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Train on Erie & Central New York tracks at McGraw, N. Y. |
Cortland Evening Standard, Tuesday,
April 17, 1894.
First Section to be Built From Cortland to Cincinnatus—Engineers Arrive To-day.
Mr. W. M. Meserole of Brooklyn and a corps
of assistant engineers arrived in Cortland this morning to begin surveys for
the completion of the Erie & Central New York railroad to Cincinnatus. Work
will be begun at once putting in foundations for trestles and building culverts
between Cortland village and the bridge over the Tioughnioga river near Hon. O.
U. Kellogg's residence. The road will be built on the bed graded more than
twenty years ago by the Utica, Chenango & Cortland R. R. company of
which the Erie & Central New York is the successor. The speed with which the
residue of the road will be finished will depend on the liberality of the aid given
by parties living along the line of the road in making subscriptions for bonds
and stock, none of these subscriptions, however, to be binding until the road
is completed. This arrangement will be an inducement to every one who is
interested in the speedy completion of the road to assist pecuniarily in the
enterprise to the extent of his ability, as the condition is practically
"no road, no pay."
The importance of this railroad to the
village of Cortland cannot be overestimated. It will open up and bring into
close business relations with Cortland the rich and fertile Otselic valley and
its various villages which have now no convenient railroad outlet, and cannot
but add largely to the growth and prosperity of the place. It may be regarded
as equally certain that this branch road will not long have its terminii [sic]
at Cincinnatus and Cortland. The inducements and possibilities of its extension
and connection with any one or more of several roads which might be mentioned
will at once suggest themselves to every one, and the new road may therefore be
but the beginning of railroad construction which will make Cortland one of the
most important centres in the state and a shipping point equal or superior to
Syracuse or Binghamton.
The STANDARD has for several months been in
possession of the information that a move was to be made this spring toward the
construction of this long wished-for and much-talked-about road, but in the
interest of the enterprise and at the request of those in charge of it we have
forborne to make it public till all necessary preliminary arrangements had been
perfected. Now, when the publication can do no harm to the project, we make
announcement of the beginning of what bids fair to give Cortland the biggest
boom in its history.
Limits Fixed—Other Business.
Attorney H. L. Bronson came before the board
of trustees last evening in behalf of the Cortland and Homer Horse Railroad Co.
and presented a supplementary petition asking the granting of a franchise and
that public notice be given of a time and place when such application will be
first considered as provided by law, for the change from horse to electric
power and for the granting a franchise over and upon certain other streets of
the village other than requested in the original petition.
On motion of Mr. Warfield, seconded by Mr.
Scudder and declared carried, it was resolved that notice of such application and
hearing be given, by publishing the same in the Cortland Daily STANDARD for fourteen
days prior to May 7 and at this date at 7:30 o'clock at the office of the
village clerk, for the board to hear said application.
Messrs. C. F. Thompson, J. R. Schermerhorn,
M. L. Alexander, Wm. A. Dunn and other property owners of Clayton-ave.,
represented by Attorney E. E. Mellon, came before the board and presented a
petition, requesting that the board enforce Chapter 49, section 8 of the
village charter prohibiting barns, stables or sheds from being built within
twenty feet of a public street, and to cause the removal of any such that may
be hereafter erected; to prohibit Mr. Clayton E. Rowley from erecting a
hitching barn within twenty feet of the walk on Clayton-ave.
On the report of the expiration of $4,000 of
fire insurance on the engine house on April 21, it was resolved that it be
continued, $2,000 with Mr. Stevenson as agent and $2,000 with Mr. Eastman as
On motion of Mr. Scudder, seconded by Mr.
Warfield and declared carried, it was resolved that fire limits be and are
hereby fixed and prescribed in the village of Cortland as follows: Extending 300
feet easterly and westerly from the center of Main-st., 300 feet north of the
south foundation wall of the Cortland House, and extending 300 feet south of
the north foundation wall of the Messenger House. It was resolved that within
the above limits no wooden building or structure shall be hereafter constructed
or placed without permission of the board of trustees. It was further resolved
that any and all buildings and structures hereafter erected or placed within
said limits shall be constructed of stone, brick, metal or other noncombustible
material with metal roofs.
