Cortland Evening Standard, Monday,
February 12, 1894.
Death of
the Father of the Secretary of War.
John B. Lamont, father of the secretary of
war, for many years an honored and respected citizen of this county, died at his
home in McGrawville last night, at the age of 68 years, 8 months and 1 day. Mr.
Lamont was of Scotch descent, his parents Daniel and Margaret Lamont, bearing
the same name prior to their marriage, though not related to each other, having
come to America from the Isle of Bute, off the coast of Scotland, in 1817. They
settled in Delaware county, New York, where on April 10,1825, the deceased was
born at Scotch Mountain, Delhi. He was one of a family of fifteen children, twelve
of whom grew to years of maturity.
In 1848 the family moved to McLean, Tompkins
county. Upon Feb. 14, 1850, Mr. Lamont was married to Miss Elizabeth Scott of
Andes, Delaware county. For a year or more they occupied a farm four miles west
of Cortland, and it was there that their only child, Daniel S. Lamont, was
born. In October, 1851, they moved to McGrawville, where Mr. Lamont engaged in
mercantile business which he continued until two years ago.
About six years ago Mr. Lamont had a shock
of paralysis, from which he never fully recovered, though the immediate cause
of his death was believed to have resulted from a cancerous state of the bowels.
For a number of weeks he has been in feeble health and his death was not
unexpected. His wife survives him, and also his distinguished son, Col. Daniel
S. Lamont, the secretary of war, who was married in 1876 to Miss Juliette
Kinney of McGrawville. There are three grandchildren—Bessie, Julia and Frances.
Of Mr. Lamont's own family two brothers and four sisters remain—Rev. Daniel Lamont,
pastor of a Methodist Episcopal church in San Diego, Cal., Robert Lamont of
McLean, N. Y., Mrs. O. A. Kinney of McGrawville, N. Y., Mrs. Kate Calvert of
Oswego, N. Y., Mrs. Mary Calvert of Sterling, Cayuga Co., N. Y., and Mrs. John
Rich of St. Paul, Minn.
The funeral will be held from the family
residence in McGrawville on Wednesday, Feb. 14, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon.
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Daniel S. Lamont. |
MCGRAWVILLE, Feb 12.— Col. And Mrs. D. S.
Lamont arrived from Washington, D. C., Saturday morning on account of the
illness of their father, J. B. Lamont, who died at his home on Main-st., at 7:30
o'clock Sunday night, aged 68 years, 8 months, and 1 day. The funeral will
occur Wednesday at 1 o'clock at the house.
Mrs. A. D. Kinnie and Miss Anna Lakin were
called home on account of the illness of their mother, Mrs. L. Lakin, who is
suffering from a heart difficulty.
William H. Goodell received Saturday $1,000
from the Oxford Mutual Relief Life Insurance company, in payment of the claim
at the death of his wife, Julia A.,
which occurred Jan. 18. Mrs. Goodell had been insured in this
company about three years.
Mrs. Chas. Upson of Cortland was a guest of
her sister, Mrs. Jay Wescott, Thursday.
Mrs. C. F. Gane of Richford is a guest of
her sister, Mrs. Myron Bingham.
A donation will be given Feb. 23 at the M. E.
church for the benefit of Rev. E. J.
Almon Pease died at 3:45 o'clock yesterday of
heart trouble, aged 73 years, nine months. He was born at Dryden, April 22,
1820, and when quite young moved to Virgil, where on Oct. 12, 1850, he was
married to Miss Anna Picket. On Aug. 21, 1862, he enlisted in the One Hundred
Forty-Third regiment, N. Y. S. Vols., and served till the close of the
rebellion and took part in the grand review near Washington. On July 20, 1865,
he was honorably discharged. He has been an invalid since and resided with his
daughter, Mrs. D. E. Kinney on Groton-ave. His wife died about ten years ago.
The deceased was a member of the Baptist
church at Virgil. He leaves a son, Rev. Randall Pease of Waddington, St.
Lawrence county, N. Y., and a daughter, Mrs. D. E. Kinney of Groton-ave.,
The funeral will be held Wednesday at 2 P.
At the Prohibition caucus held last Saturday
evening George Allport was chosen chairman and Adolph Frost secretary.
The following nominations for [Cortlandville]
town officers were made:
Supervisor—Dell June.
Town Clerk—Walter B. Stevenson.
Justice of the Peace—James D. Keeler.
Assessor—Charles W. Collins.
Commissioner of Highways—L. M. Loope.
Collector—Byron Phelps.
Constables— Ephraim Price, Adolph Frost,
Jr., C. H. Amerman, Charles A. Lowell, E.
L. Tanner.
Overseer of the Poor—John White.
Inspectors of election—
Dist. No. 1.—John Moore, Arza Chapin.
No. 2—John Marshall, H. D. Potter.
Dist. No. 3.—Morgan L. Wright, Alonzo Gates.
Dist. No. 4.—Job Taft, Dr. E. B. Nash.
