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D. L. & W. R. R. Engine No.846 at round house for maintenance. |
Grand Jury, However, Find Indictments Against Others.
The grand jury came in at 3:33 o'clock yesterday
afternoon and reported their findings as follows:
Charles, alias De Ver Richards was indicted for
assault in the second degree in stabbing Wilber A. Butler in a fight at Homer
several weeks ago. He pleaded
not guilty to the charge and was held in $1,000 bail for his appearance.
Charles R. Spear, who has gained some
notoriety as a bold and daring (?) robber, armed to the teeth, and whose last
work was in carelessly walking off with $110 from the cash drawer of Schermerhorn
& Graham and subsequently attempting suicide when arrested, pleaded
"not guilty" to the charge of grand larceny in the second degree and
was held in $500 bail.
No indictment was brought in against George
Chaffee, whose examination as to his being the cause of the horrible wreck on
the D., L. & W. R. R. on the night of June 5 has attracted so much
attention in police court and he was ordered discharged by the court.
Indictments were filed against Jeffrey Givens
on the charge of abduction and on Robert A. Morrisy for grand larceny in the
second degree. As the defendant in both cases was not present the bail for both
was estreated and they were sent to the next court of sessions to plead.
Judge Forbes then made a brief speech of
thanks to the jury and they were discharged.
Miller Claims a Right Prior to that of Receiver Brewer.
There appears to be some question as to
whether Sheriff John Miller or Receiver
E. H. Brewer has the right of possession of the plant and property of the
Cortland Chair & Cabinet
company. As it now stands the sheriff has possession of the plant, as he has
placed James Edwards in charge of the buildings and stock and one of the
officers of the company has the keys.
Sheriff Miller has three executions against
the corporation one for Fred J. Platt of $2,251.40, one for the Bridgeport Wood
Finishing Co. of $208.07 and one for Charles Vollum as assignee of Bulkley, Wood
& Co., of $225.34. The sheriff went to the works yesterday morning and
found the doors open. He demanded the keys of President Kingsbury and the
latter questioned his right and said that he would consult with Attorney Bronson.
The sheriff went down yesterday afternoon to
take possession and found the place locked up. He explained to a STANDARD reporter
this morning that he "did not want to stay out in the cold so went in by
the stove. "Break in?" asked the reporter. "I got in,"
replied the sheriff, with a self-satisfied smile. The sheriff placed Mr. James
Edwards in charge. The sheriff levied on the stock and buildings Oct. 17 for
the two last judgments and on October 24 for the first judgment. The judgment
of Chas. Vollum, as assignee of Bulkley, Wood & Co., was filed in the county clerk's office September 21
and that of the Bridgeport Wood Finishing Co. on Oct. 2. The other was filed on
October 24. The sheriff claims that he has the right of possession on the
ground that the judgments were filed and the executions were issued and he
levied on the stock before Judge Parker's order was filed, restraining all
creditors from bringing any actions against the company and also taking any proceedings
on any judgments heretofore recovered and restraining proceedings in any
actions pending.
Attorney Bronson was seen by a STANDARD reporter
this morning and he said: "I don't know. I do not wish to express an
opinion of the question. The priority of the claims will have to be accurately
determined in reference to the time the sheriff actually made the levy and when
the order was made. In any event the receiver has filed his bond and has
proceeded as in the Top & Rail case, when as soon as the receiver was appointed
the sheriff surrendered."
Sheriff Miller has been putting up notices
of the sheriff's sale of the stock of the Chair & Cabinet Co. to
occur November 2.
He Has
an Unpleasant Experience with Jersey Officials.
NEW YORK, Oct. 25.—Charles R. Selover, the
director of the Madison Square bank, who was until to-day in Passaic, N. J.,
and who is charged with fraud in connection with his directorship, walked into
the district attorney's office this afternoon, prepared to give bail. He disclaims
the story that he refused to return to this city without requisition papers, and
says that he would gladly have
returned if he had not been locked up. As soon as he was released, he came straight
to the district attorney's office, accompanied by Mr. Daniel D. Lawson, who
went [sic] his bail, which was $5,000.