Any person or persons violating this ordinance
shall forfeit and be liable to a penalty of one hundred dollars to be recovered
in a civil action against the person so violating the same.
Any person or persons violating this ordinance
shall forfeit the further sum of fifty dollars for each and every week said
building or structure so prohibited and during which any building is hereafter
erected within the aforesaid limits shall be continued.
The meeting was then adjourned.
Smith Completely Routed and Harmony Reigns Again—Colonel Redstone In the House
at Washington. The New Jersey Contingent Gaining
Kelly's Forces Leave Omaha—Plans of the Army.
CUMBERLAND, Md., April 17.—Coxey has not yet
backed out of his enterprise, but today he takes water. The road over the mountains
between this point and Williams was too rough and steep to tempt the travelers,
and taking advantage of the inflow of large cash contributions that have been
received during the stay in Cumberland, Coxey hired canalboats to take the
party 85 miles down the canal to Williamsport.
Coxey will work his floaters in blocks of two,
one barge for the men and the other for the horses and camp paraphernalia.
The canal company was not anxious to transport
them, but Coxey showed his abilities as a manager, telegraphing to Washington for
permission of General Nicholson to pass the boats through the locks and
securing a job lot freight rate on all of his company, men, horses and lumber.
This was 12 cents higher than the rate on
coal, but will make three days of pleasant travel against the same amount of weary
The company has been docility itself since
the reappearance of Coxey in camp. Pizzaro, formerly known as the "great unknown,"
sunk out of sight and was forgotten in 12 hours after his expulsion from Camp Victory,
which was the title bestowed on the Cumberland ballpark by Browne, in
commemoration of his restoration to command.
Smith Pizzaro's last play for notoriety and
favor was made last night and was neatly checkmated by Coxey. Smith advertised the
appearance of himself, Jesse Coxey and the veiled lady at a 25 cent lecture in
Coxey sowed broadcast a flaming hand bill
announcing a free lecture by himself and Browne, just across the street from Pizzaro's
hall, adding to the announcement that Jesse Coxey would not appear at any
meeting, contrary reports notwithstanding.
Smith was outpointed. Coxey's hall was
crowded to the doors and the audience applauded vigorously the old stories and
similes of Browne, who in spite of his uncouth appearance and rough speech is a
great stump artist. But across the street the ex-patent medicine man leaned wearily
on the rostrum. He had not a single auditor.
All looks like smooth sailing for the commonweal
for a week to come, and there is little prospect of another mutiny. Barring
such an occurrence or the coming of phenomenally bad weather, there now seems no
chance of the commonweal breaking up before reaching Washington. The great crowd is expected to congregate
during the march from Hagerstown to the national capital.
Washington End.
WASHINGTON, April 17.—Colonel A. E. Redstone,
the representative in Washington of Coxey's army, was at the Capitol, as is his
custom, to report the progress of the army on its way to Washington. The colonel
makes his headquarters on the floor of the house until the floor is cleared for
the meeting of that body. He first had a group of page boys for his auditors,
but later, when members began to arrive, he turned his attention to them.
Mr. Redstone has the lapel of his coat adorned
with one of the badges of the commonweal on which is inscribed: "Peace on
Earth, Good Will Toward Men."
He was in good humor, evidently
satisfied with the progress of the army. He predicts that the army will be vastly
swelled in numbers before the threshold of the capital city is reached.
"The people of this country," he
said, "are behind this movement," and to substantiate this statement
he called the attention of his hearers to the reception given to the detachment
of the army at Ogden, Omaha, and at Cumberland, Md. "The commonweal is
growing," he continued, "it is the little giant of the age."
The statements in the newspapers of a defection
in the ranks of the Coxey brigade, caused by the desertion of the leader's son
and the unknown, Colonel Redstone declares are inventions out of whole cloth, and
are a malicious misstatement of the facts. They left the main branch of the army,
he says, to head another contingent, which will meet the main body in the vicinity
of Cumberland. The army will be met on its arrival in this city by a large
number of its sympathizers, and Mr. Redstone placed them at 15,000.
and His New Organization.
