Cortland Evening Standard, Monday,
January 29, 1894.
Gall, Ignorance or Deception.
"In the
editorial column of the daily STANDARD of January 24, there appeared an article
on "The Suffering People," and an extract is made from a speech said
to have been recently made by General Husted of Pennsylvania. The general is quoted
as having said, that the "People are now
in want, with a hard winter and poverty staring them in the face, and
who can say that all this is not due to Democracy and the Democratic
congress?" This statement is entirely uncalled for, and in its meaning
tends to disrupt the public mind rather than to ease it. The people of these
United States are now, and have been for many years, living under laws that
were enacted by a Republican congress. The McKinley tariff bill is now in full
force and has been for the past two years, and ever since it has been in force the
laboring classes have suffered reduction after reduction in wages, and shop
doors have been closed against them for the want of business. By the terms of
this law the laboring man is made to pay a tax of seventy-five cents on every
ton of coal he burns, which goes into the pocket of the money king
protectionist. We ask, in the language quoted, who can say that this is not due
to Republican laws and a Republican congress."—Cortland Democrat, Jan. 26.
the above paragraph was dictated by unmitigated gall, dense ignorance or a
studied purpose to deceive we are unable to say, but whatever its inspiration
it could not well have been made more utterly false or foolish. It insults the
intelligence of every wage earner and kicks up its heels in the face of facts.
Ask the workingmen and women how the first ten months of Democratic rule
[Cleveland Administration] compare with the last two years of Republican
administration [Harrison Administration] and see what they will say. Now there
is depression, stagnation, enforced idleness, starvation and misery. Then there
was prosperity everywhere, every mill was busy, and every man who wanted work
could get it at good prices. If the Democratic congress which is causing the continuance
of these hard times and threatening us with even worse ones, would pass a
resolution that the McKinley law would be left untouched for the next three years,
in a single month we would see the return of business prosperity. The charge
that this law ever caused a penny's reduction of wages or shut a single shop
door or made the laboringman "pay a tax into the pocket of a money king
protectionist" is as false as perdition.
◘ Last
fall's elections ought to have convinced Democratic newspapers that their lies
about "the robber tariff" would no longer be believed by workingmen. For
years the free trade or tariff reform press has been going on the principle
that the harder it lied the greater would be the effect. It finally deceived the
laboring men to the extent of getting them to select a Democratic president,
senate and house, and now they are idle and hungry, the business of the country
is at a standstill, and financial wrecks are scattered everywhere.
◘ American
workingmen are no longer going to swallow such paragraphs as the above from the Democrat. They know better. They have
learned by bitter experience. They will spew such political tainted meat out of
their mouths and stamp on it. They can't be fooled all the time. And our
Democratic congress has only to keep on till next fall as it is doing now,
holding the business of the country up by the gills and whacking it first on
one aide and then on the other,
to make such a wreck of the party that there will not be enough left of it to
furnish material for a coroner's inquest or to decently fill the smallest sized
political coffin. And this result will not be "due to Republican laws and
a Republican congress." These will come later, and put the business of the
country firmly on its feet again, and set idle men at work, and put food in
their stomachs and clothes on their backs, and fix in their minds the intense
conviction that Republican protection is the only thing which holds them up
above the level of the degraded and half-starved labor of foreign countries.
◘ Yale
college has a club made up entirely of students who are natives of Hawaii. It
is needless to say they all go in strong for annexation. On the evening of Jan.
17, the anniversary of the founding of the provisional government, they had a
banquet in honor of the occasion. Dean Francis Wayland of the Yale law school himself
responded to the toast, "President Dole—Every Inch a Man."
◘ The practice of whipping children brutally is
not yet wholly outgrown even in this most civilized country. A creature in
Pittsburg who called himself a man beat his 10-year-old son so cruelly that the
lad sprang from a third story window to escape the blows. The fall killed the
child. For thus murdering a little boy, his own flesh and blood, the creature was
sentenced to pay $100 fine and serve a year in the workhouse. Boys' lives seem
to be cheap in that part of the country.
◘ Lieutenant
General Sir George Tomkyns Cheany, M. P., has been making a speech in which he
says that in case of war between Great Britain and the United States it would be impossible, without
stronger coast defenses, to prevent Canada from being annexed to the United
States. Canada may or may not be annexed to the United States in the course of
time, but there can never be any war between England and the United States.
Neither nation can afford it.
