Tuesday, June 6, 2017


The Cortland Democrat, Friday, April 6, 1894.

Two Large Tracts in the Vicinity of Ithaca Sold—New Steamers for Cayuga Lake.
   ITHACA, April 4.—Lawyer James Renwick, of New York, for himself and representing as trustees, the bulk of ownership by heirs, has sold in bulk a valuable tract of 640 acres, mostly within the city limits of Ithaca. This tract embraces the high land lying north of Cornell university and lowlands between city and Cayuga lake.
   It has been held intact by the Renwicks for seventy-five years.
   The purchasers are Horace E. Hand of Scranton, Pa., and Herman Bergholtz of Ithaca. The latter is a near relative of Prof. Elihu Thompson. The consideration has not been made known; but the price is believed to be a large sum.
   Robert L. Darragb, a contractor and builder of New York City, is now causing to be built at Newburg, N. Y., the second of a fleet of three swift steel passenger steamers for Cayuga lake. The pier for this fleet is to be located upon the Renwick tract through which the trolley line is to be extended this month. The purchasers propose to develop the highlands as a residence park and induce manufacturers to utilize the flatlands extending half across the head of the lake.

Concerning Franchises.
   A careful survey of the scheme covered by the application of the Cortland & Homer Horse Railroad company discloses a plan to secure for speculative purposes a cinch upon the street surface railroad franchises of the village of Cortland both present and prospective.
   As in ancient days all roads ended at Rome so now all roads, so far as Cortland is concerned, end at Main-st. for some purpose and at either the S., B. & N. Y. or E., C. & N. depots for other purposes.
   A franchise which covers the right to construct and operate a surface street railroad on Port Watson-st., on Railroad-St., Court-st., Elm-st., Pendleton and Pomeroy-sts., evidently commands all approaches to the S., B. & N. Y. depot and to Main-st., while Main-st. is already covered by the franchise to the Cortland & Homer Horse Railroad company, and Homer-ave. is the only remaining avenue of approach from the north.
   This company already controls the franchise by which the E., C. & N. depot is reached over South Main-st., and still it seeks to obtain the only other means of approach to that depot by a franchise described as follows: "Also from Main-st. at its intersection with Tompkins, thence along Tompkins to Frank-st., thence to Park-st., and thence across Owego-st. to Railway-ave. and along the latter street to the present terminus near the E., C. & N. [Lehigh Valley] Railroad."
   In view of the fact that the earnings of that portion of the line of this company between the intersections of Tompkins and Port Watson-sts., with Main st. and the E., C. & N. depot, is scarcely sufficient to pay for the grease on the axles of its cars, why should it deserve a franchise for another longer and less productive line than that already occupied by it unless the purpose is to gobble up everything in sight and make those who project or construct future public improvements in transportation facilities in Cortland, pay tribute to the holders of these franchises. Shall the people give away these franchises to promote public improvements and thereby place obstructions in their way and enable a band of speculators to dictate terms to those who wish in good faith to improve our transportation facilities and thus to blackmail all future enterprises?
   What other purposes could have suggested such a scheme to secure franchise for street surface railroads, it would puzzle Mephistopheles himself to explain.
   The petition is an insult to the intelligence and integrity of the Town Board and the Board of Trustees as well as the citizens of Cortland. It implies that the petitioners regard them all as dupes, knaves and idiots, for none other could be enticed into such a trap.
   The writer favors increased facilities for transportation and rapid transit for Cortland, to the fullest extent obtainable, and for that reason is opposed to granting franchises which may be used to hinder and obstruct them.
   He begs leave to propose the following program of common sense:
   First—Grant to the Cortland & Homer Horse Railroad company immediate permission to change their motive power from animal to any other except steam locomotives.
   Second—Whenever any party of sufficient ability in good faith proposes to build a street surface railroad in any of our streets, let the road be first located by filing a map and petition accurately, designating the line of the proposed road, let the consents of more than half the owners of lands abutting upon the streets which the road is to occupy, be obtained to the construction and operation of the road, and
   Third—Let a bond, with sufficient sureties be executed, conditioned to build the proposed road within a reasonable definitely limited time, and to fulfill the terms and conditions of the franchise in all respects.
   The franchise should be so drawn as to guard citizens against extortion and all injustice and all will be well.
   Cortland, April 5, 1894.

