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Rudyard Kipling and son, standing in doorway at Naulakha, near Brattleboro, Vt. |
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Rudyard Kipling in his study at Naulakha. |
Cortland Evening Standard, Saturday,
April 21, 1894.
The Tyranny of Clothing.
Some of the friends and acquaintances of that
eminent author, Rudyard Kipling, at Brattleboro, Vt., are not right sure that
he is not a little bit "queer" in his mind. With the common herd it
is better to be dead than to be "queer." They can never forgive
anybody for being different from themselves, and anybody who is different is
The fact on which the allegations of Mr.
Kipling's eccentricities are based is that he will walk all over the country—yea,
speak it with bated breath, even in the sacred streets of Brattleboro itself—with
old clothes on. His hat is an ancient sombrero, weather beaten; his overcoat is
actually shabby, and he wears cowhide boots, with his trousers tucked into
them. Evidently some of these good people are scandalized and think Kipling should
never wear anything else than patent leather shoes and a silk hat. In order to
live up to the expectations formed of him, in their judgment, an author should
always be on dress parade.
One is sorry that these good people cannot show
off their one live author always dressed up. At the same time one's sympathies
are wholly with Mr. Kipling. He has found out the luxury of old clothes and
proposes to enjoy it in his own way.
How many, many times, of a bracing Sunday
morning, the person who is shut up in shop or office all week longs to start
out for a walk! The groves were God's first temples, and he wishes with all his
heart he might go out for once in his life and freely worship in these kingly temples.
He would like to walk at least 10 miles. Shall he not go? No; he cannot go a
step. The opinions of his friends and neighbors require that he shall put on
his best clothes because it is Sunday. Oh, the luxury of a long tramp in old
shoes; the pleasure of swinging one's arms and moving every muscle in the
comfortable, loose, everyday vesture!
But, no; he cannot walk. If he starts out in
this jolly, easy fitting rig, the eyes of every maid and matron and dressed up
man that meets him are an eloquent rebuke. The glance implies beyond doubt that
there is something Sabbath-breaking even in old clothes. The wearer of them is
made to feel at every turn that he is an outcast and has been stealing or
committing a murder or something, To wear new shoes, new clothing and a stiff
silk hat on a long walk is both to be in purgatory and to ruin one's best
clothes. The poor victim never tries it more than once. Even in this free
country we cannot dress as we please.
Against the Wilson Bill. Coxey Movement Discussed In the Senate—Commonweal
Project Roughly Handled by Senator Hawley—Casey's Band
Continues its March—Movements of General Kelly's
WASHINGTON, April 21.—In the senate, Senator
Gordon presented a resolution for the repeal of the state bank tax, which was
referred to the committee on finance. The Peffer resolution for the appointment
of a reception committee for Coxey's army of the commonweal came up a few minutes
before 1 o'clock, but in those few minutes it received some very rough
Senator Hawley, who dealt the blows, said he
would have preferred to have some member of the dominant party in the senate
take the floor, for certainly the remarkable speech of Senator Allen of Nebraska
ought not to be allowed to go forth to the country as representing in any
degree the views of the senate.
He had been very much surprised and pained
to hear that speech. There was not a citizen of the United States who did not
sympathize with thousands and thousands of poor people who were affected by the
present business depression, and no one proposed to restrict the constitutional
rights of the people, but there had been circumstances arising within the last
month or two which did not come under that category. Many bodies of men were assembling
in different parts of the country with the intention of marching upon Washington
and making some kind of a demonstration.
They were to gather before the capitol,
where they would be addressed by their orators and then they were to march
bodily into the senate. Such a thing was without precedent, except when in
Colonial times a body of men in New Hampshire had taken possession of the
members of the legislature, and again when the Gauls had marched into the Roman
senate and had shaken the venerable beards of the senators.
In conclusion, Mr. Hawley said there were
many other things in the remarkable speech of Mr. Allen which should be
refuted, but he did not propose to do it. "I am sorry to say," he
said, "but I feel bound to say it, that the speech of the senator from
Nebraska was such as would be received with applause by a gang of anarchists and
it would not require a microscope to discover in it the microbes and baccilli
of anarchism."
