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Oliver Curtis Perry. |
Cortland Evening Standard, Thursday,
February 1, 1894.
Train Robber Perry in a Madhouse.
Oliver Curtis Perry, the notorious train robber, was a passenger recently on the
Central train from the west. He was on his way from Auburn prison to the asylum
for insane criminals at Mattawan. He was chained hand and foot, and three burly
officers guarded him. Everybody about the depot hastened into the smoking car
to catch a glimpse of the daring desperado whose exploits are still fresh in
the minds of all. The prison officials have, it is said, considered Perry
insane for some time. He has given a good deal of trouble at Auburn and has
been subjected to severe discipline there. He appeared quiet enough on the
train.—Utica Press.
Annual Meeting in G. A. R. Hall on Wednesday.
The annual meeting of the Cortland County
Soldiers' and Sailors' Veteran association was held in G. A. R. hall in Cortland,
Wednesday, January 31. The meeting was called to order at 10 A. M. by President
H. M. Kellogg. No business, however, was done until afternoon, and the time
until noon was spent in a social way.
At 1:30 P. M. the association reconvened and
the minutes of the last and summer meetings were read by Secretary L. P. Norton
and were approved. Treasurer A. Sager reported that after paying all bills for
the year there remained in the treasury a balance of $25. A detailed report was
given and was duly accepted.
following officers were elected for the ensuing year:
President—H. M. Kellogg.
1st Vice-President—Dr. H. C. Hendrick.
2d Vice-President—M. J. Pratt.
Secretary—L. P. Norton.
Treasurer—A. Sager.
Surgeon—Dr. A. J. White.
Chaplain—Rev. J. A. Robinson.
Cortlandville —
1st Dist—E. M. Seacord.
2d Dist.—J. W. Strowbridge.
3d Dist.—H. M. Phillips.
4th Dist.—Geo. L. Warren.
5th Dist.—W. Pitt Henry.
Cincinnatus—Henry M. Smith.
Cuyler—H. D. Waters.
Freetown—M. M. Brown.
Harford —Hiram Hawley.
1st Dist.—Wm. Wakefield.
2d Dist.—Elisha Williams.
3d Dist.—Eugene Burnham.
Lapeer—David Youngs.
Marathon—A. P. Greene.
Preble—C. J. T. Shepherd.
Scott—Edwin P. Burdick.
Solon—Lucian Maybury.
Taylor—L. B. Finn.
Truxton—Alvarado Lansing.
1st Dist.—Wesley Hutchings.
2d Dist.—James B. Shevalier.
Willet—C. J. Harris.
Comrade Jerome F. Wheeler gave a very
interesting account of the excursion of Post Grover, G. A. R., to the picnic of
the Tompkins County Veterans' association last summer and in behalf of that
association extended an invitation to this association to join them in a
similar picnic and summer meeting the coming summer. After a lengthy discussion
it was thought by a majority of the comrades that a summer meeting in our own
county would be the better for our organization, therefore on motion duly carried,
the executive committee were authorized to prepare for and call a summer
President Kellogg called the comrades' attention
to a history of Chancellorsville just published by Col. J. C. O. Redington of
Syracuse and read extracts which were of great interest to every comrade, especially
so to members of the Eleventh Army corps, particular mention being made of
regiments and commands in which they had served, including brief articles from
the pen of the late Col. J. C. Carmichael, One Hundred Fifty-seventh N. Y.
Vols., Comrade Kellogg, Fifty-fifth Ohio and others. It was generally agreed
that it was in many respects the most truthful history of that battle yet published,
vindicating as it does, the much abused Eleventh Army corps and placing the responsibility
of the disaster upon that corps where it belonged.
On motion, the meeting adjourned.
H. M. KELLOOG, President.
L. P. NORTON, Secretary.
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George C. Lorimer. |
Lorimer's Lecture.
