Tuesday, January 31, 2017


Queen Liliuokalani of Hawaii.

Cortland Evening Standard, Monday, November 13, 1893.

Secretary Gresham Evidently Does Not Anticipate Serious Trouble—Hawaiians in Washington Take a Different View. Believe That at Least a Show of Force Will Be Necessary—Minister Thurston's Views.
   WASHINGTON, NOV. 13.—Unless he has met with some delay, United States Minister Willis has now been in Honolulu a week, and it is not improbable that he has carried into effect the instructions he took with him and which have been so well kept a secret on this side of the Pacific.
   If he has done so, the steamer which left Honolulu Saturday will bring the news of the consequent events and will reach an outlet to the rest of the world with it on next Saturday.
   Whatever recourse the administration may have determined upon to secure the restoration of Queen Liliuokalani, it is very evident that Secretary Gresham does not expect that extreme measures will have to be resorted to.
   The course proposed to be pursued seems to be to request the present government in the name of the United States to give way quietly to the restoration of the queen.
   The Hawaiians in this city are very firm in their conviction that the government will refuse to yield to any such gentle persuasion as that. They assert their earnest belief that it will require at least a show of force to induce them to resign the reins of authority.
   Congressman O'Neill of Massachusetts has laid before Secretary Gresham an appeal from a Boston house, having large interests in the islands, which shows that all those acquainted with the conditions have not so hopeful a belief as to the outcome of the effort to restore the queen. The dispatch reads as follows:
   BOSTON, Nov. 11.
   Please call on proper officials and request on behalf of your constituents holding property in Honolulu and throughout the kingdom, that instructions be sent to the United States minister to protect the same. We believe there is great danger of bloodshed and destruction of property. Have telegraphed Senator Hoar these facts.

Blames the Queen With Bringing About the Revolt In Hawaii.
   CHICAGO, Ill., Nov. 13—Minister Lorrin A. Thurston of Hawaii has been detained in Chicago closing up the affairs of the Hawaiian exhibit and left for Washington. When asked to express an opinion concerning the action of the administration in relation to Hawaii, he said: "So far as I know that matter was fully covered last February, and I know of no new developments since then. I do not hesitate to state that American troops took no part in the movement, and that the revolution was incited by the late queen and forced upon the people of Hawaii, who in self-defense took action, terminating in a condition of affairs menacing to life and property, and which was no longer tolerable.
   "The claim of the provisional government is that regardless of the method of how it got there, it is today the only government in Hawaii, recognized as such at home and abroad, and that any attempt to forcibly overturn it by a foreign power is in the nature of war against a friendly government, which, as I understand it, requires the consent of congress. I am not informed that the president intends to arrogate any such power to himself and have no right to assume it. The monarchy cannot be restored except through this force from without, and if that supporting force is withdrawn it will be forthwith overthrown. There will be no safety for those who have supported the provisional government if the queen is restored, and if the attempt is made I fear that the results will be of the greatest character. I believe that bloodshed will be the inevitable results in which Americans, American property and agricultural interests will be the greatest sufferers."

Has Mr. Thurston Turned Back?
   WASHINGTON, NOV. 13.—L. A. Thurston, Hawaiian minister has not arrived in Washington and it is now believed that he has been speeding across the country to take the next steamer for Honolulu.

Nearing Their Journey's End.
   LOCKPORT, N. Y., Nov. 13.—Frank Falk and his dog "Guess" passed through this city on their pedestrian tour from California to New York. They started June 26, and are due in New York Dec. 26, on a wager of $10,000. Both showed signs of fatigue, but Falk has pluck and says he can make 20 miles a day for the remainder of the journey.

