Debate Opened by Mr. McCreary—Denounced
Minister Stevens' Action Which He Says Was Conspiracy—Mr. Hitt Replies In a
Vehement Denunciation of the President's Action—Tariff bill In the Senate.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 8.—On motion of Mr. Morse (Rep., Mass.) the thanks of
the house were extended to Mr. Richardson of Tennessee for the able and
impartial manner in which he served as chairman of the house committee of the
whole during the long tariff debate.
resolution was passed and evoked applause from both sides of the house.
At this
point the president's message, transmitting the latest Hawaiian correspondence,
was submitted to the house and on request was read by the clerk. As the reading
closed Mr. Boutelle asked if President Dole's letter in reply to Minister
Willis was included.
receiving a negative answer Mr. Boutelle said: "I understand the Dole
letter has been received in the city."
Mr. McCreary, chairman of the committee on foreign affairs, then had read the majority
resolution condemning the action of Minister Stevens and Mr. Hitt had read the
minority report condemning the restoration of the queen.
McCreary then began the opening speech of the Hawaiian debate. Mr. McCreary expressed
regret that so much partisanship had been aroused on a question of
international comity. The Republican side of the house had changed front three times
since this Hawaiian question was opened. But in all the discussion not a minority
member of the foreign affairs committee had been willing to support the
position of the last administration in presenting a treaty annexing Hawaii.
Mr. Blair
(Rep., N. H.) interrupted with the suggestion that he had a resolution which
was designed to meet the objection of Mr. McCreary that the last administration
was not sustained by the minority.
McCreary proceeded to criticize the course of Minister Stevens. The executive papers
showed that Stevens had illegally aided in bringing on a revolution and
overthrowing the existing government. The action of the minister presented a
chapter in our history which was without a parallel. Hawaii was one of the
family of nations when this intrusion occurred. An English admiral had once seized
the Hawaiian Islands, but the British government had restored the legal authorities
of the islands.
he denied the right of Minister Stevens to land troops and to recognize and
support an insurrectionary government until it was plainly a de facto government.
will show, however," said Mr. McCreary, "that he simply carried out
his part in the program of revolution for which he had been plotting and
arranging and doing all in his power to bring about."
reading the instructions to Minister Stevens, Mr. McCreary said that when at
last all he (Mr. Stevens) had been fighting for so long had been obtained, he allowed
his enthusiasm to carry him further and hoisted the stars and stripes and declared
a protectorate. To the credit of President Harrison, be it said, that he had
promptly disavowed this act. But even Minister Stevens did not comply with his duty.
He refused to take down the flag. (Republican applause.) To the end he was
engaged in the violation of his instruction and of international law.
it not strange," he asked, that of all the distinguished Republicans who
defend this proceeding not one raised his voice in favor of annexation, which
was its object?"
is one," interjected Mr. Blair.
"Well, I am glad to see one, at least," said Mr. McCreary.
"But amazing as were the proceedings in Hawaii, more amazing still were
the proceedings in Washington.
days after the revolution the commissioners were on their way here. They arrived
Feb. 2.
"On Feb. 11 the treaty was concluded. On
Feb. 15 it was sent to the senate with Mr. Harrison's recommendation that it be
ratified. Of all the treaties sent to the senate this was the most
He then read parts of the treaty and said:
"If the queen was rightfully dethroned, as gentlemen on the other side claim,
how can they reconcile that statement with this treaty to pay her $20,000 per
annum and the princess $15,000?"
At the conclusion of Mr. McCreary's speech
Mr. Blair offered an amendment to the McCreary resolution as follows:
Resolved, That the house of representatives
approves the recognition of the existing provisional government of the Hawaiian
Islands by the last and present administrations and will view with satisfaction
the maintenance of a policy which shall tend to consummate in the near future,
with the consent of their people, the annexation of said islands to this
country or some other political arrangement which will fully preserve and
promote the mutual interests of both Hawaii and the United States.
