Wednesday, April 12, 2017


Congressman Thomas B. Reed, Maine Republican.
Civil War General and Congressman Daniel Sickles.

Cortland Evening Standard, Wednesday, February 7, 1894.

Democrats Lacked a Quorum but Recalled Leaves of Absence—The Minority
Resolution on the Hawaiian Question and Blair's Substitute Lost—Mr. Sickles Makes the Only Democratic Speech In Opposition.
   WASHINGTON, Feb. 7.—The Hawaiian debate was concluded, but the entire resolution was not passed, because of the failure of the Democrats to secure a quorum when a vote was taken upon it.
   Much less opposition from the Democratic side developed than was at one time anticipated.
   Only one speech, that of General Sickles (N. Y.), was made in opposition to the adoption of the resolution.
   The Hitt substitute, the Blair amendment and the motion made by Mr. Reed to commit the resolution, were in turn voted down.
   When the vote came to be taken upon the main question, however, the adoption of the entire resolution, the Republicans refrained from voting and the Democrats lacked 17 of quorum.
   Mr. Loud (Rep., Cal.) contended that partisanship should have no place in the determination of a question where patriotism alone should reign. The American interest in Hawaii was paramount. Down to Mr. Cleveland's second administration the policy of the United States had always looked to ultimate annexation. Even Mr. Merrill, Mr. Cleveland's first minister to Hawaii, received instructions, both written and verbal, to court the most friendly relations with Hawaii with a view to ultimate annexation.
   Mr. Turner (Dem., Ga.) made an impassioned speech. The revolution of our countrymen in Hawaii, said he, was not against oppression. It was a conspiracy which overthrew and trampled under foot a constitutional form of government under which our countrymen there had flourished and prospered.
   Mr. Sickles (Dem., N. Y.) then got the floor and made the first speech on the Democratic side against the McCreary resolution.
   If the resolution which the house was asked to pass confined itself to the past and the present, he said in opening, he would have remained silent, but it went further. It had an important bearing on the future. He did not believe that one administration was a court of appeals or a court of review for the acts of a previous administration. (Republican applause.)
   He should look forward with regret to a possible review five years hence of the acts of Cleveland and Blount, as he now saw with surprise and regret an attempt to review the acts of President Harrison and Minister Stevens, both of whom are now out of office.
   The present government of Hawaii, he continued, was recognized by the United States as a legitimate government. Its authority was unquestioned. How it had originated might still be a proper subject for a debating society, but being complete, being recognized, that question in law was res adjudicata. (Republican applause.)
   "As long ago as 1850, I heard Governor Marcy say that the Sandwich islands should not belong to any other power and would eventually belong to us. I agreed with him then, and I agree with him now." (Republican applause.)
   Mr. De Forest (Dem., Conn.) endorsed the action of the administration.
   Mr. Hepburn (Rep., Iowa) said the resolution which the Democratic house proposed to pass condemned Minister Stevens on ex parte evidence secured by Mr. Blount; that evidence Mr. McCreary would not have been warranted in using before any court.
   Mr. Hooker of Mississippi was recognized for one hour for the closing speech of the debate. Mr. Hooker is a Democratic member of the foreign affairs committee. He called attention to those features of the Hawaiian treaty submitted by President Harrison, which gave a pension of $20,000 per year to the dethroned queen, $150,000 to the royal princess and assumed the Hawaiian debt of over $3,000,000. He argued at length the existence of a conspiracy which, having accomplished its usurpation of the functions of government, proceeded to divide up the spoils.
   In the course of his speech Mr. Hooker paid a high tribute to Mr. Blount. In concluding he delivered a glowing eulogy of Mr. Cleveland for his devotion to truth and honesty.
   Mr. Hooker received a round of applause as he took his seat.
   The hour then having arrived according to the special order the vote was taken. Three resolutions were pending. The first was the majority (McCreary) resolution as follows:
   Resolved, first—It is the sense of this house that the action of the United States minister in employing United States forces and illegally aiding in overthrowing the constitutional government of the Hawaiian Islands in January, 1893, and setting up in its place a provisional government, not republican in form and in opposition to the will of a majority of the people, was contrary to the traditions of our republic and the spirit of our constitution, and should be and is condemned.
   Second—That we heartily approve the principle announced by the president of the United States, that interference with the domestic affairs of an independent nation is contrary to the spirit of American institutions. And it is further the sense of the house that the annexation of the Hawaiian Islands to our country or the assumption of a protectorate over them by our government is uncalled for and inexpedient; that the people of that country should have absolute freedom and independence in pursuing their own line of policy, and that foreign intervention in the political affairs of the Islands will not be regarded with indifference by the government of the United States.
   The second was the minority resolution, offered as a substitute for the McCreary resolution, as follows:
   Whereas, Executive communications to congress disclose that the executive department has instructed a minister plenipotentiary of the United States to conspire with a deposed and discarded monarch for the overthrow of a friendly Republican government to which said minister was accredited, duly recognized by all the civilized nations and to which his public instructions pledged the good faith and sympathy of the president, the government and the people of the United States.
   Resolved, That it is the sense of this house that any such intervention by the executive of the United States, his civil or military representatives or officers, without authority of congress, is a dangerous and unwarranted invasion of the rights and dignities of the congress of the United States and a violation of the law of nations; and further that the manner of such attempted intervention by the executive and the methods used, are unworthy of the executive department of the United States, while the confessed intent of such intervention is contrary to the policy and traditions of the republic and the spirit of the constitution.
   To the last resolution Mr. Blair offered a substitute approving the recognition of the provisional government by both administrations and declaring for annexation.
   The vote was first taken on the Blair amendment, which was lost on a rising vote—77 to 155.
   The ayes and nays were secured on the demand of Mr. Blair.
   There was not a party break on either side on this vote, although General Sickles and perhaps one or two Democrats in the hall of the house declined to respond to their names when they were called.
   The vote was then taken on the minority (Hitt) resolution, which was offered as a substitute.
   It was lost, first on a rising vote—98 to 138—then on a yea and nay vote—102 to 162.
   As on the previous roll call there was no breaking away from party lines. The Populists voted with the Republicans. Upon the announcement of this vote Mr. Reed moved to recommit the report of the committee with the accompanying resolutions with instructions to investigate all the assertions of fact contained in the resolution, offered by the committee and now pending before the house, giving full opportunity of cross-examination by members of the committee as to testimony relating to any person accused by the resolution of crime or misconduct in office or otherwise.
   Upon this motion to recommit, Mr. Cummings (Dem., N. Y.) voted with the Republicans and Mr. Sickles (Dem., N. Y.) refused to vote. The motion was lost, 98 to 160. Mr. Burrows tried to move to lay on the table, but the speaker held it was out of order. The vote then recurred upon the McCreary resolution.
   The Republicans, excepting Mr. Broderick of Kansas, sat silent in their seats, refusing to answer their names.
   The Populists also declined to vote.
   Mr. Sickles voted against the resolution and Mr. Cummings (Dem., N. Y.), Cockrell (Dem., Tex.) and Geary (Dem., Cal.) did not vote, refusing to place themselves on record for or against the resolution.
   The vote resulted 160 ayes to 2 nays. The Democrats lacked 17 of a quorum.
   Mr. McCreary immediately moved a call of the House.
   Mr. Reed filibustered and succeeded in delaying proceedings over half an hour. At the end of that time, however, a resolution to recall leaves of absence was adopted and the house adjourned without having adopted the McCreary resolution.

