Thursday, January 26, 2017


Cortland Evening Standard, Wednesday, November 8, 1893.


The Great Victory.
   The result of yesterday's election is a rebuke to those whose faith in the people has wavered or failed. The work of education may be slow and costly, but once let the voters be convinced of the truth and their votes go straight to the mark, and with the swiftness and power of a thunderbolt. Democratic voters, or voters who were Democratic last year, are entitled to the credit for the revolt of Tuesday's election. The uprising of the independent and intelligent element of that party against a corrupt and pliant judiciary is one of the most encouraging events in recent political history.
   When in both of the great political parties there shall be a class large enough, intelligent enough, patriotic enough and fearless enough to strike down any nominee who represents violence to the fundamental principles of Republican institutions, or to rebuke the party nominating him by a wholesale and crushing defeat, the safety of the republic will be assured. Republicans have heretofore been inclined to claim a monopoly of this independence, but henceforth the credit will be divided. All honor to the independent voter, whether Democratic or Republican, who is a patriot before he is a partisan, and who wears no man's ring or collar!
   Democrats have saved the judiciary of this state from the greatest humiliation and disgrace which has ever threatened it—a disgrace and a humiliation which a corrupt and brutal Democratic machine sought to put upon it. No man will henceforth recklessly try to buy judicial preferment by playing the thief for party profit, and no party bosses will lightly seek to use a judgeship as a reward for crime committed for party benefit.
   The independent Democratic voter in this state was not satisfied with simply beating Maynard. He reached for the men who were back of Maynard, whose tool this man was and whose dirty work he did and who are responsible for a multitude of political outrages. The defeat of the entire state ticket and the election of a Republican legislature was the method taken to plant a blow squarely in the face of Hill, Murphy, Croker, McLaughlin and Sheehan—and it was a blow which staggered them, if it has not crippled them and loosed their hold on power forever.
   The result in other states shows plainly, however, that these agencies were not the only ones at work in New York. McKinley's immense majority, Pennsylvania's thunder, and the emphatic Republican victories in New Jersey, Iowa and Massachusetts show what these other agencies were. The people believe that the acute financial distress of this year has been due to Democratic weakness, hesitancy and delay in dealing with the currency question. They believe that the paralysis which has fallen upon industry, the closed shops, the idle spindles, the unemployed laborers, are due to Democratic threats against the protective tariff, and are the direct and legitimate results of last fall's Democratic victory. They did not know practically what tariff reform meant a year ago. Now they know. They have had the knowledge pounded into them in that hardest but most thorough of all schools, experience. They have learned the lesson and learned it well. And if the present Democratic congress carries out the promise of a platform which declares protection unconstitutional, the tidal wave of 1896 will make the one of this year seem like a ripple on the surface of a summer sea.
Sparks From the Political Burning.
   Justice, long delayed, is done.
   The court of appeals can't reverse this decision.
   The mills of the gods grind slowly, but they get there just the same.
   All is not lost to Democracy. Maryland, Virginia and Kentucky are safe.
   Government of the people, by the people and for the people shall not perish from the earth.
   For president in 1896, William McKinley of Ohio. For vice-president, Tom Reed of Maine.
   It was a tidal wave. It was a landslide. It was anything and everything which knocks a party out.
   Wanted, a search light and a search warrant to find the remains of Maynard, provided they can be identified.
   The end of the tariff poker which congress has been proposing to take hold of is slightly incandescent just about now.
   Tariff-reform wasn't in it on Election day. The reform that the people were after was of another and a very different kind.
   No stays of proceedings from ring judges could stop the people from getting their rights this time. They took the matter into their own hands.
   Lincoln was right. All the people can be fooled some of the time and some of the people can be fooled all the time, but no one can fool all the people all the time.
   Gerrymandering, false registration, colonization, stuffed and violated ballot boxes, bullying and corruption are but spiders' webs when the people arise in their might.
   What a glorious encouragement to the distinguished Democrats, who are preparing to tinker the tariff, the election returns will be. To use one of Lincoln expressions, it will be a wonder if they don't ''turn tail and run."
   Governor Flower is kind enough to say that the result "can be attributed only to the business depression and the thousands of men out of work." Business depression isn't what ails Maynard—or the men who tried to force him on the people of the state of New York.
   Maynard is vindicated; "Blue-eyed Billy "Sheehan is vindicated; the Honorable David B. Hill is vindicated; Richard Croker is vindicated; gerrymandering the state is vindicated; purloining public records is vindicated—but a few more vindications of the same kind and the place which has known the Tammany machine will be an aching void.
   Is Maynard as proud as he used to be of stealing public records? And is he proud of the opinion which the state has expressed of him? Pride, of his kind, goeth before destruction, and in this instance it vent only a short distance before. Pride of all kinds is in danger of a fall, but Maynard's not only fell but had a pile driver strike it with a sickening thud. Poor Maynard! Poor pride!
   McKane of Gravesend should now be put in pickle by Boss Croker and carefully preserved for the next Democratic nomination for the court of appeals. McKane has lately been performing the "proudest act of his life" in the interest of the machine. Along with him should also be preserved the record of the Democratic vote which he polled. As a manufacturer of votes and voters McKane has never been surpassed— considering his opportunities—even by Tweed.
   A Cortland mechanic who voted last year for a change, and this year voted to change back, explained his reasons as follows: "When you take a man off from sirloin steak and put him onto codfish tail, he won't stand it." The compulsory eating of codfish tail has made a host of workingmen all over the Union long for the sirloin steak times of Republican rule—and when they came to vote they voted against the fish tail and in favor of the steak.
   The top of the morning and heartiest congratulations to the Republicans and their Democratic allies who have made the Democratic wilderness of Willet blossom out with the first Republican majority since the morning stars sang together! And double-barreled congratulations to Major General Willson Greene, late Democratic commander-in-chief in that town, for his share in the victory. He is entitled to wear a rooster in his hat and put three or four extra lifts on the soles of his boots. Hoopla! Willet! Hoopla Greene!

