when the second section came crashing
into it. The signal was up all right, but the engineer claims that his air
brakes would not work and he was powerless to avoid the accident. There were
eighteen people killed and thirty-four wounded, some of them probably fatally. Most
of the injured were from the vicinity of Elmira.
and Homer People All Right—Two Telegrams.
The following telegrams were received at the
STANDARD office at 1 o'clock this afternoon:
Oct. 13.
Terrible accident at Jackson, Mich. Cortland
and Homer people in special car safe. All Cortland and Homer people undoubtedly
safe, as telescoped cars are on other end of train,
Oct. 13.
Wm. H.
Serious wreck at Jackson, Mich. Cortland and
Homer people all right.
A. D.
Wallace, Proprietor.
'Tis said that there are two things that no
man should choose for another—a wife and a hotel—for the only reward one is apt
to get for his service is the ill will of the one for whom he may choose, as
tastes differ so greatly that a wife or a hotel that would be highly
satisfactory to one man may come very far from suiting another, yet we dare to
recommend the Hotel Brunswick, for this is one of those liberally managed,
homelike hotels that everybody likes and the proprietor, Mr. A. D. Wallace, is
untiring in his efforts to make his guests feel at home, to lodge them well,
and treat them well in every respect, and the facilities at his command are
such as to enable him more than satisfactory benefits and rates.
The Hotel Brunswick [57-59 Main Street] has two dining rooms,
one up stairs and one down stairs which is also used as a restaurant, also a
large and commodious parlor, comfortably furnished and well-equipped throughout
with all the modern conveniences. In conjunction there is conducted a first-class
bar where all of the finest and best "soft drinks" are always to be
found, also is attached a first-class billiard and pool room. Mr. Wallace has been
connected with the management of this house for the past nine years and
succeeded the firm of Wallace Brothers June first. He is widely known
hereabouts and extremely popular with all who are acquainted with him.
Mr. A. D. Wallace is one of Cortland's most
popular, enterprising and wideawake business men and is highly esteemed for
his sterling personal worth. Mr. A. D. Wallace is also a member of the Order of
Elks, is the only 32nd degree mason in Cortland, and the only gentleman who wears
the double eagle of the order in town.
Millinery, Hats and Bonnets.
The deservedly popular and admirably
conducted millinery store of Mrs. T. Everts is the center of attraction to the
female portion of this community, being, by common consent, one of the leading
and best equipped houses of this nature in Cortland. There being here always
displayed the latest and most correct styles in bonnets and hats, Parisian
novelties in millinery, exquisite trimmings, flowers and feathers in great
variety, while at all times purchasers may rely upon receiving excellent
articles, satisfactory treatment and courteous attention. This establishment
which may justly be styled the Bon Marche of Cortland was established
here some twelve years ago and bounded at once into public prominence, the
patronage growing steadily from the start until now it is exceedingly large.
The premises occupied over No. 30 Main-st.
are attractively fitted up and tastefully arranged, while an extensive and varied
stock is constantly carried. A number of skilled trimmers are employed and no
pains are spared to render the utmost satisfaction in every instance to
patrons. Mrs. Everts is a business woman of enterprise and untiring industry
and fully merits the large and substantial patronage accorded her.
Mrs. Everts is at present in New York
selecting stock and as her judgment is of a
superior order we can safely state that the styles will be the latest and the stock
one of the largest in Cortland. Mrs. Everts is esteemed for those attributes of
geniality and integrity which cause ties of the strongest friendship.
The Fair
This popular establishment, known as the
"Fair Store" and conducted by Messrs. Yager & Marshall, ranks among
the leading houses of this nature in Cortland, and is worthy of liberal mention
in a work of this nature. This store is one of the handsomest and most eligibly
situated in town. No establishment offers greater inducements to the purchaser
than this and no establishment is more widely known or enjoys a larger trade.
The stock carried embraces everything in the line of ladies' and gents'
furnishings, notions, glass ware, books, stationery, holiday goods, plated
ware, plain and japanned tinware, etc., including such fabrics, novelties and
original notions as are constantly making their appearance in the marts of the
Messrs. Yager and Marshall make a specialty
of crockery, lamps, pictures and picture framing, and while the grade of goods
can always be relied upon the prices remain reasonable. This business has ever
continued with a constantly growing patronage. The popularity of the house is
due to the liberal policy and prompt, equitable business methods which
characterize all its transactions, as well as the cordial manner in which
visitors are received by each of the small army of clerks and the general
excellence of the stock carried. Doing a business that has reached large
proportions both in the town and country, this house affords facilities for
purchasers unsurpassed in Cortland, both from the advantages derived from its
great resources and the enterprise displayed in its management.
Messrs. Yager and Marshall are both
gentlemen of large business capacity, highly regarded in commercial circles.
