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Matilda J. Gage. |
Cortland Evening Standard, Tuesday,
October 24, 1893.
Another Test Case.
Another test case as to the legality of the
right of woman to vote for school commissioner is to be made in Onondaga county.
The lady to make the test is Mrs. Matilda Gage of the third district of
Manlius. The action is brought by Attorney
W. P. Goodelle, and Mrs. Gage is represented by Col. E. S. Jenney. The case will
be argued before Justice Williams, It was set down for this morning, but it was
expected that it would probably be adjourned until to-morrow morning.
at a Late Day.
Last Saturday Secretary of State Frank Rice
telegraphed to every county clerk in the state a change in the form and size of
the official ballots for election. The names of the delegates to the constitutional
convention must be printed in a single column instead of in two columns, as
previously directed. This lengthens the ballot about two inches.
In many counties in the state printers had
already begun work upon the ballots and all that work has to be thrown away. In
New York City Martin B. Brown, who had already printed the endorsements upon
eight millions of Tammany ballots, according to the New York Evening World, had to throw them all away. Of
course he gets no return for the loss. The World
thinks it will be a very difficult matter to prepare new ballots in time for
election. Official printers throughout the state will all experience more or
less embarrassment.
On Tuesday the process of voting with the
Myers' ballot machine was shown to the town board and to a large number of our
citizens in the vacant room at 12 W. Court-st. A representative of the
manufacturers was present and operated the apparatus or mechanism, showing the actual
voting and counting, to the great satisfaction of all present. At least when a
vote was taken to judge of the sentiment of those present, a unanimous vote of
approval was given in favor of the machine. Subsequently the town board
unanimously voted to order the machines for future trial and use by the town of
Cortlandville. Their use promotes great economy in the election expenses and
honest elections appear to be insured.
Bridge Company.
A movement is on foot to persuade the directors
of the Groton Bridge company to remove their plant to this city. The company
has announced its intention to move and has sent men to this city to examine
its available sites. The agent of the company was very much pleased with the
sites on Noyes island.
The company put in a bid to the Council last
evening for building the Pierce Creek bridge.
Last night there was quite a little strife among the opposing factions of the
aldermen. The supporters of the Groton company were very anxious to give it the
contract for they believed that should this be done, the company would surely
establish its plant in this city.
company furnishes employment to a great many men. Its gross receipts for the
past year were $1,500,000.—Binghamton Republican.
Physician Was Careless.
The coroner's jury summoned to inquire into
the source of the blame for the death of Patrick Kanaley of Jordan, Onondaga
county, who died while undergoing the amputation of a foot in St. Joseph's
hospital, Syracuse, as the result of a piece of sponge getting into his wind
pipe while the physician who was giving the anaesthetics was swabbing the
mucous from his mouth, yesterday brought in a report which closed as follows:
"While we do not desire to censure the authorities of St. Joseph's hospital,
we do call attention to the careless manner in which an assistant physician
performed his special duty."
—Princeton last Saturday defeated Cornell at
football by a score of 46 to 0.
—Do not forget the dance to be given by the
Forty-fifth Separate Co. at the armory Friday night.
—Since Aug. 26, there have been sixteen serious
railway accidents which caused the death of 140 persons and the injury of over
200 others.
—Ernest Buttman of McGrawville was arrested
by Sheriff Miller yesterday afternoon for public intoxication. Justice Bull
discharged him this morning.
—Mother's meeting (west) will be held at
Mrs. J. H. Johnson's, 16 Duane-st., Thursday, Oct. 23, at 3 P. M. Subject, "Training
of the Will." All ladies are invited.
—News has been received in Cortland of the
death at Mexico, N. Y., on Wednesday, Oct. 18, of Mrs. Cornelia Butterfield, daughter
of Mrs. Eliza Schutt, formerly of Cortland.
—Mrs. Celia McManus, an aged widow of
Syracuse, was struck and killed by an electric car in that city yesterday. The motorman
tried his best to warn her by striking his gong, but she persisted in walking
straight in front of the car.
—Marathon lodge, I. O. O. F., will entertain
Vesta lodge to-morrow evening. The
Cortland Odd Fellows leave on the 6:32 train and have made arrangements by
which they can return at 10:30 o'clock. All Odd Fellows are invited to go.
—Edward Van Buren, a brakeman on the Lehigh
Valley R. R., who was shot at Waverly on Sunday by a bootblack named Alex.
Schock, died yesterday. The murderer has
been arrested. Prior to the death of Van Buren he made a statement and
recognized Schock as the one who did the shooting.
—A bummer who strayed into the Essex Market
police court in New York on Saturday, and dropped asleep upon one of the
benches, was sent to jail for three days by Judge Martine for snoring. It would
be a good thing if the United States senate were in Judge Martine's jurisdiction.—Binghamton
—Among the medals awarded exhibitors of
stoves, rafriges [sic], furnaces, etc, at the Chicago Exposition yesterday was one
to the Cortland Howe Ventilating Stove Co. of this village and one to the Kelsey
Furnace Co. of Syracuse. The first named company receives the only medal
awarded to an American exhibitor of recirculating or ventilating stove.
—We publish to-day on our fourth and sixth
pages the great speech of Hon. Sereno E. Payne of Auburn of this congressional
district, delivered in the house of representatives upon October 9, upon the subject
of federal elections. The speech is a very able one in every respect, and
should be carefully read by every thoughtful voter.