The lecture last night at the Opera House in
the Y. M. C. A. course
by Rev. Dr. George C. Lorimer, pastor of Tremont Temple in Boston, was one of
the rare literary treats of the year. There was a large attendance. The doctor
is a fine speaker and his command of language is almost unlimited. His subject was
"Tramps, Cranks and Dudes."
The lecturer discussed in a masterly way some
of the chief social problems of the day. The object of the lecture, said the speaker,
was to disprove the Darwinian theory of the survival of the fittest and to make
plain the truth of the reversion to types.
To attempt to give an adequate outline of
the lecture would be useless. Suffice it to say that it was replete with noble
sentiments, beautiful figures and apt illustrations. Some of the doctor's
definitions were especially striking and forcible, for instance that of a crank,
in whom the radical idea is egoism and who is an individual who moves on a
pivot of his own personality in an orbit of eccentricity. The dude, he said, was
the missing link for whom scientists had so long been looking. He described him
as a symphony in broadcloth.
The audience listened in wrapt attention to
Dr. Lorimer for nearly two hours and were carried with him to heights of eloquence,
to depths of pathos and were frequently provoked to bursts of laughter. The
lecture was a treat which can hardly fail to be a loss to those who missed it.
Meeting—Election of Managers and Advisory Board.
The third annual meeting of the Cortland Hospital
association will be held at the home of Mrs. Mary E. Doud, 21 Tompkins-st.,
Monday next, Feb. 5, at 3:30 P.
M. Seven members of the board of managers are to be elected to fill the places
of Mrs. Mary E. Doud, Mrs. F. N. Harrington, Mrs. F. H. Cobb, Mrs. Hugh Duffey,
Mrs. Jerome Squires, Mrs. F. O. Hyatt, and Mrs. A. Heath, whose terms of office
expire at that time. Also an advisory board will be elected to fill the places
of Rev. J. A. Robinson, Messrs. C. P. Walrad, C. F. Wickwire, A. Mahan, R. B. Smith,
D. F. Wallace, G. W. Bradford, E. H. Brewer and Maj. A. Sager.
Reports of work of the past year will be
given and will be of interest to the public. Every one who feels an interest in
the hospital and its workings is invited and urged to attend this meeting.
ELLA M. BUCK, Sec'y.
Mrs. Ora Brown of Cortland, who celebrated
her one-hundredth birthday on Jan. 5, died at her late home yesterday afternoon.
There was no particular cause which brought about the death except general
weakness resulting from her great age. An extended account of life was given in
The STANDARD at the time of her birthday. The funeral will be held to-morrow
afternoon at 1 o'clock and will be conducted by Rev. C. E. Olney, pastor of the
Congregational church in Homer of which she was for so many years a member. The
burial will be in Homer.
SCOTT, Jan. 30.—We are having an old-fashioned
northwest blizzard to-day.
Rev. O. S. Mills and wife of Lincklaen were
guests at E. H. P. Potter's the forepart of this week.
Mrs. Calvin Wilber and son of Syracuse were
guests of her brother, Mr. Austin Brown, a few days last week. Mrs. Josie
Barber of Cortland also visited Mr. Brown's family recently.
Mrs. Harlan Potter is visiting her brother,
Mr. Ira Kinney, of Cuyler this week.
The funeral of Mr. Joshua Burdick, a lifelong
resident of Scott, was held at his late residence last Monday at 2 o'clock P.
M. Rev. B. F. Rogers conducted the services.
Mr. Burdick was one of a family of thirteen children and the only one who did
not marry. He was over sixty years old.
Notices are out for a donation for the benefit
of the Rev. B. F. Rogers to be held at the S. D. B. church on Tuesday evening,
February 6. A general invitation is extended to all.
It is reported that Lovinus Tinkham and
Charles Blunden have bought a farm of 280 acres in the southern part of the
town of Fabius. Mr. Blunden is to work the farm.
Mr. Isaac Darling lost a horse recently, and
Charley the twenty-eight year-old horse of Mr. C. J. Barber did not come up
for his feed last Monday morning and S. J. Barber's Nell, twenty-five years
old, was also off of her feed about the same time.
