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"Human Nature," 1893 World's Fair, Puck. |
Rural Republican Legislators Almost Drown a
Girl in a Delavan Bath Tub During a Debauch.
(From the Albany Argus, May 5, 1894.)
adjournment of the recent corrupt Republican legislature was the beginning of an orgie [sic] which is only now coming to a close
with disastrous results to the health of several of the prominent Republicans
who took part in it.
The first
months of the session were hard for the avaricious members of the legislature
who found nobody to bribe them since the lobby had been banished during
Democratic administration. But it was not long before the lobby returned and
established its headquarters to the great cheer of the rural Republicans,
especially the members of the senate. During the last two weeks of the senate
there were eleven matters in which there was money ranging from five hundred
dollars to a thousand dollars and fifteen hundred dollars a senator, according to
his prominence and whether he was high in committee or not. After a long arid
season the money reached the assembly during the closing days of the session and
brought about a time of great prosperity. It was more money than some of the
accidental legislators had ever seen before in their lives. They received it,
together with the remainder of their pay and a glorious time for all concerned
The last
night of the assembly there were so many members drunk that the speaker had to
declare the assembly adjourned through his inability to transact business. In
the senate there were two Republican senators so drunk that they constantly
interrupted the proceedings and wore out one presiding officer after another.
The big
drunk thus started by several prominent Republicans continued the next day.
Little business was done in either house in the morning. The bills which were
passed were not checked up and stray bills are still being sent from time to
time to the governor as they appear from different quarters. The signature of
the speaker of the assembly could not be obtained for several days.
great disorder the assembly adjourned having done little business since the
members started on their big drunk of the night before.
night a party of Republican members of the legislature, almost all of them from
the rural districts, made a round of the houses of joy of Albany and opened several
cases of champagne. They all became, if possible, more drunk than before. From
one of these resorts they got a girl who had learned to dance the Danse du Ventre.
The party
took her to the rooms of one of the most prominent Republicans in the legislature
in the Delavan house. This Republican had a suite of rooms with a bath room.
More champagne was ordered here which the "members of the legislature and
the dancing girl drank. It was not long before she became as drunk as they were.
Then she took off all her clothes and did her dance on the floor to the
admiration of the rural Republicans who had never seen anything of the kind
mingled effects of dancing and champagne caused the girl to collapse on the floor.
It seemed to these rural Republicans that it would be a good joke to put her in
the bath tub and turn on the water. They did this. The naked dancing girl was
carefully laid in a Delavan house bath tub and the water was then turned on.
She was
almost drowned. The plug was in the bath tub and after the water was turned on
the members left her there. If one of the members had not sobered up a little and
gone in to turn off the water and open the plug there would have been a great
chance of the girl's drowning, because she was in an alcoholic stupor.
The rural
Republicans slept on the floor and around the room that night, and the naked
dancing girl slept in the bath tub. In the morning she was smuggled out.
debauch and orgie combined have broken the health of several of the men who were
engaged in it. It is reported that one of the most prominent of them had an
attack of the tremens. In any event he has not appeared since and his friends
are a good deal disturbed over the resulting sickness.
All the
politicians around the capitol know about the orgie and notwithstanding the
efforts to suppress the knowledge inklings of the facts have become known around
the Delavan house.
stories include the names of the members and the name of the dancing girl whom
they got. It was the biggest orgie that has taken place in Albany.
Opera House Election.
annual meeting of the stockholders of the Cortland Opera House Co. was held in
the parlors of the First National Bank last Tuesday afternoon. Hector Cowan, Esq.,
was chosen chairman of the meeting and H. M. Kellogg, secretary. The reports of
the secretary and treasurer were read and approved, after which the following
directors were chosen for the ensuing year: H. Cowan, A. Mahan, H. M. Kellogg,
E. Keator, T. F. Brayton, P. Sugerman, B. B. Jones. At a subsequent meeting of
the board of directors the following officers were elected:
M. Kellogg.
F. Brayton
following were elected inspectors of election for the ensuing year: E. Keator, H. Cowan, H. M. Kellogg.
