Saturday, April 22, 2017


The Cortland Democrat, Friday, February 16, 1894.

the nominee for Supervisor on the democratic ticket has made of himself what he is. Reared on a farm with limited advantages he saw the necessity for a better education. Accordingly when he became of age he entered the Normal school of Cortland and after three and one-half years, earning sufficient money during vacations to carry him on, he graduated and received his diploma for completing the highest course in the school. He then entered the employ of Duell & Benedict. For a little less than a year he studied law with them and acted as their clerk. While thus employed he took the examination before the Regent and received his law students certificate.
   For some unknown reason Mr. Jayne then became a merchant. It is unnecessary to speak of him as such. The people of Cortland know him as an honorable dealer—in boots and shoes and of his success during the past nine years in the store which he now occupies. He has proven himself an upright citizen and stands in the front rank among our merchants.
   Mr. Jayne has never asked for or sought an office. The nomination of Supervisor came to him unsolicited and unexpected. Having been an independent in politics and feeling that it is the man that administers the affairs pertaining to an office he finally accepted the nomination. Being ever alert and true to the best interests of the people, unfettered by political wire pullers, on account of his independence of spirit he will make a most capable officer. Being a man in the prime of life and having a future, he will be ambitious to perform the duties of the office in a manner satisfactory to himself and the people.
   He should be elected. If the people do their duty he will be elected.

USS Kearsarge (1861)
The Last Cruise of the Gallant Old Warship—She Is Breaking Up Fast.
   New York, Feb. 9.—A special from Colon gives the following particulars regarding the loss of the United States warship Kearsarge.
   The Kearsarge was wrecked on Roncador reef at 7 o'clock last Friday evening, February 2d. The Kearsarge was under both sail and steam at the time and was going about ten knots an hour when she struck. A heavy sea was running and as the character of the cays was well known to the Kearsarge officials, it was evident that safety lay in forcing her as far up on the cay as was possible before she began breaking up. Accordingly she was at once lightened by heaving her guns overboard. One of the first to go was her splendid old 11 inch after-pivot, the gun that did such terrible execution on the Alabama in their famous fight in 1864.
   Next her masts were cut away, not only to lighten her, but also to provide material for constructing rafts. It would have been madness to attempt to make a landing in such a sea in the intense darkness of a tropical night, and, therefore there was nothing to be done but to wait until morning. A terrible night was passed, the waves pounding heavily over the stern and weather side as she swung more and more broadside on.
   On Saturday morning, February 3, a line was got ashore and all hands were finally landed safe on the cay. Owing to the manner in which the waves had swept the decks and filled the holds, only a little fresh water and a small quantity of provisions could be saved. Three boats were got ashore, but little injured. As there is almost no water on the reef and about two hundred were encamped there with a trifling supply, one of the boats was immediately put in order to go to Old Providence for relief.
   Lieutenant F. R. Brainard, and Naval Cadet T. L. Stitt, with a picked crew of volunteers, left the cay. On reaching Old Providence and finding there nothing capable of taking off the shipwrecked crew they came on to Colon for assistance. When they left Roncador cay the Kearsarge was breaking up fast.
                      CREW OF THE KEARSARGE SAFE.
   WASHINGTON, Feb. 12. — Worry and anxiety over the shipwrecked men of the Kearsarge ended this morning. All day yesterday Secretary Herbert waited for the dispatch that would tell the fate of Admiral Stanton and his officers and crew, but no message came.
   At 10:45 o'clock this morning the venerable messenger who sits outside the door of Secretary Herbert answered a call on Mr. Herbert's private telephone, and was told by the person at the other end that he had an important message for the Secretary of the Navy. Mr. Herbert's private secretary answered the call with alacrity, and this is the welcome message that came:
   "This is the office of the Panama Railroad company in New York. We have just received a cablegram from Colon stating that the City of Para has arrived there with the officers and crew of the Kearsarge all safe and well."
   A few minutes after 11 o'clock, Secretary Herbert received a dispatch from Admiral Stanton confirming the news sent by the Panama Railroad company. It was very brief, and read as follows:
   "Colon, Feb. 12—Arrived. Shall we sail for New York on City of Para on 14th? Stanton."
   Secretary Herbert sent the following reply to Admiral Stanton's message: "Congratulations. Proceed with crew to New York by Para."

A Successful Operation.
   Last week Thursday. Miss Pearl Coventry of Homer, aged 14 years, went to the dental college in Buffalo, where Dr. Parmiter of that institution performed an operation on her left jaw.
   About one year ago she was afflicted with an ulcerated tooth and in September last Dr. C. E. Ingalls, of this place, extracted the diseased tooth. The tooth had been diseased so long, that the inner portion of the jaw bone had become dead, and was very painful. An incision was made on the outer and under side of the jaw, the diseased portion taken out, and now the little girl's jaw will soon be well. Dr. Ingalls accompanied the patient to Buffalo, and attended her through the operation. He says she is entitled to a great deal of credit, for the extreme fortitude with which she bore it all.

