Cortland Evening Standard, Monday, April
30, 1894.
Asked for Along the Line of the Road—Prospects of the Road as to Paying.
Mr. N. E. Bundy of Philadelphia, Pa., who
has been the moving spirit in the project to build the Erie and Central New
York railroad from Cortland to Cincinnatus, left for Steuben county on
Saturday. He expects to return the latter part of this week, and will then remain
and devote his entire time to securing subscriptions to bonds of the road. The
form of the subscription agreement to which he is asking signatures is as
This instrument executed in duplicate and
delivered by the several parties thereto respectively,
Witnesseth: That in consideration of the
covenants and conditions hereinafter expressed, and other good and valuable considerations,
the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, the Erie & Central New York
Railway company, a domestic railroad corporation duly organized and incorporated
pursuant to the laws of the state of New York, has contracted to execute and
deliver to me or my order, of its first mortgage coupon bonds of the aggregate,
par or face value of $----, bearing
interest at the rate of 6 per cent per annum payable in lawful money of the
United States, at the option of said company, at or after the expiration of five
years and within twenty years from the date thereof at the place and on any of
the several days within specified for the payment of such interest, or any part
thereof, the payment whereof, both principal and interest, to be secured by a
first mortgage, duly executed by said company, on all its real estate,
franchises, superstructures, fixtures, equipment and property, in a sum not
exceeding $15,000 per mile of its said railroad, said bonds to be issued only
as the said road is completed or a sufficient guaranty or security given to the
said company to secure completion and equipment pursuant to the contract therefor.
which I agree to pay said company, or its order, the sum of $---- on demand, at
the National bank of Cortland, on the delivery of the same at said bank,
provided, the railroad of said company shall then have been completed and equipped,
in accordance with the specification for its construction and in actual
operation between Cortland, N. Y., and a point at or near the mouth of the Gee brook,
in the town of Cincinnatus, N. Y., on or before the 1st day of November, 1894,
otherwise this instrument shall be void.
It will be noticed that the agreement does not
become binding till the road is completed, or sufficient guaranty or security given
for its completion. The section of the road which it is now proposed to build
will be 17 miles long, and it is desired to secure subscriptions to bonds to an
amount not exceeding $15,000 a mile—instead of $20,000, as erroneously stated
in the Cortland Democrat—or $255,000 in all. From parties along the lines of
the road and who feel an interest in or will be benefited by it, Mr. Bundy
hopes to obtain subscriptions to the extent of at least $5,000 a mile, or $85,000
in all, and he will go over the entire line systematically from here to Cincinnatus
to solicit these subscriptions. He assures us that if the road earns as much
per mile as the E., C. & N. does now, it will not only pay the 6 per
cent interest on its bonds but will establish an earning capacity which will
cause the bonds to command a premium, and it is confidently believed that
enough freight business alone is in sight, including milk, produce and
manufactured goods, to guaranty that the line will be more than self-supporting.
Mr. Bundy has already secured subscriptions
and pledges for quite a block of the bonds, and has also received offers of
notes for smaller amounts than $1,000,
payable on the completion of the road, from parties who are willing to contribute
to aid the enterprise but do not feel able to take bonds.
Subscriptions to the amount of $15,000 along
the line of the road, as we understand Mr. Bundy, will insure the rapid
completion and early operation of the road as far as Cincinnatus, and once
finished to that point there is no doubt that connection with it will seem advantageous
to several lines already built, and
its extension will soon follow—in all probability both from Cincinnatus and
Cortland. It would certainly seem that there ought to be no difficulty in
getting the bonds taken which Mr. Bundy desires to place along the line of the
road. People along the road bed of the old Utica, Chenango and Cortland road,
upon which the Erie and Central New York company now proposes to put down the
rails, have been wishing for railroad connection with Cortland for years, and
here is project which assures them of such communication before they are asked
to pay a penny, and offers them first mortgage 6 per cent bonus for all the
money they advance. It will be a long time before they are offered a railroad
on better terms than these.
Against Woman Suffrage.
ALBANY, April 30.—A meeting was held here to
petition the constitutional convention to refuse to listen to the plea of woman
suffragists to amend the constitution.
