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Carrie Lane Chapman. |
Cortland Evening Standard, Tuesday,
January 30, 1894.
The Struggle Began Twenty-four Years Ago
and Culminated In an Enthusiastic and Successful Campaign Last Fall—The Distinguished
Services of Mrs. Chapman.
years ago General Edward McCook, then territorial governor of Colorado, wrote
concerning the woman suffrage question in his first message to the legislature:
"It rests with you to say whether Colorado will accept this reform in its
first stage or in its last, whether she will be a leader or a follower, for the
logic of a progressive civilization leads to the inevitable result of universal
McCook was a pioneer in the woman suffrage movement, and recent events have
proved that he was something of a prophet so far as Colorado was concerned, for
the state at its last election, by a large majority of the popular vote,
decided to admit women to the right of suffrage on a perfect equality with men.
But in those days Governor McCook met the proverbial fate of a prophet in his
own country, and though he and a band of devoted followers made a hard fight
for female suffrage in the territorial assembly of 1870 they were defeated by a
two-thirds majority.
history of the movement in the Centennial State subsequent to that date makes
interesting reading. When Colorado was on the eve of statehood in 1876, Judge
H. P. H. Bromwell succeeded in having incorporated in the new constitution a
clause providing that at the first general election or at any election
thereafter the question of suffrage might be submitted to a vote of the people
upon the passage of a bill to that effect by the state legislature. The general
assembly passed such a law at its first session in 1877, and the ensuing
campaign was a notable one. The struggle was in vain, however, for the
suffragists were overwhelmed by a vote of 20,000 against their measure to
10,000 in its favor.
Nothing disheartened,
they made an effort in 1881 to secure municipal suffrage for women, but even
that small favor was refused them, and the effort came to nought. In the spring
of 1890 Mrs. Louise M. Tyler, who had done active work in the cause of woman
suffrage in Massachusetts and Rhode Island, went to Denver and stirred the
friends of the movement up once more. Through her efforts an organization was
formed which in the winter of 1891 again petitioned the legislature to extend to
women the right to vote. They made the mistake of not getting their bill
introduced within the required time, however, and it had to be tacked on as a
rider to a bill preventing foreigners from voting on their first naturalization
papers. The bill was lost and the rider with it.
But that
"a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump" received fresh
verification at the next meeting of the legislature, for in the Ninth assembly,
which met in January, 1893, not less than four suffrage bills were introduced,
one of which got through the house by a small majority and narrowly escaped
suffocation in the senate. It was one of the last bills passed by that body.
Then the
Equal Suffrage association enlisted the services of Mrs. Carrie Lane Chapman and went to work as they had never worked
before. Headquarters were opened in Denver, where Miss Helen M. Reynolds,
corresponding secretary of the association, engineered a campaign that was
worthy of a veteran politician. Nothing was neglected that might promote success,
and everything was avoided that might stimulate opposition. Some of the leading
newspapers were enlisted in support of the movement, and the campaign was
conducted entirely on an educational and nonpartisan basis.
Chapman made a tour of the state, traveling every day, speaking every night and
organizing a league wherever she spoke. Men made up the greater portion of her
audiences, and even in the mountain towns and mining camps she received the
most courteous and chivalric treatment. Her tact was equal to her eloquence,
and under her influence some of the best men in the state enrolled themselves
in the local leagues, sometimes filling all the offices and doing all the
routine work. There was no organized opposition, and the Populist party was
united in support of the movement.
The most sanguine suffragists hardly expected
to carry Denver. In fact, defeat there was looked for as practically certain,
and when the returns from Arapahoe county showed a majority of 915 in favor of
equal suffrage the friends of the movement were among those most surprised. The
official count showed the total majority in the state to be 6,847, and in
accordance with the will of the people thus expressed the governor on Dec. 2
issued a proclamation
conferring the right of suffrage on the women citizens of the state.
The women
accepted the decision quietly. There was no public jollification, but many of
them hastened to show their appreciation of the franchise by registering as
voters. It remains to be demonstrated whether the exercise of their new privilege
will have the beneficial effects predicted for it.
