Sunday, April 30, 2017


Horse-drawn omnibus.

Cortland Evening Standard, Monday, February 26, 1894.

A Loose Omnibus Team Collides with Several Sleighs.
   After returning from the 10 o'clock trains this morning the driver of one of Mr. John Garrity's omnibuses left the team standing in front of the Cortland House. The horses started up North Main-st. at a lively pace and turned up Maple-ave. In rounding the corner the omnibus was overturned and the horses ran with the omnibus on its side up Maple-ave. to Woodruff-st., and from there to Groton-ave., where the team was stopped near the pottery.
   The omnibus was considerably banged up, but luckily the passengers were all out and no one was injured.
   When the team first started it ran into the covered sleigh belonging to Mr. R. E. Gladding of the Cortland steam laundry and broke the toe board and bolster of the laundry sleigh. The driver controlled his horse. On Maple-ave. the omnibus collided with a delivery sleigh belonging to G. M. Hopkins, the grocer, which was standing before a house. The shafts were broken, but the delivery horse did not run.
   On Woodruff-st. the omnibus team found a second sleigh belonging to the Cortland steam laundry and collided with that, but only damaged it slightly. Several teams on Groton-ave. were frightened by the running horses with the omnibus dragging on its side, but no harm was done.

John Y. McKane.
Justice Cullen Finds no Reasonable Doubt for McKane.
   BROOKLYN, Feb. 26.—Justice Cullen of the supreme court filed his decision on this morning in the appeal of John Y. McKane for a certificate of reasonable doubt. Justice Cullen denied the application. This vacates the stay of execution, and McKane, pending an appeal to the general term, must go to Sing Sing.
   Another course is open to McKane. He may procure another stay pending appeal to the general term. Justice Cullen's decision makes eight pages of typewritten matter. He sums up the matter in the last paragraph, which is as follows:
   "I have briefly reviewed the principal alleged errors on the trial of this case, so far as they have been presented to me. I can find no substantial or reasonable doubt as to the legality and correctness of the conduct of the trial, and must therefore deny the application for a certificate of reasonable doubt. "Application for certificate denied."
   McKane was not taken to court. The news of Justice Cullen's adverse decision was carried to him in Raymond-st. jail by a special messenger. Lawyer Backus was the only one of McKane's counsel who could be found about the court house when the decision was filed. He refused to state what further steps would be taken by the defense to keep McKane out of Sing Sing.
   Sheriff Buttling refuses to state on what train he will take McKane to Sing Sing.

Complications Still Growing and the Mystery Remains Unsolved.
   ITHACA, N. Y., Feb. 25.—The complications in the Cornell banquet case are still growing. Many are the reports which reflect upon the integrity of the officials whose duty it is to ferret out the culprits. The fact that the city elections come on at the same time as the investigation of the case has occasioned open charges as to the insincerity of the men of the two political parties.
   The most important phase of the position is the positive statement of Mr. Holden, a graduate student, who is well acquainted with Mr. Dingens, that he saw him in Ithaca Saturday afternoon.
   On receiving this assertion from Mr. Holden the reporter called at Mr. Dingens' residence on Cook street. Mr. Taylor, his roommate, said that he was expected last evening. These conflicting statements lead strongly to the assumption that Mr. Dingens is in Ithaca, but that his friends are concealing his whereabouts. The coroner reports that he has no clews.

Floyd Carr, a Resident of Bushville, Arrested on Suspicion.
   MONTICELLO, N. Y., Feb. 26.—Floyd Carr, a young man 23 years of age, and a resident of Bushville, has been arrested by Sheriff Beecher on a charge of having murdered old Jacob Moore and Mrs. Jane Raymond on Feb. 22.
   Young Carr has been acting strangely since the crime was committed, and suspicion was attracted to him because of his conduct. The sheriff caused his arrest at the home of Louise Cantrell, a young woman of bad reputation, and he was lodged in the county jail at Monticello. The young woman was also arrested and held as a witness.
   A bill was found on Carr that bore traces of bloody fingers, and that looked as though it had been washed to remove the stains. A search was made at his home, but nothing was found that would implicate him in the murder.

