Cortland Evening Standard, Monday,
November 6, 1893.
are the Prohis? [sic]
Mrs. Melissa E. Rice was first made a
candidate for school commissioner by the Prohibitionists, but this was not made
public until after the Democratic convention was held and her nomination also
made there. A prominent Prohibitionist is credited with saying that this was
done for fear that the liquor element in the Democratic party would not warm to
a Prohibitionist nominee. Mrs. Rice's name appears on both Prohibition and
Democratic tickets, and it has been supposed that she was looking for support
from both of these parties. This, however, does not seem to be the case,
judging from the following circular which has been sent out through the district.
CORTLAND, October 28, 1893.
DEAR Sir:—I have been nominated by the Democrats
for the office of school Commissioner for the First Commissioner district.
I am aware of the fact that there are not enough Democratic voters in
the district to elect me, and if I win the prize I must ask and receive the support of a good many
Republicans. If you have no conscientious scruples about voting for a woman
for an office, that very many of them can fill with satisfaction to the public,
I should be glad of your support. I enclose [ballot] pasters.
Mrs. Rice, it will be noted, says that she
has been nominated by the Democrats, and that there are not Democrats enough in
the district to elect her, and that if she wins it must be through Republican
support. Prohibitionists do not seem to be in it. On the contrary, they are emphatically
out of it. Do Mrs. Rice's advisers regard the Prohibitionist nomination as a
drag and a detriment, and have they suggested to her that she give the temperance
contingent a very cold shoulder? It certainly looks that way. Judging from her
circular, the only party supporting Mrs. Rice is the Democratic party, and the
only additional support which she asks for is Republican. This leaves all
Prohibitionists perfectly free to vote for Mr. Miller, who will be just as
grateful for Prohibition votes as for Democratic. Mrs. Rice's circular is only
another proof that when the Democratic lion and the Prohibitionist lamb lie
down together, the lamb is certain to decorate the inside of the lion.
We urge Republicans in the two school
commissioner districts of the county to stand faithfully by their candidates.
Gallantry is a very proper thing, when it comes to spreading one's cloak for a
lady to walk on, or showing her attention in the social field. But in choosing
a commissioner to take charge of the educational work of a community, the
question of which nominee is most competent and best equipped for the task is
the one thing to consider. We believe Messrs. Van Hoesen and Miller are greatly
the superiors of their competitors in these respects and hope for their election.
Every Republican should not only vote at
to-morrow's election but vote as early as possible. A little pains taken in this
direction will be a wonderful help to those who will keep tally of the voters and look
after getting out the slow and the infirm. Every able-bodied Republican should
have his vote in before noon, and then help where he can in bringing out those
who have to be taken to the polls, and in laboring with Democrats who are open
to appeals to their self-respect and manhood to vote against Isaac H. Maynard
or against the entire Democratic state ticket, if they are opposed to Tammany
Hall and ring rule.
![]() |
Isaac H. Maynard. |
A Grand
Democrats have this year a grand opportunity
to rebuke crime and corruption in their own party and honor themselves in so
doing. Isaac H. Maynard is a self-confessed criminal, who ought to be behind
prison bars to-day like a common thief. It was an insult to the people of the
state when he was appointed to the bench of the court of appeals. It was more
than an insult when the Democratic machine put his name upon the state ticket.
A machine which is capable of such an operation deserves to be smashed, no
matter what party it represents. The defeat of the entire Democratic ticket
this fall would be a fitting rebuke to Boss Croker and his lieutenants, and at
the same time a blessing to the Democratic party by teaching its unscrupulous
masters that there is a line which even politicians cannot pass with impunity.
There never was a time when Democrats could
vote a Republican ticket to better advantage than this fall. The secret ballet
gives them the tools to work with. If they are true to the best that is in them
they will use those tools against a corrupt judiciary and the worst set of
Tammany machine managers which the state has seen since the days of Tweed.
Bartlett Fully Concurs With Justice Williams.