The Most Important Result.
   The Philadelphia Press is of the opinion that the moat important and far reaching result of the tidal wave in New York has attracted the least notice, either during the campaign or in the election returns. The voters of New York state decided some time ago on a light vote, but by a decided majority, to have a constitutional convention. The act originally passed by the legislature provided for the election of the convention last February. The delegates were to be elected, one to each of the 128 assembly districts of the state and 38 at large, these being divided between the parties—16 Republicans, 16 Democratic, and 6 Labor or Prohibitionists.
   This equitable division of a non-partisan body, however, failed to satisfy the Democratic machine when it found itself in control of all branches of the state government at Albany. New York had been Democratic for ten years. The Federal patronage was about to become Democratic. A Democratic majority in New York state seemed certain. The February election was abandoned. Minority representation was struck out of the new measure. Instead of dividing the delegates-at-large between the three parties, under a plan for minority representation, the Democrats decided on having thirty-two delegates-at-large elected on a single ticket. The remaining delegates were to be chosen, four in each of the thirty-two senatorial districts. This partisan attempt to pack an important body looked a great deal safer last February when the bill was passed than it proved to be last week, Tuesday, when the people voted. If the election had been held last February a Democratic majority in the convention would have been certain. If the election had been held on the plan first proposed the Republicans would have had a majority over all of but three or four, if they had secured this preponderance. As it is, the Republican majority is about twenty-five or thirty.
   No phase of the election has probably given Boss Croker and Boss McLaughlin more serious alarm. The power and plunder of the New York and Brooklyn city rings could be very seriously curbed by a stringent state constitution. If such a constitution is wisely drawn, it will have every prospect of being adopted at the polls. For a decade no legislation adverse to these great rings has been passed at Albany. None was likely to be. A constitutional convention would be a different body, even if it were Democratic. A Republican constitutional convention will be a body with such an opportunity to give the cities of New York good government as has not been offered in New York state for half a century, for the last constitutional convention was a disappointing body. The one elected last week, Tuesday, ought to be able to sweep away a host of abuses. Fortunately, also, as no one expected the Republican delegates-at-large to be chosen, the selection of men as a general rule was far superior to a ticket chosen when a swarm of politicians are seeking places.
   A Republican plurality of over 130,000 in Pennsylvania and one over 100,000 for Bartlett in this state are almost enough to stagger belief. But they are cold facts—and very cold for the defeated parties.

   Hon. David B. Hill seems in earnest about reforming the poky ways of the United States senate. He has already introduced into that venerable body the amendment to the rules which raised such a storm in the house two years ago—the one providing that when a member is in the chamber in plain sight he shall be counted as present whether he answers to his name at roll call or not.

The Home Team Defeated by Binghamton to the Tune of 6 to 0.
   All who went to the fair grounds Saturday afternoon had the pleasure of witnessing one of the closest and most intensely exciting games of football between teams from secondary schools played thus far this season. The previous Saturday the Binghamtons were defeated on their home grounds by the Normals, and they came to Cortland Saturday determined to "lay out" the Normals on their home grounds.
   The Binghamton team was strengthened from the previous week and Monroe was substituted for Brown as left guard. The teams lined up as follows:
BINGHAMTONS                                                                 NORMALS
Myrick                                  Left end                                Miner
Canon                                  Left tackle                             Hubbard
Norton                                  Left guard                             Monroe
Wilbur                                  Center                                   Welch
Turner                                  Right guard                           O'Day
Smith                                   Right tackle                           Harkness
Sheridan                              Right end                              Lampher
Weed                                   Quarter back                         Fralick
Fleming                                Right half back                     Mills
Ingraham                             Left half back                        Lain
Donigan                               Full back                               Robertson
   Binghamton won the toss and took the ball, giving the Normals the west goal. The ball was put in play by a Harvard wedge, but a fine tackle by Miner brought the ball to the ground with only three [yards] to Binghamton's credit. By a series of rushes through the centre the ball was brought to the Normals' forty yard line. Here by a failure to advance the ball five yards on three downs, the ball was given to the Normals. The ball was passed to Lain for a try around the end, but a fumble prevented any gain. It was next passed to Mills, who gained two yards. But, on failure to advance it the necessary five yards, it was given to Binghamton. A series of rushes carried it to the Normals' 30 yards line, where the ball again came into possession of the Normals. A fumble by Mills resulted in a gain of three yards for Binghamton, but on the next down Mills redeemed himself by one of the finest runs during the game, advancing the ball around the end for fully twenty yards. Harkness followed with a further gain of ten yards, landing the ball on Binghamton's side of the center line. From this time on with the exception of about three minutes the playing was all done in Binghamton's territory.
   Following Harkness' run Monroe went through the center for ten yards' gain. For the next fifteen minutes the struggle was close, the ball being repeatedly exchanged because of failure to make the necessary advance. In one of the downs Donigan was thrown heavily and, a number falling upon him, he was obliged to retire from the game, but pluckily returned at the beginning of the second half. Finally Welch secured the ball and carried it across Binghamton's 25 yard line, when time was called. Time of first half, 45 minutes. Score, 0 to 0.
   After ten minutes intermission the ball was put in play by the Normals, Robertson punting it to Binghamton's ten yard line. Donigin got the ball and reached the 25 yard line before he was thrown. The ball soon went to the Normals on downs and was carried five yards further into Binghamton's territory. A failure to advance it a second five yards gave the ball to Binghamton. Then it was passed to Ingraham, who made a magnificent run around the end and, so fine was the Binghamton interference, that he succeeded in passing all the Normals and secured a touch down immediately behind the goal posts. The ball was brought out and a goal was kicked by Donigan.
   The ball was put in play by the Normals, Robertson punting it to Binghamton's fifteen-yard line, Donigan took the ball and advanced it to the twenty-yard line, when he met Landpher and went down. The Normals were playing a hard game and Binghamton could not get the ball farther from their goal posts. The ball soon went to the Normals, who carried it across Binghamton's ten-yard line, but lost it on downs. The ball was passed to Donigan, who punted, but little gain was made, the ball going to the Normals. The Normals rushed within two yards of the goal line. The next down brought it within a yard of the line. The Binghamtons then adopted dilatory tactics and thus some time was lost that ought to have been taken out. The ball was passed to Mills for a run around the end, but was stopped a yard from the line and time was called. Length of second half, 30 minutes. Score, 6 to 0, in favor of Binghamton. Referee, Mr. Page, half back on Weslyan's team of last year. Umpire, Prof. J. E. Banta.
   The Binghamton Republican of this morning begins its excellent description of the game as follows: "The team left the city on the morning train and after spending a few hours visiting with the Normal girls, and the boys say there are many pretty girls in Cortland, they lined up on the campus and after a few minutes' practice began the game."
   The Republican also says: "Cortland's team work was envied even by the winners."