Fire in a Greenhouse.
   At about 8 o'clock Friday night Mr. Nicholas Starr discovered fire in his greenhouse on the crossroad south of Cortland. There were two large greenhouses each eighty feet long, connected at the end by a smaller one. The fire caught from a flue in one of the long houses near the short connecting one.
   Mr. Starr and his man, Mr. J. A. Phelps, attempted to extinguish it. The wind was blowing a gale and it was bitterly cold. Fortunately the big wind mill was close at hand and furnished them an abundance of water. In a few minutes Mr. Asa N. Starr arrived from his house, having seen the light, and some other help came. It was nearly 10 o'clock, however, before the fire was entirely out. It had burned about half of one of the long greenhouses. There was no insurance. It is difficult to estimate the loss on stock ruined. There was a quantity of young lettuce just ready to market, and many early vegetables that were being pushed along as rapidly as possible.
   Nearly all of their early plants are ruined or damaged either by fire and smoke or by the intense cold to which they were exposed after the fire was out before the greenhouse could be closed up and protected. The loss will probably be as great as $400 anyway, and perhaps greater.

Sunday-school Class Entertained.
   Last Saturday afternoon nine little girls of Mrs. E. J. Parker's Sunday-school class of the Homer-ave. church gathered at her home, 114 Madison-st., where they enjoyed themselves in various ways until 5 o'clock, when they were invited to the diningroom, where the table was spread with the things that children like and to which they did full justice.
   After this they retired to the parlor, where in a few well-chosen words, Miss Grace Keller presented Mrs. Parker with a group picture of the class, making eleven heads in all. She will always prize that as one of her dearest treasures. After this they blended their sweet voices in that beautiful hymn, "We Will Never Say Good-by in Heaven," and then they resumed their play again until 9 o'clock, when they wended their way home, tired but happy, and giving utterance to the delightful time they had had and the words, "we will see you again to-morrow."
   Those present were: Pearl Ingalls, Effie Stevens, Grace Keller, Ella DuChett, Cora Stafford, Ada Fenner, Carrie Schouten, Iva Yager and Ida Gallinger.

In Honor of Washington's Birthday.
   The four departments of the Schermerhorn-st. [Grace Street] school united Friday afternoon in celebrating Washington's birthday. An unusually large number of visitors attended, fully fifty patrons and friends of the school being present. The following program was successfully carried out and each number was delightfully rendered:
Flag Salute, School.
Song—America, School.
Toast—To Memory of Washington, Thomas Hernon.
Response, Mabel French.
Concert Recitation—Washington Crossing the Delaware.
Song—Red, White and Blue, Fannie Clarkson, Helen Eells, Agnes Dowd.
Recitation—Children's Saying, Lottie Bastett.
Recitation—A Big, Big Piece of Pie, Charlie Morris.
Concert Recitation, Ward Latimer, Fred Williams, Hobart Haskin, Tom Hartnett.
Song and Recitation—Nearest the Spring, Class of Girls.
Recitation—Greatness, Dannie Murray.
Recitation—A Talk With Grandpa, Mable Ryan.
Concert Recitation, Story of the Battle Flag Song, Birthday of Washington.
Recitation—February, Dannie Olin.
Recitation—Washington Like Other Boys, Robert Reilly.
Heading—The Flower of Freedom, Lillian Stebbins.
Recitation—What the Story Means, Lennard Ryder.
Song—My Aunt Jerusha's Cat, Primaries.
Recitation—Washington and the Colt, Earl Maas.
Recitation—Cherry Trees, Ralph Eells.
Declamation—I Desire to be Like Washington, Harold Mack.
Patriotic Concert Recitation and Song Exercise, Second Grade.
Erection of a Monument to Washington, Primary Pupils.
Chautauqua Salute and Song,Washington, School.
Closing Address, Blanche Cross.

