Sunday, June 25, 2017


Cortland Evening Standard, Saturday, April 28, 1894.

Democrats Are Always Welcome.
   The issue of the Cortland Democrat of yesterday, under the heading "Not Very Welcome," contains an altogether untruthful as well as sour and bad-tempered article on the prominent Democrats who joined the Cortland Republican league at its meeting of a week ago last Monday, and also on the league itself.
   There is one statement, and one alone, in the entire article which is true, viz: that three former Democrats, well known in this village, who had become disgusted with Southern domination in their party and with the ignorance, incompetency and pigheadedness of its leaders—all of which has resulted in financial and business ruin and suffering, and privation to workingmen and their families—had decided to move out and had accordingly associated themselves with the party which has given the country more than a quarter of a century of unbroken prosperity, and in whose return to power lies the only hope of restored and lasting business confidence. This they did by joining the Republican league, in an open and manly fashion which ought to be followed by the scores of former Democrats who have already begun voting the Republican ticket or are ready to do so at the next election.
   The fact that the gentlemen referred to have seen fit to take this step will fully account for the spirit of the Democrat's article, which maligns their motives, belies the very cordial and hearty reception given them by the league, and endeavors to stem the tide of Democrats setting steadily towards the Republican ranks by trying to make it appear to the converts that they will not be welcome, but will be regarded with suspicion, put on probation and not allowed any share in the activities of the party.
   The article is a compound of falsehood, disappointment, anger, malice and fear, and is a photograph of the various emotions which are agitating the Northern Democratic bosom as every day emphasizes the discords and divisions and lack of all principle in the party, and every local and general election adds a new sentence of doom to the hand writing on the political wall.
   Ever since the Cortland Republican league was formed it has been an object of peculiar hatred and of constant attack from The Democrat. Its activity, its efficiency, its permanency, its growing membership and the great amount of valuable political work which it has done have made it a very large and very sharp thorn in The Democrat's side— and such it will continue to be. Application for membership in it having been chosen by disgusted Democrats as the most public and appropriate way of expressing their repudiation of former political relations and their determination to be found henceforth on the side of the Northern manufacturer, the Northern workingman and a protective tariff, has made the league still more repugnant and exasperating to the postmasterial [sic] sensibilities.
  But it will manage to exist, notwithstanding. Its doors will continue with the latch string out, ready to the hand of any Democrat who has grown tired of living on the husks and wind pudding and potato-skin soup of tariff reform, and of being clothed with the rags of populism and socialism, and who wants to sit down to a square meal of the roast teal and plum pudding of Republican protection and enjoy once more the good times to which the country had become so accustomed under Republican rule, that it wouldn't believe that even the Democratic party in full control of the government could give us anything else.
   In behalf of the league we wish to enter a sweeping denial of the entire farrago of falsehood contained in The Democrat's article, and to assure every Democrat who is moved by conscience to cast aside the discredited and fast-dissolving party of the South and of free trade and to join the grand old party of the nation's most glorious past and still more glorious future, that he will receive a cordial welcome and the kindest consideration and be taken at once into full fellowship by the Cortland Republican league.
   Three former Democrats have already joined. More are on the list of applicants and will be voted in without a dissenting voice as were the first. There are scores of others who know they ought to join and are on the point of doing so, and it is just these men that The Democrat is trying to club away and frighten and persuade that they are not wanted.
   But the hullabaloo will not work. Such articles as the Democrat's last will be but a rope of sand against a resistless current. The procession of Democrats into the Republican camp is marching on, and recruits are falling in, regardless of all the beating of tom-toms and blowing of penny whistles and fish-horns and shoutings and whoopings of the entire Democratic press of the country. The next congress is to be Republican. The United States senate is to be Republican. The next president is to be a Republican, [as] are the next governor and legislature of the state of New York. The country for the next twenty-five years is to be Republican. The way to resume is to resume. The way to be a Republican is to be one, and there never was a better time to be one than the present, or a better way to let people know you are one than by joining the Cortland Republican league.
   Don't be scared at the Democrat's barking. It can't bite.