   Mr. Ray Baum of this place, but for the past few years at Cornell university at Ithaca, has been awarded the Andrew D. White scholarship in the university. He is to be congratulated.
   Hon. and Mrs. James Tripp returned from the World's Fair, having spent a week there.
   Mrs. Bowdish of Detroit, Mich., who has been visiting her aunt at Oxford, returned to her sister's, Mrs. Watrous, in Homer on Thursday afternoon.
   On Friday afternoon the Syracuse Chapter, No. 70, of the Eastern Star came and organized a chapter of the Eastern Star here. The following officers were elected:
   M. W. G. MatronElizabeth Raymond.
   W. Patron—Herbert Greenland.
   R.W. Asso. G. Conductress of Rochester—Sophia Lighthense.
   Asso. Matron—Julia St. John.
   Asso. Conductress—Carrie Van Arsdale.
   Conductress—Alice Tallman.
   Treasurer—Myra Relyea.
   Secretary—Nellie Church.
   Ada—Mary Cooper.
   Ruth—Lydia Fields.
   Esther—Ella Whipple.
   Martha—Carrie Willard.
   Electa—Delia Ferris.
   Warden—Mrs. Finn.
   Matron—Mrs. Gaylord and Mrs. Eva Williams.
   Mrs. Stella Whitmore and Mrs. Hubbard of Otsmingo Chapter No. 14 of Binghamton were present. They met in the Masonic lodge room and Mrs. Hattie E. Wilson was chosen matron. There were nearly 30 members, besides a large number of the Masons who took the obligation. After the organization of the chapter by the officers of Syracuse chapter the work was exemplified.
   They adjourned to Hotel Lynde, where a large banquet was given by the master masons of Marathon lodge, the dining-room being packed, while a large number had to wait for second table. H. E. Wilson acted as toastmaster.
   The M. W. G. M. responded to the Grand Chapter; R. W. A. G. C., as Chapter; Esther to Brothers; W. Patron, Grand lodge; C. A. Brooks, sisters of the order; Ed L. Adams, to the Marathon lodge.
   The Chapter starts off with a large number and no doubt will become a large and strong order and we wish them every success. The Syracuse people were entertained at Hotel Lynde by the Masonic lodge and returned to their homes Saturday morning. The banquet lasted till 1 o'clock.
   Mrs. A. C. Robacher returned from New York Wednesday afternoon. She brought with her about 50 large chrysanthemums which were on exhibition at the flower show at New York by T. H. Spaulding of Orange, N. J., who had a very fine exhibit there. There were many different varieties and colors. On Friday evening they were on exhibition at the Masonic lodge room and admired by all.

Inventor Edison Says That the Problem is Sure to Be Solved.
   Mr. Edison laughed heartily when informed that Chicago was the hotbed of the world for airship inventors. "I know it," he said. "They haven't found the secret yet, but they will some day. It will come."
   "Have you ever entered the airship field yourself?" asked the reporter.
   "Yes, indeed, I have. I have tried a number of devices, but they haven't worked. Once I placed an aerial motor on a pair of Fairbanks scales and set it going. It lightened the scales, but it didn't fly." And the wizard laughed at the recollection.
   "Another time I rigged up an umbrella-like disk of shutters and connected it with a rapid piston in a perpendicular cylinder. These shutters would open and shut. If I could have gotten sufficient speed, say a mile a second, the inertia or resistance of the air would have been as great as steel, and the quick operation of these shutters would have driven the machine upward, but I couldn't get the speed. I believe that before the airship men succeed they will have to do away with the buoyancy chamber. But the secret will come out some day, I am sure."
   Like the world at large, which ridiculed the first locomotive, the first telephone and almost every great innovation, Edison takes a humorous view of all his experiments and seemingly enjoys a failure. "I have tried all kinds of plans to explain psychical force," he said, with a smile. "We experimented on hypnotism by placing a man's head in an immense magnetic plane, but it didn't work. We tried telepathy, too, but without success."
   "Have you any more wonders like the phonograph in the experimental stage?"
   "No, nothing but the kinograph, which is now almost perfect. It reproduces, by a rapid succession of small photographs, every motion of an object. It was very hard to get the exact grimaces of the face or the clear workings of a man's fingers playing the piano, but we perfected it at last. I was very anxious to have one on exhibition at the fair, but we did not have it finished in time."—Chicago Inter Ocean.