NEW YORK, NOV. 2—Justice Bartlett of the
supreme court rendered a decision yesterday that the act of 1892, which assumed
to authorize women to vote for school commissioners, is unconstitutional and
consequently invalid. This
decision is in accord with one handed down a few days ago by a supreme justice
of the Syracuse circuit.
The case which brought out Justice Bartlett's
judgment is that of Miss Ernestine Benjamin. Benjamin K. Payne made a motion to
have her name stricken from the registry of voters of the Third district of
Riverhead, Suffolk county, on the ground that the law permitting her name there
was unconstitutional. In substance Justine Bartlett holds that an election of
school commissioners is within that class of elections which the constitution of
the state provides shall be participated in by qualified voters only; that
qualified voters under act 2, section 1, of the constitution are male citizens
only, and therefore that that portion of the act of 1892, which assumes to
confer the right upon women to vote for school commissioner must be deemed
Justice Bartlett adds: "Assuming, as I
do, that it is desirable that women should be allowed to vote at general
elections for those officers, I am satisfied that they can be authorized to do
so only by an amendment to the state constitution."—Cortland Evening Standard, Thursday, Nov.2, 1893.
All Back
at Work.
EASTON, Pa., Nov. 6.—The Lehigh Valley shops
in South Easton, which have been running for months with about one-fourth of
the men suspended, and an hour lopped off each day, started up this morning on
full time. Nearly all the old men are back in their places, and there was great
rejoicing among the five hundred employees. There is a great deal of work to be
To Be
PHILADELPHIA, NOV. 6.—Four million of
dollars in gold in double eagles, the last of a 10,000,000 shipment, arrived at
the Philadelphia mint to-day from the New York sub-treasury. The entire amount
will be recoined into eagles and half eagles. All of the shipments have been
secretly made and the treasure has been guarded en route by heavily armed men.
Altogether $20,000,000 in gold will be brought from New York under Secretary
Carlisle's order, but the remaining $10,000,000 will not be transferred until
this first half is recoined.
and Carriage Identified.
Sheriff Miller has found the owner of the
horse and carriage which was found two weeks ago Sunday morning on a road south
of the village. There was a note attached which stated that the owner could be
found by advertising in Lewis county. Sheriff Miller wrote to Sheriff John P.
Murphy, who discovered that the rig was hired by two young men Friday afternoon
two weeks ago. They stated that they intended to drive about fifteen miles. The
horse was found here the following Sunday morning. An employee of Liveryman
McDonald came here Saturday and identified the horse and carriage as the one
rented to the two young men and started for Port Leyden with it, a distance of
between 110 and 120 miles. Sheriff Miller thinks he knows who the young men are
and expects soon to have them in custody.
Jubilee Singers.
The ever popular Fisk Jubilee singers of
Ravenna, O., will give one of their splendid concerts at the Opera House on
Thursday evening, Nov. 9. This company is the oldest musical organization in
this country save one, the Mendelssohn Quintette club, and has been together twenty-two
years. The company was never so strong as at present. It consists of ten
persons, six of whom made the six years' tour around the world, two of whom
sang Fisk university into existence at a cost of over $150,000. This same
company gave eighty consecutive concerts in Melbourne, Australia, twenty-six of
which were in a hall seating 3,200 people, from which hundreds were turned away
every night for lack of room. The Erie, Pa., Dispatch says:
A good sized and thoroughly delighted
audience listened to Loudin's Original Fisk Jubilee Singers at Y. M. C. A. hall
last night. It does not put it strong enough to say that this organization is
superior to any of its class. Without regard to class they gave one of the
finest concerts ever listened to in Erie. There is something about the long
custom of singing together which blonds and harmonizes a chorus as no amount of
individual culture can do. To this may be added, in speaking of the Fisk
singers, a great degree of individual culture and natural voices of great
richness and purity.
Tickets now on sale at store of D. F. Wallace
& Co. at 35 and 50 cents.
—No paper to-morrow, Election day.
—The Baptist chapel on Tompkins-st. will be
dedicated Friday afternoon and evening.
—Stetson's Uncle Tom's Cabin company is
booked for the Opera House on Monday evening, Nov. 13.