1894 map segment of Cortland, N. Y. #59 is the Standard block, #36 is the Squires Clock Tower block and #22 is the Messenger House. R. R. St. is present Central Ave.
Improvements on Church-st.
   The white school house, which has stood so many years on the west side of Church-St., between Port Watson and Court-sts., is being moved to the corner of Port Watson-st. and Owen-ave., where the owner, Mr. E. H. Brewer, will have it made over into a two story dwelling. On the plot of ground on Church-st. from which the schoolhouse is being taken, Mr. Brewer will erect a handsome double house for renting. It will be larger than the one just across the street owned by Mr. Theodore H. Wickwire, but similar to that in finish. It will be ready for occupation about September 1, and has been already rented.
   This end of Church-st. has been greatly improved within the past year and the erection of this fine house is a step along the same line. Another eyesore, the small building near the corner which runs to the sidewalk, will be moved back by the owner, Mr. Stephen Brewer, and a new front built upon it. This will be done the latter part of next month.

Buffalo's Contingent Falls—New England Army Arrested.
   BUFFALO, April 28.—There will be no Buffalo contingent in Washington when Coxey's army strikes the capital. The movement started two or three days ago by some Populists, which had a trip by cars to Washington as its basis, has fizzled out completely. No better rate than $10 could be obtained and there was not a man at the meeting held to make final arrangements last night who would pay that much to have all the interest-bearing bonds in the country slaughtered. It was unanimously decided that the price was too high and that walking was too much like work and the project was abandoned for all time.

New England's Army Arrested.
   WESTERLY, R. I., April 28.—The entire New England industrial army were arrested and locked up here. The arrest was made under the vagrancy act.

Leaders of the Train Stealers to be Taken Back.
   HELENA, Mon., April 28.—The conservative advice of Judge Knowles, of the United States court, and local counsel of the Northern Pacific railroad Co., has prevailed, and all danger from the Coxey army in this quarter is averted for a while at least. Acting on the advice of Judge Knowles and ex-Governor Toole, counsel for the road, the Northern Pacific people in the East have consented not to rush matters in connection with the men who ran off with a train.
   The United States court is now in the midst of a criminal trial and other similar cases are awaiting their turn. To bring the entire captured army back for trial would consume the time of the court for an indefinite period. The plan agreed upon is to select a number of leaders, and bring them here next week for whatever action the United States court may see fit. The balance of the army will be kept at Fort Keogh in charge of soldiers until further orders.
   When the excitement of the past week has quieted down the rank and file may be sent about their business in detachments, not in a body. Everything is quiet throughout the state now and matters have resumed their normal conditions.

Too Many Societies.
   The following article is published by request, for the benefit of the Cortland churches:
   We asked an old colored preacher the other day how his church was getting on, and his answer was: "Mighty poor, mighty poor, brudder." We ventured to ask the trouble, and he replied: "De 'cietiee, 'de 'cieties. Dey is just drawin' all de fatness an' de marrow outen de body an' bones ob de blessed Lord's body. We can't do nuffin' widout de 'ciety. Ear is the Lincum 'ciety, wid Sister Jones an' Brudder Brown to run it; Sister Williams must march in front of de Daughters of Rebecca. Den dar is de Dorcases, de Marthas, de Daughters of Ham an' de Liberian Ladies."
   "Well, you have the brethren to help in the church," we suggested.
   "No, sah', Dere am de Masons, de Odd Fellers, de Sons of Ham and de Oklahoma Promis' Land Pilgrims. Why, brudder, by de time de brudders an' sisters pay all de dues an' tends all de meetin's dere is nuffin' left for Mount Pisgah church but jist de cob; de corn has all been shelled off and frowed to dese speckled chickens.''—Bible Reader.

   COUNTY CLERK S. K. JONES, Dr. L. T. White and Messrs. S. H. Strowbridge and William A. Wallace expect to leave Monday afternoon on a few days' fishing expedition on Skaneateles lake, where they will be the guests of Game Constable E. D. Crosley.

A Fine Concert.
   The concert of the Presbyterian church choir at that church last evening was one of the finest musical events arranged by home talent that has been heard in Cortland in a long time, and was far superior to many of the concerts of professional companies. The choir is one to be proud of, and the members and attendants of that church feel an honest pride in them every Sunday as they listen to the high class of church music which is there rendered from week to week,
   The program of last night, however, was largely made up of selections of a more secular character. There were solos, duets and quartets and all were admirably executed and warmly appreciated. Nearly every number was encored and the performers in each case, with the exception of the organist kindly responded. Really it was hardly fair to seek more from Miss Halbert than the numbers for which she was on the program, for her two organ solos were long and difficult and were played in remarkably fine style, and during the entire evening except when she went up to the choir gallery for the organ, she rose from the piano stool but once, playing all the accompaniments, and that single time was when the quartet responded to an encore without accompaniment.
   The quartet were [sic] all in fine voice and never sang better than last night, whether as a quartet or separately. Miss Colvin is always a favorite. Miss Nash's deep rich voice was displayed to excellent advantage in her solo. Mr. Dowd's solo was a very fine one and was well sung. Mr. Daehler's Swiss song with the yodel brought down the house, as usual. His response was a whistle, in which he is also particularly gifted. The duet by Miss Colvin and Mr. Dowd was one of the best things on the program. Taken all in all the concert was a great success, and the Ladies' Aid society netted nearly $50 from it.

