Sunday, June 18, 2017


Members of Coxey's army on the march to Washington in 1894.
Cortland Evening Standard, Wednesday, April 18, 1894.

Arrangements Made for the Protection of Washington.
   NEW YORK, April 18.—The Sun's Washington special says: Coxey and his advancing commonwealers have ceased to be regarded as a joke by the national and local authorities at Washington, and precautions are being taken to protect the capital city against invasion. Sealed instructions have already been given to the police but the authorities decline to make public their intentions at present. It is said a plan will be arranged by which Coxey and followers will be kept under surveillance. The war department has formulated its plans for the protection and defense of the government property and preparations have been made to muster at Washington sufficient force to aid the civic authorities if the assistance of the government is needed.
   No orders have yet been promulgated but it is understood that the regular troops stationed at Washington barracks and Fort Myer are in readiness to respond to the call for duty at a moment's notice. If the combined regular and district military forces are not sufficient, there are two batteries of artillery at Fort Monroe and two batteries at Baltimore. Troops can also be brought from Fort McHenry in one hour. It is proposed to surround Coxey and his command as soon as they come within the district limit.
   Acting to the order of march, Coxey and his band are not expected here until May 1. In the meantime, the local authorities are proceeding with due caution, and will be prepared to deal firmly and determinedly with them when they arrive. Already there are many beggars and tramps seen on the streets especially after dark. Almost every evening during the last week at least a half dozen white men of the tramp type could be seen on the wide sidewalk in front of the president's house stopping pedestrians and asking them for financial assistance. It is supposed these unfortunates are members of the advance guard of the Coxey army.
   An interview with Coxey was telegraphed here yesterday, in the course of which he said: The number of men we will have at Washington is a mere matter of conjecture, but every unemployed laboring man in this country ought to be there May 1. We will combine our forces outside of Washington and propose to carry out the plan as already outlined. There should be 300,000 or 500,000 people around the capitol on May 1st to demand the issue of non-interest bonds. After the meeting we propose to camp, probably on Senator Stewart's property at Chevy Chase, and wait until congress acts.

Photos copied from Grip's Historical Souvenir of Cortland.
Mrs. D. F. Wallace Entertains Company of Ladies.
   The beautiful home of Mrs. D. F. Wallace on Church-st. was last evening partially filled with a brilliant assemblage of the elite ladies of Cortland, the occasion being an elaborate 6 o'clock tea.
   The evening was spent very pleasantly. Those present were Mrs. Hugh Duffey, Mrs. W. J. Mantanye, Mrs. William Smith, Mrs. J. H. Wallace, Mrs. Harrison Wells, Mrs. F. M. Tenney, Mrs. A. A. Carley, Mrs. A. B. Nelson, Mrs. F. D. Smith, Mrs. Augusta Wilcox, Mrs. S. Keator, Mrs. F. J. Cheney, Mrs. W. A. Stockwell, Mrs. H. L. Bronson, Mrs. Ernest M. Hulbert, Mrs. H. M. Lane, Mrs. C. F. Wickwire, Mrs. James Walsh, Mrs. C. Keator, Mrs. F. C. Straat, Mrs. H. L. Smith, Mrs. Wm. R. Cole, Mrs. Wm. H. Clark, Mrs. B. B. Jones, Mrs. W. H. Newton, Mrs. A. F. Aird, Mrs. Esther Johnson, Mrs. E. B. Nash, Mrs. Wesley Hooker, Mrs. T. H. Wickwire, Mrs. Mary Duell, Mrs. Henry L. Rogers, Mrs. J. W. Keese, Mrs. J. S. Squires. Mrs. George C. Hubbard, Mrs. G. H. Kennedy, Mrs. C. W. Stoker, Mrs. S. M. Benjamin, Mrs. DeWitt Call, Mrs. W. S. Copeland, Mrs. Fitz Boynton, Mrs. Ezra D. Corwin, Mrs. A. V. Van Bergen, Mrs. D. C. Dickinson, the Misses E. V. Stephens, Marcia Wallace, Helen Shay, Mary Hooker, Ella Sands and Ada Wallace.