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Wickwire Factory, Cortland, N. Y.. |
More Depression in Store for Cortland.
It may possibly
have dawned already on the comprehension of some of the more intelligent of
those in this village who voted for the present [Cleveland] administration, and
the depression, misery and financial ruin which it has caused, that even Cortland
would have enjoyed greater prosperity under Republican rule. The village
attained most of its growth and built up all its industries under a protective tariff.
During the past eight months, the factories of Cortland, with possibly two or
three exceptions, have been either closed or running with a handful of men, and
signs of revival are not all that could be wished. It is an unquestionable fact
that there are less people in the village to-day than a year ago, and the
prospect of any increase is very remote.
During these
dark months of panic and prostration the industry which has seemed least
affected has been the wire drawing and wire goods factory of Wickwire Bros.
Among the reasons for this have been that their wire goods are largely
protected by patents on the goods and on the machines making them, and the wire
drawn in their mills has at once gone into these goods, which are not excelled
in quality anywhere in the world, and which by reason of improved and patented
machinery can be manufactured at prices which will sell them wherever such
goods are used.
It has
not occurred to some tariff reformers and free traders that a valid patent is
the most absolute protection possible. It is practically a tariff so high as to
be prohibitive. It is therefore the worst kind of a robbery, according to Democratic
principles, for it clearly taxes the many for the benefit of the few.
"Witness typewriters sold for $100 when they don't cost $15—all because they
are patented. Though they could be made in some other country for $10 they
could not be sold here, if so made, at any price. Yet nothing has so stimulated
American invention and built up new industries as the protection afforded by
our patent laws. If they are constitutional, why is a tariff which simply levies
a tax on foreign goods goods and foreign manufacturers for the benefit of
American labor and the stimulation of American industries, and to meet the
necessary expenses of our government, a whit more unconstitutional? "Why
can it not be better defended on every moral and economical ground?
In fine
wire drawing, however, Wickwire Bros. are protected by no patents. The method
is the same in all countries, and a man can draw just as long a piece of wire
in a day in England or Germany as he can in America. The big wages and steady
work of the fine wire drawers in Wickwire Bros.' factory have been due solely
to the protective tariff. Yet some of these very men have been voting to put
the party in power which now proposes to reduce the pay for fine wiredrawing in
this country to the level of wages paid in Germany. As evidence of this and as
showing how the Wilson bill will affect the industry which has done so much for
Cortland, we publish the following letter from Wickwire Bros., which was read
in the house of representatives last Saturday, at the request of Representative
Payne of this district, during the debate on amendments to the sections of the
Wilson bill affecting wire drawing and wire weaving:
N.Y., Jan. 9, 1894.
We wish to inform you how the Wilson bill will affect our business, and ask
your assistance in getting it changed if it must become a law. We consider the
bill un-American, and a direct blow at American industries.
inclose a schedule showing present and proposed duty on our raw material, wire
rods and our finished products, viz: Fine wire, (finer than No. 26), and wire cloth
made from wire finer than No 26. You will notice that wire rods, new, pay six-tenths
cent per pound. Fine wire 3 cents per pound. Wire cloth and nettings 5 cents
per pound. The Wilson bill proposes to place all these at 30 per cent ad valorem,
which you will see at once gives us, who take the wire rod for our raw material
and work it down, no protection.
In order
to show you the inconsistency of this, we will give you the values of the different
products: Wire rods, American make, of a quality good enough to draw down to No.
