Electric Light Now Used On Numerous Railroads.
The electric headlight is now used on many
railroads, and W. B. Sparks, who is interested in a southern road, says that
his company has found it a very profitable investment. The lights cost about
$375 each, fixed on the locomotive, and they cost no more than the oil light to
The old headlight would not throw its light
on a very dark night more than 130 feet,
and it is impossible for an engineer to slow up his train in that distance,
even with the emergency brake. Quite an item in the expense of the road used to
be claims for cattle killed. During the rainy seasons the lands along the line
of road became very wet; in places they are entirely covered with water, and
the cattle come upon this track seeking some dry spot on which to sleep. When
the old headlight was in use as many as 14 cows have been killed at one time,
and the damage claims have sometimes amounted to over $1,000 per month.
Now, the electric light throws its rays from
half to three-quarters of a mile in front of the engines; obstructions can be
easily seen at that distance, and some of the engineers insist that a switch
disc can be more easily made out by it at night than in the daytime. The lights,
moreover, do away with switch lights, which is quite a saving to roads that use
them to any great extent. Mr. Sparks says that the engines using the electric
headlights on his road have never killed a cow and he is confident that the
saving in stock claims will more than pay for all the headlights on the road
within two years.—Pittsburg Dispatch.
Queer Citizens.
The Democrat
quotes the following from the New York Sun:
George Dumore has lived in the town of Moravia, Cayuga county, nearly eighty
years, and, although a prosperous farmer, has never been outside of the
township. The well-known villages of Cortland, Homer, Genoa, and Aurora are
within ten miles of Moravia but Farmer Dumore has never been in either one of
them. He has a brother and a sister who have lived eight miles from his farm
for over sixty years, and he has not seen either of them for forty-five years.
A neighbor of Dumore's, Nathan Tuthill, 74
years old, has lived in Moravia fifty years and he was never inside the village
tavern or postoffice. He has lived half a century in one house, and never slept
or ate a meal in any other house. He never tasted liquor, beer or tobacco, and
never wrote a letter or signed a note or other obligation. Another neighbor of
Dumore is Seth R. Webb, aged 83, who has been town clerk for fifty-four
consecutive years.
Clerk William Corcoran the Victim.
Another robbery occurred last night at the
saloon on Railroad-st. owned by Hugh Corcoran. This time the victim was a
brother of the proprietor, Ex-Town Clerk William Corcoran, who is manufacturing
cigars at Syracuse, being a member of the firm of Corcoran & Duell. He went
into the saloon, treated "the boys" and placed his pocketbook in his
trousers' pocket. He sat down beside his brother, but soon the latter got up
and some one else took his place beside Mr. Corcoran. When the latter went to get
his pocketbook he discovered that it had mysteriously disappeared. A search was
made but the book was not found.
The names of the fourteen men who were in
the saloon at the time were given to Chief Sager, and some of them were
searched. Chief Sager and Officers Monroe and Jackson made an effort to find
the guilty parties. As the chain of evidence against the suspected parties is
not complete no warrant has as yet been sworn out.
The pocketbook was made of black leather and
contained a picture of a lady, an insurance receipt of George Chatterton and
about $130 in bills of $20, $10 and $5 denominations.
May Undo
the Jury's Work.
ROCHESTER, Feb. 10.—A motion was argued in
the court of sessions before Judge Werner to dismiss the indictment against
Thomas Morgan, indicted by the grand jury on the charge of criminal intimacy
with Louisa Lang, a female under the age of consent, on the ground that seven
out of the 19 grand jurors, serving on the October grand jury, pay no taxes, or
if they do their names do not appear on the assessment rolls. The second ground
of the motion is that the statutes of 1890 require the supervisors to select
the grand jury lists from the assessment rolls. Counsel read from decisions in
support of his contention from every state in the Union, and made an earnest
argument for the discharge of his client. Judge Werner took the papers in the
case and reserved his decision. Should the motion be successful 85 indictments
found by the October grand jury will be invalidated and 45 prisoners now
serving sentences under those indictments may be set at liberty.
Love's Defalcation Brought On by Losing Speculation.
ELMIRA, Feb. 10.—The First National bank
of Watkins has suspended Adrian Tuttle, president, and John W. Love, cashier.
The bank failure was caused by the absconding of the cashier, John W. Love.
The bank closed by order of the comptroller
of the currency. In a short time a large crowd had surrounded the bank,
clamoring for particulars and cash. They got none of the latter and little of
the former.