How He Put it Through.
   A well-known Albany correspondent writes us as follows concerning Hon. B. F. Lee's success in securing the passage by unanimous consent by the assembly last week of the bill amending the charter of the village of Cortland.
   "The passage of the bill was a very noteworthy occurrence. By reason of the crowded condition of the calendar and the fact that the close of the session is near at hand, to get unanimous consent these days to the passage of a bill is a very unusual thing, and it is a strong proof of the esteem in which Assemblyman Lee of Cortland county is held by his colleagues on both sides of the house that there was no objection. Mr. Lee, in a forcible little speech, explained the nature and necessity of the bill [disposition of fines in police justice court—CC editor] and no one objected to its immediate passage. This prompted two or three other members to ask for a unanimous consent for pet measures, but the house "sat on" them hard.
   "How did you do it, Lee?" asked a colleague, whose request for unanimous consent had been very promptly objected to. "No secret about it," said, Mr. Lee. "I simply went around and reminded the gentlemen on both sides of the house that Cortland's member had treated them courteously and asked for a return of the compliment."
   "Well, that wouldn't work with me," said the assemblyman. "If I asked unanimous consent some Tammany man would jump on me with both feet."
   Mr. Lee is the happy possessor of the confidence of every man in the house, and when he wants anything he can get it.

John Burns.
British Political Parties.
   Justin McCarthy tells us in The North American Review that when he first became acquainted with the house of commons there were only two parties there—Liberals and Tories. The Liberals were beginning to divide into Whigs and Radicals. Now Liberals and Tories face each other still, but besides these there are also the Irish party, the Scotch party, the Welsh party, the labor party, the woman suffrage party, the temperance party and the colonial party, all already more or less influential and gaining in power. The Scotch and Welsh parties are an outgrowth of the Irish party and are aiming for exactly what that organization demands—home rule. They will ultimately be satisfied with nothing less.
   The Labor party is perhaps more rapidly growing than any other. Mr. McCarthy borrows an Americanism and says, "Clearly the principle of labor representation has caught on." The leader of the party in the commons is John Burns. McCarthy's description of this famous leader sounds like an eloquent bit from one of the novelist's stories:
   I have great admiration and respect for Mr. John Burns and a firm belief in him. He has about him the charm of a strong, self-reliant manhood. He is above all things a man. You can see this in his dark, soft, gleaming eyes. They are eyes which invite confidence. John Burns is a working engineer who has led a toilers life, afloat and ashore and under various conditions. He has worked along those mysterious African rivers which are associated in the minds of most of us with the explorings of Stanley and of Emin Pasha. He has worked in London sheds and yards. He is a fine and a powerful speaker and can control a vast meeting of workingmen with irresistible force. He is a great democratic influence, and political parties and social organizations can hardly reckon without him. He seldom speaks in the house of commons, but when he does speak he speaks well and goes straight to the point. He never speaks but on some subject which he thoroughly understands, and about which he has something important and direct to say. He has a fine and even thrilling voice, and one always feels that, some day when his time comes and his own question is uppermost, he will make a great speech.

[Item on Editorial Page.]
   Those bomb explosions [anarchist related] in French restaurants are enough to discourage Americans from going to Paris this summer.

Shall We Forget How to Write?
   Dr. Arnold H. Heinemann thinks we shall, mostly, and he is rather glad of it. He says the time is at hand when we shall have typewriters so small, cheap and handy that they can be carried in the pocket, or at least, if not that, they will be so common that they can be hired anywhere. At a hotel, instead of pens, ink and paper in the reading room, there will be a row of typewriting machines, at one of which the traveler can sit down and rattle off a letter in 10 minutes that would otherwise require half an hour.
   All children at school will be taught typewriting. Instead of spending so many years over their penmanship, in the dwarfing, exhausting effort to acquire a beautiful handwriting, they will learn only so much as is necessary to write a legible hand and have all the time spared thus for learning manual training and the use of tools.
   It is true that much time will be saved thus for more useful purposes. Newspaper editors especially will be glad when mankind forgets the pen writing and clicks off on the typewriter alone its words that burn and thoughts that roll. But there is one point on which Professor Heinemann should be set right, and a newspaper editor is the man to do it. If Professor Heinemann labors under the impression that mankind writes a beautiful or even a legible hand at present, he is dead wrong.

Died From Malignant Diphtheria Tuesday Evening.
   Word was received at East Homer late last night of the death at 7:40 o'clock that evening from malignant diphtheria of Rev. Frank Havens Hinman, pastor of the Fourth Presbyterian church at Boston. All of Mr. Hinman's five children had also been ill with the same dread disease. One still lies at the point of death, a second is recovering, but with a throat permanently effected by the disease. The family had been surrounded by small pox and all had been vaccinated. No serious results followed in the cane of any but Mrs. Hinman, and with her the vaccination worked badly and her arm and whole side became so disabled that she is still unable to leave her bed.
   Within a week a letter from Mr. Hinman came to East Homer telling of the illness of his wife and children and saying that he too had a few patches in his throat, but he thought there would be no serious result in his own case, though they were somewhat worried about the two oldest children.
   Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Mynard, Mrs. Hinman's parents, left on the early train this morning for North Foxboro, where Mr. Hinman died. This is a suburb of Boston and Mr. Hinman had lately bought a country place there and had moved his family to it. Mr. Hinman's father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Hinman, also live in East Homer, though they have been in Boston during the past winter.
   If the health officers will permit Mr. Hinman's remains will be brought to East Homer for burial.
   His death seems wonderfully sad. Few young ministers had the promise of a more useful life than he. In both of his previous pastorates—at Marathon and at Auburn—he has been remarkably popular, and in Boston he has been almost idolized by his people. He was a magnetic speaker and a man thoroughly alive, and he seemed to possess a great ability for leading men to Christ. He was now in the prime of life and had every prospect for many years of successful work before him.
   In this county where he spent all his boyhood days, where he grew up to manhood and where his first pastorate was passed he is too well known to require any biographical sketch. But the news of his sudden departure will cast a gloom over hosts of homes and will sadden many a heart, and all will unite in sympathy for the grief stricken family which has lost a loving husband and father.