33 wire, are worth to-day $28 per ton of 2,240 pounds, or about 1 2-10 cents
per pound. The German wire rods cannot be imported, of a quality suitable for
this work at present duty, for less than $30 per ton, we believe; and under the
proposed tariff of 30 per cent we figure our rolling-mills are able to compete,
and admit they can do so. But when we draw this rod to No. 33 wire it is worth
in the largest contracts, of say 500 to 1,000 tons, 6 1/2 cents per pound, the
difference all being represented in labor and mill expense with a small profit.
wire-drawers are high-priced men earning $1 to $4.50 per day, spending a number
of years to learn the business. Wire-drawers in England and Germany earn less
than half what we pay here. We have no advantage over them in machinery, the
process of drawing fine wire being an old one. Now you will see the proposed
duty is 30 per cent ad valorem on this finished product, worth over five times
as much as our raw material. Going still farther, we take this No. 33 wire and
weave it into fine wire cloth which is used for all of our fine sieves, and
painted for window screens; it is then worth at the lowest jobbing price, from
13 to 18 cents per pound. Still we come under the same 30 per cent ad valorem.
We can
not compete with the foreign product unless we cut our wages down to starvation
prices, which we will never be able to do, as the men will not submit to it.
Four-fifths of the cost of the above No. 33 wire or fine wire cloth is
represented in labor. The proposed 30 per cent ad valorem duty is a reduction
in our present duty of over 50 per cent on either of the above products, and is
more than we can possibly stand and will result in closing every fine wire,
wire cloth, and netting mill in this country unless we can cut our wages down,
as we have said above, 50 per cent.
We also
wish to explain the condition of this trade on the other side. England and
Germany, which are the principal manufacturers, are not at present furnishing a
pound of these goods m this country. When the present duty was put on we were
importing wire nettings at a cost of $1.25 per 100 square feet, where now it is
all made from same size of wire, same mesh, and a better quality and sold for 40
cents per 100 square feet.
wire cloth was imported from Germany until the price was brought below 2 cents
per square foot. We are now selling it as low as 1 1/3 cents per square foot,
and it is used more extensively in this country than in any other. We do not like
to open our market to foreigners to furnish an article that has been
appropriated by Americans to a use the foreigners have not done. There is no
foreign demand for our production.
Will now
state our situation: About a year ago we commenced the erection of a large
additional plant to draw our fine wire and have it about completed, with the
prospect ahead that we can not operate it, and you must imagine we are seriously
interested in the Wilson bill, which proposes to strike down our industry.
production of fine wire, wire cloth, and nettings in this country is very
large—much larger than in any other country. Our market is at home, and we have
enjoyed years of prosperity and increased demand each year. Millions of dollars
are invested in the business, the principal works being located in
Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, New York, Ohio, Michigan
and Illinois.
With this
explanation we think you will be quite familiar with the situation, and we want
your assistance to have the duty increased on fine wire to at least 40 per cent
and wire cloth and nettings to 50 per cent, if the bill must become a law.
Hoping to
hear from you in answer to the above, we remain,
very respectfully,
Washington, D. C.
on the letter Mr. Payne said:
Why, this
letter which I have just read relates to a business which is carried on in a
number of states, in which, millions of capital are invested, in which,
thousands of employees are interested, to get their daily bread; a business
that pays American wages to all the men engaged in it; a business that has been
largely developed within the last few years, a great want and a great necessity
to all the people of the states, supplying our consumers with what has come to
be an article of necessity. And now this committee propose, it would seem,
without forethought or examination of this business, nay, it would seem, in
utter ignorance of this business, the committee come in here without rhyme or
reason and propose to cut down the measure of duty, which these men engaged in
it say would either compel them to discontinue the business or to cut down the
wages of their employees at least one-half.
I think
even this House, tending as it is in the direction of free trade and ruin, would
hesitate if its members could understand all the relations which these
amendments have to the industries of the country; that they would hesitate to adopt
one of the amendments which the committee have dumped in here by the bushel
basketful at this last hour in the consideration of this bill.
Yet the
house marched on unflinchingly in the free trade path marked out for it by
Southern politicians who hail from places having only a few hundred inhabitants,
and where the only sound of whistles ever heard comes from the mouths of the
lazy and ignorant natives.