[At] the
annual meeting of directors of the Franklin Hatch Library association held last
Tuesday evening, the following officers were elected:
J. L. Robertson.
D. Webb.
F. Wickwire.
librarian's and treasurer's reports showed the condition of the association to be
prosperous. A lot of new books were ordered [and] purchased immediately by the
board of directors.
The Public Sewers.
The board
of sewer commissioners held a meeting in the office of the village clerk, Fred
Hatch, last Saturday evening. Messrs. Doe, Nicholson & Deloyea of Port
Huron, Mich., the lowest bidders, were represented by Mr. John G. O'Brien, one
of the firm's financial backers, who stated that he was ready and willing to
have the contract let to them at the amount of their bid. Mr. Landreth, the
consulting engineer of the village not being present, the matter was laid over
until such time as he can be here.
Messrs J.
S. Bull & Co. of Cortland, T. H. Ryan of Buffalo and Doe, Nicholson & Deloyea
of Port Huron submitted bids for the extension. The same will be figured up by
the engineer to ascertain who is the lowest bidder, after which the contract will
be let.
CHENANGO—Dr. Crumb, of South Otselic, was recently
called to see a child who was suffering from throat trouble. Upon examination a
black pin was found imbedded across the throat, one end in each tonsil. He
removed the pin, and the child is doing well.
George H. Day, who resides upon the old
homestead farm about 4 mites up the river from Greene, brought into the office of
the Greene American, Monday, some real curiosities. They consisted of
several teeth, which he dug from a lot on the farm recently, and they were from
the jaws of animals now extinct in this region. They are probably 4 inches in
length, and about the same in circumference. The teeth are in a good state of
preservation; but no doubt have been hid from view, no one can tell how long.
In shape they are different from the teeth of any animal now known among us,
and we confess we are unable to give anything tangible about them. Mr. Day thinks
of sending them to the Cornell University to have if possible, experts
determine from what animals they came, and how long ago they roamed the wilds
of this country.
MADISON—Frank Albright of Earlville caught a
20 inch trout that weighed 2 lbs. 9 ounces.
Fifteen car loads of mules, twenty to the
car, are being shipped from Oneida for work on the canal.
The residence of Mrs. Pulford, near DeRuyter,
was entered by burglars, a few evenings since, and between $300 and $400 in cash
was taken.
TOMPKINS— Kings Ferry postoffice has been
changed to King Ferry.
A bridge on the Lehigh valley road west of Groton
was burned on Tuesday night.
A live otter which had been found in a stream
near Ithaca, was brought to Prof. Wilder Friday. The animal was captured while
fighting with a bull dog, and when brought to the University was in great agony
from the wounds which it had received. The creature was soon put out of its
misery and was found to weigh 13 ½ pounds, measuring 38 inches from tip to tip.
The committee appointed to canvass the
several towns in this county for signers to petitions in favor of Woman
Suffrage, have completed their labors and report that the petitions are signed
by the following number of persons in each of the towns named:
Cincinnatus, 177; Solon, 55; Cuyler, 81;
Freetown, 295; Homer, 552; Virgil, 172; Scott, 278 ; Marathon, 98; Taylor, 51;
Cortlandville, 2,907; Total, 4,727.
Assessed valuation of property held by women
of Cortland county in the following towns: Homer, $274,070; Cincinnatus, $28,
250; Cortlandville, $300,430; Scott,
$31,900; Freetown, $22,417; Solon, $6,675; Taylor, $17,305; Total, $683,747.
The following towns have not reported:
Harford, Lapeer, Preble, Truxton and Willet. Marathon has not sent in her assessed
Why is it that half of the adult population,
as vitally interested in good government as the other half, who own property,
manage estates, and pay taxes, who discharge all the duties of good citizens,
and are perfectly intelligent and capable, are absolutely deprived of political
power and classed with lunatics and felons?—George W. Curtis.