Mr. A. Burton Frazier, the Democratic nominee for Overseer of the Poor, is not an office-seeker, neither is he a "ringer," nor does he belong to a faction, but he is one of Cortland's best business men, and would make a highly satisfactory official.
Mr. Edward Dowd, the Democratic nominee for Collector, is a young man of good habits, intelligent and honest. He is well qualified to perform the duties of the office of Collector, and would make one of the best officials the town has ever had. Why not elect him?
The Democratic vote of this town should be out in full on Tuesday next. There never was a better ticket nominated than the one now in the field, and if it is defeated, stay-at-home Democrats will be held responsible for the loss. Let every Democrat do his duty next Tuesday.
The Peck's were on top last Saturday. Nearly all the candidates they had placed on their slate were nominated, and the other fellows are out in the cold. Will they choose to stay out and freeze or will they kick? The only way to secure recognition on the Republican ticket is to kick and kick hard.
The Republican candidate [R. Bruce Smith] for Supervisor of this town is a good man, but the old adage says: "Old men for counsel and young men for war." Wouldn't it be wise under the present circumstances to elect the active, young and able James A. Jayne for supervisor and preserve the Republican candidate for counsel?
Mr. George E. Ingraham, the Democratic nominee for Justice of the Peace, is the wide awake agent of the American Express company in this place. He is an excellent business man, and would do honor to the office for which he is nominated. By all means give "Ed" a complimentary vote and better still, elect him to the office of Justice of the Peace.
How the Republicans do love the old soldier: The Republican town convention was held in this place last week, and an old soldier from McGrawville asked for the nomination for collector. Did they give it to him? No. They gave it to an able-bodied wire worker, who is also a ward statesman and had not yet been born when the old soldier was fighting the battles of his country.
It does seem a little queer that the Republicans cannot hold a convention in this town that isn't tainted with fraud. The one held last week in this place proved no exception to the general rule. In balloting for candidates an excess of ballots was the rule instead of the exception. Several of the ballots taken were declared void for this reason. The physical energies of some of the regular delegates need correcting or abating altogether.
Mr. George J. Miller was nominated for Commissioner of Highways by the Democrats of this town, for the reason that he is qualified to fill the position. This position needs a man that understands road-making; one that can take hold and demonstrate practical ideas, and impart his knowledge to others. When you find a man that possesses all these qualifications, he is the person for whom you should vote. Mr. Miller will not be found wanting in ability to meet these requirements, and if elected will prove himself to be the right man in the right place.
The Grand Army men of this town must feel highly elated (?) over the "turning down" of one of their comrades at the recent Republican town convention. Jerome F. Wheeler was a candidate for the nomination of Overseer of the Poor, and according to the preaching of the Republican party, he should have received its unanimous support for this office. The "ringers' ruled otherwise, Mr. Wheeler was turned down, and the Republican party, in its attitude toward the Grand Army "boys," has again been shown up in its true light.
After Mr. Edwin Duffey had been nominated for Justice of the Peace by the Democrats of this town, he informed the town committee that he could not accept the nomination, for the reason that he expected to locate out of town in the near future. This being the case, the committee were obliged to put some one [sic] in his place, and they were extremely fortunate in gaining permission of Mr. George E. Ingraham, and he has been placed in nomination for the office of Justice of the Peace. Mr. Ingraham is a hustler, and should he be elected, would make an excellent official.
The voters in the eastern part of the town were snubbed in the Republican nominating convention last week and their candidate for collector was turned down. The McGrawville district is a Republican stronghold, and it can always be depended upon to turn in a handsome Republican majority at a general election. They do not give complimentary votes to any one, but always stand by the Republican ticket. Last week they asked to have a man from their district nominated for Collector, but the "bosses" up this way said no, with a vengeance. This is the sort of thanks they get for being loyal to the party, and this is all they will get as long as the present management have anything to say.

Washington Letter.
(From Our Regular Correspondent.)
   WASHINGTON, Feb. 12, 1894.— Senator Morgan, of Alabama, who is chairman of the Senate committee on Foreign Relations, was at the time the annexation treaty was negotiated with the Representatives of the provisional government of Hawaii, strongly in favor of annexation. For that reason it has been feared that he might not agree with his democratic colleagues—Senators Gray and Butler—on the subcommittee which has been making the investigation, as to the nature of the report to be made on the evidence taken by the subcommittee. I have just learned from a trustworthy source that those fears are entirely groundless, as the three Senators named are in accord and will all sign the majority report. The investigation is closed but the report may not be made to the Senate until after the tariff bill is passed.
   The House Naval committee has reported adversely the resolution asking for an investigation of the granting of speed premiums to the constructors of naval vessels. The report exonerates our naval officers and holds up to public scorn, J. Hale Sypher, ex-Congressman and ex-carpetbagger of Louisiana, and at present a lobbyist and some say—something a shade or two blacker who, the report says, instigated the charge for his own purpose, which it broadly intimates was to be bought off by the ship builders.