Prosecute Police Captains.
BROOKLYN, April 30.—At its final meeting the
Brooklyn Temperance league adopted the following resolutions, which were
accompanied by a lengthy preamble:
That the Brooklyn Temperance league has now
become convinced that it is useless for it to pursue further its present line
of work of watching saloons, for it has become evident that the mayor and the
commissioners of police have adopted "the open side doors on Sunday"
as their settled policy; therefore resolved, that the executive committee,
after securing legal advice, proceed in the courts against the police captains
in whose precincts we have positive evidence of persistent violation of the
Sunday law against liquor selling.
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Proposed Assemblage on the Capitol Steps to Take Place Tomorrow—Will Lay Their
Petition Before Congress and Await the Expected Result—Will Accomplish Their
Purpose "If It Takes All Summer."
WASHINGTON, April 30.—Citizen James S.
Coxey, commander-in-chief of the Good Roads Army of the Commonweal, standing on
a rickety wagon in the center of the Brightwood Driving park, waving aloft his
Alpine hat to one of the most cosmopolitan and extensive audiences ever
gathered m Washington, announced that the greatest march of the nineteenth
century had been accomplished.
The march had been accomplished, as Citizen
Coxey said, but its ending was in pitiful contrast to the massing of the
thousands of unemployed, as its projector had prophesied. Three hundred and
fifty of miserably dressed, woebegone, grumbling, out-at-the-elbows and
run-down-at-the-heels specimens of humanity, who bore a striking, though,
perhaps, undeserved resemblance to the familiar genius tramp, marched into the
park led by a wheezing apology for a band, and stretched themselves in the sun.
Thousands from the city turned out to make a
holiday of it and inspect the curious aggregation. They listened to the weird
talk of Marshal Carl Browne and the Populistic speech of Coxey. Then they
turned toward home in a haze of mental wonderment at the whole queer
performance, the perseverance with which it had been carried out and the
notoriety it had attained.
Lining the entrances to the park,
enterprising colored citizens had established their booths for traffic in
ginger bread and sweetened water which passed current under the guise of
The semblance to a circus layout was further
enforced by the thimble riggers and shell men skulking about the outskirts of
crowd. But when the people poured into the park enclosure the suggestion of
circus day was fullblown. In the center of the half mile racetrack flapped the
canvas inclosure [sic] which encircled the quarters of the commonweal army.
Half a dozen weather beaten army tents stood
about the canvas drawn circle with several canvas-covered commissary wagons.
Tents and wagons were covered with black
painted daubs, legends, which were a queer mixture of good roads, reincarnation
and finance.
The great percheron horses with shaggy
fetlocks were tethered about the wagons. Nearby were fastened two large
American flags and the emblematic banners were piled on the ground.
Most interesting of the sights, however,
were the human elements, the rank and file of the Quixote army, the men who had
marched and borne the brunt of mud, storms and cold. They were the most unique
and inexplicable aggregation ever brought together. Some of them were at work
about the tents and wagons, others curled up on the damp ground munching great
chunks of bread, and many more stretched sleeping in the sun with their heads
pillowed on rolled-up coats.
Fashionably dressed ladies stood about
surveying the men, commenting upon their appearance, with no apparent
realization of the fact that the subjects of their comments were human beings,
who could hear and understand them.
Over in the most pretentious tent, which
bore the sign "Headquarters" painted across it, were found the
leaders of the army, General Coxey and Marshal Browne.
Clad in a fashionable suit of light drab
hue, with as perfectly creased trouser as could be seen on Fifth avenue, with a
cup of coffee in one hand, and a boiled egg in the other, from which he
alternately took refreshment and sustenance, sat General Coxey, as mild a
mannered man as aver headed an army of peace.
The question which has most agitated
Washington of late was propounded to him by the reporter.
"What do you Intend to do when the police
prevent you from holding your meeting on the Capitol grounds" he was
"No one will prevent us," replied
the seer from Massillon with great promptness. "Does not the constitution
guarantee the right to peaceably assemble and petition congress?"