They have always given a liberal and public support to all measures having for
its object the welfare and prosperity of the town and there is no house more
deserving than this of the success it has achieved.
Coffees, Baking Powder, Etc.
F. M.
Quick, Manager.
Chief among the popular business houses
engaged in the tea and coffee business in this portion of New York state is
that of the Grand Union Tea company. The premises occupied are spacious,
commodious, admirably arranged and fitted up in the neatest and most attractive
manner possible. The stock carried is very comprehensive and well selected,
embracing a fine assortment of the choicest teas, coffees, spices, also baking
powder which they make a specialty of. As they have over one hundred stores,
with headquarters in New York City, it makes for them an exceedingly large
outlet for goods and makes the connections of this house, both with producers
and customers, of the most advantageous character.
The trade of this branch extends throughout
the town and vicinity. The manager, Mr. F. M. Quick, has had a long and
practical experience in the tea trade. Large buyers and families find it
desirable and profitable to make their purchases from the Grand Union Tea Co.
The reason for this may be discovered in the first-class unadulterated goods,
low prices and the strictest integrity that has ever characterized its
transactions, while the teas, coffees, and spices, are always fresh and of the
best quality. Mr. Quick has conducted this business here for the past four
One of the means this house has utilized to
encourage trade is the division of profits by giving to all patrons who
purchase teas, coffees, or baking powder a handsome present, the donee making
their own choice as there is a varied stock of presents to select from. Mr.
Quick is a business man of rare and natural business abilities whose enterprise
has had much to do in the enlarging of his circle of patrons. He is a conscientious
dealer and stands deservedly high in both social and commercial circles.
Furnisher, Etc.
One of the oldest, most active, enterprising
and popular business houses in Cortland is that of Mr. I. Whiteson, whose store
is eligibly located in the heart of the business center at 34 Main-st. This
business was established 13 years ago, and has ever catered to the public wants
in a most satisfactory manner. Mr. Whiteson has by strict attention to business
coupled with a straightforward system of honorable dealings built up a large
and permanent patronage. His store is filled to repletion with a most extensive
and well selected stock of foreign and domestic cloths for tailoring purposes,
also men's, youths' and boys' clothing made up from the best grades and nicest
patterns of suitings in the latest styles, by the best of workmen. Also is
carried an elaborate line of men's furnishings, hats, caps, etc., in infinite variety
and design, representing the latest styles in New York and other fashionable centers.
In truth this house's reputation for excellence is unsurpassed, while the stock
carried and the facilities offered to the public make it a pleasure to trade there.
Mr. I. Whiteson is a gentleman of great
energy and very agreeable manners and the many persons visiting his store are
treated in a most cordial manner. The
knowing how, when and where to buy a stock of goods is an important element in
any business, this gentleman possessing this knowledge in an eminent degree,
enables him to give his customers the benefit of his ability and to furnish them
good goods at greatly reduced prices.
Mr. Whiteson is also the only manufacturer
of clothing in Cortland. His workshop occupies a space of 25 by 100 feet where
is manufactured only the best quality of clothing, which are sold both
wholesale and retail. Thirty capable and experienced workmen are constantly employed.
Mr. Whiteson is entitled to and enjoys the esteem and regard of the community,
while his house ranks as a leader. Mr. Whiteson is a courteous, genial
gentleman who ever takes an active interest in all that pertains to the welfare
of his town.
and Provisions.
The substantial growth of Cortland in all
departments of business within the last few years is due to the untiring
energy, industry and capacity of her leading merchants, among which is James S.
Squires, dealer in groceries, provisions, etc. This gentleman has been in
business for the past 40 years and always sustained an excellent reputation for
honorable straightforward dealing and sterling integrity, and enjoys a splendid
patronage. Mr. Squires long experience in his business makes him familiar with
what the public require and his facilities enable him to offer special
advantage to customers. These facts amply show the secret of success and why
the people prefer to trade at his establishment in preference to others in the
same line of business. Mr. Squires is highly respected in commercial circles and
is personally very popular. The growth and enterprise of his business can justly
be attributed to the untiring energy and enterprise of the proprietor and the
able manner in which his affairs are conducted.
Mr. James S. Squires has been identified with
the material growth and prosperity of this town since 1858, during which time
he has held many responsible positions. In 1869 Mr. Squires became president of
the bank of Cortland which position he filled for 15 years. He was prominently instrumental
in securing the location of the State Normal school. Ha was made treasurer of
the Ithaca and Cortland railroad, and of the Utica, Chenango and Cortland
railroad. He gave liberally to the fund for the erection of the Baptist church
in Cortland, of which he has been a faithful member. Ha was elected trustee of
the society in 1858 and has held the office ever since. He was appointed
treasurer in 1860 and still holds that position and many others. In fact Mr.
Squires has held more prominent positions than any other gentleman in Cortland.
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