◘ The Jabez
Spencer who figures in W. T. Stead's story of "Two and Two Make Four" is a real character. The swindling operations
of the Emancipator Building society, as depicted by Stead in the novel, are
merely the history of the actual Liberator Building society, which went to
pieces in England some time since, involving the ruin of thousands of poor
people who invested all they had saved in it. The Jabez Spencer of "Two
and Two Make Four" is really Jabez Spencer Balfour. He fled the country
when the crash came and was seen not long since living in luxury in the
Argentine Republic on a fine ranch. The despair and suffering of those he had
ruined did not seem to trouble him much. But when the treaty of extradition was
concluded between Great Britain and the Argentine Republic, Mr. Jabez Spencer
Balfour disappeared suddenly from the neighborhood of Buenos Ayres. It must be
inconvenient to keep dodging about like that, even if one is a millionaire and
has no conscience.
Jan. 29.—Champion James J. Corbett gave a supper to Billy Brady, his trainers,
and several other intimate friends. He said that he was in excellent trim. He
will be in Boston to open with his show "Gentleman Jack" tonight. Charley
Mitchell arrived in the city accompanied by his father-in-law, Pony Moore, and
his trainer, Harry Darrin. The party went to the Metropolitan where Mrs.
Mitchell was anxiously awaiting her husband. A reporter sent up his card with
the request to Mr. Mitchell that he might say something about himself. In response
he simply wrote "I met a better man." He denied himself to all
callers. Mitchell has no plans for his immediate future and the length of his
stay In town is unknown.
Corbett Lionized at New York.
Jan. 29.—Champion Corbett arrived here from Jacksonville, had a conqueror's
welcome on ferry and streets, put up at the Coleman House and stood in triumph
before thousands at the Madison Square reception.
Cause His Death After an Eight Days' Illness.
One of the saddest deaths that The STANDARD
has had to record for a long time is that of Charles La Vern Bushnell, the only
son of Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Bushnell, who died at 5:40 o'clock yesterday
afternoon, aged 23 years. He was born at Gustavus, O., and when only five
months of age came with his parents to New York state. He spent his early years
with his parents at Harford. About seven
years ago, he came to Cortland and entered the Normal, his father having been
elected county clerk and having moved to this place. On leaving school he was
appointed special deputy clerk and has worked in the county clerk's office at
different times for the past five years. He expected to go to Texas upon
January 9, had his ticket bought and trunk packed, but just before starting he
accepted a place in Sprague & Brooks' feed store on Greenbush-st. He had
worked for them but five days when he was taken ill. Friday evening, January
19, he had a chill but, notwithstanding his mother's warning and fears as to
the result, he went to the meeting of the Sons of Veterans. He was quite ill
Saturday, and Sunday it was pronounced diphtheria. Every effort was made to
save his life but in vain, and he died after an eight days' illness.
Mr. Bushnell was a young man of exemplary
character and was a general favorite in the Sons of Veterans' camp of which he
was elected captain for 1894. He had only been able to attend two meetings of
the camp since his election. He has been a member of the First Methodist church
for the past four years and his untarnished reputation, good habits and high
character had made him one of the model young men of Cortland.
The remains will be taken in a hermetically
sealed casket on the 8:52 train to-morrow morning to Watkins, where funeral
services will be held at the grave at 2 P. M.
Ferns Word Contest.
The committee selected to look over the
lists handed in for the prize contest regarding the Myrtle Ferns entertainment to-night
have adopted the rule that no letter should be used more times in a word than
it occurs in the words "Myrtle Ferns;"
for instance, "esteem" containing three "e's" while "e"
occurs but twice in Myrtle Ferns, would have to be stricken out. A large number
of lists have been handed in, most of them containing many hundred words, and the
committee are working on them but it is feared they will not be through in time
to bestow the prizes before the entertainment, so it is suggested that all who
have sent in lists, purchase tickets and attend the performance. The announcement
of the winner will be made from the stage, and the amount of the prize, the
prices of two tickets, will be refunded to the winner if present, if not, to
the one who is present having the next highest list.
![]() |
Cortland Opera House (on left) and Cortland House on Groton Avenue. |
—"Myrtle Ferns" to-night at the
Opera House. Admission 25, 35 and 50 cents.
—Don't forget the entertainment for the
benefit of the poor at the Opera House to-night.
—The Wheel club give another of their
popular "smokers" to-morrow evening. Pork and beans will be served.
—The sale of the Cortland Desk Co.'s plant,
which was to have been held this morning, has been adjourned till April 4 at 10
A. M.
—The members of the Tioughnioga club are
requested to attend the performance this evening and thus lend their support to
this good cause.
—A special meeting of James H. Kellogg camp,
Sons of Veterans, will be held this evening for the purpose of taking action on
the death of Captain C. L. Bushnell.
—The Normal Banjo and Guitar club this
morning presented to the Normal school a large and fine framed photograph of
themselves. It has been hung in the office.