Lewis W. Wilkens, the "Kansas Giant."


   Rev. E. C. Olney delivered an address yesterday morning upon the World's Fair. The address was not descriptive, but consisted of the impressions and lessons which he had gained from the great Exposition. The address was very interesting and the congregation who listened to it was unusually large.
   Mrs. Amelia Quinton, president of the American Indian association of Philadelphia, was in town several days last week visiting relatives. She went to Ithaca Saturday, where she addressed a meeting in the interests of the Indian.
   Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Carmen spent Sunday at their home in Binghamton.
   Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Leonard of Tully were in town Saturday.
   Wilkens, the Kansas giant, will be on exhibition this afternoon and evening at Keator opera house. This man is a bona-fide giant. He is over eight feet tall and weighs 365 pounds. The admission is only ten cents in the afternoon and fifteen cents in the evening.
   Thursday of last week Mrs. Jay D. Brink slipped on a frosty plank in the yard at her home and fell, spraining her arm. The sprain is very painful, but the patient is doing well, and it is hoped will soon be able to use her arm.
   Mrs. Jennie Youngs of Moravia is the guest of her sister, Mrs. D. N. Miller.
   Lewis Rood was brought before Justice Kingsbury Saturday on a complaint entered by Veterinary Surgeon R. C. Block. He was charged with cruelly beating his horses. He pleaded guilty and Justice Kingsbury sentenced him to thirty days in the county jail. He was warned by the justice that if he came before him again on such a complaint he would get the full extent of the law.
   Yesterday afternoon a man entered the house of Hosea Sprague on Clinton-st. He came in at the dining-room door, where Mr. and Mrs. Sprague and their housekeeper, Mrs. Smith, were sitting. Mrs. Sprague asked him what he wanted, but he made no reply and passed through into the bedroom adjoining. The ladies were very much frightened and ran to the house of Mrs. Crofoot next door, where Mr. Wm. Foster and another gentleman were dining. When these gentlemen arrived at the Sprague house the man had gone, but they followed and caught him. He was taken to the police station, where he was locked up. The man is a stranger who is in town temporarily, working on the academy building. He was brought before Justice Kingsbury this morning and pleaded guilty to disorderly conduct. He was fined five dollars and discharged. The man claims that he was drunk and didn't know where he was. He claims also that he was not attempting a robbery, and his story is undoubtedly the truth.
   The large stained-glass windows are being put in place in the new Baptist church. The large one in the front is a memorial window in memory of Rev. Alfred Bennett and wife, Rev. Cephas Bennett and wife, Deacon Asa Bennett and wife and their son, Asa Bennett. The window is a large semi-circle in shape, about 18 feet in diameter at the bottom. The colors are rich and harmonize beautifully. In one panel is a dove and in the corresponding panel at the other side is an open Bible. The lower center panel contains the following inscription: "In memory of Rev. Alfred Bennett, 1780-1851, first pastor of this church, a faithful minister of Jesus Christ, and his wife, Rhoda Grow Bennett, 1780-1874." The lower right hand panel contains this inscription: "In memory of Rev. Cephas Bennett, 1804-1885, and his wife, Stella Kneeland Bennett, 1808-1891, for 55 and 60 years missionaries to Burmah.'' The inscription on the lower left hand panel is: "In memory of Deacon Asa Bennett, 1778-1825, and his wife, Chloe Grow Bennett, 1773-1862, and their son, Asa Bennett, appointed to a mission to Burmah."
   A party of over a dozen young ladies and gentlemen of Homer enjoyed the invigorating air and fine roads yesterday afternoon by a five-mile tramp. They took the hill road over to Cortland, entering that village on Clinton-ave, and returned home by the direct road.
   The remains of Andrew P. Henderson of Phoenix, N. Y., formerly of Homer, who died Sunday morning, will be brought here Tuesday at 10 o'clock A. M, The funeral will be held at the M. E. church in this village at that hour, and after the services the body will be taken to Cortland Rural cemetery for burial.

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