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Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R. engine with cowcatcher in front. |
Cortland Evening Standard, Thursday,
October 5, 1893.
He Was
Walking on the D. L. & W. Track and Didn't Hear the Whistle.
As the 9:59 southbound vestibuled limited
train on the D. L. & W. R. R. rounded the curve at the foot of the
hill above the railroad bridge this morning, running at the rate of about fifty
miles an hour, Engineer Tibbitts saw an old gentleman walking on the track in
front of him. After whistling for the station at the bridge, as is customary,
he gave a series of short toots, ending with a long and continuous whistle,
and, as the old gentleman didn't seem to pay any attention, he instantly
applied the air brakes, but it was too late. The engine struck him when about
sixty feet north of the Grant-st. crossing and threw him forward and to the
right. He landed in the ditch beside the track in the mud and slid along the
soft and slippery mud for nearly thirty feet. The train reached a standstill at
a point about midway between Grant-st. and Clinton-ave. and at once backed up
to the scene of the accident. The old gentleman was Mr. George Tracy, aged 74
years, the father of Mrs. B. R. Carpenter of Cortland. The whistling attracted
the attention of Richard Sevenoaks, the D. L. & W. detective, who was
riding in the baggage car of the train, and he looked out in time to see the man
thrown from the track. Down at the station the whistling was heard, and when
the train was observed to stop and back up several people started to rush up
The first person to arrive at the scene was
Herbert W. Knight. He was driving a grocery wagon and crossed the track on
Grant-st. going east a few minutes before the train came down. As he passed the
end of Pearne-ave. he saw Mr. Tracy standing by the fence up there talking
with Mr. Martin Edgcomb, whose property lies between the railroad and Pearne
ave. After delivering some groceries east of the tracks on Grant-st., Mr.
Knight started to return to Main-st. As he drove up to the track the northbound
through freight was going up on the east track. Just before that had cleared
the crossing, the vestibuled limited came down the west track whistling in a
terrific manner.
As quickly as it passed Grant-st., Mr.
Knight drove across the track and saw the body of Mr. Tracy lying beside the
track in the ditch about thirty feet north of the side walk. He noticed that
the train was stopping and, concluding that there had been an accident, he left
his horse and ran up to where Mr. Tracy lay. He recognized him instantly, and
found that he was dead. His clothing was badly torn. He had been wearing a pair
of rubber boots and a silk hat. The boots were both pulled off and lay up on the
bank about twenty feet apart, and as far as that from Mr. Tracy. The hat was
not noticed at the time, but about 1 o'clock this afternoon was discovered
clear up by the railroad fence, at least fifty feet from where the collision
occurred. A bunch of keys and a large white handled pocket knife were found in
the grass on the bank beside the track. The mud, from which the water had
receded leaving it slimy, showed very plainly the traces of where the man had
slid along through it after he had struck the ground, and there are to be seen
frequent marks of blood. From the character of the injuries it appears that the
cowcatcher must have knocked his feet out from under him and his back struck
the front part of the engine.
The remains were placed in the baggage car
and taken down to the station and were subsequently removed to the undertaking
rooms of Fletcher & Blackman. Coroner W. J. Moore was at the D. L. &
W. station just about taking the train for Syracuse, but he did not go, and
at once took charge of the remains. Coroner George D. Bradford of Homer was also
summoned, and the two made the medical examination. They found that both
condials [condyles] of the left humerus were broken, and that there was a large
scalp wound extending from near the crown of the head toward the back and left
about four inches. A piece of the skull about the size of a silver dollar was
crushed into the brain and the back was broken in two different places—between
the first and second dorsal vertebra and at about the twelfth dorsal vertebra.
The shoulder blade and collar bone were also broken.
Coroner W. J. Moore summoned the following
jury: Dr. I. A. Beach, foreman; David C. Beers, W. E. Howard, Chauncey D. Hyde,
Frank Bosworth, Charles H. Ryan, Henry Bates, J, L. Watrous. The jury viewed the
remains at the morgue at noon to-day and adjourned the inquest till to-morrow
morning at 9 o'clock at Coroner Moore's office.
