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Junius Henri Browne. |
Cortland Evening Standard, Wednesday,
January 24, 1894.
What Constitutes Bread and Butter?
chunks of cold fact are given to the readers of Harper's Magazine by Junius Henri Browne in his paper entitled "The
Bread and Butter Question." Mr. Browne does not take a merry or very
hopeful view of the subject. He says Americans live above their means because
their wants grow faster than their means do, and they do not know how to adjust
the ever increasing discrepancy. We do not know how to economize in America.
Economizing is indeed not popular among Americans. When, therefore, the
disagreeable necessity for it faces an American family, they frequently pack
themselves off to Europe and stay there, where nobody knows them and they can
economize in peace. The art is much better understood across the water than
Bread and
butter, as Mr. Browne sees it, means not merely that, but the things which the
individual considers he must have—his living, in short, whether that be pork
and beans or champagne and terrapin. The efforts of most Americans are expended
in a lifelong struggle for bread and butter. We live more luxuriously than most
other nations, which, so far from being against us, is much in our favor. To
secure for himself and his family what Europeans call luxuries, but which to us
are necessities, the American man struggles and hustles his life through and is
accused by those who see only the surface of things of trying become rich.
Instead of that he is only wrestling with the bread and butter question. When
he can no longer meet the ever increasing wants, he fails in business. Mr.
Browne says, "It is hard to discover a rich man at 60 who has not failed
more than once before attaining permanent riches."
as they are called—and they are reputed to occur every seven years—are really
nothing but periods of settlement for which every solvent, well conducted firm
should be prepared. Only the fewest number are thus prepared." It appears
from the general run of the article that the only remedy is the old one of
economizing and keeping out of debt, which the American people will be forced to
learn sooner or later. And the sooner the better, for bread and butter getting becomes
harder in America instead of easier.
A Hard
Winter Before the Workers of the Nation.
General Hastings of Pennsylvania, in a
speech at Philadelphia, has tersely summed up the situation in the country. The
condition of the Pennsylvania farmer and workingman as he presents it is not
overdrawn, and it will be the condition of the New York farmer and worker before
a year rolls round unless the people call a halt at the ballot box. He says: "People
are now in want, with a hard winter and poverty staring them in the face, and
who can say that all this is not due to Democracy and the Democratic congress?
"The country is in such a condition now
that men turn to each other with blanched faces and ask how long their employment
will last. Mills are closing every day. The party in power at Washington is
responsible for the existing condition of affairs. The farmer is feeling the
stress of financial and political weather as well as the artisan and
professional man, and through the length and breadth of our beautiful state one
hears the cry for relief. But the Democratic party remains inactive and
unresponsive to the public demand.
"The Democrats repudiated protection at
Chicago and said they would do better things. They have done nothing but cause
a wave of destruction and poverty to sweep the land. They painted tariff reform
in such glowing colors that the people thought they would like a change. They
got it, but at what a cost!
"During the 25 years the Republican party
ran the government wages increased from 10 to 90 per cent, and the people
prospered and saved money. Satisfied with affairs, our foreign neighbors were
glad to deal with us and take our money, but as soon as the Democrats gained
power they began to question our stability and wonder if silver was to be the
same as before.
"The people are frightened.
Manufacturers are at their wits' ends. If the manufacturers had the assurance
that the tariff would not be tinkered with for 10 years and a promise that no
change would be made in the currency of the nation, all the mills in the
country would begin work inside of two weeks."
Lost in Eastern Mills.
extent of the depression in the textile industries of New England may be gauged
by the following statement of the losses in wages in Lowell, Mass. The mills
were shut down for periods as follows, and the losses, as near as can be
obtained, are also given: Merrimack, two weeks; loss, $44,000. Lawrence, three weeks;
loss, $60,000. Lowell, brussels department, four weeks; ingrain department, seven
weeks; loss, $77,000. Appleton, twelve and a half weeks; loss, $106,000. Tremont
and Suffolk, eight weeks; loss, $120,000. Hamilton, two weeks; loss, $28,000.
Faulkner's, seven weeks; loss, $24,000. Pickering's hosiery, twelve weeks;
loss, $24,000. Pulling's shoeshop, nine weeks; loss, $2,000. Collins' mills, six
weeks; loss, $8,400. Mohair Plush company, eight weeks; loss, $4,000. Howard Knitting
company, six weeks; loss, $23,000. Stott Bros., running two-thirds time; loss,
$1,000; making a total loss to employees of $518,300. Besides this many small
concerns have been shut down for three months, and if the total losses of these
could be obtained it would undoubtedly be found that the working people of the
city have lost in wages fully $750,000 this season.
But the loss is not at an end, as the mills have
all cut down wages about 7 per cent and are usually running on reduced time and
with reduced help. Manufacturers' Record.
Bicycle Stoop.
At a recent cycle show in England an invention
was exhibited which claimed to prevent the ugly and deforming "bicycle stoop,"
so called. It consisted chiefly of a rest and air cushion, against which the
rider could lean the forward part of his body while he pedaled.
But really must it come to this? In order to
ride a machine swiftly and surely is it necessary for a young man to bend
forward as though he had a very bad pain in his insides? No, emphatically declare
the best authorities on the subject. At the last bicycle race in New York the
riders sat upright, as we are told man was made in the first place.