Dist. No. 5.—Albert Hoffman, W. R. Weld.
Dist. No. 6—William Ryder, Milton O. Clark.
Dist. No. 7.—R. J. Lucas, Truman Smith.
Dist. No. 8.—Charles W. Cook, Wellington
Dist. No. 9.—B. F. Weatherwax, Daniel
Dist. No. 10.—E. L. Tanner, Miner Merrick.
The following town committee was chosen for
the ensuing year: George Allport, Adolph Frost, Jr., Robert McMillan.
—Carpenters began work this morning on the bath
room of the C. A. A.
—Byron Phelps, the Prohibition nominee for
collector, has declined to run on that ticket.
—Mrs. N. F. Jones has moved her dressmaking
establishment from 8 Main St., to 174 Grand Central block.
—Charles T. Ellis and his excellent company
delighted a large audience at the Opera House Saturday evening. Nearly every
seat in the house was taken.
—Dr. E. M. Santee is expecting every day a
new special Hickory, weighing thirty pounds which in "Doc's" eyes will
be "a thing [bicycle] of beauty and a joy forever."
—The people of Truxton on next Friday evening
will have an old-fashioned donation party at Woodward's hall for the benefit of
W. H. Robertson. All are cordially invited.
—Mr. E. B. Richardson received this morning
an eighteen pound Fowler [bicycle] and a twenty-six pound Rambler.
"Rich" to-day reminds one of the little boy with his first pair of
—If the party from Summerhill who sent an
order for coupon books to The STANDARD
office on Saturday night will also send her name we shall know to whom to order
the books to be sent.
—Up to the present time forty-five new students
has [sic] entered the Normal this term. There are now registered for the year
463 pupils in the Normal department as compared with 392 last year for the
entire year.
—A considerable party of the young married
people of Cortland go to Higginsville to-night for a party. Whenever they go
they always expect to tip over going or coming. They are already making
preparations for that interesting feature of the ride.
—The Cortland County Sunday-school association
will meet in the First Methodist church on Wednesday and Thursday of this week.
The program which has previously been printed in The STANDARD will be carried
out. The first session will be held at 1:30 P. M. on Wednesday.
—Owing to professional engagements Dr. E. M. Santee will be unable to accept the
invitation to attend the banquet of the C. A. A. at the Globe Hotel at Syracuse
Wednesday evening. The C. A. A. will be represented by another member of the
board of governors.
—Revival services will be held at the Homer-ave,
church this week on Monday, Thursday and Friday evenings at 7:30 P.M. Also a
consecration service Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock. To-night the service will
be led by the trustees of the church. Every one is most cordially invited.
—There will be a valentine sociable in John
L. Lewis lodge rooms, Wednesday evening, Feb. 14, under the auspices of the
ladies of the I. O. O. F. A musical and literary program will be rendered and
various other attractions. The committee in charge will spare no pains to make
this sociable the best of their many entertainments of the season. All Odd Fellows
and friends of the order are invited.
—At a recent meeting of the candidates for
the ball team at the Oneonta Normal
fourteen men responded to the call. Prof. W. H. Lynch has consented to manage
the team, but will not play in any games. Three candidates for the position of
pitcher and two for catcher began work in the "gym" under his directions
Thursday night. The other members of the team will begin regular work the last of
the month.—Oneonta Star.
—A civil service examination of candidates for
postoffice clerks and mail carriers was held in Miss Ormsby's schoolroom on
Court-st. last Saturday. Messrs.
Chas. H. White and E. Jay Hopkins conducted the examination. There were
seventeen applicants whose papers were sent on to Washington to be passed upon.
Twelve of these were men and five were ladies. The latter were all candidates
for the office of clerk. Five of the men were candidates for this office and
the remaining seven were candidates for carrier. Under the rules of the
department the names are not to be published except in cases of candidates who
are successful.
A Whiffletree
Came Off.
Mr. L. C. Greenwood, who lives near the top
of the hill leading to McGrawville, has a handsome pair of young black horses.
This morning about 10 o'clock one of his men was coming to Cortland with this
team attached to a heavy pair of bobs. When near the foot of the slope this side
of the Wickwire farm one of the whiffletrees came off, striking the horse on
the heels. He made a bound forward, the tongue came out, the other whiffletree
was jerked loose, the reins were snatched out of the driver's hands and away
went the team at a furious rate toward Cortland.
Two men in sleighs ahead tried
unsuccessfully to stop the horses. When they were nearing the home of Mr. Fred
Conable, Clarence Lansdowne, a Homer young man who was riding a bicycle toward
McGrawville, saw them coming. He jumped off his wheel and rushed toward them
waving his hat. The horses were checked by his frantic gestures, and as they
tried to run around him, he seized them by the bits and after a brief struggle
succeeded in bringing them to a stand. In the fracas in some way the wheel got
stepped upon and a stay rod was broken off short. The driver soon came up and
took possession of his horses.
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