Mr. Hitt, the leader of the Republican minority
of the foreign affairs committee, replied to Mr. McCreary. Mr. Hitt made the
point that the majority resolution was a discussion of dead issues, while
the proposition of the minority
considered the live, vital questions which everyone recognizes in connection
with the recent affairs in Hawaii. The attitude of the administration of the
great question of annexation was not yet known.
Mr. Hitt spoke of the strength of the
provisional government, which had maintained itself even as against the
meddling of the agents of the United States. Our intervention was to restore to
a throne a queen whose horrid character had shocked the civilized world. It was
in behalf of a woman who had told Minister Willis while shivers ran down his
back that she would behead a great number of her people.
Mr Hitt was warmly applauded at this severe
arraignment of the queen.
Mr. Hitt concluded with a most terrific
arraignment of Mr. Cleveland. He said: "Think
of it, think of it. While he had in hand that letter from Minister Willis
reciting the story of that brutal interview with the queen in which she
demanded the holocaust of property and slaughter of American citizens, he sent
out still another order to overthrow the Republican form of government and put
back that wretch in power." (Republican applause.)
Mr. Hitt concluded the first portion of his
speech with a splendid tribute to the brave and resolute men of his own race in
charge of the provisional government, who, when called upon to surrender in the
name of the United States, instead of making terms, piled up sandbags,
proceeded to arm themselves and prepared to die, if necessary, rather than forfeit
the property they had earned and surrender the rights given them by God.
Without concluding Mr. Hitt yielded to a
motion to adjourn and will conclude today.
the Senate.
The day in the senate was not an eventful one.
After an hour's debate the resolution of Senator Peffer was adopted, calling upon
the secretary of the treasury for the names of persons and corporations bidding
for United States bonds, the amounts of bids and the rate of interest.
The original resolution of Senator Stewart, denying
the authority of the secretary to issue bonds at this time, was then taken up
and consumed the remainder of the day.
Senator Vilas made the principal argument in
opposition to the resolution.
The senate adjourned without taking action
on the resolution.
The [Wilson] tariff bill was reported to the
senate by the clerk of the house.
On motion of Senator Voorhees the bill was
laid before the senate and referred to the finance committee.
The following paragraphs from the Boston Journal
will be heartily endorsed by every citizen who has a realization of the true
cause of the financial and business condition of the country: That bumptious
free trade manufacturer of Gloversville, N. Y., who in a speech in 1892
promised employment to any citizen of that town who might lose his work as the
result of a Democratic victory has not redeemed his promise, but has failed for
a quarter of a million dollars. If the hard times could be limited to that kind
of men, there would be ameliorating circumstances in the situation. [Paragraphs were missing in the editorials—CC editor.]
and Nothing More.
Is science a sacred cult to be written about
in a language practically unknown to the ordinarily intelligent man and woman?
We judge that it is so in the opinion of certain alleged scientific persons who
cannot sufficiently express their contempt for the "interesting
paper" read at meetings of learned men. If a paper is sufficiently clear
and plain to be interesting to common people, then it is of little value to
"science," say they.
So much the worse for science, then. The
most illustrious practical scientific investigators and discoverers have come from
the ranks of the common people, from James Watt to Thomas Edison. The men who
have done the most for science practically have been mostly men who would
understand scarcely a word of the six-syllabled lingo in which modern professors
clothe their alleged thoughts under the delusion that they are being "scientific."
There never was anything yet so abstruse that it could not be put into good,
plain, vigorous English if it was worth putting into any words at all. The best
proof of this is that the great scientific writers, like Huxley, Darwin, Tyndall
and Professor Dewar, clothe their ideas in words that the popular reader can in
every case understand. It is only your half-way fellows who seek to hide the
vagueness and confusion of their mental concepts behind Greek and Latin words.