At Rest.
   The Ithaca Journal of Friday speaks as follows of Mrs. George F. Nourse, mother of Mr. F. B. Nourse of Cortland, who died at her late home in Ithaca yesterday morning:
   Mrs. George F. Nourse was a daughter of the late Dr. Frederick Beers of Danby. Born in that town, she removed with her husband to Ithaca about twenty years ago. Mrs. Nourse as long as health permitted, was actively interested in various efforts for the amelioration of the unfortunate and held a warm place in the affection of all who learned to know her noble character. For more than two years preceding her death she was afflicted with an extremely painful malady, her suffering during that long period being severer than it is the lot of many to be called upon to endure. While friends are sorely bereaved by her removal to another sphere, they are consoled by the thought that their loss is truly her gain, and that, after long physical suffering, she is at rest.

   —C. F. Brown's upper drug store has been connected with the telephone exchange.
   —Dr. L. H. Pearce conducted a very interesting religious service last evening, at the residence of Mr. H. J. Reed on the Virgil road.
   —Mine Host Andrews of the Central House, and John Doyle of the Central House, Homer, succeeded in getting a fine catch of trout near Cold Brook, Thursday.
   —Robert Otto has just completed a one story addition in the rear of his furniture store on Port Watson-st. It is 23 by 14 feet in size and will be used as a workshop.
   —Dr. H. A. Cordo will preach in the Memorial chapel on Tompkins-st., Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock, A cordial invitation is extended to all particularly to residents of the vicinity.
   —Miss Julie R. Jenney, daughter of Col. E. S. Jenney, one of Syracuse's most prominent lawyers, yesterday at Syracuse took the constitutional oath and was admitted to the bar, "in and for the state of New York."
   —On account of the rain and bad condition of the roads the road race for the [wheelmen] scorcher medal, which was to have been run to Little York and return tonight, has been postponed until next Thursday evening, when, if the roads are in condition, it will be started from the Cortland House at 6:30 o'clock.
   —The numbers of the following fire alarm boxes were changed this morning: 233, 234, 321 and 334 to 321, 331, 333 and 434 respectively. These changes are made for the purpose of numbering the boxes according to the ward in which they are located. New cards will be issued next week giving location of fire alarm boxes.
   —The new plate glass to replace the one broken in the store of Bingham & Miller in the recent fire in the Schermerhorn building has arrived, been put in and cleaned up and the window now presents a very handsome appearance with its artistic display of goods. The store is undergoing a thorough course of treatment with paper and paint and soon all traces of the fire will be lost.
   —The Empire House of Tully, owned by Mr. George D. Goddard, brother of Mr. A. J. Goddard of Railroad-st., was broken into last night by some unknown thieves, who stole the cash register and its contents from the bar room. They took it to a tool house near by, where the register was found this morning, broken. The thieves walked off with about $15 in pennies and about five dollars in change.
   —The Corlonor society at the Normal last evening discussed the question of dress reform. A number of the ladies appeared in various costumes that are recommended, including the Jenness Miller, the Syrian, the Grecian, the bicycle costume, the gymnasium costume, and others, and each of the wearers presented the points in favor of the particular costume in which she appeared. Other ladies presented papers upon the subject, and a general discussion followed.

Tea Table Talk.
   A pupil in the schools of Wichita, Kan., was suspended the other day for offering this composition on "Pants."
   "Pants are made for men, and not men for pants. Pants are like molasses; they are thinner in hot weather and thicker in cold. The man in the moon changes his pants during the eclipse. Don't you go to the pantry for pants; you might be mistaken. Men are often mistaken in pants. Such mistakes make breeches of promise. There has been much discussion as to whether pants is singular or plural. Seems to us when men wear pants they are plural, and when they don't it is singular. Men go on a tear in pants, and it is all right; but when the pants go on a tear it is all wrong."

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