Backing Up the President.
   WASHINGTON, Feb. 7.—The house has agreed to McCreary's resolutions supporting the president's Hawaiian policy.

Changes In Baseball Rules.
   CINCINNATI, Feb. 7.—The committee on rules of the National Baseball league completed its sittings [sic] here. The rules as a whole are not materially changed, but the committee has touched on a few points concerning which there has been considerable discussion. The committee first defines a bunt hit. It next provides that if the ball falls foul, while the batsman is trying to advance a runner by a bunt sacrifice, a strike shall be called. Amendment is also suggested to the rule regarding strikes, providing that a strike shall be called if the batsman strikes at a ball which touches him. Noisy coaching is also touched upon, and the umpire is given additional power to remove players in certain cases. A fly to the outfield is not to be counted a sacrifice. Other rules are amended to fit these changes.

Indians at Washington.
   WASHINGTON, Feb. 7.—General members of the Sac and Fox, Kickapoo and Pottawatamies called upon Commissioner of Indian Affairs Browning. The Pottawatamies urged the removal of Indian Agent Scott, and generally complained of being forced to allot lands in severalty. The delegation will probably accept advice of the bureau officials and go home.

Great Americans.
   Who are our great men that are really typical Americans? Mr. Woodrow Wilson undertakes to answer the question in The Forum. He dismisses Alexander Hamilton and President Madison as "great Englishmen bred in America." On the other hand, however, he classes Washington, who in many characteristics resembled these two, as a typical American. He explains it by saying that Washington was not at all the cold, colorless, prudent individuality represented by his biographers, but was as thoroughly American as Jackson or Lincoln. He informs us that what we take for lack of passion, in him was "but the reserve and self-mastery natural to a man of his class and breeding in Virginia.''
   John Adams and John C. Calhoun come under Mr. Wilson's category of great men, but they were not typical Americans, because they were both provincial, he says—Adams a New England provincial, Calhoun a southern one. "In Henry Clay we have an American of a most authentic pattern," while Andrew Jackson, a thoroughly great man, was altogether of the west, we are told. Clay and Jackson were somewhat alike, but Clay had the "art and sophistication of the eastern politician."
   Franklin Mr. Wilson classes as a "sort of multiple American." One would say he was. A greater brain than his never blessed this country with its wise thoughts. Robert E. Lee was a great typical American, too, the writer says. So was Daniel Webster. Emerson and Asa Gray, the botanist, belong to the world, not to America. They "might have been native to any clime."
   Abraham Lincoln, however, Mr. Wilson puts as the "supreme American of our history." Other men belonged to the east, the west or south. In Lincoln the elements were combined and harmonized. He was a genius in the common thought of the American people and a genius likewise in the mastery of fundamental politics. "The whole country is summed up in him."