If anything is especially to be taken note
of these days, it is the extreme accuracy of the cable dispatches that are sifted
through London to the newspapers of this country. One day we hear that Mello
has wiped the floor with Peixoto. Next day that is contradicted and we are told
it was Peixoto who wiped out Mello instead. The day after that we are told that
Rear Admiral Benham has been asked to arbitrate the differences between the
two. In a few hours a cable dispatch comes from Admiral Benham himself saying
that if this is so he has not heard of it. However, we are not quite in despair,
for another dispatch from the old reliable London cable informs us that the war
is all over now, and sweet peace will reign in a week. That good news is duly
laid before their readers by the morning papers. The afternoon journals
immediately receive information that the Brazilian war will certainly last several
months yet. So it goes. What would civilization do without her own ocean cable
news dispatchers? What a dreadful state we should be in if the ocean telegraph
had never been invented!
The cause of civilization would be advanced a
century if all the nations of Europe
should mutually agree to disband their great standing armies. This has for
years been the pope's favorite idea. For the first time some of the nations are
discussing it seriously. It could be done by each one of them agreeing every
five years or three years or one year to return to civil life a certain class
or proportion of soldiers. The saving of the expense of their keep, the product
of their labor in peaceful occupations and the humanizing influence on the
community of doing away with an arrogant military class would constitute an
immense gain to all Europe in case of universal disarmament.
Poor Canada! The Dominion government has
withdrawn the bonuses offered to immigrants for settling in its northwest. Settlers
would not take a bonus and go to Canada when they had the opportunity to slip
into the United States without any bonus or anything else, and even when they
had to pass a sharp examination on entering our ports to keep from being sent
back whence they came. That is what Canada gets for not being a part of the
United States.
An invention has been made in France by M.
Hermite which promises to revolutionize the methods of disinfecting sewage
water and flushing streets and sewers. The new disinfectant is simply
electrolyzed sea water—sea water decomposed by the direct action of
electricity. The worst and most malodorous portion of Paris was the St. Francis
quarter. The quarter was "the hotbed of infectious disease." Its
streets and sewers were flushed with the electrolyzed sea water. In some cases
tanks were built upon the roofs of the worst tenement houses, and the new
disinfectant was poured down through all the pipes and closets of the filthy
dens. The effect was like magic. Every poisonous microbe was slain, and the
locality became as sweet smelling as any in Paris. Undoubtedly this marvelous
new fluid will soon be in common use in every seaboard city in Europe and in
this country. Great mains pass from the harbor or sea adjacent to the central
portions of a town where the electrolyzing plant is. It has been found that by
passing the fluid through sewage pipe discharges, they are thoroughly
disinfected and made innocuous. By its means it is thought to be quite possible
for sewage pipes to discharge into rivers near a city without polluting the
water. The chlorine still remaining in the sea water performs the office of
Earthquake at Reading.
READING, Pa., Feb. 3.—Citizens
of the upper section of the city report that they felt a sudden and violent
shock similar to an earthquake.
![]() |
Holden & Seager changed ownership in 1895. The business was located near the Lehigh Valley R. R. depot. Click on highlighted 'Holden' (pdf) and go to page 102 in Grip's for more information. |
Few coal offices are better
equipped for the transaction of business or present a neater appearance than
that of Holden & Seager, which has just been completely overhauled. All the
woodwork has been grained, a neat oilcloth covers the floor, electric lights
have been put in and fresh paint and new wall paper add a great deal to its
appearance. A large desk, fitted with drawers and all modern desk conveniences
runs half way through the center of the store. On top the desk a bronzed
railing, neatly set off by curtains, adds not a little to the pleasant
appearance of the office. The rear half is divided by a railing into a private office,
which is fitted up with a roll top desk and new office furniture.
Holden & Seager carry a
full line of coal, wood, bailed hay, straw, shavings, feed, shingles and
building material. During the five years that they have been in business here
their trade has increased three fold. They have refurnished their office in
anticipation of a big boom in trade. At their coal yard is found an unusually
large stock of the various things they sell and it is handled with the best and
most modern facilities. This firm is believed to handle as much freight as any
firm in Cortland, receiving between seventy-five and one hundred carloads per
month, The firm is one of which Cortland people can well feel proud.