   —A piano was this morning put into the intermediate department at the Normal.
   —Owing to the hard times the Celtic Daughters have decided not to hold their annual banquet this year.
   —An important meeting of the C. M. B. A. occurs to-morrow evening. All members are requested to be present.
   —A special train, freighted with Cornell students, passed through town at 1:15 o'clock Sunday morning from Syracuse to Ithaca.
   —The friends of Miss Susan Polhemus will be pained to hear of her death from paralysis at Norwich, her late home. The burial was a t Cortland on Friday last.
   —Lincoln lodge, I . O. G. T., will hold a Frankfort social Wednesday evening at the home of Mr. Albert Klotten, 120 Tompkins-st. All friends of temperance are invited.
   —Do you read the "Want" or "For Sale" or "For Rent" advertisements in The STANDARD every day? They are the bests means of finding what you want. Read them.
   —The Lotus Glee club and Miss Minnie Marshall will appear at the Opera House to-morrow night in one of their choice entertainments. They appear under the auspices of the Y. M. C. A.
   —Mrs. O. H. Green has sold her lease of the boarding house at 141 Main-st. to E. R. Johnson, who will continue the same. Mrs. Green expects to leave March 1 for Hope, Lake Ponderilla, Ida.
   —Syracuse is to have a new station on the Central road. Work will be begun very soon. It is to be built of Onondaga limestone and will cover the site of the late Leland Hotel as well as that of the present station.
   —A lady put an advertisement in the STANDARD for a watch that she had lost. The paper was out at 4:30 P. M. At 5:50 the watch was returned to this office still running and sound except for a cracked crystal. Moral advertise.
   —The Cortland City band are making arrangements to give a concert at the Opera House. The date has not as yet been fixed, but the concert will be given after Easter. This will enable those interested to see how the band has improved in the last few months as a result of steady practice under the able leadership of Mr. P. Conway.
   —Quite a number of tickets to the athletic entertainment of the Twenty-sixth Separate Co. of Elmira have already been sold and every effort is being made to make the excursion one of the most enjoyable events of the organization. A special meeting will be held next Wednesday evening to complete arrangements. As this will be an important meeting every member is requested to be present.

Exclusively Served at the World's Fair.
   Chase & Sanborn's "Seal Brand" of coffee. It's the best and goes the farthest. 6,100 pounds sold since Feb. 1, 93. Try it. C. FRED THOMPSON, Railroad-St. [Cortland, N. Y.]    (605-4t)                               

   Beginning March 1, the well-known California excursions of A. Phillips & Co. will change their route from the Canada lines to the Fitchburg, West Shore and Nickel Plate roads leaving Boston, as in years past, every Tuesday. These excursions combine comfort and economy in the greatest degree and have always been personally conducted and given entire satisfaction. For full particulars and general information about California, all on nearest ticket agent or address, F. J. Moore, General Agent, 23 Exchange-st., Buffalo, N. Y.      (604-mt)

Saturday, April 29, 2017


Cortland Evening Standard, Saturday, February 24, 1894.

Jacob A. Moore and His Housekeeper Found Weltering In Their Blood Near Monticello, N. Y.—Both Victims Over 80 Years of Age—The Man
Shot to Death and the Lady Killed With a Shovel.

   MONTICELLO, N. Y., Feb. 24.—Sullivan county has another murder to darken the pages of its history. A double murder, the most brutal crime that ever took place in this county, has been committed. Both victims are over 80 years of age.
   Jacob A. Moore and his housekeeper, Mrs. Jane Raymond, aged 90, were murdered at their home, three miles north of Monticello, by first being shot with a 32-calibre revolver, and then being cut and horribly mutilated with a barn shovel. It is supposed that the motive for the terrible crime was money, although they were poor and their only income was a monthly pension of $12.
   A few days before Mr. Moore was murdered he received three months' back pension.
   William Bebee, a young man and a neighbor of the murdered couple, went to the house with a basket of potatoes which he intended to give to the old people. After knocking and receiving no answer he opened the door and was horrified at the sight he beheld. Lying prostrate on his back on the floor, both arms outstretched, was Mr. Moore, his face so covered with blood that it was almost unrecognizable. Just beneath the left ear was a bullet-hole made by a ball from a 32-calibre revolver. Not two feet away from him lay the dead body of the old lady, more terrible in aspect than that of the old man.
   The murderer had taken a barn shovel and struck her just below the left ear, cutting a deep gash about three inches long, which probably knocked her down, and he then struck her in the mouth with his murderous instrument, lacerating the flesh in a horrible manner and breaking the jawbone.
   The murderer then cut two big gashes in her throat, and a number of other bruises indicate that she lay face upward on the floor after the first blow on the side of her jaw was struck.
   Beside her lay a handkerchief, thickly covered with blood.
   The clothes of both were covered with blood, as were also the chairs, while large pools of blood had formed underneath their bodies.
   The stove, chairs and cots were bespattered with blood and bear evidences of the desperate struggle which must have taken place. Beside the old man lay his cane, which he had evidently grabbed to protect himself.
   Two shots had been fired from the outside, one had apparently been fired through the door and the other through the window, the latter undoubtedly being the one which lodged in the old gentleman's neck. The ball fired through the door was found upon the floor.
   The deed was probably committed as the old people were getting ready to retire for the night, as the man had taken off his coat and boots and the lady had removed her shoes and set them near the stove. Shavings and kindlings were near the stove ready for the building of the fire in the morning and the beds were undisturbed.
   The house in which they lived is a two-story structure. The first story contains four rooms, one of which is a small bedroom. In this room they kept their trunk which had been burst open and the contents thrown out as though in search of money. One of the old man's pants pockets bore bloody finger prints and the inside door knob was covered with blood.
   The coroner has arrived and subpoenaed a jury. He will hold an inquest today. The blood is so thick on the victims that it is impossible to determine the full extent of the mutilations.