The County.
   Cortland county covers itself with glory. Not only does it handsomely increase its Republican majority over that of last year, but it elects every Republican candidate, both county and district. The word which went out from Democratic headquarters in the closing days of the campaign to drop Maynard and bend every energy to saving the legislature resulted in a special attack on Mr. Lee, but he came out with flying colors. Mr. Miller made a notable run for school commissioner against the combined Democratic, Prohibition and W. C. T. U. forces, and Dr. Van Hoesen proved more than a match for the present Democratic commissioner, Mr. Coon, the strongest man the party could put in the field. It was a great day for Republicanism in little Cortland—as well as elsewhere.

How It Was Done.
   The people did it. The money and the organization were with the Democrats. The New York Sun taunted the Republicans with having no money, no organization, no enthusiasm and no hope. The campaign was certainly one of the most quiet of recent years, and outside of a few cities seemed almost devoid of interest. There were few speeches and no processions. But the people had been doing a vast amount of quiet thinking and they did an equal amount of quiet but effective voting. After the votes were counted, it was a question whether Democrats or Republicans were the more surprised at the result. It was the triumph of the thinking, independent voter—and of such triumphs the country cannot have too many.   
   There is hardly a Republican in Cortland, who, while he rejoices over the general result, does not wish that Hugh Duffey's year to receive a state nomination might have been some more Democratic year than 1893. His party has put few better candidates in the field at any time. He is vastly the superior of the present state treasurer and from a partisan standpoint has earned and deserves any office in the Democratic gift for which he would ask. He has marked executive ability, is a public spirited citizen and a kindly, generous and honest man—too much of a man in fact to suffer the consequences of Maynard's infamy and go down with the craft to which this discredited judge was a Jonah whom the officers would not throw overboard.

Gleanings of News From our Twin Village.
   The village fathers have given notice that no farther football will be allowed on the green. It would seem that football was entirely harmless and as our green cannot be a park it would be better used as a common for the amusement of the boys and young men. Croquet and tennis courts would also adorn rather than mar its beauty. It is a pity that we cannot have a beautiful park laid out with gravel walks, flower beds, fountains, statuary and shrubbery, but if we cannot, better let the boys get what good out of it they can.
   Manager Ripley advertises a social party to be given at Keator opera house Friday evening, Nov. 17. Music by "Happy Bill" Daniels' orchestra. Tickets 50 cents.
   A carload of gentlemen went to Cortland last evening to hear the election returns at the political headquarters. They returned at about midnight.
   Election passed off quietly yesterday. A large number of women were registered but very few presented themselves at the polls and of these a number refused to swear their votes in as was required by the election bonds. In district No. 2, four ladies voted; in No. 3, two ladies voted; in No. 4, sixteen ladies swore in their votes. This gave use to the only heated arguments that marred the good feeling which existed among the workers at the polls.
   A great deal of interest is manifested in the coming phantom drill and sheet and pillowcase party to be given in Brockway hall, Thursday evening, Nov. 9, under the management of Messrs. Earl Fowler and N. H. Waters. The phantom drill, which is the very realization of all that is ghostly and unearthly, will be performed by 16 ladies from Cortland society, under the direction of Dr. E. M. Santee. Each individual, excepting spectators, is expected to bring a sheet and pillowcase and can secure a mask at the hall. Over one hundred invitations are out and every effort has been made to make the occasion select in every sense of the word. Adams' orchestra has been engaged and a special car will leave the Messenger House, Cortland, at 7:30 o'clock, arriving in season for the drill beginning at 8:15, which will be followed at 9 o'clock by the phantom march and party. The $1 will admit gentleman and ladies. Tickets for spectators, including supper, will be 25 cents.

He Is Known Abroad.
   The last number of The Referee, a well-known bicycle paper, publishes a fine cut of Dr. E. M. Santee, and the following item in connection with it:
   "Cortland, N. Y., owes something to Dr. Santee. Very many of those in the cycling world, at least, would never know that a town of that name is dotted on the maps were it not known as Dr. Santee's home place. The New York Division, L. A. W., owes him a great deal more, however, for it is to the division that he, Dr. Santee, has devoted some of his best efforts. He has been an invaluable worker, always ready, always willing and always zealous and painstaking. He has served the division as local consul, as representative and as a delegate to the national assembly, and there are very many who think he should have been chosen this year for the vice-consulship. He is not an orator, but in caucus and in good, faithful work he is a power. His connection with cycling extends over a good many years, and through it all he has been seldom an absentee and never a shirker. During the past year he had apportioned him about the hardest and most thankless task that can fall to a division official—the compilation of the New York roadbook. Few realize what it means or give the volunteer workers the credit due them. As chairman of the committee, Dr. Santee had his hands full and did noble work. The book has been entirely remodeled, and if it is not a wellnigh perfect specimen it will not be his fault. When the New York Division next seeks a chief consul, it will do well to look Cortland wards."


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