"Myrtle Ferns."
A small but select audience gathered at the
Opera House last evening to witness the second presentation of "Myrtle Ferns."
Every member of the Players' club did even better than on Monday evening and
the play as a whole was presented in a superior manner. The audience was a
little cold during the first act, but as the plot developed the applause was
unstilted. The club were [sic] working under a great disadvantage in having at
the last moment been disappointed in the music. The incidental music was not
missed as much as that between the acts, but the rapidity with which changes
were made and scenery set would have done credit to a professional company. All
were at their best and the piece as presented was deserving of a much larger
A Shock of Paralysis.
Mr. Warren Hubbard, a gardener
who lives opposite the Graham watering trough on the Truxton road about two miles
from Cortland, was stricken with paralysis yesterday morning. Mrs. Hubbard's mother
was Mrs. Ora Brown, the centenarian, whose funeral was held yesterday afternoon
at Mr. Hubbard's house. Mr. Hubbard had gone up to Mr. T. Mason Loring's, a
neighbor, on an errand relating to the funeral, and while there had the shock.
He was carried home and Dr. Angel was called. He has not been able to speak
since. He is perfectly conscious and at the time of the funeral in the
afternoon was in bed in a room adjoining those in which the services were being
held. He seemed to appreciate and understand what was going on.
—The Whist club will meet
to-night with Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Crombie.
—The anti-license caucus will
be held in Fireman's hall this evening at 8 o'clock.
—The spring term of Miss
Austin's private school, 9 Clinton-ave,, opens Monday, Feb. 5.
—Prof. W. A. Cornish will lead
the meeting at the East Side readingrooms next Sunday afternoon at 4:15
—Messrs. Case & Bristol
of Athens, Pa., expect to open a dry goods store at the old stand of Watkins
Bros. about April 1.
—Canton Cortland, No. 27,
Patriarchs Militant, go to Syracuse Monday night to attend a banquet given by
the Syracuse canton.
—Dancing was indulged in at
Empire hall from 9 till 1 o'clock last night by Miss Carpenter's dancing class.
About one hundred dancers and spectators were present.
—Members and invited friends
of the Clover club will go to Higginsville next Tuesday evening. Sleighs will leave the club rooms at 7 o'clock, sharp.
Daniels' orchestra will furnish the music.
—Mr. Harry Gray, the jeweler,
will occupy a part of the south half of Harrington & Miller's store in the
Miller building. Mr. Harrington is settling in his new quarters, but has not as
yet his store fully arranged.
—Eighteen or more loads of
splendid body maple wood attracted considerable attention while passing through
town to-day. The teams were all in a line and seemed to have come from the same
place and to be bound for the same destination.
—Mr. D. Kernan, proprietor of
the North Cortland House [on Homer Ave.,] will give a social party in the
dancing hall of the hotel Monday evening. Daniels' orchestra will furnish the
music. Street cars will leave the Messenger House at 8:30 and 9:30 o'clock,
returning after the party.
—Rev. Geo. H. Brigham will
officiate at the funeral of Mr. L. B. Dodge, at 24 Railroad-st. at 2 o'clock to-morrow afternoon, and will also preach at
the Memorial Baptist chapel at 4 o'clock. These chapel services are occasions
of special interest. A cordial invitation is extended to all.
—Mr. B. B. Richardson will
handle the Rambler cycle in this county this season. Samples of all the models
are expected every day. Mr. Richardson has one of the Rambler wheels in stock
now. The ball bearings are especially fine, the wheel weighs twenty five pounds
and the patent double truss frame is a new feature found in no other wheel.