Mr. Tracy was a native of Connecticut and
lived there until about fifteen years ago when he removed to Groton. About six
years ago he moved to Cortland and has since made his home with his daughter,
Mrs. B. R. Carpenter. He leaves a wife and two children, Mrs. Carpenter and Mr.
Henry G. Tracy of Chicago.
The funeral will be held on Saturday at 3
o'clock at the residence of Mr. B
Carpenter, 82 N. Main-st.
Railroad Company Exonerated from all Blame.
Evening Standard, Friday, October 6, 1893.]
At 9 o'clock this morning the coroner's jury
met and went to the scene of the accident, where Mr. George Tracy was killed
yesterday. After viewing the grounds and taking some measurements, the jury
walked down the track and viewed the engine at the D. L. & W.
station as it came in at 10 o'clock. They then went to Coroner Moore's office,
where testimony was given.
Henry W. Tibbitts was the first witness
sworn. He said: "I reside in Syracuse. I am a locomotive engineer. On the
morning of Oct. 5 I was running on No. 4, due in Cortland at 9:59. I usually
blow the whistle for the Cortland station [at] the first bridge north toward
Homer. I blew the whistle there yesterday morning. I noticed the man on the
track only a few seconds after I finished blowing the whistle. He was on the
right hand side of the southbound track, on the outside of the rail, and was
looking straight ahead. When I saw the man I tooted the whistle. He did not
seem to pay any attention to it. I then applied the brakes. A few seconds later
the man was struck. The pilot beam on the right side of the engine hit the man.
We ran about 50 or 60 rods after striking the man. I backed up and took the
body on board the train. The man was struck about forty feet to the north of
Grant-st. crossing. There was no freight train passing by till after we struck
him. He was thrown up in the air. I did not see where he came down till after
we backed up. The whistle was blowing at
the time we struck him. Appeared to be looking straight ahead. The freight
train was coming up. The train had slackened speed before it struck him. The
bell was also ringing at the same time. I don't know whether he saw the freight
train or not. Had he moved a foot to the right he would not have been hit. We left
Homer on time. Ordinarily we run at about thirty miles an hour from the bridge
to Cortland."
Detective Richard Sevenoakes was the next
witness called. His testimony in substance is as follows: "I reside in
Syracuse. I am a railroad policeman for the D. L. & W. R. R. Co. I was on
board train No. 4 on Oct. 5. I heard the whistle blown for the Cortland
station. I stood on the platform between the smoking car and the ladies' car. I
stood looking out of the window of the door. The train is a vestibule. I heard
the whistle for the station. I heard then the whistle of danger and partly
stepped down to the first step when I heard the air [brakes apply.] I looked
forward and saw this old gentleman in the air and saw him fall beside the
track. After the train came to a stop I told the conductor that we had struck a
man just above the crossing. He motioned for the train to back up. As we were
backing up a young man who was driving a delivery wagon, stopped his horse and came
to where the man was lying. The man was lying on his back about 32 or 35 feet
from the walk crossing the track on the north side of the street, in the ditch
to the right of the track coming toward Cortland. The man was dead when I got
there. I asked the young man who he was and he said his name was Tracy and that
we could put him in his delivery wagon and he would take him home. We got a
board and carried him to the baggage car and be was brought to Cortland. I saw
no freight train passing at the time."
Dr. G. D. Burdick of Homer was the next
witness called. He said: "I am a practicing physician and surgeon in
Cortland county and reside at Homer, N. Y. I was ordered on Oct. 5 to make a
post mortem examination on the body of George
Tracy. I first saw the body in the undertaking wagon, afterwards in Fletcher
& Blackman's undertaking rooms. The man was apparently 70 years of age and
upwards. The clothing was removed and the body seemed to be well nourished for
a man of that age and the examination of the body showed no abrasions below the
hips. The upper part of the body was free from external marks of injury, which
showed a black and blue spot near the elbow joint. There was also a deformity
of the elbow joint. Examination showed that the lower part of the humerus and
the condials were broken. There were no marks on the anterior surface of the
trunk or face. Turning the body over, the posterior surface showed where the skin
had been brushed off near the shoulder and above the hips. There seemed to be a
breaking off of the dorsal vertebrae. The upper dorsal vertebrae were broken.