—The Cortland Savings bank has taken down
its notice requiring sixty days' notification of withdrawing of deposits.
—President Santee has appointed Messrs. E.
B. Richardson, James Farrell and Arthur Kinney house committee of the Wheel
—Justice D. Barnard Willson of Marathon on
Saturday sentenced C. M. Bradford to twenty days in the county jail for public
P. J. Peckham, who has lately bought the Grassman barber shop, has secured the
services of Mr. F. Allen to take charge of his third chair.
—Chief of Police Sager arrested a man about
noon to-day on the corner of Main and Court-sts., who was too intoxicated to
speak his own name. He is sobering up in the cooler.
—Republican headquarters for Election night
for reception of returns will be at the Republican league rooms in the Grand
Central building. All Republicans are invited.
—Owing to the fact that to-morrow is
Election day and a legal holiday no paper will be issued from this office. The
STANDARD of Wednesday will contain full election returns.
—A landslide at the mouth of the tunnel this
side of Scranton blocked the northbound D., L. & W. railroad track so that
the 4:33 train on Saturday afternoon was one hour late and the 6:04 two hours
behind time.
—The Normal football team went to Binghamton
Saturday and defeated the Binghamton High school team by a score of 6 to 4. An
interesting description of the game is crowded out for lack of space until our
next issue.
—Remember the samp and milk supper to-night
from 6 to 8 o'clock. It will cost only ten cents. It will be in G. A. R. hall
by the Woman's Relief corps. It will be followed by a musical and literary
—A number of boys have been throwing stones
and gravel at houses on Elm-st. and the residents are much aroused and incensed
over the matter. They intend to capture the guilty parties and bring them
before Justice Bull. If the boys referred to don't want to get into trouble the
residents of Elm-st. recommend to them that they had better cease their capers.
—Charles H. Brazer, the one-armed tramp who
piled ties on the tracks of the Auburn division of the New Central R. R., and
then stopped the train hoping to secure a reward for his zeal in preventing an
accident, and who finally confessed that he did the whole thing himself, has
been sentenced to serve ten years in Auburn prison for attempted train
—In the case of Rowe vs. Hollenbeck, before
Justice Williams at Syracuse Friday, a verdict of $150 was returned for the
plaintiff. While riding a bicycle at Jamesville the plaintiff was bitten by the
defendant's dog. The result of the case, says the Syracuse Herald, is one that will encourage bicyclists to bring suits in
future as it is a common thing for them to be bitten by cur dogs while riding
their wheels.
—At a public recital to be given by the
musical students of the College of Fine Arts
of the Syracuse university, in the hall of the John Crouse Memorial college on
Wednesday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock, Miss Charlotte Euretta Nash of Cortland is
upon the program for a piano solo, "Andante and Finale from Mendelsshon's
Concerto in G Minor." Mr. Alton E. Darby of Cortland is on the program for
a violin solo, "Fantasie from Faust, " by Gounod-Alard.
—Chief N. J. Peck and Manager M. J. Myers
and his brother of the Electric Supply Co.
of Syracuse were in town to-day looking over the fire alarm system. They found
that it needs thorough remodeling from one end of the line to the other, new
connections made and the magnets tested so as to give the same resistance. The
system has now been in use for the past five years and has not had a thorough
going over during the time, and it must now be done.
—Mr. and Mrs. George B. Ingalls, the parents
of Miss Jennie L. Ingalls of Cortland, gave a delightful card and dancing party
last Friday evening at their home five miles west of the village. There were
about thirty-five guests present from Cortland and Groton. Very nice refreshments
were served, and the occasion was much enjoyed by every one.
Having opened an office in room 21, Standard
building, for stenography and typewriting, I shall be pleased to see anyone
desiring the services of a stenographer. All work entrusted to my care will be
executed neatly and quickly. Catalogues directed. Six years' experience. Satisfaction
guaranteed. Prices reasonable. Orders may be left at The STANDARD office, in
case of my absence from my own office and I will call upon business and
professional men who may desire to dictate their correspondence at their places
of business.
(497-tf )
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