"But there is a police regulation
passed by congress which forbids processions and assemblages on the Capitol
grounds and the police will stop your army if it attempts to trespass,"
"Constitution was written before any police
regulations," replied the general. "If they come in conflict with the
constitution they are void. We stand squarely upon the constitution, that is
our platform."
"How do you intend to enforce your rights?"
"There is but one way, by an appeal to
the courts. We will go before the highest court in the land, if necessary.
Meanwhile we will wait here in Washington, if it takes all summer. If the
courts refuse us our rights there will be a revolution. I do not advocate
revolution, nor do I desire it, but it will be irresistible and it will be the
greatest revolution of history if the American people are once thoroughly
The conversation of Mr. Coxey was broken
into by a trumpet call which summoned the choir of the army. Following Captain
Browne this choir of a dozen privates in the army, backed out to the platform
wagon which has borne the remarkable allegorical panorama of the curse of
national banks. Brown climbed into the wagon; beside him stood a stalwart man
holding aloft a banner with the legend "The Kingdom of Heaven (on earth)
is at Hand." The choir sung in various keys, a key to each individual, a
parody on the revival hymn "Hold the Fort."
Before the singing was ended several hundred
people gathered around the wagon with uplifted faces. Across the racetrack, in
front of the improvised platform, the grandstand seats were filled with solid rows
of men and women like a race day crowd. The track itself was full of carriages,
in some of which ladies and gentlemen of the fashionable world leaned back,
shaded by parasols and listening curiously. Bicyclers dismounted and leaned on
their wheels.
Carl Browne probably in his adventurous life
had never faced such an audience as this one, which greeted him with a very
faint demonstration of jeering applause when he bared his head and announced a
text from Revelations.
Senators Manderson and Frye with their wives
were in handsome carriages. Senator
Coke and Representative Buckley Kilgore of Texas stood wedged in by the
populace. The long gray beard of Senator Dolph of Oregon shone conspicuously.
Representative Dolliver, the young Protectionist from Iowa, was at the head of
another group of congressmen.
Mrs. Anna L. Diggs of Kansas, the Populist
speaker, stood with a baby in her arms, and beside her, gorgeous in their
satins, with long braids hanging down their backs and red buttons of the
nobility on their skullcaps, were two Sphinx-faced Orientals from the Chinese
The speech of Carl Browne has so often been
described that it hardly deserves fresh mention. It was a strange mixture of
theology and finance, like the placards on the tents of the army.
He acknowledged that he was a crank, because
it took a crank to move anything, as he said. The present condition of the country
he declared to be the fulfillment of the revelation to St. John.
The seven heads of the beast were the seven
conspiracies against the money of the people, the 10 horns were the 10
monopolies, foremost among them the sugar trust.
Grover Cleveland had called an extra session
of congress and by the aid of "that gray-headed rat from Ohio, John
Sherman," had been able to heal the wounds of the seventh head by
repealing the silver purchasing bill.
He drew a strange diagram to illustrate the
reincarnation of Christ, which was shared by himself, Brother Coxey, John
Stuart Mills and Wendall Phillips, and ended by inveighing against the
When finally General Coxey scrambled up
awkwardly upon the wagon and was introduced, he waived his hat to each quarter
of the compass.
"Three cheers for Coxey," shouted
a boy in the bell stand. His suggestion was followed quite heartily and the
general again bowed his acknowledgments, and was proceeding to unbosom himself
of some eloquent periods upon the completion of the greatest march of the 19th
century when some skeptic bawled shrilly, "Where's yer 500,000 men?"
This interruption was not dignified with reply.
The speaker launched into his description of the millions of starving
unemployed, shouting: "We will stay here all summer until congress takes
action on our bills." [Great applause.]
General Coxey talked for half an hour, bareheaded
under the hot sun, explaining his bill for good roads, for plenty of money and
its companion piece, for universal luxury through noninterest bonds.
General Coxey came into the city at night
and registered at one of the best hotels. He declares that his army will march
to the Capitol tomorrow noon, hold its great massmeeting on the steps to demand
the passage of his bills and then return to camp to wait until they become law.
The start of the army from Rockville on the
final stage of its march was delayed by the need of provisions for sick members
of the army.