George Hitchcock and Clarence Hammond Evenly Divide Honors.
   Clarence Hammond, while at Richardson's Cyclehouse a few evenings ago, was listening to the record-breaking stories. After hearing George Hitchcock relate an unusually large story of a race, in which the time was greatly condensed, Mr. Hammond quietly told George that he could beat that time, which was phenomenal. The result of the discussion which followed was that it was to be settled yesterday afternoon. Mr. Richardson backed Hammond and Mr. James Farrell backed George. The interested parties with a few other wheelmen went to the track on Hon. O. U. Kellogg farm. It was decided that it would be a five-mile race. George set a very hot pace for about two miles, but Hammond's wind gave out and he could go no farther. The race was given to Hitchcock. Hammond said that if he had had a little more wind, did not get so tired, had had training and numerous other requisites of a racer he would have won the race. Both men, however, seemed to be well matched and if any thing Hammond's reach was superior to Hitchcock's.
   The loser of the race was not satisfied and said that after he was rested he could beat him in a half mile race. George entered with the confidence of a fighting cock, but he was doomed to disappointment. Hammond was ahead coming down the home stretch, but just before crossing the line his front wheel turned, he was thrown completely over it and endeavored to spoil the smoothness of the track by ploughing it up with his nose. It was so hard that he did not succeed in doing so, but as an after thought he thought of winning the race as his competitor was some distance from the line. He quickly pulled himself together, picked up his wheel and carried it over the line ahead of George. Hammond was awarded the race.

It is the Intention of The Standard That None Shall Overlook It.
   During these last few days in which the Encyclopedia Britannica may be procured at the marvelously low price of $1.96 per volume and on terms the most convenient possible, it is the intention of The STANDARD that none shall remain uninformed of the important fact that the publishers refuse longer to supply the work at present reduced prices. Only four days remain in which to give final notice and supply those not already provided. Remember that on payment of only $1 down we send you the 25 volumes at once, and the balance you can pay at the rate of $5 per month, or as much faster as circumstances and inclinations may dictate.
   Nothing more need be added in behalf of this great library—the original of which cost over $3,000,000 to produce. If ever you entertained a doubt that The STANDARD encyclopedia was a reprint of the ninth and latest Edinburgh edition at $200 in cloth, it must long since have been dispelled, for a great many families have been supplied where the two editions can be found and compared page for page and word for word. Besides, The STANDARDS edition has an entirely new line of 1890 maps and "The American Additions and Revisions," which bring it down to date. Call at the office or make first remittance by mail to The STANDARD E. B. Dept., 30 Main-st., Cortland, N. Y.
   The offer will remain open until Saturday night, April 21. Not another order will be taken after that time.

   —A meeting of the stockholders of the Genesee Building and Loan association will be held in Empire hall to-night.
   —Don't forget the Christian Endeavor social in the parlors of the Congregational church to-night. Every one is invited.

Hoke Smith.
Tea Table Talk.
   It is said that when Miss Ruth Cleveland [Baby Ruth—CC editor] goes out to play a procession of considerable size emerges from the executive mansion and the whole proceeding is marked with a degree of formality. First comes the nurse with an armful of toys, then a policeman, then two doge, then another nurse holding Miss Ruth by the hand, and then one of the White House guards.
   Hoke Smith is learning to waltz. Since he has become acclimated to the Washington social atmosphere he has begun to appreciate the fact that a familiarity with the steps of the light and mazy will add to his popularity. He has turned to his private secretary for assistance, and that young gentleman is patiently leading the bulky cabinet officer through the necessary steps. The lessons are given nightly in the retired corridors of the interior department after all the clerks have gone home, and only a solitary watchman remains to temper his loneliness with the view of the phantom-like flittings of his superior through the mysterious twilight, At any rate that is what the Washington correspondent of the Chicago Tribune says.

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