N. Y. Times, 1894.

Another Reformatory Victim.
   ROCHESTER. Feb. 24. —Daniel Leahy, who was committed to the Elmira reformatory two years ago from the State Industrial school, has been brought back to the latter institution and brought before Judge Raines, one of the managers. The boy's head on the right side was black and swollen and his right ear was terribly bruised and purple in color. The boy says that he had broken the rules of the institution by talking, and for this trifling offense three of the officers knocked him down, and while he was prostrate one of them had kicked him on the side of the head.

Secretary Herbert Concludes That the Undertaking Is Practicable.
   WASHINGTON, Feb. 24.—The proposition to attempt to float the Kearsarge, wrecked on Roncador reef, has taken a definite form.
   Secretary Herbert has been in consultation with Admiral Stanton and has concluded that the undertaking is perfectly practicable and moreover that considerations of patriotism require that the effort be made. Therefore, he has prepared a bill, which will be submitted to congress, conveying upon him the necessary authority to contract for the work and appropriate $20,000 for the purpose.
   The secretary invites responsible persons and companies experienced in wrecking, to submit, at the earliest possible moment, proposals for floating the Kearsarge, and it is hoped that in view of the patriotic object in view, and the national interest that will be enlisted in the project, bidders will be forthcoming to undertake it at figures within the secretary's command.

One of the Perpetrators of the Cornell Tragedy Will Confess.
   ITHACA, N. Y., Feb. 24—The mystery attending the Cornell tragedy already gives new promises of speedy solution. In conjunction with the clues pertaining to the auger purchased at Rumsey's, and the permanganate potassium obtained at Druggist Haskins, the detectives will be furthered in their efforts by the confession of one of the perpetrators, who thus far has refused to make any disclosures because some of his colleagues are unwilling to concur in the step.
   The jug story proves to be true in its essential particulars. The occupants of the house at 6 Cook street disclaim any knowledge of its purchase or its use.
   One of the gentlemen who rooms there, however, has left the city and, according to the latest developments, did so because he feared detection. The students bore the expenses of the funeral of Mrs. Jackson, which was held at the Zion M. E. church.

   —Reports from Pitcher this morning show that the mercury got down to 28 degrees below zero.
   —Mr. C. H. White will conduct the men's meeting in the Y. M. C. A. rooms Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock.
   —Rev. J. L. Robertson will conduct the services at the East Side readingroom tomorrow afternoon at 4:15 o'clock.
   —The work of the Cortland Steam laundry this week included seventy family washings and five hundred packages.
   —All members of the Y. M. C. A., who are selling tickets for the Lotus Glee club are requested to report to the secretary Monday evening.
   —Dr. H. A. Cordo will preach in Memorial Baptist chapel on Tompkins-st., Sunday at 4 P. M. All are cordially invited, especially residents of the neighborhood.
   —Do you read the "Want" or "For Sale" or "For Rent" advertisements in The STANDARD every day? They are the best means of finding what you want. Read them.
   —We now have a full supply of parts one, two and three of Shepp's Holy Land at this office where one of each can be obtained for three daily coupons and ten cents or for one semi-weekly coupon and ten cents.
   —The Cornell students held a meeting yesterday afternoon and arranged for a mass meeting to be held next Monday afternoon at which time it is expected that a vote will be taken to forever do away with rushing [sic] in that institution.
   —Now is the time that people are beginning to advertise houses and rooms for rent or for sale, or are seeking for the same. The best place to advertise is in The STANDARD, daily or semiweekly. It costs but one cent a word, each time, and brings quick returns. Try it.
   —A few evenings ago Mr. M. Alexander of Fitz-ave. [West Main Street,] the well-known real estate dealer, placed an advertisement in The STANDARD announcing a small place for sale. At noon on the day following he had received four applications for it. This is only a sample of what is happening every day.
   —The 28th annual convention of the Young Men's Christian associations of New York state began at 2 o'clock Thursday afternoon in the First M. E. church of Jamestown. Vice-President John B. Squire of Buffalo presided. About 300 delegates were present. A fine program was arranged for the convention which concludes to-morrow.
   —The thermometer registered 24 degrees below zero at 7 o'clock this morning at Cooper Brothers foundry on River-st. The man who looked at it couldn't believe his eyes, and then he thought the thermometer was incorrect and two more were hung out, with exactly the same result. This is the coldest snap of the winter. The man who two weeks ago prophesied extreme cold for Feb. 20 to 25 was about right.