—William Harris of Van Etten, the brakeman
who was killed at Ithaca yesterday noon while coupling cars on the E., C. &
N. R. R., was not yet twenty-one years old. He applied for work on the E., C.
& N. about eight weeks ago, but was refused on account of not having attained
his majority. About two weeks later he succeeded in securing a position as
brakeman, his father having signed a release to the railroad company relieving
it of responsibility in case of his being injured or killed while in its employ.
He was caught between the bumpers, and his body was so badly crushed that death
followed "inside of five minutes."
L. & W. R. R.
It May
Become Part of the Great Vanderbilt System.
NEW YORK, Oct. 24.—The recent advance and
continued strength in the stock of the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western
company were explained by the announcement yesterday that W. K. Vanderbilt and
J. Rogers Maxwell and their friends had purchased a sufficient amount of the
stock to enable them to dictate the future policy of the company. It was
believed that the New Jersey Central was trying to gain possession of the road
but yesterday's developments showed that only a part of the truth had been
guessed, but that an important factor, the Vanderbilt influence in another of
the trunk lines had been overlooked. This influence will be used in the
interest of harmony in the trunk line situation, and it is understood to have
been agreed that W. K. Vanderbilt is to direct the policy of the Delaware,
Lackawanna & Western R. R., in this regard, while to J. Rogers Maxwell will
be left the task of advising on matters involving its coal interests.
The relations between the Lackawanna and the
Lake Shore roads will be drawn closer and the Nickle Plate will benefit from
the change of policy in that it will receive a large share, if not all, of the
freight that now is delivered to the Chicago and Grand Trunk. The Lackawanna
will in turn benefit by thus having secured to it a western connection under
the Vanderbilt management.
No change is desired among the chief
executive officers of the Lackawanna and it is the wish of all parties that Mr.
Sloan may consent to a re-election as president. It is not known yet whether
there will be any immediate change in the board of directors. The next election
will occur Feb. 20.
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George W. Melville. |
Melville's Report.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 24. —Engineer-in-Chief Melville's report on the operations of the bureau of steam engineering of the navy
for the past year has just been made public. The machinery of eight new
vessels—the New York, the Bancroft, the Detroit, the Machias, the Castine, the
Monterey, the Montgomery and the Columbia— was completed during the year, and
at the date of the report—Sept. 20—the other new vessels building were advanced
in the machinery department as follows: The Maine and the Texas completed, with
the exception of a few items of small gear about the machinery; the Indiana, 95
per cent completed; the Massachusetts and the Oregon, about 95 per cent; the
Brooklyn and the Iowa, work just begun; the Olympia and the Marblehead,
completed and ready for trial; the Cincinnati and the Raleigh, 90 per cent
completed: the Minneapolis, main engines practically finished and about ready
to be placed in position, auxiliaries now being placed in position; the
Ericsson, 80 per cent completed; the Katahdin, 75 per cent; the Monadnock, 90 per
Holiday Excursion of a Party of Springfield Students.
Miss Sarah E. Cogswell of Cortland, who is
attending the School for Christian Workers at Springfield, Mass., writes to The
STANDARD for the benefit of her home friends a brief account of a "Mountain
day" excursion of the students of that school to Mt. Tom.
Before publishing the letter, it might be
well to say in preface that the view from Mt. Tom is one of the finest that can
be imagined in a cultivated region. This mountain is a single peak in the
Holyoke range which rises abruptly on either side and which extends east and
west across the Connecticut valley for a distance of upwards of ten miles. Near
the middle of the range there is a break about one thousand feet wide through which
flows the Connecticut river. Facing each other upon opposite sides of the river
are Mt. Tom and Mt. Holyoke, each surmounted by its mountain house, the decent
to the level land beside the river being almost precipitous. To the north the
Connecticut river can be seen for about fifteen miles, where it disappears
between Mt. Toby and Sugar Loaf. To the south the river is visible for about
twenty-five miles, nearly to Hartford, Ct. Springfield, about twelve miles
away, is in plain view, and upon clear days the gilded dome of the capital at
Hartford, thirty miles away can be seen with the powerful glasses with which
each mountain house is supplied, and also East Rock, a mountain peak two miles
from New Haven, on the Sound, which is eighty miles from Tom. The Connecticut
valley to the north and south of this range spreads out to the width of ten
miles or more, and, as fences are few and, as regarding cultivation it is the
garden of the world, the plain below with its different kinds of crops looks
like one huge piece of variegated patchwork, dotted here and there with little
villages and larger towns, all of them with their white church spires. It is an
ideal place for a picnic excursion. Miss Cogswell says:
TOM, Mass., Oct. 21, 1893.
Nearly the entire membership of the School
for Christian Workers is here, having come hither, as far as possible by means
of a four-horse carryall, bicycles and train. The day is perfect except for a
slight haze which somewhat obstructs the vision in the far distance only. However
the view is grand, with Hadley, South Hadley and Holyoke on the right, East,
West and Northhampton on the left, fields, forests and the beautiful Connecticut
on either side, Mts. Holyoke and Nonatuck before us. At such an altitude, 1,200
feet, and with such surroundings, rock underneath our feet, what more
appropriate than a devotional service? The singing of "Christ the Solid
Rock," "Sweet Hour of Prayer," "Rock of Ages," with
Scripture reading and several prayers, closing with "Faith is the
Victory" made the scene a most impressive one.
All feel amply repaid for the effort
required in the ascent, and can only wish the home friends might enjoy it with
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