To the back part of the head there was a scalp wound extending from the crown
to the back and left about four inches. It was not a clean cut, but apparently
a bruise. At the bottom of this cut was a fracture of the bones of the cranium
and a depressed piece about the size of a silver dollar was driven on to the
brain. It looked as if it had been struck by some small body, like a hammer, to
drive the skull in that way. The hands showed a yellow clay as if the man had
been upon his hands in the dirt. That was all I remember I observed on the
Herbert W. Knight was the last witness
called. He gave the following testimony: "I was driving a grocery wagon
yesterday. On the morning of Oct. 5 I was on Grant-st. between the hours of
9:50 and 10 o'clock, near the crossing. I saw Mr. Tracy talking with Martin
Edgcomb on East Main-st. After delivering some goods and returning to the
crossing, I was stopped by a freight train coming on the east track. I was
looking south at that train and did not see Mr. Tracy. I waited a few seconds
till after the freight train passed. The engine of the freight train was at the
crossing at the time the passenger [train] passed by. I heard the whistles, but
did not think of an accident and supposed it was because of the number of
trains near the depot. After the freight train passed I drove across the track
and noticed the man in the ditch. Went to see whether he was injured or
intoxicated. While looking at him I noticed that the passenger train had
stopped and was backing up. His body lay about thirty-five feet from the north
crosswalk. He was lying on his back with his head toward the north. The latter
was s little to one side. l am acquainted with Mr. Tracy and recognized the
body. I did not assist in removing the body. He was not very hard of hearing,
but was absent-minded, would walk along without paying any attention to things
going on around him. I saw no one at the crossing except Mrs. Fuller. I was
driving a team for Mr. Halbert."
The jury went out at 11:50 o'clock. The jury came in at 12:30 o'clock this afternoon and brought in the following verdict: "That George Tracy came to his death in the village of Cortland, N. Y., on the fifth day of October, 1893, at about 10 A. M., by being struck by the pilot beam of the engine drawing train No. 4, on the S. B. & N. Y. division of the D. L. &W. R. R., north of the Grant-st. crossing in the village of Cortland. N. Y., while walking on the track of said railroad and that there was no negligence on the part of the railroad company or any of its employees."
The jury went out at 11:50 o'clock. The jury came in at 12:30 o'clock this afternoon and brought in the following verdict: "That George Tracy came to his death in the village of Cortland, N. Y., on the fifth day of October, 1893, at about 10 A. M., by being struck by the pilot beam of the engine drawing train No. 4, on the S. B. & N. Y. division of the D. L. &W. R. R., north of the Grant-st. crossing in the village of Cortland. N. Y., while walking on the track of said railroad and that there was no negligence on the part of the railroad company or any of its employees."
The inquest was then adjourned.
The remains were taken from Fletcher &
Blackman's undertaking rooms to the house of Mr. B. R. Carpenter on North Main-st.
at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon.
to the Basement—No Very Serious Damage.
About 2:30 o'clock this morning night
watchman Jacob Whitmarsh discovered a fire in the northeast corner of the
basement of the office building of the Cortland Chair and Cabinet Co. on
Main-st. He quickly ran to box 142 on the corner of Main and Union-sts. Owing
to the rain which is supposed to have grounded the connections the firebell did
not strike off the number of the box properly, but it was correctly registered.
Mr. A. E. Darby rang the firebell and the department were [sic] soon on the
scene. The Emeralds arrived before the ether companies and had a stream of
water on before the Orris, who came in second. The Hitchcocks came in third and
the Water Witch fourth.
The Hooks were one of the first companies to
arrive and had ladders on the building by the time a stream of water was
started. Three streams of water were soon pouring into the basement, where the
fire was confined. No water was thrown into the upper rooms of the building and
the stock was little damaged by water. The smoke, however, considerably damaged
the silk, satin and plush upholstering and tapestry. After gallant work by the
firemen the fire was at last extinguished. The cause of the fire is believed to
be spontaneous combustion. It is a wonder that the fire did not spread farther,
as there was a quantity of paints and varnishes in the basement, but the fire did
not quite reach it. The loss is fully covered by insurance.