Tea Table Talk.
   There is a little green card in use by the postoffice department that is a terror to careless letter carriers. This card is dropped in a letter box; on it is marked the time when it should be taken out. A record is kept at the office, and if that card does not turn up when due, it is clearly to be seen that the carrier has not taken the mail from one box, at least.
   When there is any complaint on the part of citizens about the tardiness of the local mails, the tell-tale card is dropped in one or more boxes in the district from which the complaint comes. It is, however, not necessary that there should be complaints, for frequently the cards are put in the boxes of efficient men. Of course they are happy when they discover them.
   When a box is missed in which there is a green card the carrier is bound to get into trouble, at that. This card has been in use a good many years in all parts of the country.

Friday, April 28, 2017


Jacob Myers' lever-operated ballot machine.

The Cortland Democrat, Friday, February 23, 1894.

The Myers' Ballot Machine.

   Mr. Myers made no effort last Tuesday to induce the voters of this town to cast ballots in favor of purchasing his machines after he discovered that the Standard was opposing the purchase. In fact he notified the members of the town board that he did not desire to and should not hold them to the contract to purchase even if the vote was in his favor. The machines were in charge of the several members of the board during the day, and after the day's work was over they voluntarily gave Mr. Myers the following certificate:
   CORTI.AND, N. Y., Feb. 20, 1894.
   Myers' Ballot Mch. Co.:
   GENTLEMEN.—The five Myers' Ballot Machines, used in our election here today, worked like a charm and placed the merits of the Myers' System high in the estimation of this board and our people generally. We polled to-day 2,107 votes in 9 3/4 hours, no voters were turned away, or disfranchised, and the machines were idle part of the time. The final result was announced from the five machines in 43 minutes. We regard this system as the coming system for all elections and when so adopted it is evident they will soon pay for themselves. They register the votes reliably and their operation is extremely simple and we trust that the time will be short when their use will be general and universal throughout the State and Nation.
Yours truly,
   R. B. SMITH, Supervisor.
   W. R. BIGGAR, J. P.
   E. E. MELLON, Town Clerk, Town Board.

Friendly Sons' Banquet.
   At a meeting of the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick held in their rooms last Thursday evening it was decided to hold their annual banquet at the Cortland House March 16. The following committees were chosen to take charge of the affair:
   Decoration—M. F. Cleary, T. P. Keefe, James Walsh.
   Wines and cigars—John F. Dowd, Geo. McKean, Henry Corcoran, Hugh Corcoran.
   Program and tickets—E. S. Burrowes, Charles Corcoran, J. P. Maher, M. V. Lane.
   Reception—Hugh Duffey, E. S. Burrowes, L. J. Fitzgerald, M. F. Cleary, John Courtney, William Martin, J. T. Davern, John F. Dowd, Edward Fitzgerald, G. F. Beaudry, Edwin Duffey, N. L. Miller, W. H. Clark, B. B. Jones. J. E. Eggleston, S. K. Jones, A. P. Smith, F. J. Cheney, J. P. Maher, Chas. Corcoran, Ed. Mourin, R. T. Peck.
   Toasts—John C. Barry, Thomas H. Dowd, James Dougherty.
   Arrangements—William Grady, John Kennedy, Will Nix, B. H. McNiff, A. J. Lucy, P. H. Dowd, Frank Lanigan, M. T. Roche, Thomas Drake, John McDermott. J. H. O'Leary, Peter Nodecker, Dewitt Howard, A. J. McSweeney.
   Speakers—L. J. Fitzgerald, Rev. J. J. McLoghlin, Hugh Duffey, John Courtney, Albert Allen.