A representative of The STANDARD called this
noon upon Mr. F. Cy Straat, secretary and treasurer of the Cortland Wagon Co.,
knowing that he had returned this morning from New York, where he had been to
see Mr. Selover, who is his brother-in-law. In response to questions Mr. Straat
said that the warrants for the arrest of the directors of the Madison Square
bank were sworn out in New York on Monday afternoon about 5 o'clock. They were
placed in the hands of the officers about 6 o'clock. Mr. Selover was in New
York that night until 8:45, when he took the train for his home at Passaic, N.
J. It was about 7:30 when an officer in citizen's clothing called at Mr.
Selover's house at Passaic and inquired for Mr. Selover. Mrs. Selover said that
he had not yet reached home, but she expected him upon every train. She asked
the man to come in and wait for him, inquiring if there was anything she could
do for him. He said he had called in relation to the Madison Square bank, but
would not come in, as he had not yet been to supper. Mrs. Selover invited him
to come in to supper, if he wanted to see her husband, saying that he would be home
soon, and, although the family had been to tea, she could still get something for
him. He refused again and departed.
Mr. Selover reached Passaic at 9:20 and
walked at once up to his home. Just as he was about to step upon his own piazza
a man accosted him, inquiring if it was Mr. Selover. He replied in the
affirmative. The man said that he had some papers for him regarding the Madison
Square bank and should have to detain him in the Passaic lockup. Two other
officers now came up from two other directions evidently having separated to
prevent an escape if such should be attempted. But Mr. Selover had no idea of
attempting to escape. He offered to go at once to New York with the officer to
arrange for bail. But the officer was unwilling to do this fearing to get
himself in trouble, for the New Jersey law is such that no officer who arrests
a man in that state is permitted to go with his prisoner out of the state
without requisition papers from the governor of the one state to the governor
of the other, even though the prisoner goes willingly.
Mr. Selover called his attention to the fact
that the officer had not yet read to him the warrant, and asked him to consider
that he had not yet arrested him, and said that he would go with him to the New
York side of the Hudson river and there he could arrest him. But the officer
refused. Mr. Selover then requested the privilege of speaking to his wife and
telling her what had happened to him, but, though he was within five feet of
his own door, he was not permitted to do so. After his arrival at the lockup he
was allowed to send a note to Mrs. Selover, saying that he would not be home
that night, but he did not tell her where he was.
His quarters that night were far from luxurious.
His bed was a hard board without covering of any kind, and the stench was not
agreeable. The next morning he was promised that under escort of an officer he
could go up to his house and see Mrs. Selover and send out some telegrams, but
at noon he was told that he could not do this and was told that he would be
taken at once to Paterson to the county jail. He succeeded in getting a note up
to Mrs. Selover and she came down at once and went with him to Paterson. Through
the persuasive arguments of Mrs. Selover it came about that he was given very
comfortable quarters up stairs. A telegram was sent to Mr. Straat, and another
to Franklin Pierce of New York, who was retained as Mr. Selover's attorney. Mr.
Straat left for New York that night, and Mr. Pierce promised to see District
Attorney Nicoll of New York.
When Mr. Straat reached Paterson he had a
talk with Mr. and Mrs. Selover and then went to New York to make arrangements for
bail. When the case was presented to the district attorney he did not
approve of the action of the New Jersey officers and through his influence Mr.
Pierce succeeded in getting Mr. Selover released on his own recognizance. He
was released about 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon and at five minutes of 4 o'clock
he entered the district attorney's office in New York and within ten minutes
the bail was arranged and Mr. Selover was free.
Constitutional Convention.
Every twenty years a convention in held to
revise the [New York] state constitution. The members of this convention are to be elected
at the coming election, there being five delegates from each senatorial district
and fifteen from the state at large, making one hundred and seventy-five in
all. The convention meets at the capital in May next on the adjournment of the
legislature. The members are allowed $10 per day for one hundred days, and the
usual traveling expenses. Nearly all the members will be lawyers.
Hon. Joseph H. Choate and Elihu Root head
the list of the Republican candidates at large, and the Republican candidates
from this twenty-fifth senatorial district are Wm J. Mantanye of Cortland, H.
Austin Clark of Owego, Geo. F. Lyon of Binghamton, Charles A. Fuller of Sherburne
and Abram C. Crosby of Delhi, there being one from each county of the district.