The column was organized the same as when entering
Rockville, save that the Christopher Columbus Jones contingent from
Philadelphia marched at the end of the line.
At the District of Columbia boundary line
the army was halted to give cheers for the federal power.
Just as the army moved on after this, a
dozen men were discovered over the fence in an open lot, drawn up in line.
It was the Unknown's contingent of seceders,
who had tramped over from Rockville early; and at their head was the man
Dizarro, if that be the Unknown's name.
"Don't pay any attention to them."
commanded Carl Browne as he rode forward. And they did not.
No other incident save constantly increasing
crowds marked the progress and arrival at the camp on Brightwood park racing
The army disappeared within their wall tent
and up went this placard:
No admission charged to these grounds. But
all persons entering here are expected to contribute at least 25 cents, or as
much as they can afford for the good of the cause. All penniless admitted free.
Unheeded must our sages now
About the tariff talk;
The festive quorum may, unwatched,
Kick up its heels and balk;
And Coxey's army on the march
Inspires no trace of fear,
The country's wrapped in one glad thought—
The baseball game is here.
—Washington Star.
—The fire department received this morning
900 feet of new hose.
—The drug store of Fitz Boynton & Co.
was Saturday connected with the Telephone Exchange.
—Invitations for the reception to be given
by Miss Carpenter's dancing class at Wells hall next Friday evening were issued
this afternoon.
—The sale of reserved seat tickets for the
sword contest begins at the store of D. F. Wallace & Co. to-morrow
(Tuesday) morning at 9 o'clock.
—The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Morrison of 17 Clayton-ave. died at 9 o'clock yesterday morning of heart disease,
aged 21 days. The funeral was held at 3 o'clock this afternoon.
—The state board of health has discontinued the
inspection of cattle for tuberculosis and discharged the inspectors for want of
funds to carry on the work efficiently.—Norwich Sun.
—The pictures of St. John and Barbour, the
swordmen who are to contest for the championship at the Opera House next
Thursday evening, are on exhibition at the book store of Ament & Brazie.
—Mr. Fred I. Graham to-day received one of
the "Model 39" Columbia bicycles with a high frame designed
especially for tall riders. The wheel is made this year for the first time and
a decided novelty,
—The Homer reporter for The STANDAND has
been under the weather for a few days and confined to the house with a bad
attack of grip and our Homer letter has been short in some cases and others
lacking entirely. We hope for his restored health very shortly.
The 4 o'clock meeting at the Y. M. C. A.
rooms yesterday afternoon was a particularly good one. There was a large attendance.
All enjoyed the song service led by Mr. J. B. Hunt, and also the fine solo
which he sung. The devotional exercises were conducted by Mr. C. H. White.
—The baseball game between the Cortland
"North Enders" and the Homer Academy
teams, at the latter place Saturday, resulted in a score of 20 to 19 in favor
of the Cortland boys. Both teams are well matched and the game was very
interesting throughout.
—The Normal banjo and guitar clubs were out
serenading on Friday evening, entertaining their friends most delightfully. The
STANDARD was fortunate enough to be among those favored, and it takes this
opportunity to thank its friends for the fine music.
—Foster [forecaster] says May will average warmer
than usual. The first half will average more above the normal temperature than
the last half. Rainfall of the month will be about the general average. More
rain will fall during the last half of the month. The hottest weather will
occur in front of the storm wave that will cross the continent from the 9th to
the 13th moving eastward.—Ithaca Journal.
New Meat
C. W. Stoker, the popular grocer, has just
opened in connection with his grocery a meat market, where fresh meats of every
kind and description can be obtained. George Dickinson is in charge of the
market. A large meat rack is in the rear of the space reserved for the market
and there is a huge chopping block and a marble slab for the meats. The cooler,
9 by 15 feet in size, has been divided into two parts and the larger section of
it is now fitted with choice meats. The smaller part is used for the usual line
of grocery goods that need to be kept cool.
A very convenient arrangement has been made
for filling the cooler with ice. The ice is loaded upon the elevator which is
raised higher than the top of the cooler, where a chute conveys it down to the
ice chest. The store is very complete in every respect.
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