—A fine electric arc lamp has been placed in
the office of the Messenger House.
—F. N. Harrington & Co. to-day opened
their new store in the
Miller building.
—The fourth act of "Myrtle Ferns"
is alone worth the price of admission. Don't fail to see it.
—There were twenty-seven graduates from the
Potsdam Normal school at Commencement on Tuesday.
—The clothing store of Swartout & Cole
on North Salina-st., Syracuse, was on Tuesday night closed by the sheriff on
two executions aggregating $22,500. The house was one of the oldest in
—The regular meeting of the Cortland Wheel
club will occur to-night at their rooms in the Democrat building. Important business
will come before the meeting and every member is requested to be present.
— "Myrtle Ferns" the play produced
by the Players' club last Monday night and which gave such general satisfaction
will be repeated by request to-morrow night, Friday, Feb. 2, at reduced prices 10,
20 and 30 cents.
—The principal's reception at the Normal occurs
this evening in the Normal parlors. To-morrow morning the standing will be read
and the present term at the Normal will have closed. The next term begins at 8:45
on the morning of Wednesday, Feb. 7.
—The store of Clark & Nourse is
undergoing a thorough redressing inside. The woodwork
is being restained and revarnished, and the steam radiators are being rebronzed.
Everything will be as neat as a pin and as attractive as a jewelry store can be
made in a few days.
—A mothers' meeting will be held at the East
Side Library rooms Wednesday, Feb. 7, at 2:30 P. M. The object of this meeting
is for the improvement of the members in Christian work and the moral and
spiritual training of the children under their care. Topic of reading: Sabbath
observance. All are requested to be present.
—The Syracuse Courier newspaper and plant was yesterday afternoon sold to Nash
and Prescott of Albany for $18,500, under order of Justice Williams, of the
supreme court. Possession given next Monday. The purchasers were formerly
connected with the Albany Argus. The
paper will continue to be Democratic in politics.
—The president of the Eclectic Medical
society of the state of New York, G. W.
King, M. D., has invited Dr. H. C. Gazlay of Cortland to prepare and deliver an
essay before this society at its annual meeting to be held in the city of
Albany March 28 and 29, 1894. Dr. Gazlay has accepted the invitation, and his subject
will be "What is in a Name."
—The regular meeting of the W. C. T. U. will
be held in the rooms over Collins' store, Saturday, Feb. 3, at 2:30 P. M. This
meeting will be in charge of the evangelistic committee. Subject, "Christ's
sayings when on Earth." It is earnestly requested that the ladies be as
prompt as possible, as the business meeting will commence at 2:30 sharp.
—The south window of the store of D. F.
Wallace & Co. now contains three very fine life-size crayon portraits made by
Mr. L. J. Higgins of 10 Maple-ave. They are made from photographs and represent
Rev. J. A. Robinson, Mr. Riley Champlin and the artist's little son. They are
very lifelike and natural. The portraits of the two gentlemen were made upon an
order from Miss Hathaway of Solon and are designed as a present from that lady
to the two gentlemen respectively whom they represent.
—The death of Mrs.C. M. Omans which occurred
at her home in Earlville on Monday was particularly sad. Mrs. Omans had been a
resident of Cortland for a number of years prior to her marriage three years
ago. She had just given birth to a bright little boy, who survives her. The
remains were brought to Cortland and the funeral was held yesterday in the
Congregational church. The burial
was at Tully. Mrs. Omans united with the Congregational church here six years
ago and was an active and prominent member of the Y. P. S. E. and of that Sunday school.
Table Talk.
Capt. Benjamin Thompson of Kennebunkport, Me.,
is a lively specimen of the "Down-East Skipper." He celebrated his
100th birthday a short time ago, and in a wrestling match proved too much for
his eldest son, 71 years old, who lives with him. With the exception of being
extremely deaf the captain is said to possess all his faculties.
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