   Sixty carloads of ice from Little York lake have been sold to parties in Corning.
   Mr. William D. Riley has sold his fine road horse to Mr. Mersereau of Binghamton for $500.
   Mr. R. G. Rowley of So. Cortland has purchased Mr. F. N. Harrington's sorrel gelding for $200.
   An exchange says the patent on mince pies has been declared null and void, but the nightmare attachment still holds good.
   Robert Otto, the furniture dealer, expects to move his stock of goods into the McFarlan store on Port Watson-st., about March 1st next.
   Articles of incorporation were filed with the Secretary of State on Tuesday, by the Minthorn Emery Company of Homer. Capital $150,000.
   An old fashioned donation visit will be given in Woodwards hall, Truxton, Friday evening, February 16, for the benefit of Rev. W. H. Robertson, pastor of the M. E. church. A cordial invitation is extended to all.
   Cortland County Lodge, of Good Templars will be held with Marathon Lodge, on Wednesday next, February 21. In the evening, the Cortland Comedy Club will play, for the benefit of Marathon Lodge, the well known drama, "The Last Loaf."
   The latest swindling scheme is the delivery of bogus telegrams to farmers. A man drives up with a telegram marked "collect." It may announce the death of a relative, and of course the charges and the messenger are paid. He disappears before the swindle is discovered.
   Last week Wednesday afternoon, a little son of John McCall, who lives on Mt. Topping, went to a spring on the premises for water. Not returning search was made and he was found in the spring dead. He was subject to fits and it is supposed that he was attacked with a fit and fell in.
   The tug of-war and relay teams of the C. A. A. are training every day in preparation for the contest at Elmira, March 1st. The tug-of-war team is composed of F. H. Monroe, anchor, C. York, Irving Townsend and Floyd Terpening, with H. J. Risley substitute. The relay team is composed of John Reagan, Jas. Gaffney, Jas. Burke, Fred Hillagus and G. H. Dickinson.
   Last Thursday evening William Sheridan, who was carrying a heavy jag dropped into E. Stevens' saloon on No. Main-st. He undertook to run the place and failed. Garrity's dray hauled him to the lock up and the next morning when he appeared before Justice Bull he looked as though he had been fooling with a threshing machine. The Justice thought be had been pretty badly punished and he was discharged.

   A LaGrange, Wyoming county man, captured 19 skunks in one week, and sold their pelts for $27.
   Several bears have been killed in Delaware county this winter.
   The dates of the Broome-co. Fair for 1894 are Sept. 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th.
   Penn Yan millers are shipping buckwheat flour to California in carloads.
   The annual death rate of horses in New York city is 14,000, while about 12,000 go lame.
   The great forest of Northern New York covers an area of 3,588,803 acres. The Adirondack park, or proposed reservation, includes 2,807,760 acres.
   The New York Central railroad has finished a 1,400 foot trough east of Palmyra, to enable the fast trains to take water by the scooping process.
   Richard Gordineer, a mulatto and the last survivor of slavery in Central New York, died in the Orleans county poorhouse, the 12th ult., in his one hundredth year.
   It is understood the project of Charles Sherwood and D. E. Bingham to establish a knife factory in Camillus will be a success, and the business started as early in the spring as possible.
   "It is a peculiar fact," says the Buffalo Express, "that for the first time in over a quarter of a century a barrel of apples is worth more than a barrel of flour. Fair apples now retail at $5 a barrel, while flour can be had fully $1 cheaper. It is also cheaper to buy good oranges by the box than apples by the barrel."
   Secretary of War Lamont is the hardest man in Washington to find. The War Department, the White House, and the Secretary's private residence are all within shooting distance of each other, and yet if a man whom Col. Dan is not particularly anxious to see starts out to locate the Secretary, he has a good three days' job before him. If the anxious caller goes to the department he is told that the Secretary is at his residence; if he goes to the residence, he is told that the Secretary is at the War Department. Generally he is at the White House.
   A cool-headed farmer says: We let our timber rot and buy fencing. We throw away grease and ashes and buy soap. We let our manure go to waste and buy guano. We catch five cent fish with four dollar rods. We buy a $500 horse, a$100 wagon and a $40 set of harness to do the work on a one hundred acre farm. Our boys hunt ten cent birds with $40 guns and a $10 dog. We build a school house in our own neighborhood and send our boys and girls away to be educated. Having done some of these things we sit down hang our harps on the willows, and utter plaintiff Jeremaids over the hard times.

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