The Robin Hood Opera Co.
   A genuinely good thing is offered theatre goers at the Cortland Opera House Saturday evening March 3 when Barnabee, Karl and MacDonald's "Robin Hood" opera company will appear for one performance. The organization is such as only Barnabee, Karl and MacDonald have the artistic faith to send on the road. In this day of cheap companies, when managers in general are studying how to reduce expenses even at the expense of performances, it is gratifying to note that the most successful opera comique managers in America have the courage of their convictions and organize for the road a company comprising sixty high class artists, a superb cast of principals, a chorus of thirty-five fine voices, and a special operatic orchestra; and furnish it with elaborate special scenery and costuming. This is what Barnabee, Karl and MacDonald have done for the Robin Hood company, and they are being rewarded by overflowing houses everywhere.
   "Robin Hood" has broken all records of American opera and even made a close contest for honors with the most popular of light operas of European authorship. Eminent musical authorities declare that it will endure as long as opera comique lasts, and be classed with such imperishable works an "Carmen," "Bohemian Girl," "Martha," "Fra Diavalo," etc. This position seems to be well taken. Mr. Smith has carefully preserved the romantic flavor attaching to the amiable robbers of Sherwood Forest, has given them the brightest of character painting, and has coherently put together so many of the lively incidents connected with them that the book stands a self-established classic. Mr. DcKoven's music contains more of genuine melody, more of harmonious orchestration and more of humorous whimsicality than have been expressed in a composer's score since comic opera writing was first undertaken in America.
   Among the principals—each having been chosen with special reference to the characters to be impersonated are Jerome Sykes and James Nickolds, comedians; Edward Wentworth, Ross David and Charles Landie, tenors; Edwin Isham and Frank Bills, baritones; Ricardo Ricci and Louis Casavant, bassos; Fatimah Diard and Ethel Balch, sopranos; Mary Palmer and Agnes Stone, contraltos. The orchestra is under the direction of Prof. J. A. Robertson.

The DEMOCRAT begs leave to call the Daily Standards attention to the fact that last week the town of Groton elected a Democratic supervisor for the first time in over forty years. The Standard published the results in some far away counties where the republicans had made some slight gains but entirely overlooked this great democratic victory in an adjoining town. As a purveyor of democratic news the Standard is anything but a blooming success.
The Meyers Ballot Machine worked splendidly in this town last Tuesday and must be regarded by all who tested it as a grand success. Any intelligent man could cast his vote in less than 30 seconds and the illiterate need spend but little more time. There was no trouble in voting a mixed ticket if any desired to do so. The voter had only to press the button opposite any candidate's name and the machine did the rest. The proprietors of the Standard were as busy as bees before town meeting in endeavoring to prejudice the public against the machine, and they issued and caused to be distributed hundreds of circulars containing statements calculated to arouse grave doubts as to its merits.
   The manner in which the live machines conducted themselves while on duty in this village was conclusive proof to our citizens that their character had been wantonly and perhaps maliciously assailed. There are those who are uncharitable enough to express the opinion that the Standard's objection to the machine might possibly lay in the fact, that if they were purchased by the town, there would be no more need of ballots at town meetings and that the Standard's revenue would be considerably reduced in the following years. The DEMOCRAT trusts that no such unworthy or unpatriotic reason actuated our neighbors in their opposition.
The people of the good city of Syracuse have been wonderfully excited for the past two or three weeks over their charter election. The Belden republicans obtained possession of the organization, it was claimed by unfair means and improper practices, and as a consequence the Hendricks' republicans made a grand kick. The former nominated Jay B. Kline for mayor and the latter nominated Jacob Amos, who has served in that capacity for the past two years. Both city factions nominated full city and wards' tickets and the fight commenced. The Kirk—Mowry democrats nominated Duncan W. Peck for mayor and full city and ward tickets. To most observers it looked as though the latter must win, but he was evidently traded for other candidates and lost the election. The vote stood when counted as follows: Amos 7,802, Peck 7,527 and Kline 4,833.
   This is the first time in the history of Syracuse politics that Belden and his barrel have been downed, and he is badly floored this time. The Belden men charge that the Hendricks people used barrels of money, while the latter say that the former bought votes right and left and paid almost any price asked. Candid observers of the fight in the several wards say that both factions used large amounts in purchasing floaters. The Belden ticket got badly left and made a very poor showing. The democrats elect Jas. H. Meagher for overseer of the poor and Jared W. Wicks for assessor.