—Deputy Richard Miller
Thursday arrested at Syracuse John P. Lee on complaint of John Andrews of the
Central House, who claims that Lee had neglected to pay him a four dollar board
bill. He was brought before Justice Bull at 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon and
his bail was fixed at $100. J. L. Watrous went upon his bond. The case was then
adjourned to 2 o'clock, P. M. on Monday, Feb. 12.
—The case of the Standard
Varnish Works vs. John Miller, sheriff of Cortland county and Cortland Top and
Rail Co., Ltd., which has been on trial in court for several days past was
given to the jury yesterday afternoon. The court was held open until about
midnight for the jury to come in, but they remained out all night. This
morning, however, they came in and reported a disagreement. The jury was then
adjourned and court adjourned sine die.
Mrs. Cordo Had a Caller.
Last Saturday evening about
9:30 o'clock there was a ring at the front door of Rev. H. A. Cordo, D. D.,
pastor of the First Baptist church who lives on Monroe Heights. Mrs. Cordo went
to the door. A gentleman stood there who told her that he and another man had
found the gentleman who said he lived at that house lying on the walk on Clinton-ave.
and they had brought him home and were ready to deliver him inside.
To say that Mrs. Cordo was
astonished would be putting it very moderately. She was nearly paralyzed, but finally succeeded in replying that her husband
was then in the house. The caller said that the man they had brought up there
told them that that was his house. "What is the matter with him?"
inquired Mrs. Cordo.
"Well, he is slightly
"Is he drunk?" was
the next question.
"He may be," was the
discreet reply.
At this Mrs. Cordo was so
overcome that she called the doctor to the door. Dr. Cordo found a fine looking
man of about thirty-five years, well dressed, who did not look at all like a
drinking man. He did not know him or the two men who brought him there. The man
seemed to talk with great difficulty. In reply to a number of questions he
finally said that his name was Perkins and that he lived at 110 Homer-ave. The
men then said to him that he had previously told them that he had lived there
on Monroe Heights. To this he made no reply.
They then started with him to
the address named. A STANDARD reporter to-day set out to find out who Mrs.
Cordo's caller was, but found that there is no house on Homer-ave. numbered
110. The directory gives but one man in the village named Perkins, and he is
evidently not the one who was trying to get home on Saturday night. A lady,
however, who lives in the vicinity of the alleged 110 saw two men trying to
help a third along past her house between 9:30 and 10 o'clock that night. There
is no further clue to the caller, though doubtless Dr. and Mrs. Cordo would be
pleased to know who he was.—Cortland Evening Standard, Monday, Feb. 5.
Mary Frances Eggleston
Seacord, wife of Mr. E. M. Seacord, died at her home on Reynolds-ave. at 6
o'clock this morning of cancer of the stomach, aged 52 years, 6 months and 2
days. She has been confined to the bed for the past seven weeks and during her
illness has been a great sufferer. She bore her pain in a most patient manner.
Mrs. Seacord was born in
Cortland, August 3, 1841. She was married to Mr. Seacord in 1866. Two children,
who still survive her, were born to them, Miss Helen M. Seacord and Mr. William
F. Seacord. The deceased was a daughter of Mr. Francis Eggleston and she was born,
spent her early life and was married on his farm east of the village. She was a
member of the Episcopal church and the Woman's Relief corps and before her
illness was an active worker in both organizations. Her beautiful character
made all who knew her love her and the once happy home has lost its brightest
member. She made the home of her family most pleasant and she could never do
enough for her husband and children, who greatly mourn her loss. Three sisters
also survive her, Mrs. S. M. Benjamin and Mrs. Helen Straat of Cortland and
Mrs. Pembroke Pierce of Homer. The deceased was a cousin of Judge Joseph E. Eggleston
of this county, of Mrs. J. H. Reese of Blodgett Mills and Mrs. L. Lakin of McGrawville.
The funeral will be held from
her late home at 26 Reynolds-ave. Wednesday at 2 P. M. The Woman's Relief corp.
will attend in a body.—Cortland Evening Standard, Monday, Feb. 5.
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