The office is an honorable one and also an
important one, as the constitution is the foundation upon which all laws must
stand. It is particularly important that the Republican candidates be elected
and that a Republican majority be secured, for Tammany hall is seeking to seize
the whole judiciary system of the state by procuring the constitution to be so
amended that the justices of the supreme court shall be elected by the state at
large, instead of by judicial districts, as now, thus enabling Tammany hall and
New York city to choose and control the judiciary of the state. The delegates
at large will decide the political complexion of the convention.
Republican candidates for delegates to the constitutional convention from this
district are worthy men and entitled to full support.
William J. Mantanye was born at Freetown,
Cortland county, Oct. 17, 1848. His earlier years up to the time of the war
were spent in that town in farm work and teaching, attending the Homer academy,
autumn, and winters. In 1861 he enlisted in the Seventy-sixth Regt., N. Y.,
Infty, for the war and served until the war closed in July, 1865, when he
returned home and entered upon the study of law. He was slightly wounded at
second Bull Run battle, but remained with his command and was taken prisoner at
the close of the first day's battle at Gettysburg July 1, 1863, but escaped and
rejoined his regiment a few weeks after. He was admitted to the bar in May,
1867, and to practice in United States district court in 1872. He has been
active in politics as a Republican until about five years ago, when on account
of poor health, he withdrew from active work, but has been prominent as an
adviser. He was a member of the county committee several years, and also of the
state committee, but has never before been a candidate before the people for
any office. He is now engaged in the practice of law at Cortland and is colonel
of the Cortland encampment of the Union Veteran Legion, and is also a member of
the G. A. R.
H. Austin Clark was born at Bainbridge, N.
Y., March 31, 1855. The next year his parents removed to Marathon, where his
father, Hon. C. A. Clark, engaged in mercantile business. The following year he
removed to Tioga county, where the family has since resided. He was educated at
the Owego academy, and was admitted to practice as a lawyer in May, 1876; and
he has been engaged in the practice of his profession at Owego since that time.
On the expiration of his father's last term as county judge in 1884, a co-partnership
in law business was formed under the name of C. A. & H. A. Clark,
which continued until Judge Clark's death in May, 1891. Since then the firm has
been Clark & Tuthill—Mr. Theodore R. Tuthill coming into the firm. Mr. Clark
has never held a public office or been a candidate before. While he was born
with the Republican party and always acted with it, he has never been active in
political work, seeming to better enjoy the study and practice of law.
Charles A. Fuller was born at Edmeston,
Otsego county, Aug. 17, 1841, but with his parents moved to Sherburne, N. Y.,
the next year and that has been his home ever since. He enlisted in 1861 in the
Sixty-first Regiment, New York Infantry, and was with the second corps through
the seven days' fighting about Richmond. At Gettysburg, which was the tenth great
battle in which he participated, he lost a leg and sustained injuries to the
left arm. He was admitted to practice at the bar in 1865 and has ever since
practiced his profession at Sherburne. He has always been a Republican and was
member of assembly from Chenango county in 1886.
George I. Lyon was born in Broome county,
where he has ever since resided. He
graduated at Binghamton academy and then from Hamilton college in the class of
1872. After graduation he entered the law office of Chapman & Martin,
composed of Hon. Orion W. Chapman, afterward solicitor of the treasury, and
Hon. Celora E. Martin, now a justice of the supreme court, and he became a member
of that firm soon after his admission to the bar in 1876. Upon the elevation of
Judge Martin to the supreme court bench in 1877, the firm became Chapman &
Lyon and continued until Mr. Chapman's death in 1890, since which time Mr. Lyon
has practiced law alone. He has been chairman of the Republican county committee
of Broome county for several years, but was never before the people as a
candidate for official position until now.
Abram C. Crosby was born in Delaware county
of one of the Scotch families prominent in the settlement and development of
that county. He has always resided there and has been engaged in the practice
of law for several years. He has been an active Republican and a member of the
county and state committees, but has not been a candidate for election to any
office except local ones in his town and village, in which he has served with
credit. He resides at Delhi.
—The regular meeting of the Presbyterian
Woman's Foreign Missionary Society will be held in the chapel to-morrow (Friday)
at 3:30 o'clock. Subject, "Persia."
