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Daniel S. Lamont. |
The Cortland Democrat, Friday, April 20,
A Drive
to Manitou and the Garden of the Gods—Dr. Bryant and Others Who
Compose the Party—The Secretary Inspecting Army
Posts—Points of the Trip.
(From the Colorado Springs Gazette, April 6.)
Secretary of War Daniel S. Lamont and party
made a brief visit to the Pike's Peak region to-day and left on the early train
this afternoon for Denver.
The party arrived at an early hour this morning
over the Santa Fe from New Mexico in one of Pullman's finest. Those composing
the party are Secretary and Mrs. Lamont, Dr. and Mrs. Bryant, General Batchelder,
quartermaster general of the army, and Captain Davis of the Fourteenth Infantry.
The secretary is on a flying trip of inspection of the various army posts of
the south and west. The party left Washington two weeks ago and went to
Georgia, then to St. Augustine barracks in Florida and then as far south as the
railroad went into the interior of Florida; thence to Mt. Vernon barracks in Alabama;
then to El Paso, Tex., and Santa Fe, New Mexico and Colorado Springs.
The secretary is a medium-sized man and
looks quite like the portrait given herewith. He has become considerably stouter
since his occupancy of the cabinet office.
Dr. Bryant, who accompanies the party, is
President Cleveland's family physician. He is also heavily built, wears a beard
and has a good head.
The secretary spent an hour at official business
in the car this morning, and afterward the entire party, under the leadership of
General A. D. McCook, commander of the department of Colorado and New Mexico,
and Captain Martin of Fort Logan, took a drive. They went over to Manitou and
up to the Iron Springs and then back through the Garden of the Gods, not
neglecting to view the "petrified man."
Mrs. Lamont was delighted with the scenery
of the Garden and wanted to remain another day to view the canons and other
points of interest. She said Denver was probably like any other city and
preferred to remain here. Secretary Lamont also appeared to be much interested
and proved a good listener to General McCook's discourse.
The party found a number of friends and
acquaintances in the city and the secretary and Mrs. Lamont were very glad to
meet them. Among these were Mr. and Mrs. Jas. F. Maybury, who were neighbors of
the Lamonts in Cortland, New York. Mr. Maybury accompanied the party on the
drive to point out the places of interest.
The party returned to the depot at 1 o'clock
and the train immediately pulled out for Denver. They will inspect Fort Logan
and go over the "loop" tomorrow.
Mr. Lamont's public career started at Albany,
where he was private secretary of Governor Cleveland. Even at this early stage
he displayed remarkable tact and political shrewdness, and it is said that many
of the public acts of Grover Cleveland owe their conception to Dan Lamont.
After a year at Albany he accompanied Cleveland
to Washington, and during these four years became very prominent in national
affairs. Statesmen, senators and representatives consulted with him as with
cabinet officers.
When he retired from office he became associated
with ex-Secretary Whitney in the New York City street railroad enterprises. When
the president was re-elected he named Colonel Lamont for secretary of war,
which position he has since held. He is said to be the best politician in the
Court of
Appeals Decision.
Something over a year ago the Empire State
Telephone Co. brought an action against Frank E. Bickford, of this village, for
an accounting. The defendant had been the manager of their telephone business here
for some years and had been superseded. The plaintiffs claimed that Bickford
had not turned over to them a considerable sum of money which was their due.
After issue had been joined the court sitting in Rochester caused an order to
be entered sending the case to a referee.
To this defendant's counsel objected claiming that the case should be
tried by a jury and his counsel appealed to the General Term. The argument was
heard at Buffalo in November last and that court affirmed the decision of the
court below.
From this judgment the defendant appealed to
the Court of Appeals and that court handed down its decision last Tuesday,
reversing the orders of both the Special and General Terms. The plaintiffs will
have the costs to pay. F. E. Storke, of Auburn, appeared for the plaintiffs,
and Messrs. J. & T. E. Courtney, of this place, had charge of the interests
of the defendant, the latter making the arguments in all the courts.
Scientific Discovery.
ITHACA, April 11.—The late Dr. W. I. Brenzier,
who committed suicide in this city last Saturday, before he died left his brain
to Cornell University in the interest of science. In connection with this it
may be of interest to state that Dr. Wilder, who has charge of this department
of the university, has secured by written agreements the brains of some twenty
professors and prominent Ithaca citizens, (at their deaths,) in the interest of
science. When Brenzier's brain was removed by the University people, two
bullets were found imbedded in the brain and this fact destroys the learned doctor's
theory that it would be impossible for a suicide to put more than one shot in his
brain. They claim that this fact is an important discovery and of great Interest
to the medical world and criminal authorities.
TOMPKINS—A 450 H. P. engine is to be added
to the electric plant in the Ithaca gorge.
spring term of the Ithaca Conservatory of Music opened April 16th.
The Groton Bridge & Manufacturing Co.
received fourteen contracts last week.
The recent fair of Excelsior Engine Co., of
Trumansburg, netted the company about $500.
It is expected that the new Unitarian Church,
Ithaca, will be ready for services the first Sunday in May.
A Groton correspondent states that eggs are
ten cents a dozen in that village and milk brings only two cents a quart at the
milk station.
After July 1st, Ithaca barbers will close
their shops on Sunday. It is estimated that 500 men get shaved in Ithaca barber
shops on Sunday.
