Saturday, January 14, 2017


Sen. William V. Allen.

Cortland Evening Standard, Wednesday, October 18, 1893.

   America is a record breaking country. We hold the blue ribbon for trotting horses, millionaires, beautiful women and labor-saving inventions, and now the record has been broken by an American in the talking line. Who but an American—who but a Populist, one might add—could stand and talk for 141 hours at one stretch without a break or stammer? Senator Allen of Nebraska will go down in history as the man who has outtalked the world, and he was not very tired either at the end of his oration. How he endured it is hard to understand. How those who listened to him endured it could not be understood at all except for a glimpse at the list of certain articles that went into the senate restaurant and disappeared during that remarkable session.
    Here it is: 600 pounds of trimmed loins of beef, 3 cases of wine, 960 bottles of beer, 200 loaves of bread, 10 boxes of 15 cent cigars, 40 boxes of 25 cent cigars, 2,000 Shrewsbury oysters, 1,000 Blue Point oysters, 800 gallons of coffee, 250 pies and 500 sandwiches. Two hundred and fifty pies!

A Bold Masher.
   Jack Neary, the Summerhill farmer, who was a little gay with the Cortland maidens on Monday evening, appears to be quite a persistent admirer of their charms, especially when he is intoxicated. Soon after he paid his fine of five dollars in police court yesterday morning he a second time got in with "the boys" and, after again becoming somewhat inebriated, went on the streets in the vain endeavor to attract the attention of some fair damsel.
   He did attract considerable attention, so much so that Officers Jackson and Parker were compelled to escort him to the "cooler." He kicked some, but to no avail. In police court this morning Judge Bull gave him his choice between ten days or ten dollars. He said that he only had five dollars and pleaded with the police justice to let him off with that fine, but the latter put on his most severe mien and told him that he had been before him twice in twenty-four hours and that if he came again he would send him "up on the hill" for a visit.
    Chief Sager put the nippers on the prisoner and was about to take him to jail to serve his ten days, when the masher fished out a ten dollar bill from an inside pocket of his coat, paid his fine and made a pointer for the nearest saloon.

Court Proceedings.
   The following cases have been disposed of since The STANDARD went to press yesterday:
   E. D. Crosley vs. Will T. Hall. This was an action to recover damages for a libel alleged to have been published by the defendant in his newspaper, the Skaneateles Democrat, The case was tried and a verdict was rendered for the defendant. A motion was made and granted to give the plaintiff ninety days to make a case and exceptions asking for a new trial, and sixty days to the defendant to make amendments to the case, the argument to be had at Judge Forbes' chambers afterward upon eight days' notice. Smith & Dickinson and John Courtney, Jr., for plaintiff and C. R. Milford and D. W. Van Hoesen for defendant.
   Charles E. Bennett, M. D., vs. George W. King and Eliza King. This was an action to recover the amount of a physician's bill of $116. The bill was originally settled by the defendant, George W. King, giving his note for the amount. It was afterward found that Mrs. King owned all the property and an action was brought against King and his wife on the original account. Mrs. King defended on the ground that she was not liable. At the close of the plaintiff's evidence a motion was made for a non suit by Mrs. King's attorney which was granted, and a judgment of $76.30 was entered against Mr. King by consent. Plaintiff's attorney asked and obtained sixty days to make a motion for appeal from the judgment of a non suit. I. H. Palmer for plaintiff, J. & T. E. Courtney for defendants.
   The Glidden & Joy Varnish Co. vs. The Jones Mfg. Co. The defendant made a motion to put the case over to amend the answer. This was granted on the payment of $20 costs by the defendant. B. A. Benedict for plaintiff, I. H. Palmer defendant.

An Indiana Judge Would Discourage Such Proceedings.
   INDIANAPOLIS, Oct. 17, 1893—Under pressure of public sentiment the courts of southern Indiana are administering punishment to White Caps. The trial of White Caps which has been in progress, in Salem, Orange county, for ten days, came to an end yesterday and for the first time in the history of White Capism there was a wholesale conviction. Judge Vogles sentenced Elijah Dalton, who stood by to see his wife whipped, and is believed to have paid for it, to five years in prison. His brother and Holsapple, who whipped her, were each sentenced to five years. Boling, who was present, but did not interfere, was sentenced for three years and Burnett, who was present but was too drunk to help, was given two years.