Excitement Stirred Up on Account of Their Treatment.
OMAHA, April 21.—This city has witnessed such
scenes in the last 24 hours as were never before enacted in the state.
The excitement and indignation over the
treatment of Kelly's army of industrials knew no bounds and many times open
violence was feared.
General Kelly held a conference with Governor
Jackson and created a good impression, but secured little relief.
When General Kelly arrived in Council Bluffs
he was at once sent for by Governor Jackson and the attorney general. The
interview was a prolonged one, mostly a monologue, for Governor Jackson took
occasion to review in detail all the actions he had taken, the purport being that
he had taken every means possible to get the army on its way, and that the state
authorities had not laid a straw of detention in its way.
His correspondence with railway officials had
resulted in nothing so far as the Northwestern, Milwaukee or St. Paul and the
Burlington were concerned, they refusing to aid him in his efforts.
He expressed himself to the governor as not
blaming him for the detention caused by the railways, but said he and his men came
here as citizens of the United States, peaceable and orderly, and they simply asked
to be treated with decent hospitality.
In bidding the governor goodbye he shook him
by the hand and said: "I may never meet you again, yet I hope that if I
should be thus favored, the next time we enter the state of Iowa it will not be
as mendicants, but that we will be welcomed as worthy citizens, anxious to
further all its best interests."
Word was received that a detachment of Union
Pacific shipmen were on their way across the bridge and a Council Bluffs escort
went down to meet them.
They found over 1,000 men in line, with flags
waving and blue ribbons, the badges of the army in nearly every buttonhole. To
the thundering of brass drums they marched up to Broadway and over to Bayliss park.
The streets of Council Bluffs by this time
were black with a yelling, cheering crowd. Travel in every direction was almost
suspended. Flags were flattering from numberless windows and on every corner crowds
were grouped to listen to the labor ovations.
The advance guard of the shopmen were armed
with loaves of bread, borne on the end of flagstaffs, and the line appeared to be
endless. They joined the ranks of the men already arrived, and awaited the
result of the conference then in progress.
It was 2 o'clock before replies were
received from the messages to the railway presidents, denying the request for
transportation, and then the conference between the citizens committee and the
railroad officials ended. The information that no train would be furnished was
conveyed to the waiting thousands, who had congregated about the courthouse to await
the coming of Chairman Tichenor.
Reaching the grounds he elbowed his way
through the crowd and ascended the courthouse steps. When be announced the
result of the conference it was greeted with roars of howls, jeers and hisses. After
making a short address he stated the committee had decided to wait until 4 o'clock,
at which hour if no train was furnished one would be taken and run out to
Kelly's camp, where his men would be loaded on and started on their eastward journey.
He spoke in strong terms against violence and cautioned the men against any
destruction of property.
As soon as the meeting on the courthouse square
was over, led by a band and with thousands of flags the men formed in line and
marched to Bayliss park.
A Well-Broken Horse.
Mr. Melvin W. Conger drove a high spirited
and stylish roan colored horse down Main-st. at about 11 o'clock this morning.
The horse was prancing somewhat, but was going upon a walk. Mr. Conger was
alone in the buggy and the top was half down. When in front of the shoe store
of J. A. Jayne the reach of the carriage broke off short close to the forward
axle and the front end of the body fell to the ground pitching Mr. Conger
forward. Fortunately he gathered himself quickly enough to jump, and he landed
upon his feet next to the left front wheel. The carriage turned over upon its
right side, the top whirling around so it was close beside the horse. Mr.
Conger spoke the one word "whoa," as he jumped and the horse stopped
still in his tracks and never moved until he had been loosened from the shafts
and was ready to be led away.
A gentleman upon the walk who saw it said to
a STANDARD man that if he were buying that horse the animal would be worth $50
more to him that minute than he was before that accident occurred. He also
added as an aside that he was convinced that a high spirited horse which had
good blood in him was always more reliable and safe than some old plug of
mongrel blood.
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Lillian Blauvelt. |
Popular Attractions.