Three Fine Wheels.
   Mr. G. F. Beaudry has on exhibition in the south window of his store some very neat wheels of '94 pattern. Among them is the wheel known as the Yellow Fellow, Stearn's Special. It weighs twenty-one pounds and some of the other principal features are the wood rims and adjustable handle bars. Another wheel represented is the twenty-six pound Model A. This also has wooden rims and is the one that the world renowned Johnson has broken so many records on.
   One of the finest wheels in the world for the money also occupies a prominent place in Mr. Beaudry's window. It is the Crescent, No. 1, weighs thirty pounds, is fitted with Morgan & Wright tires, high frame and sells for seventy-five dollars.

One Million Dollars to the Man Who Does It.
   A ghastly scheme to get $1,000,000 is about to be undertaken by W. K. Hartman of South Coventry, Pa. The plan, in brief, is to live with a dead man for a year.
   Mr. Hartman came to that town recently. He had in his possession an article recently printed in a Reading newspaper. This article was a letter from Paris, stating that a year ago a Frenchman died, leaving an estate worth $1,000,000. His will is remarkable. It directed that his body should be placed in a handsome vault, built especially for it. The entire remaining fortune was to go to any person who would live continuously in the crypt with the coffin for one year. He shall never go out of the room, except that he may be permitted to walk about from sunrise until 6 o'clock on summer mornings and from sunrise until 8 o'clock on winter mornings.
   The lonely sojourner shall have no books or newspapers. His food shall be brought to him at nighttime by a masked servant, who will not be permitted to speak a word with the tomb dweller. He shall not be permitted to do any work.
   Many persons, it appears, have attempted to get the fortune. One went crazy, and the others, overcome by the horrible loneliness, have given up the task in despair. The trustees of the estate have charge of the money.
   Mr. Hartman, when here, secured a letter of introduction to John B. Robinson, representative, through whom he expects to meet the French minister at Washington, where he will go at once. Armed with a letter from the French minister, he will sail for Paris to make a determined effort to capture that $1,000,000.

Freer's Hotel & Tavern in Higginsville, N. Y. The building has been renovated and is located about one mile south of Blodgett Mills on Rt. 11.
   —Clam chowder smoker at the Wheel club rooms to-night.
   —The funeral of Mrs. Susan Sheerar was held at her late home at Virgil at 1 P. M. to-day.
   —The National express company's office was yesterday added to the telephone exchange.
   —Officer E. D. Parker has to-day been taking the place of Chief Sager, who went to Rochester this morning with a prisoner.
   —Miss Grace Coville gave a small select party at her home on Clinton-ave. last evening. Dancing was enjoyed till midnight, when refreshments were served.
   —The little invalid daughter [Eva] of Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Wright died this morning of pneumonia. Her age was fifteen years. The funeral will be held Friday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock and will be private.
   —The Young People's society of Christian Endeavor of the Baptist church will hold their regular monthly business meeting this evening at 6:45 o'clock. All members are requested to be present promptly on time.
   —Mr. Albert Gridley of Messengerville brought into The STANDARD office this morning a large egg laid by a Plymouth Rock fowl. The egg measured 8 7/8 by 6 1/2 inches. Mr. Gridley stated that the same hen had laid a number of other eggs nearly as large.
   —For some reason as yet unknown in Cortland the trunk lines have cancelled all excursions to New York which had been arranged for Feb. 21. Among these excursions cancelled is the one on the D., L. & W. which has already been advertised. It will not occur.
   —A select party numbering thirty-one young ladies and gentlemen took a sleighride to Higginsville last evening. The young people tripped the light fantastic on Landlord Freer's spring floor. Elaborate refreshments were served and the tired but happy dancers returned to Cortland at about 3 o'clock this morning.
   —John Kane and George Thompson, two vagrants, were given lodging at the jail last night. They said that they were in search of work and could and would do anything. Sheriff Miller told them that he could get them a job of cutting ice
   —The fifty-first term at the Normal began this morning at 8:45 o'clock. The number of new students is unusually large for a winter term. There were 111 new ones who are candidates for admission. Many of the old students are not yet back, but they are coming on every train. It is expected that class registration will be made to-morrow afternoon and that recitations will begin on Friday morning.
   —Mrs. Persis Eels, the widow of Tercius Eels, formerly a merchant of Cortland, recently died at the home of her son Charles Eels in Alden, N. Y., at the age of eighty-nine years. Death resulted from the effects of a broken hip. She was buried on Tuesday. Mr. Eels built the house in Cortland now owned and occupied by Miss Mary Keator on Main-it., and his store was on the adjoining lot upon the south.
   —The same eighteen teams which came into town a day or two ago in a single procession, all loaded with splendid dry maple wood, appeared again yesterday in a similar fashion. Yesterday the eighteen teams were loaded with an aggregate of 120 cords of wood. It seems that they came from East Homer, where a man had cut a large amount of wood and had sold it in Cortland and expected to deliver it while the sleighing was good The man is sick and unable to get out of the house and his neighbors have turned out and are having a series of "bees," drawing the wood down for him.

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