—Judge Forbes yesterday announced that the
special term of the supreme court
appointed to be held in Binghamton on November 7th, election day, will not be
opened until the next day, November 8th.
— Mr. L. N. Hopkins has opened his flower
store and hot house on North Main-st. and is kept busy filling the large number
of orders which he is receiving. He expects to give a chrysanthemum show
sometime in November.
—A great quantity of empty cigar boxes
around the office of the United States express company is a conclusive evidence
of how generous Agent W. T. Bushby has been to his friends in the joy that he
feels over the nine pound boy that has come to gladden his home.
—A sick dog on the corner of Main and West
Court-sts,, yesterday caused some excitement in that vicinity. It was at first
thought that the dog was mad and Officer Monroe hastened to the scene armed with
a revolver in readiness for instant use, but the dog had come out of his fit
and was left to go on his way.
—Mrs. H. L. Booth of 2 Washington-st. was
yesterday away from home all day. Upon her return about 6 o'clock she found her
house in possession of a party of her friends, the tea table all spread and an
air of expectation visible upon the faces of all who were there. She was taken
wholly by surprise, but rallied enough to take her place at the table, and
before the close of the supper she was quite herself again. A very pleasant
evening was passed.
Brilliant Wedding on Union-st. Last Night.
The beautiful home of Mr. and Mrs. W. W.
Kelsey, at 7 Union-st., was last evening a scene of gaiety from the first to the
third floor, the occasion being the marriage of their daughter, Miss Clara
Bell, to Mr. Dell H. Bingham. The spacious veranda was enclosed and with the
parlors was decorated with a magnificent display of palms, and other tropical
plants, smilax and potted plants.
Promptly at 8 o'clock Mangang's excellent
orchestra played Lohengrin's wedding march and the bridal party entered the
front parlor. The ushers, Messrs. A. Sherman Burgess, H. T. Bingham, A. N.
Robinson and J. William Angell first entered and were followed by the little
flower girl, Miss Helen Spinney of Cleveland, O., who carried a basket of white
carnations, and her escort, Master Carl Beard, who acted as page. The
bridesmaid, Miss Bertha Baker, followed. She was very becomingly attired in
yellow China silk. The bride then entered leaning upon the arm of her father.
She looked very beautiful in her bridal costume of cream and lavender brocaded
satin, carrying a bouquet of white bridal roses. In the meantime the groom,
attended by his best man, Mr. Herbert Peck of Syracuse, had entered by another
door and met the bridal party.
The ceremony was performed by a brother-in-law
of the groom, Rev. W. A. Spinney of Cleveland, O., under a canopy of hot house
decorations, and in front of a white fur robe, in the front bow window. During
the ceremony the orchestra played beautiful and appropriate music, and when the
two young people had been pronounced man and wife it burst forth into a
brilliant wedding march.
A elaborate wedding supper was served at
small tables throughout the house and on the porch, and the fact that Caterer
Griffith had it in charge is sufficient guaranty of its excellence.
A description of the presents is next to an
impossibility but suffice it to say that each one was elegant and they nearly
filled two large rooms. The bride presented rings to the flower girl and page,
while the groom presented the best man and each usher with a neat gold scarf pin
set with pearls. The bride presented the bridesmaid with a gold necklace with
heart pendant.
The bride and groom left, amid a shower of
rice, old shoes and the best wishes of the guests, for New York, where after
spending a short honeymoon, they expect to return to Cortland sometime next
week, and will reside in an elegantly furnished apartment in Mr. Kelsey's home
at 7 Union-st.
Two hundred and twenty-five invitations were
issued, and the house was crowded with guests, but owing to lack of space we
are unable to publish a complete list of names. Among the out-of-town guests
present were Rev. and Mrs. W. A. Spinney and daughter, Helen, of Cleveland, O.;
Mrs. Sarah Kelsey, the bride's grandparent, Mr. E. S. Berry, Messrs. W. S. and
H. R. Peck, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Robinson of Syracuse; Mr. and Mrs. S. D.
Hollenbeck and daughter, Miss Lena, and son, Master Myron Bingham, Mr. and
Mrs. Lee Maybury, and Mr. and Mrs. Aden Kenfield of McGrawville.
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