GOLDEN RULE, Whatsoever ye would that men
should do to you, do you even so to them.
Mahan's Music Festival, from May 28 to June
The races on the Cortland Driving Park open
Tuesday, June 26, and last four days.
The Hitchcock Mfg. Co. have a carload of
Georgia pine plank for sidewalks. This material is said to last from 30 to 40
The Home Steam laundry has a new wagon on
the road. It was manufactured by the Hitchcock Mfg. Co., and is a dandy.
Mr. E. W. Rogers of Homer has sold his photograph
gallery to Mr. Geo. I. Pruden, formerly of Cortland, who has taken possession.
Messrs. Page & Hand of Scranton were in
town last Saturday and paid for a large amount of the stock of the Horse
Railway company.
Theo. Shephard who for many years has run a
creamery in Freetown has opened a creamery in the stone mill between here and McGrawville.
An item published in the DEMOCRAT last week
and which was clipped from an exchange may prove to be misleading. Supervisors
in all counties containing less than ninety thousand population hold office for
two years.
The board of excise commissioners met in
Firemen's hall last Monday afternoon and elected John H. Phelps, chairman and J.
W. Keese, secretary. Licenses were granted to the drug stores to sell for
medicinal purposes only.
Mr. W. H. Hall, proprietor of the hotel in
Virgil will give a decoration day party at his house on Wednesday evening, May
30, 1894. Music by Talbot & Palmer's full orchestra. Bill $1.50. Mr. Halt
has the reputation of conducting enjoyable parties and he is making extra
preparations for this one.
Mr. N. A. Bundy started yesterday morning
along the line of the proposed railway from here to Cincinnatus, to interview
the inhabitants and secure subscriptions for bonds. If he obtains sufficient
encouragement the road will go at once. We hope to hear that he met with a cordial
and substantial greeting.
When E. J. Hopkins, mailing clerk at the
postoffice, went to his dinner last Friday he discovered a strange animal sneaking
along by the side of the house. He chased him under the floor of a piazza and
catching him by the tail dropped him into a dry goods box. It proved to be an
opossum and he is now caged in one of the south windows of the postoffice.
There has been during the past three weeks a
large number of sheep run and killed by dogs in this town. There are four dogs
that are known to have been in this business, and proper authorities, having a
description of them will kill them on sight. In the meantime it is the duty of
everyone to shoot any dog they may find running sheep, or which they have
reasonable evidence have been doing the same. Further, the Supervisor informs
us that the demands already made on the dog tax are so large, that if any more
claims are put in it will have to be paid by direct tax on the people. A few dog
funerals are in order.—Marathon Independent.
Charles Meigs and Miss Mabel Beebe spent the
Sabbath with friends in Fabius.
H. G. Borthwick and C. T. Peck of Cortland
were in town Tuesday.
Miss Sarah Maybury has resumed her music
lesson with Mrs. N. J. Peck of Cortland.
Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Severance of South Cortland
spent the Sabbath with friends in town.
Louis VanOrder of Cortland was in town
Fred Davis has recently purchased a fine
Jersey cow of Warren Hudson.
Mr. and Mrs. Aden Kenfield of McGrawville
were guests at W. J. Corcoran's one day last week.
Mr. R. Smith of Madison is spending some
time with his son E. Z. Smith of this place.
Miss Gertrude Kelly teaches in district No.
8, known as the Marks district. Mr. Edwin E. Merring is in No. 4. Miss Agnes
Howard is in No. 6, and Miss Mary Kerrigan in the village school.
Miss Anna Manchester, Miss Kelly, Miss Colgan,
and Miss Moran of Cortland spent the Sabbath at Wm. Hayes's.
Notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather,
a goodly number attended the Arbor Day exercises at the village school, of
which we give the program. The teacher and pupils, and citizens in general, greatly
appreciate the kindly interest and valuable assistance rendered by Miss
Hathaway, in furnishing trees and shrubbery and help to plant and arrange it.