How much
longer will intelligent Northern workingmen follow such leadership? How much
longer will they vote away their bread through prejudice or partisanship? How
much longer will the lies of demagogues and political self-seekers have
influence with them? It is reasonably safe to say not much longer. If the Wilson
bill passes and the fine wire mills in Cortland shut down, or offer their men
foreign wages as the only alternative, we anticipate that the curses called
down on the Democratic party will be loud and deep, and that the conversions to
Republicanism will be many and lasting.
Home Talent Scores a Great Success on the
Few if any
amateur melodramic [sic] performances have been given in Cortland for many
years that have in any way equaled the presentation last evening of
"Myrtle Ferns" by the Players' club, given for the purpose of
swelling the treasury of the poor fund of the Tioughnioga relief committee. The
audience down stairs was one of the most select that has ever assembled in the
Opera House. There were many vacant seats in the gallery, but the piece was not
cut out for a gallery audience and the large crowd down stairs were liberal
enough in their applause to make up for the several hundred gallery boys, who
were conspicuous by their absence.
Ferns" is a melodrama with a strong plot. In the first act occurs a
murder, and it takes four more acts to unravel the mystery concerning it. Every
act is full of startling climaxes which were all well brought out by the members
of the club. All the Opera House scenery used was placed to the best advantage,
and few were able to believe that it all belonged to the Opera House. The
properties were also well worked throughout and the entire piece went through
without a balk. This is saying much more than most amateur organizations can
say. The entire company was working under a serious disadvantage, having been
unable, owing to the company being here all last week, to secure the Opera
House for rehearsals and the only opportunity that the club had to get their
bearings on the stage was at one rehearsal of the piece yesterday afternoon.
With the disadvantage of parlor rehearsals, at which the entrances and exits
were imaginary, lack of properties and hundreds of smaller things, it was a
very agreeable surprise to the audience that the drama went off in a manner
that would have done credit to a strong professional company.
With the
array of talented amateurs in the cast it is next to impossible to state who
did the best. Each person carried his or her parts, nearly all of which were
doubled, in a most excellent manner.
the mischief, "Little, but oh, gee " was a very difficult part,
liable to be over acted and one which yet required considerable energy. Mrs. E.
S. Burrows struck the happy medium and impersonated it in a manner which, as the
part implied was literally "out of sight." Her acting showed a
careful study of the part, even to the minutest details and she adapted herself
to them in an exceedingly natural manner, which classed her among the few
natural born actresses who have kept off the stage professionally.
Hawley, as Mother Worth in the first act, clearly showed her ability in a character
part, but she proved herself a most excellent actress in the juvenile line of
Emma Myrtle. Her elaborate wardrobe added a great deal to the success she
achieved in her impersonation of the part, which showed a clear conception, well
carried out. Her enunciation is especially worthy of mention.
It would
have been a difficult matter to have found a person better suited to the part
of Edith Worth than Miss Ruth Carpenter. She was excellent indeed and had she
been in her own parlor could not have acted with better grace and a more
natural manner than when she was playing the romantic part of Robert's
Mr. Bert
Hakes appeared in two widely different characters and it is difficult to tell
in which he most excelled. During four acts he played the comedy part of Larry and his many amusing speeches and quick Irish
wit and repartee brought down the house many times during the evening. The part
of the good (?), kind (?), generous (?) jailer was much heavier, but he carried
it in a manner which would have done credit to an old professional.
Joseph G. Jarvis also doubled, in first impersonating the rough, but honest old
back woodsman, Stub Worth, and after the latter had been murdered took another
old man character part, which was more polished, that of the master of Myrtle
Ferns. He was excellent in both parts.
Few would
believe that two such good natured men as Mr. E. S. Burrows and Mr. M. Day Murphey were capable of impersonating
respectively the parts of the villain and his dupe. Both did admirably, but as
usual the dupe "squeeled" on the villain just as his plans were maturing
and spoiled them all.
Mr. E. B.
Cummings appeared in a juvenile role that just suited him and he carried it in
the same excellent manner, which has characterized all of his previous efforts
in this direction. In fact he eclipsed himself in many features.