Normal Lecture Course.
   H. J. Norman, chief representative of the Star Lyceum Bureau of New York was in town to-day and has arranged with the literary societies of the Normal school for the appearance of the following attractions during the coming season:
   Walter Pelham, the distinguished English humorist.
   Samuel P. Leland, Ph. D.
   The Mozart sextet of New York.
   Mrs. Mary A. Livermore.
   Prof. Swift.
   The dates will be announced as soon as they are fixed. Mr. Pelham will, however, be here upon Nov. 4, that being his only available date.
   The Star Bureau represents upwards of 150 of the leading platform attractions in the country and notwithstanding the World's Fair' and the financial panic. Mr. Norman reports that business has never been better than this season.
   Mr. Pelham formerly traveled with the celebrated caricaturist, Thomas Nash, and kept the audience amused by his humorous recitations while they watched Mr. Nash draw. While with Mr. Nash he was heard by several residents of Cortland who can cordially recommend him to the literary societies who have engaged him. His coming should be hailed as a rich treat.

New Football Eleven.
   A football team, which hopes to "do up" a great many opponents this season, was organized Monday evening under the management of Mr. D. Smith. It will be captained by Mr. C. Bates. A meeting for the purpose of electing officers will be held to-night. The team is composed of Messrs. D. Smith, right end; D. Jackson, right guard; F. Hollenbeck, right tackle; William Mills, center; C. Bates, left guard; B. Phillips, left tackle; H. Givens, left end; E. Hardy, quarter; W. Campion, left half back; L. Bates, right half back; L. Fralick, full back; and Charles Sanders, substitute.
   The boys will go to Ithaca Saturday to play the Grammar school eleven. They are circulating a subscription paper and are being liberally supported by lovers of the exciting game.

   —Mr. James Parker has placed a neat, compact barber pole in front of his shop on Railroad-st.
   —Remember the reception to Rev. and Mrs. C. E. Hamilton at the Homer-ave. church to-night. A chicken-pie supper will be served.
   —The regular meeting of the Woman's Auxiliary will be held in the parlors of the Y. M. C. A. on Thursday, Oct. 19, at 3 o'clock P. M.
   —The ages of United States senators average 55 years. And the longer they are in session without doing anything, the greater the average.—Utica Herald.
   —Four thousand excursionists from New York City will pass through this city on the Erie to-day, bound for Chicago. Fifteen or more trains will be required.—Binghamton Republican, October 18.
   —S. M. Benjamin yesterday erected another very fine sarcophagus monument in Cortland cemetery on the lot owned by George and Frederick Conable. It is rock work of Barre granite, and is one of the finest monuments in the cemetery.
   —Manager Rood has arranged for the appearance in Cortland on Wednesday evening, Nov. 15, of the celebrated melodrama "Paul Kauvar," which is now in its seventh year and has made for itself a great reputation all over the world. This company brings one hundred people with it, and Manager Rood assures the public that it will be the grandest thing ever shown in Cortland.
   —A meeting will be held in the Congregational chapel Monday evening, Oct. 30, for the purpose of organizing a Chautauqua literary and scientific circle. This is a new class which will be started this month. Information as to the reading course for 1893 and 1894 can be obtained of Secretary W. D. Shirley at 22 Railroad-ave. A cordial invitation is extended to all who wish to join.
   —Yesterday noon, says the Auburn Advertiser, the occupants of the dining-room of the Osborne House were filled with surprise and consternation to see the leading actress of the "Senator" company, which was stopping at that hotel, enter the room with a whoop. The lady was young and beautiful, and her associates in the company seemed filled with mortification and dismay. They tried to hush her up, but she wouldn't be quiet, and finally they had to lead her from the room, but with a wild shriek of delight she waved a parting salute at the astonished audience as she was hurried upstairs to her room. The cause of this explosive outburst could not be ascribed to a raise in salary, and the general impression prevailed that the dainty little miss had toyed too diligently with the rosy.

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