   We, the members of Carpenters Union No. 805 of Cortland, do hereby respectfully give notice to all contractors and builders, and to the public in general, that on and after April 1st, 1894, nine hours shall constitute a day's work for all union men of our trade, working in the jurisdiction of this union.
(381am4m)                                        BY ORDER OF COMMITTEE.


   CHENANGO— L. E. Darling is the new landlord of the Pitcher hotel.
   Some 18 car loads of machinery are on the way for Treanor's stone-sawing mill now going up on Fair street, Oxford.
   Sunday afternoon the flyer struck the wagon containing William Johnson, his wife and two children, at the Main street crossing near the station in Bainbridge. Mrs. Johnson was injured, one of the children had its foot crushed and will probably die, and the horse was killed. Mr. Johnson is a farmer, residing on the hill near the village.
   MADISON.—A session of the Pomona Grange will be held at Hamilton March 13.
   A large amount of eleven-inch ice was harvested on Cazenovia take last week.
   The claims for sheep killed in the town of Lenox for 1893 amounted to $532 while that of the year before was only about $100.
   The trial of the three Italians who robbed Matthew Miner of Brookfield, was concluded at Morrisville last week, two getting ten years each and the other fifteen years in the Auburn prison.
   A tramp stole a suit of clothes of James Purcell of Pompey Hollow, who gave him shelter on a cold night, and fled. Purcell followed him to Cazenovia and Erieville, finding his trampship near the latter place. He was made to disrobe in the open weather, in which condition he was taken before Justice Thompson and sentenced to the O. P. [Onondaga Penitentiary] for sixty days.
   TOMPKINS—Trumansburg wants a Board of Trade.
   Dryden is preparing for a village park and fountain.
   At the Gregg Iron Works, Trumansburg, orders for machinery are being filled from Russia and Germany.
   Assemblyman Stewart's bill for dredging the Inlet was reported favorably last week. The call is for $7,500. The last appropriation of $5,000 reverted to the treasury as the work was not carried out.
   Rents and prices of real estate in Ithaca are moving upward somewhat rapidly. A house on East Hill, which could be duplicated for $500, was rented a few days since, on a five years lease, for $300 per year.
   When the electric [street] cars first started, about every horse in the city was ready to run away at the sight of one. Now the animals are no more afraid of them than a bummer is of the forty-rod whisky dealt out over the bar of a saloon.
   Dryden Opera House narrowly escaped a scorching, on account of the upsetting of a kerosene lamp during the rehearsal Saturday evening, but the flames were promptly smothered with a coat which one of the actors took from his back.

   Charter election in McGrawville takes place March 20.
   The revival meetings have been continued through this week.
   Everybody seems to be enjoying the present good sleighing.
   A Farmer's Institute will be held at Marathon February 26 and 27.
   You can cure warts by simply rubbing ordinary white chalk over them every night at bedtime.
   Hi Henry's Minstrels in Cortland opera house Wednesday evening, February 28.
   We understand that the Cortland & Homer street railway will run their cars by electricity next summer.
   It is rumored about town that two Cortland families who attended the World's Fair are now subjects of charity.
   Four of the seven court of appeals judges have held that fishing on Sunday, even on private grounds, is a misdemeanor.
   Messrs. Hyatt & Tooke have taken a group photograph of the Normal school faculty. They are on sale at the gallery.
   Mr. R. F. Randall of this place has purchased the stock of liquors, wines, &c, in the store heretofore occupied by E. Dodge in Homer.
   A dispatch from Washington yesterday announced that Benton B. Jones, publisher of the DEMOCRAT, had been appointed postmaster at Cortland.
   Mr. John L. McKee for several years past superintendent of the Cortland Foundry and Machine company has resigned and Mr. H. C. Fairbanks of Homer, takes his place.
   Mr. Samuel Parsons, whose Directory of Cortland county has given so great satisfaction in the past, will renew its publication early the coming spring. The canvass will be made commencing April 1st, to assure accuracy to date of tissue.
   Some wag of an editor says that under the new unwritten game law, book agents may be killed from August 1st to October 1st; spring poets from March 1st to July 1st; scandal mongers from January 1st to December 31st, inclusive; umbrella borrowers February 1st to May 1st. Season open all the year on life insurance agents, picture peddlers and match venders.