—The Hotel de Bulkley gives a private party
to its boarders to-night.
—The loyal circle of King's Daughters will
meet in their room, 9 Clinton-ave., Saturday, Oct. 7, at 2:30 P. M.
—On Sunday, Oct. 8, at 4 o'clock, P. M.,
Rev. W. H. Pound will preach at the East Side reading-room.
—The Normal boys go to McLean tonight to try
the case [student play—CC editor] of Singleheart vs. Do-Em-Up. Prof. Banta
accompanies them to act as judge.
—S. J.
Parmiter & Son expect in a few weeks to start an umbrella factory in the
Wickwire building over their present store on Railroad-st. They will
manufacture all grades of umbrellas.
—John Hodgson, alderman from the fourth
ward, has sold through Mr. F.
Harrington to N. F. Allen of New York City, his bay mare "Maggie H."
for $300. She was shipped yesterday afternoon to New York.
—The Onondaga penitentiary is filled to its
maximum capacity at this time.
There are
286 male prisoners, nineteen women and twenty-nine jail prisoners on its books,
and it has been found a problem to quarter all the convicts committed to its
—The Chaftee case was called at 10:30 o'clock
this morning and Louis Kistler was the first witness on the stand. His testimony
was substantially the same as previously published at the time of the coroner's
inquest. The case was adjourned at noon and was called at 1:30 P. M. Mr.
Kistler was again called to the witness stand.
—Editors of all Republican newspapers in the
state, daily or weekly, are invited to attend the annual meeting of the State
Republican Editors' association, to be held at the Yates hotel in Syracuse at 10
A. M., Friday, Oct. 6. The business will include annual election of officers and
matters of special interest to all Republican editors.
—The monthly tea meeting of the Woman's Foreign
Missionary society of the First Methodist church was held last evening at the
parsonage, and was a very pleasant affair. There were seventy-eight present.
This is the first meeting under the administration of the new president, Miss
Mira Haskins, and it augers well for other meetings and similar gatherings.
—The regular meeting of the Woman's Missionary
society of the Congregational church will be held in the church parlors on
Friday, Oct. 6, at 3 o'clock. Ladies are requested to be present early. An attractive
and interesting program will be presented and the work of "Alaska" will
be taken up. The usual ten-cent tea will be served from six to eight P. M. to
which all are cordially invited. A special invitation is extended to strangers.
—A dispatch from St. Paul to the New York
Sun gives evidence that the matter which has heretofore been referred to in The
STANDARD is receiving attention elsewhere. The Sun says: "It has been the
practice in the public school for the janitors to collect all the lead and
slate pencils after school hours, and distribute them indiscriminately in the
morning. Health Commissioner Hoyt has requested that hereafter each pupil retain
his own pencils, as there is reason to believe that diphtheria and other
diseases have resulted from children putting in their mouths pencils that have
been used by others.
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Emma Goldman. |
Only Have to Answer For Her Union Square Speech.
NEW YORK, Oct. 5.—Emma Goldman, the
anarchist, was brought to trial for her fierce utterances at the recent
anarchist meetings. Three indictments were found against her by the September
grand jury, but it is probable the district attorney will only ask for
conviction in the present trial for her speech at the Union square meeting on
Aug. 21. Miss Goldman, who has been out on bail, came into court accompanied by
her bondsman, Dr. Hoffman, Justus Schwab and several of her anarchist friends.
She was plainly dressed in black. Her counsel is ex-Mayor A. Oakey Hall.
Assistant District Attorney Mclntyre opened
the case for the prosecution. The only witness called so far was Detective Sergeant
Charles Jacobs. He testified that he sat directly behind the defendant on the
night in question and took notes from her speech in German. He read a number of
extracts from her speech, which were of a most seditious nature. He was cross-examined
by A. Oakey Hall as to his knowledge of German.
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