There never has been, and we doubt very much
whether there ever will be, a genius to equal Lew Dockstader on the minstrel
stage. He is always original, and has many happy surprises for his audiences.
It is therefore a pleasure to announce the appearance of Dr. Dockstader and his
newly organized minstrel company at the Opera House next Thursday evening,
April 19.
Among the leading members of the troupe are
George Powers, comedian and banjo soloist; Frank Dumont, who enjoys the
sobriquet of the "Minstrel Shakespeare;"
Symonde, Hughes and Rastus, plantation wing-dancers; Memphis Kennedy, musical
specialist; Blocksom and Burns, comedians, in a very laughable act, called
"Funnibalism;" Dave Foy, the Goliath of Minstrelsy; and John C. Harrington,
end-man and singing and dancing comedian. The vocal department includes eight
soloists, a large chorus, and the renowned Columbian Vocal Choir. Mr. Dockstader
has a new specialty in which he appears as Columbus.
not the pain from hook alone
causes fish to sigh,
knowing how the anglers all,
their weight will lie.
—There will be a regular meeting the F. and
A. M. to-night.
—Invitations are out for a party to be given
to-morrow evening by the Misses Keator at their home on Main-st.
—Peter Johnson, who has for a long time
conducted a fish market at 130 Main-st.,
has sold out to Edward Winslow and has moved to Homer.
—The installation of Rev. W. H. Pound as
pastor of the Congregational church occurs this evening at 7:30 o'clock. The
council met this afternoon at 3 o'clock.
— Mr. J. G. Marshall this morning received a
fine box of speckled beauties from George and Fred Tyler of Virgil. It is
needless to say what he had for dinner to-day.
—The funeral of Mrs. Martha E. McGraw, who
was found dead yesterday morning, will be held from the residence of her
son-in-law, Mr. M. H. McGraw at 6 James-st. at 3 P. M. to-morrow.
—There will be a sociable given by Lincoln
lodge, I. O. G. T., at the home of Mr. C. W. Cook, corner of Tompkins and
Broadway-sts., Wednesday evening. All Good Templars and their friends are invited.
—The operation of paracentesis abdominis was
performed yesterday on William J. Turner of Elm-st. by Drs. Edson and Angel,
the operation being for temporary relief of ascites by removal of dropsical
—Shortly before 6 o'clock last evening Mark
Donellon had the misfortune to have
the ends of the first and second fingers of the left hand caught in a large
lid, which covers a machine for polishing the smaller pieces of iron in the forging
department of the Cortland Forging Co.'s works. The ends of the fingers to the
first joint were badly mashed, but Dr. Dana, who dressed them, stated they
could be saved.
—The town board consisting of Supervisor R.
B. Smith, Town Clerk E. C. Alger, Justices E. C. Parker, W. R. Biggar, H. A.
Dickinson and Dorr C. Smith with Commissioner of Highways E. C. Rindge started
at 2 o'clock to-day to go over the proposed route of the electric railroad
between this village and McGrawville, and at the invitation of Justice Parker
will take supper at Roger's hotel in the village of McGrawville.
List of
Public School Teachers for Next Year.
At a regular meeting of the board of
education of Cortland village held at the superintendent's office in the
Central building Monday evening, the following were elected as teachers in the
public schools for the coming year:
Misses M. E. Hunt, A. J. Wallace, Mary E.
Williams, May A. Knapp, Eleanor E. Miller, Helen Seacord, Mary McGowan, Ella
Van Hoesen, Jennie May Allen, Mary Blackmer, Mrs. J. E. Perry, Miss Minnie
Cleary, Miss Franc C. Ellis, Mrs. M. A. Rice, Misses Fannie Galusha, Nettie E.
Snyder, Mary Van Bergen, Lena Viola Lovell, Agnes Grady, Nettie E. Cole.
Prof. C. V. Coon was re-elected as superintendant.
Jas. R. Brown was reelected as janitor of the
Central school.
Resignations have been tendered by Miss
Turner and Miss McNamara, which will probably be accepted by the board.
Two teachers remain to be elected, one a
department teacher to fill vacancy, the other special teacher of music and drawing.
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