Dannie, the
jailer's assistant, by Mr. Stevens, was as tough as one could wish but he did
his duty as a sheriff in the last act in a manner which pleased all.
At the
first appearance of each of the characters they received a round of applause.
Each person had dressed his or her character in a manner which just suited it
and many of the costumes excelled those of many traveling companies. The orchestra was at its best and the entire
performance was most excellent.
"Myrtle Ferns" will be presented at the Opera House by the
Players' club next Friday evening at the reduced prices of ten, twenty and
thirty cents.
Daughters' Election.
At the annual meeting of the Loyal circle of
King's Daughters held at the residence of Mrs. A. M. Johnson, 32 Groton-ave.,
the following officers were duly elected for the year 1894:
President—Mrs. F. J. Cheney.
1st Vice-Pres.— Mrs. E. D. Parker.
2nd Vice-Pres.—Mrs. E. F. Jennings.
Secretary—Miss Mary Oday.
Treasurer—Mrs. A. M. Johnson.
Supt. of Local Charity—Mrs. Quinn, 16
Directors Local Charity work:
First Ward—Mrs. M. C. Ellas, 7 Duane-st,
Mrs. E. Robbins, 8 Duane st.
Second Ward—Mrs. E. D. Parker, 95
Lincoln-ave., Mrs. E. F. Jennings, 12 Homer-ave.
Third Ward—Mrs. H. Smith, 22 Hubbard-st.,
Miss Mary Oday, 76 Railroad-st.
Fourth Ward—Mrs. H. L. Bronson, 66 Port
Watson-st., Mrs. Henry Relyea, 11 Blodgett-st.
Card and Flower Mission—Mrs. Homer Smith.
Supt. Employment Agency—Mrs. S. Rindge.
Social Committee—Mrs. Marcus Brownell, Mrs.
Fred Thompson, Mrs. E. F. Jennings.
—Do not forget the annual meeting of the
Cortland County Veterans' association to-morrow at 10 A. M. at Grand Army hall.
—At a meeting of the board of engineers last
evening Mr. F. A. Bickford was appointed janitor of Fireman's hall for the
ensuing year.
—Those who enjoy a dish of Boston baked
beans and a Henry Clay pipe afterwards will have an opportunity to satisfy it
at the Wheel club smoker this evening.
—There will be a regular meeting of the F.
and A. M. to-night. Work and instruction in the third degree will begin, and
every member is expected to be present.
—Dispatches this afternoon show that this
storm prevails at least from Cleveland on the west as far as Boston on the
east. It everywhere is a blizzard and much snow has fallen. In New York last
night there was a heavy rainfall but no snow and to-day it is clearing.
—The sale of F. W. Clark's grocery occurred
yesterday afternoon, after the forms of The STANDARD had been locked. Lucinda
M. Clark, his wife, purchased all of the stock, with the exception of the
coffeemill, which was purchased by John E. Winslow of Virgil for $14.50 and the
safe which D. L. Bliss bid in for $15. The entire stock sold for $1,121.
—Notwithstanding the severe storm last night
and to-day all the trains on both the D., L. & W. and E., C. & N. railroads
have been on time. It has not even been necessary to have the snow ploughs out.
They have not had to be out at all so far this winter. The snow plough on the
street railroad has been moving all day and the road is open.
—Winter has come at last. The first genuine
snowstorm of the season and the first blizzard has struck the town, and however
the majority of people may feel about the first, the second surely is not a
welcome visitor. But then the winter has been mild so far, and really no one
has much reason to complain if two months winter does get bunched in a single
—The Cortland Athletic association have
secured Mrs. D. N. Miller of Homer to take charge of their house. She will be
assisted by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
White. Mr. White was formerly proprietor of the Mansion House in Homer, and
will bring to his new duties large experience in such matters. The family will
move in the third week in February. The family will have the privilege of
taking boarders who are not members of the association for meals only. Only
members will be permitted to room in the house. Mrs. Miller will act as caterer
and will be prepared to furnish lunches on a moderate or elaborate scale at any
time to members.
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