Syracuse Labor Troubles.
   SYRACUSE, April 4—Recently a number of Italians were imported into this city by a padrone, who had no difficulty finding work for them on the public improvements now in progress here. This incensed the Italian residents, many of whom have been in this country long enough to acquire citizenship. Yesterday the latter, to the number of several hundred, marched in a body to the reservoir and other places and compelled the imported men to quit work, which they did. The police and the county officials were on hand, but there was no trouble and none is apprehended.
   The local military company was notified to be in readiness should its services be required.

Cortland County Fair Grounds, 1894 map.
Official Programme of Races—Entries Close June 11, 1894.
   The June races to take place on the grounds of the Cortland County Agricultural society on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, June 26, 27, 28 and 29, bid fair to excel anything of the kind heretofore held on the grounds. The following is the programme:
1. 2:27 Class—Trotting, $500
2. 2:29 Class—Pacing, $500
3. 2:10 Class—Pacing and Trotting, $500.
4. 2:40 Class—Trotting, $500
5. 2:19 Class—Pacing, $500
6. 2:20 Class—Trotting, $500
7. 2:30 Class—Trotting, $500
8. 2:23 Class—Pacing, $500
9. 2:24 Class—Trotting, $500
10. 2:23 Class—Trotting, $500
11. 2:15 Class—Pacing, $500
12. 2:17 Class—Trotting, $500
   CONDITIONS—National Association rules to govern, with exceptions. Entrance 5 per cent with 5 per cent additional to winners of any portion of purse; purse divided 50, 25, 15 and 10 per cent; five to enter, five to start. Any horse distancing or any part thereof is entitled to first money only. Races that cannot be called by 3 P. M. of last day of week allotted to such member shall be declared off and entrance money therein returned. A charge of 50 cents per day will be made for each horse, which includes all cost to owner for feed and stabling. Starters through the circuit will be employed as starter only, and their responsibility in each heat ceases when the word "go" is given. Right is reserved to change order of programme for any day. Rule 17 will be strictly enforced.
   G. J. MAGER, Secretary.

The Auburn Branch.
(From the Norwich Sun.)
   The Auburn branch of the New York, Ontario & Western railroad will probably be in operation again by November 1 of this year. In case Referee Halliday of Ithaca decides the suit of Willard B. Monroe against the O. & W.,  it is understood that work will be commenced at once in relaying tracks and building new bridges. The grade is already established and the entire expense of placing the branch in shape for operation would not exceed $200,000. The old route would be followed as the company do not propose to buy any new property.

The editor of the Standard is quoting Aesop's Fables for our benefit. We don't just now call to mind any one who should be better qualified to write on fables than our neighbor. Certainly if experience counts for anything he ought to be at the head of the class.
General Gustavus Sniper, a well-known veteran of the war, died at his home in Syracuse last week. He was colonel of the 185th N. Y. Volunteers and was a brave officer and an excellent citizen.
There are two Governors of states in this union, who seem to be genuine cranks and who claim to be democrats. They are Tillman of So. Carolina and Waite of Colorado. The DEMOCRAT is at a loss to understand how it became possible for so many cranks to get into the democratic party.
Generally when the Standard is unable to answer an argument it don't try. This shows good judgment. Occasionally however, it undertakes to answer the unanswerable and when it does it is sure to put its foot in it, and when, as is often the case, it undertakes to falsify the facts it runs up against a snag.
For the past two or three weeks, the DEMOCRAT has done its level best to put a legal head on the editor of the Cortland Standard, but it has had "its labor for its pains," and will hardly have the assurance ever again to attempt the impossible. With such a dull and obstinate scholar patience soon ceases to be a virtue.
Speaker Charles Crisp.
Gov. Northen of Georgia, appointed speaker Charles F. Crisp of the House of Representatives to succeed U. S. Senator Colquitt who died recently. Speaker Crisp has declined to accept, believing that he can be of more service to his party in the speaker's chair. Few men would decline promotion under like circumstances. They would think more of their personal interests than the needs of the party.
The eloquent Breckinridge has fallen from a great height, and no matter what the result of the present trial is, his future life will be passed in retirement. Other prominent men are undoubtedly guilty of like crimes against society, but the details have not been paraded before the public. Miss Pollard we presume is far from being the innocent young thing she claims to be, but that furnishes no excuse for her paramour. It is anything but a savory mess.
The Standard gloats over the fact that the republicans have been making some little gains in the small elections. This is as it should be and we don't blame our neighbor for feeling elated over the results in these minor elections, because it is seldom that it has an opportunity to hurrah over the result of an election of any real importance. While our neighbor is letting off its fire crackers to the delight of the small boy, the DEMOCRAT is preserving its stock of giant powder to celebrate a democratic victory of some magnitude.
An Old Game Revived.
(from the Albany Argus.)
   Governor Flower promptly rebuked the action of the Republican senate in trying to go through their old and time worn performance of trying to "put the governor in a hole." It was only as an act of courtesy that the governor did not investigate the Elmira reformatory when the State board of charities had made their report. The senate had voted to make an investigation and there was no reason for any interference by the governor. The action of the senate in rescinding its resolution to investigate showed that it ran away from a responsibility it had once assumed.
   Although occupied every hour of the day and many hours of the night by the responsible routine duties of his office, Gov. Flower promptly undertook to investigate these charges and to act on what evidence is presented to him. This work of investigation is really more a matter for the legislature than the governor, but he has no desire to follow the example of the senate and run away from any responsibility.
   We are ashamed of the senators, who let the New York World terrorize them.