Especial thanks are also due D. H. Thornton and Joseph McChesney. Six trees
were planted, also lilac and syringia bushes.
Scripture Reading—Teacher.
Reading, Origin of Arbor Day—Teacher.
Singing, America—Bert Adams, Sarah Maybury, Mabel
Address. Welcome—Flossie Thornton, and Mable
Recitation, An Invocation—Mable Beebe.
Recitation, A Little Boy—Carl Thornton.
Recitation, A Knock Out Blow—Sarah Maybury.
Recitation, We Little Boys—Earl Fish.
Recitation, A November Party—Eva Phelps.
Dialogue, Trials of a Teacher—Sarah Maybury,
Recitation, What I Love—Flossie Thornton.
Recitation, Jane Jones—Harry McChesney.
Singing, Beautiful May—Sarah Maybury, Mabel
Recitation, Something Good About Pansies—Lillian
Recitation, Dollie's Broken Arm—Mabel Beebe.
Recitation, A Little Brown Mouse—Eva Phelps.
Recitation, Little Nut People—Sarah Maybury.
Dialogue, The Voice of the Flowers—Lillian
McChesney, Sarah Maybury.
Dialogue, To be Happy We Must be Good—Eva
Phelps, Harry McChesney, Mabel Beebe.
Song and March, Arbor Day—School.
Planting tree and Class Exercise—School.
Song and March—School.
Mary Kerrigan, Teacher.
Mr. John Davis has a splendid Monarch bicycle
which adds greatly to his pleasure.
Mr. Ervin Gridley of Marathon has been doing
carpenter work for Mr. John Grant.
Mr. Fred Carson and wife visited her father's
people in Virgil the first of the week.
Mr. John Davis was in Syracuse last week,
purchasing a large supply of spring goods.
Mr. Milo Page of Lisle, and Miss Nellie Page
of Marathon made a pleasant call at S. S. Hammond's Sunday.
A beautiful flag waves over the school house
in the west district. We hope Freetown Corners may do likewise.
The M. E. Sabbath school chose their officers
Sunday. Mr. Norma Underwood is superintendent and Oscar Smith assistant for the
coming year.
Mr. Howard Gibbs, teacher, and his scholars
celebrated arbor day with appropriate ceremonies on Friday.
The petition for equal suffrage has been generally
circulated in this town. I would quote from Marion Harland who is not in favor
of women suffrage. She thinks women already have all the duties they can attend
to and she is not in favor of adding anything to them.
There was a grand surprise at Mr. Sylvenas
Smith's on Saturday as it was his 70th birthday. His children and grand children
to the number of twenty assembled. Some from
East Homer, some from Homer, others from Cortland and McGrawville and made him
a welcome visit. They brought their eatables, also a large rocking chair to
rest his tired limbs in, in his old age. They also had an artist who took all
their pictures and taken all in all it was an enjoyable time. May he long live
is our wish.
The Homer Band will give a concert and dance
in the Opera House to-night.
Mr. G. I. Pruden of Cortland will take the
place of Mr. E. W. Rodgers in the photograph gallery.
Miss Estelle Gilbert and Mr. Charles Roe have
been employed by the new dry goods firm of D. E. Shepard.
Mr. L. B. Southwick who has been in the shoe
business in Homer has sold his stock to Mr. Ingalls of Syracuse.
Mr. W. L. Jacquett has changed his store to
the Murray block. Don't forget that he is the agent for the famous Stearns Special.
Mr. E. H. Landers died at his home on Elm-ave.,
Wednesday at 3 P. M. The funeral was held Friday afternoon in the M. E. church.
Wilbur, Wright & Henry have placed a fan
in their meat market for the purpose of keeping out flies. The fan is run by water
Mr. Genyo Moriya, a native of Japan, preached
in the M. E. church, Sunday evening, dressed in the native costume. He is
completing his college course in the Syracuse university.