—The members of St. Mary's Catholic church are
taking steps to establish a branch of the St. Vincent De Paul society, the
object of which is to care for the poor.
—The curtain will not rise till fifteen minutes
after 8 o'clock to-night. This will enable many to attend the benefit
performance who otherwise would be unable to do so.
—If you are disposed to help the needy even
to a small amount, you can do no better than to buy a ticket for the benefit
to-night at the Opera House. Admission 25, 35 and 50 cents.
—On Friday evening, Feb. 2, a social hop
will be given at the Empire House in Tully. Music will be furnished by Prof.
McDermott's full orchestra, George D. Goddard is the proprietor of the hotel.
—The Presbyterian choir and organist are
planning for a grand concert to be given in the church some evening the latter
part of February in aid of the Ladies' Home Missionary and church society. The
concert will be given by themselves only, without any outside assistance.
—The Y. M. C. A. now has an opportunity of
securing for three months at a moderate salary, a physical director for the Y.
M. C. A. gymnasium; and the directors will secure his services if fifteen or
twenty new members can be induced to join at once. Will each member try and do
his part in this work.
—Harrison Miner of DeRuyter, who has been
for years well-known to members of the Cortland county bar, died at 5 o'clock
yesterday morning at his home after a long and lingering illness. The immediate
cause of his death was dropsy. The funeral occurs at 2 o'clock to-morrow
— Court convened this morning, Judge P. B.
McLennan of Syracuse presiding. Attorneys
A. P. Smith, O. U. Kellogg and R. Champlin were appointed a committee to draft
resolutions on the death of Harrison Miner of DeRuyter. Court was then
adjourned till 2 o'olock this afternoon, when the resolutions were to be
—Dr. Lorimer's lecture on Wednesday evening
will not begin until half past 8 o'clock, thereby giving all who desire an
opportunity to attend the union revival services in the Presbyterian church at
7 o'clock. This service will close promptly at 8:15, giving ample time for any
and all who wish to go to the Opera House to hear the great lecturer.
—Mr. Prosper Palmer has received word
announcing the death of his brother, Miles G. Palmer, which occurred at his
home at Camanche, Ia., and was caused by paralysis. The deceased was nearly 90
years of age and leaves a wife and two brothers, Prosper of Cortland and
another brother at Nortonville, Kan. The funeral was held Saturday.
—The Tioughnioga Club relief committee is
doing good work among the worthy poor of our village. Over twenty families who
have become destitute temporarily through sickness or the stress of the hard
times, have been relieved by the distribution to them of coal and provisions
during the month of January. The work is systematically and carefully done, and
the subscribers to the fund may feel assured that every dollar is placed where
it will do the most good.
—Officer Monroe arrested Tim Maher Saturday
night for public intoxication. On being arraigned in police court this morning
Justice Bull said to him, "Well, it is the same old story?"
"Yes, I suppose so," said the prisoner. "Have you got three
dollars?" asked the judge. "No." "You will have to take
three days in jail then," said Justice Bull. "I will not give you any
temperance lecture," he continued, "because it does not do any good,
but will just give you plain three
dollars or three days." Tim was then taken to jail.
The union revival meetings will be continued
through this week at the Presbyterian church upon each evening except Thursday
and Saturday. On Thursday evening the
usual church prayer-meetings will be held separately, and will be of the nature
of revival services.
This evening at 7:30 o'clock Rev. C. E.
Hamilton will preach. Tomorrow evening it is expected that Rev. J. L. Robertson
will preach and on Wednesday evening Rev. W. H. Pound. The services on
Wednesday evening will begin at 7 o'clock and will close promptly at
8:15 to permit all to attend the lecture at the Opera House to be given by Dr.
George C. Lorimer in the Y. M.C.A. course. The lecture will begin at 8:30 o'clock.
The union woman's prayer-meeting will be held
in the Presbyterian chapel each day this week from 2 to 3 o'clock.
The union men's prayer-meeting will be held
in the same place each evening this week except Thursday and Saturday a half
hour before the time for evening service.
Association Notes.
The first "hard time smoker" of
the Cortland Athletic association will be held at the clubhouse [Randall house]
this evening. The boys are sparing no pains to make the affair one of the most
successful of the kind ever held in Cortland.
Work was begun this afternoon fitting up the
third floor of the clubhouse as the gymnasium. The apparatus will be set up
At the meeting of the board of governors, held
this afternoon, the contract for fitting up the bathroom was awarded to the
firm of Buck & Lane. Four basins, a shower bath, and lockers will be
put in. Messrs. F. H. Monroe and E. B. Richardson were appointed a committee to
look into the advisability of putting in a bowling alley.
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