Miss Lillian Blauvelt, the beautiful and
highly gifted soprano, who is to sing at Mr. Mahan's music festival May 31 and
June 1, is conceded to be the most popular singer in this country at the present
time, and is in great request for the leading festivals and greater musical events
throughout the United States. Miss Blauvelt is engaged to sing at the Binghamton
festival, June7 and 8, Toronto, June 15, 16 and 17 and at the great New York Saengerfest, June 25.
Henri Marteau, the great French violinist, and
Aime Lachaume, the extremely brilliant pianist, have recently given a series of
three invitation recitals in New York, and they were among the notable musical
and society events of the season. These distinguished artists will both assist
at the coming music festival in Cortland.
A New
The Y. M. C. A. has just put in a new cottage
heater for heating the water for the bathroom. For some time past, they have
tried to repair the old one, but have been unsuccessful. The directors decided
at the last meeting that it would be wise to purchase a new one. It has a
heating capacity of 125 gallons per hour and this with a storage tank of 700
gallons will furnish all the hot water that is needed for bathing purposes.
The association feels that it now stands at
the head in Cortland county in regard to bathrooms with tub, shower, needle and
sponge baths, and 124 lockers for towels, soap and gymnasium suite; it ought to
have a liberal patronage from the public. The heater was furnished and put in
by L. R. Lewis.
—The Erie canal opens for the season on May
—Mr. R. C. Tillinghast will lead the meeting
at the East Side readingroom to-morrow afternoon at 4 :15 o'clock.
—Cornell university was last night defeated
at Ithaca by the University of Pennsylvania in a competitive debate.
—Rev, Geo. H. Brigham will preach in
Memorial chapel Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock. A cordial invitation to all.
—Dr. Rufus S. Green, president of Elmira
college, will preach at the Presbyterian church to-morrow morning and evening.
—Timothy Gleason, who was arrested yesterday
afternoon for public intoxication, was discharged by Justice Bull last night.
—The usual Sunday prayer-meeting at Good
Templars' hall will be omitted next Sunday on account of the temperance mass
—The false alarm of fire, which was sounded
about 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon, was caused from a broken wire in front of
the engine house.
—A necktie social will be given by Lincoln
lodge at Good Templars' hall, Monday,
April 23. Admission ten cents, neckties five cents. All are invited.
—The Cortland Wheel club are making arrangements
for a race between a Cortland
county horse and a Cortland county wheelman for their race meet May 26.
— A large number of horsemen met at the
Cortland House barn this afternoon at the sale of Mr. F. N. Harrington's
carload of horses. The bidding was not very lively, but up till 2 o'clock this
afternoon two fine looking horses were sold for $74 and $86. They looked as if they
were worth more. Mr. Harrington guarantees every horse to be sound.
—Members of Vesta and John L. Lewis lodges,
I. O. O. F., will meet in their respective lodge rooms at 6:30 o'clock
to-morrow evening with their wives, daughters and sisters, to attend in a body divine
service at the Homer-ave. church. The services will be held to commemorate the
beginning of Odd Fellowship in America and it is expected that this will be the
largest demonstration of Odd Fellows ever held in Cortland.
—The members of James H. Kellogg camp, No.
48, S. of V., will give a dime social at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. B. R.
Carpenter on North Main-st. on next Wednesday evening, April 25. A discussion
has been prepared for the occasion on the question "Resolved, that Abraham
Lincoln did more for his country than George Washington." Music and
tableaux will also form part of the program. Everybody is invited.
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Frederick Douglass. |
of the American Negro.
"The colored population of the United States
is more closely identified with the people of the United States than with the people
of any other country. We are told to go to Hayti and to go to Africa, but we can
do more good to the negro race by behaving ourselves here. The negro is more in
sympathy with the Anglo-Saxon race than he is with any other race, but we must
conquer existing prejudices before we may forge ahead. Five centuries ago in England
the Anglo-Saxon could be seen with a brass collar about his neck inscribed with
his master's name. He was down then—he is up now. We are down now—we will be up
some day."—Fred Douglass.
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