The ugly bicycle stoop is a fad, nothing
else, and it is to be hoped it has had its day. New riders used to think they could
pedal better by stooping forward and getting the nose nearer the toes, but that
is a fallacy. A man can sit straight up and pedal as forcefully as he can when
stooping forward. The best and most graceful riders demonstrate this folly. And
as to supports to keep the rider from stooping, the Almighty gave the cyclist
the best sort of a one in the first place. That is his backbone. Let him use it.
Relief of Syracuse.
SYRACUSE, N. Y., Jan. 15, '94.
Editor of
Cortland STANDARD:
It might interest some of your readers to
know something of the relief work carried on among the suffering poor and unemployed
in Syracuse. There are hundreds of respectable sober men out of work who have
families dependent on them, and who are in great need. The Rescue mission has
undertaken the supply of such needy ones with cooked food at or even below
cost. We are feeding from 150 to 300 per day. We sell a quart of boiled beans
for three cents or a quart of pea soup for two cents. A quart of vegetable soup
of the best make containing meat, potatoes, onions, carrots, turnips and barley
is sold for five cents. Where there is an extra large family our quart measure
is known to stretch out to meet the needs of the entire family. At the mission
we furnish three meals a day. We give a pint of soup with a large slice of
bread for three cents Oat meal all one can eat for two cents, so that if one
has two or three cents, he can get a good hearty meal, all he can eat, unless
he is dug out very thin.
If one has no money, work is given so he can
earn his meal; thus saving their self-respect and keeping one from being pauperized.
No one need go hungry, no one need accept charity.
We have relieved much suffering and have
kept many from starvation that stared them in the face. We also keep the rooms
open day and night and lodge from 20 to 30 homeless men nightly.
We started in with little means, but the
donations from friends of food, money, etc., have enabled us to keep running
and to feed at least four thousand people during December. Believing there are
many in your section who would be glad to help this work along and do something
toward feeding those less favored than themselves, I have written this account.
Donations of potatoes, beans, onions, peas, carrots, etc., or any sort of food
will greatly help us and may be sent to the mission, 115 Mulberry-st., between
Railroad and Water-sts. Those preferring to send cash donations may send them
to the superintendent. We should be glad to address any meetings held in the
interest of the work, telling of incidents in connection with the work. The
people bringing as an admission fee vegetables, etc. Yours, trying to help men
to help themselves,
Supt., Rescue Mission.
Suffragists Plan a Campaign.
ALBION, N. Y., Jan. 24.—The woman suffrage
mass-meeting closed its session. The plan
of campaign was formulated, which it is hoped will result in influencing the
constitutional convention to expunge the word "male" from the
constitution, in so far as it relates to qualifications of voters. Town
organizations will be formed for the purpose of gaining signatures to the
women's petition which will be presented to the constitutional convention. The
closing addresses of the session were given by Mary Seymour Howell of Albany and
Mary G. Hay of Indiana.
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Matilda Joslyn Gage. |
Decision in the Matilda Joslyn Gage Case of the Court of Appeals.
The matter of the woman's right to vote for
school commissioners in the rural districts was decided by the court of appeals
Tuesday. This was the case brought by the Onondaga county Republican committee
to have Matilda Josyln Gage's name stricken from the registry list. It was
heard by Justice Williams, who after hearing several hours' argument ordered
the names stricken from the rolls. The order was affirmed pro forma in the
general term, and last week the question was argued before the court of
appeals. Its decision is prompt, and against female suffrage as regards school
commissioners. The order of the lower court is affirmed without costs. Attorney
Louis Marshall of Syracuse made the argument for the female suffrage and W. P.
Goodelle of Syracuse for the committee.
—To-morrow will be observed throughout the
whole country as the Day of Prayer for Colleges.
—Mr. P. J. Peckham still continues to run
three chairs in his barber shop underneath Beard & Peck's furniture store.
—A number of the members of the Cortland
Wheel club spent the day yesterday fishing and skating at Little York.
—The Catholics of Truxton will hold a grand
festival at the Truxton House on Feb. 5. Daniels' orchestra furnishes the music.
A cordial invitation is extended to all.
—The members of the chorus choir of the
Baptist church are requested by Mr. Bentley to meet for rehearsal at the close
of the prayer-meeting, Thursday evening, Jan. 25.
—The annual meeting of the Cortland Desk
Co., which was adjourned till 2 o'clock this afternoon, had not been called to
order at 2:45 o'clock as a quorum was not present.
—Reserved seats for the performance of
"Myrtle Ferns" will be on sale at the store of D. F. Wallace &
Co., on Friday morning at 9 A. M. sharp. Get your tickets exchanged. Come early
and avoid the rush.
—If there are any people in Cortland who are
willing to take Normal students (ladies) to board, and will allow the students
to work for the whole or part payment of board, Dr. F. J. Cheney would be
pleased to hear from them.
—Mr. E. H. Brewer of the Cortland Harness &
Carriage Goods Co. sold yesterday his fine six-year-old black coach team to
Jones Bros. of Scranton, proprietors of the Grand Union Tea Co. The horses were
shipped to Scranton last night.
—The public exercises connected with the
formal opening of the new building, provided by the state for the work of dairy
husbandry in the college of agriculture at Cornell university, will be held
next Saturday morning at 10 o'clock. The trustees of the university have issued
invitations to quite a number of Cortland parties.
—The editor is the only person who gives the
devil his dues. —Atlanta Constitution.
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