When James Love went to the postoffice and
got his mail he received a letter from his brother, John Love, who for 10 years
had been cashier of the bank, saying that his accounts were short, that the
books had been falsified and that he was unable any longer to bear up under the
strain, that no one was to blame, that he had brought the trouble entirely upon
himself and that he was going away and would commit suicide by jumping into
Seneca lake or by shooting himself.
James Love quickly communicated the news to
the bank officers and an examination showed that there was less than $5,000 in
the bank. Further quick running over other books indicated a shortage of
upwards of $100,000.
John Love has a handsome young wife and one
child living in Watkins.
It is believed that Love carried the West
Muncie (Ind.) Improvement company, which had met hard times, as long as the
bank's money lasted and when it was all gone, decamped.
A mackintosh and a vest belonging to the
absent cashier were found on the dock. This circumstance is pointed to as
indicating suicide, but it is said that the clothing was perfectly dry,
although it rained and snowed.
Few believe that Love is at the bottom of
the lake. It was also rumored that a young woman had disappeared with him, but
she was found to be visiting in Elmira.
A story that a grass widow was mixed up in
his affairs could not be substantiated. The First National bank has done the
greatest share of the bank business of the town. Its capital was $50,000.
people who had all they owned in the bank, either in stock or on deposit, will
be about ruined. The last report showed $130,000 subject to check. The officers
claim that everybody will be paid in full.
A Hard
Mr. Thomas G. Shearman must be reaching the
conclusion by long and rapid jumps that the free trade Jordan is a hard road to
travel. After the unpleasantly warm reception given him at Gloversville he went
to Utica and spoke in the city hall to an audience composed largely of the kind
of Democrats who neither learn anything nor forget anything, and got through
his speech safely. Then he was imprudent enough to ask for questions, and Col.
G. V. Fairman of New York City, who happened to be present, put some ugly
conundrums to him which he couldn't answer and didn't try to. Then the Bourbons
tried to howl Fairman down, but the latter took the platform and fired stony
facts at Reformer Shearman till the latter's fine theories were a mass of
Shearman is famous as a freetrader who puts
up less truth in larger-sized packages of falsehood than any other orator
afloat. The Utica Herald comments on
some of his statements as follows:
"The panics are now past," said
Mr. Shearman in his city hall argument in praise of these Democratic times,
"and although the effect of the hard times remains, there have been many
improvements. New mills and furnaces have been started up, and although the
workmen are not earning the same wages now, $2 a day instead of $2.50 is
better than nothing."
The advantages of the "change" to workmen are told here
with brutal frankness—a reduction of 30 per cent in wages. Mr. Shearman
doesn't take notice of the workmen who are getting nothing, having nothing
to do. The Democratic party has thrown hundreds of thousands out of work,
and its representative tells those who have employment they shouldn't
grumble. Work at 30 per cent less pay than under Republican rule
"is better than nothing."
If Mr. Shearman will give us an authenticated
list of "new mills and furnaces that have started up" since the
provisions of the Wilson bill were made known we will be glad to publish it.
Mills, new and old, that stopped under the uncertainty of the Democrats'
purpose and from lack of orders, have started up here and there to fill orders,
and others have started solely to afford work for the suffering unemployed.
Some have started up with deeper than 30 per cent cuts of wages, others with
less. But in every case, and everywhere, the effects of the purpose to break
down the protective tariff have been hurtful to labor and to business. Yet,
wages 30 per cent off "are better than nothing."
A public decorative league ought to be
formed in every city, village and township of this country. Its object should
be to improve roads, streets, landscapes, parks and the inside and outside of
public buildings. In courthouses, town halls and schoolhouses there is scope
for all the budding artistic instinct in the American soul. Public buildings
may be improved by architectural additions, and beautified by paint and repairs,
by decorating the walls and ceilings and by the addition of pictures and
sculpture. The farmer will have his share of the work chiefly in improving the
public roads and beautifying the landscape. He will first remove from the
public view all unsightly objects and structures on his grounds. The expenses
of the public decorative league can always be met if people are public spirited.
British "A."
It appears to be on us to stay. It is more
persistent than the grip. It is very catching. The order has gone forth that it
is to be adopted in the public schools. 'Tis well, to a certain extent. No
doubt the broad British "a" sounds pleasanter than our brassy,
American flat one. It is also true that a little of the British importation
goes a good way. With the zeal of new converts, we are in danger of overdoing
that English "a."
Such words as ask, half, laugh and grass
sound greatly more musical with the broad "a'' than with our old-time flat
one. But when it comes to saying donce,
foncy, hond and lond we "foncy" that it is running things into the
The truth always lies between two extremes. The
best educated and purest speaking
English people generally do not say "I foncy." They pronounce their a's
about half way between the cockney broad one and our American flat one. He,
therefore, who would get the best English pronunciation will not say "donce."