Expert Makes a Rather Startling Show to Mr. Roberts.
   ALBANY, April 3.—Dennis J. Dewon, the expert who has been investigating the affairs of the Comptroller's office, made his report this morning to Comptroller Roberts. He claims that the system of book-keeping has been of the loosest possible kind, and that big corporations have been granted rebates on business done in this State without warrant of law. Many books were kept in lead pencil. In some cases, he says, the rebates were given to companies who never did an inter-State business. He says: "I desire to call the Comptroller's attention to the fact that about all of the large rebates to which I have referred to in the foregoing were made during the very last days of the terms of office of the Comptrollers who granted them. How it was discovered by these officers just as they were about to retire from office that rebates to companies aggregating over $1,500,000 should be made, I must leave to the discernment of those more competent to judge than I am. Those rebates not made just before the close of a Comptroller's term were nearly all made not far from election time."
   He gives in detail how the rebates were granted, and furnishes a list of the railroads receiving them and the amount rebated. The amount rebated to transportation companies reaches the sum of $1,642,523.13, and of this amount probably $1,450,000 has been rebated on the inter-State commerce theory.
   There has been no assessment or attempt to collect the inter-State commerce tax since 1886, and it is fair to presume that the amount properly payable thereon since 1886 would be at least equal to the amount which had been asserted prior to and including 1886. On that basis the State has lost through the failure of its officers to collect this tax between $3,000,000 and $3,500,000, which has been made up by tax on real and personal property.

   The village assessors began their work last Monday.
   Dr. H. P. Johnson has moved his office and residence to No. 50 Church-st.
   Don't fail to see "Ben Hur" in the Opera House nest Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings. Price 75 cts., 50 cts. and 35 cts.
   The stockholders of the Cortland opera house company will hold their annual meeting for the election of directors in the parlors of the First National Bank on Tuesday, May 1, 1894 at 2 o'clock P. M.
   The Cortland wheel club will hold a race meet on the grounds of the driving park on May 26. A fine programme is being prepared. They will also have Saturday afternoon meetings through the season.
   Messrs. Bingham & Miller, the clothiers, who were damaged by fire, smoke and water at the recent fire in the Schermerhorn block, are selling off their entire stock at astonishingly low prices. Read their advertisement on this page.
   Mr. F. M. Johnston of the firm of Johnston & Harris, grocers in the Messenger House block, has sold his interest in the business to Mr. Asa Davis of Homer, who has taken possession. The firm name will be Harris & Davis. Mr. Johnston expects to go into other business in this place after a few weeks needed rest.
   The editor of the DEMOCRAT took possession of the postoffice in this village last Saturday afternoon. [Benton Jones was appointed postmaster by President Cleveland—CC editor.]
   The display of aurora borealis witnessed by the citizens of this place last Friday evening was splendid.

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