If we could imitate the soft, pleasant voices of the cultivated English ladies and
gentlemen instead of being in such a desperate hurry to say "I
foncy," we would do better.
—J. A. Wayle was yesterday appointed
postmaster in Harford.
—MR. F. L. CRANDALL and family have been
called to Pompey by the death of Mr. Crandall's mother.
—The regular meeting of the Friendly Sons of
St. Patrick will be held Monday evening at Empire hall.
—Prof. D. L. Bardwell will address the 4
o'clock meeting in the Y. M. C. A. rooms Sunday afternoon.
—Rev. G. H. Brigham will preach at the
Blodgett Mills Baptist church tomorrow morning at 10:30.
—Forty new students entered the Normal this
term, either by certificate or an examination.—Oneonta Herald.
—A meeting of the St. Vincent De Paul
society will be held at St. Mary's church after second mass to-morrow.
—Remember the "White City"
illustrated lecture to-night at the Universalist church. Admission 10 and 20
—Mr. Homer Hayes has just completed a very
neat desk for the European Hotel. It was put in place this morning.
—The Department encampment of the G. A. R.
and the Department convention of the W. R. C. occurs at Rochester, Feb. 21 and
—The Epworth league of the First M. E.
church will hold a business meeting to-night in the church parlors, beginning at
7:30 o'clock.
—Prof. W. A. Cornish will conduct the
service at Memorial Baptist chapel on Tompkins-st. next Sunday at 4 P. M. All
are cordially invited.
—Next Monday is the anniversary of the birth
of Abraham Lincoln. The STANDARD of that day will contain some very interesting
matter in reference to the great president.
—After The STANDARD went to press yesterday
it was decided that the meeting, for the nomination of an excise commissioner
favorable to license should be held at 7:30 o'clock Monday evening instead of
last evening.
—Rev. O. M. Hilton, who gives the illustrated
lecture at the Universalist church to-night, will remain in town over Sunday and
preach in this church at both services. Rev. H. W. Carr preaches in Auburn
—All Epworth leaguers are requested to be present
at 7:30 o'clock to-night at the First M. E. church to consider matters pertaining
to the conference convention to be held here March 1 and 2, The meeting will be
a very important one.
—The Athlete
for February is just out and contains a fine half-tone cut of the old
Randall house, leased by the Cortland Athletic association for a clubhouse, together
with a description of the house and a history of the association.
—Charles T. Ellis gave pleasure to an audience
at the Stone opera house last evening, appearing in "Count Casper," …
singing in a way which always pleases his auditors. Mr. Ellis is always welcome
to Binghamton.—Binghamton Republican,
—A son of John McCall was drowned in a
spring on Mr. McCall's farm on Mt. Topping between Little York and Preble on
Wednesday afternoon. The boy who was subject to fits, went to a spring near the
house for water, and undoubtedly while there had a fit and fell into the spring
and was drowned. His continued absence was noted, and a search revealed the
above result.
—Lucius R. Wilson, the convicted murderer of
Detective James Harvey, whose appeal for a new trial to the court of appeals
was this week denied, was yesterday brought to Syracuse and sentenced by Judge
Williams to death at Auburn prison, some time during the week of March 12. He
wished to speak in court, and it was denied him. He was also denied permission
to speak to reporters. He was taken back to Auburn on the afternoon train.
—After The STANDARD went to press yesterday
afternoon Mr. F. A. Bickford discovered that the cause of the false alarm of
fire was a broken insulated wire on the corner of Port Watson and Pendleton-sts.,
which the wind was blowing about alternately breaking and closing the circuit.
There is a very strong sweep of wind at this point, and this is the third time
that a wire has been broken. Mr. Bickford has now adjusted matters so that he
says the wire will never break at this place again.
While the expression, "It was Hobson's choice,"
is very frequently used, comparatively few have any idea of its origin. The
first man in England to let out a high class of road or hackney horses, or to
keep what would be nearest to what in this country would be termed a
first-class livery stable, was Tobias Hobson. He had, however, one peculiar
custom, and a rule from which
he would never deviate under any consideration, similar to the custom that was
common with the street car horses which were used to help up the hill before
they were so generally replaced by electricity and the cables. Hobson had no
particular stalls for any of his horses, and whoever came was obliged to take
the one nearest the door no matter how many there were in the stable, or go
without, which soon gave choice.—Exchange.
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