The Ithaca Journal says: "David M. Dean and Randolph Horton have formed
a partnership for the practice of law under the firm name of Dean & Horton,
and for the present will occupy Mr. Dean's former offices in the Library
Horace Simpson, a resident of the First Ward
in Ithaca, one day last week took with suicidal attempt a dose of laudanum, being
despondent it is said, owing to not being able to meet some outstanding bills. It
was a long while before the skill of physicians could bring him from the
critical condition in which the poison had placed him. Later he was seized with
an attack of pneumonia and died on Tuesday evening.
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David B. Hill. |
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David Dudley Field. |
In all your business ventures, keep in mind
the fact that the McKinley bill is with you and is working with all its might
and main in your interests. To be sure, the prospect of immediate returns from
its labors in your behalf are not very gratifying, but it is believed that some
time after you have been gathered to your fathers, its beneficent results may
be known and thoroughly appreciated.
What a blessing it is to the people of this
country that they still have a monopoly of the "Home Market!" With
the McKinley bill in full force and operation and standing on guard all along
our coast to prevent any encroachment from foreign powers, we ought to be
prosperous and happy. In 1892, our republican friends assured us, that with the
"Home Market" preserved to us by the operation of the McKinley bill,
prosperity was sure to attend us. Were these republicans good prophets? Have
their prophesies been fulfilled?
David Dudley Field, one of the ablest lawyers
in New York, died at his home in that city last Friday aged 89 years. He returned
home from a trip to Europe last Wednesday and a few hours later was taken ill
with pneumonia and died 24 hours later. He had been in his usual good health up
to the time he was attacked with the disease. Mr. Field was the author of the
civil and penal codes of this state, which have since been adopted by some twenty-four
states of the union. He was a brother of Judge Samuel J. Field of the U. S
Supreme court, the late Cyrus W. Field and the Rev. Henry M. Field of New York.
The republican papers all over the country
are praising Senator Hill for the sentiments he expressed in his recent speech
on the tariff, while the democratic papers are severely criticizing him for the
same thing. The republican papers even go so far as to say, that he will soon
be knocking at the outer doors of that party for admission, and notwithstanding
the fact that republican journals and politicians have been unable to find
words in the English language sufficiently ugly to apply to him as a democrat, they
will welcome him into their fold as a republican. Senator Hill is in their estimation
a very bad democrat, but they are quite sure he possesses the elements necessary
for a republican saint. Our friends should remember however, that "there's
many a slip between the cup and the lip."
Some of our republican exchanges are not satisfied
with the appointment of the Hon. George Raines of Rochester to assist the
Assistant District attorney of Rensselaer county in the prosecution of those
persons engaged in the election riot in Troy last month, which resulted in the
death of Robert Ross. No one has been foolish enough to think for a moment,
that any action, taken by any one, that did not permit the republican party to
dictate in the premises would be satisfactory. We presume that Gov. Flower did
not take the trouble to obtain the opinion of the many republican papers in the
state before he appointed one of the ablest criminal lawyers in the country to
prosecute the criminals. The people at large however, will commend the governor
for having selected such an able and conscientious lawyer to serve them in the
premises. Mr. Raines is always faithful to his clients and is almost invariably
successful. The republican papers insist with rare unanimity on the appointment
of Attorney General Hancock. He is a fair country lawyer, but has no more claim
to be put in the same class with Mr. Raines than a crossroads pettifogger has
to be ranged up beside the Attorney General. The only reason why they want Hancock
is because he is a republican and that party is trying to turn the riot into republican
capital if possible.
of Cortland.
Sealed proposals will be received by the Board
of Sewer Commissioners of the Village of Cortland, N. Y., at their office in
the Keator Block in said village until Saturday the 5th day of May, 1894 at
7:30 o'clock P. M. (at which time and place such proposals will be opened) for
constructing and completing about 5,560 feet of pipe sewer 24 inches internal
diameter, commencing at a point designated on said maps and plans, near the
junction of the centre line of Port Watson street and the river road, and
extending along the river road so-called, from said point to a point at or near
the mouth of mud creek so-called including the necessary manholes and flush
tanks, and furnishing all materials therefor.
Plans, profiles, requirements of proposals and
specifications are on file in the office of said commissioners at Cortland, N.
The sewer commissioners reserve the right to
reject any or all bids.
FRED HATCH, clerk,
Cortland, N. Y.
Pres. of Board of Sewer Com.
Cortland, N. Y. (5w2)
Few people who drink boiled water ever have
typhoid fever.
Auction sale of horses at the Cortland House
stables to-morrow at 1 P. M.
Messrs. Yager & Marshall, of this place,
have opened a branch fair store in the Crumb block in DeRuyter.
The U. S. Express Co. has made arrangements
with Wells, Fargo & Co. and now both companies bill express matter through
each other’s lines without change or extra charge.
A large audience attended the recital given
by the Normal Mandolin, Banjo and Guitar club last Friday evening. The
entertainment was a delightful one and was thoroughly appreciated by all
P. C. Kingsbury, the Homer dry goods merchant,
has a new advertisement on our fourth page. Mr. Kingsbury has a fine stock of
goods and sells at low prices. Accept his invitation and give him a call.
A fair house was present to witness the
comedy "Jane" in the opera house last Saturday evening. It proved to
be all that had been claimed for it, a genuine comedy. It was good and should
be seen to be appreciated.
The Owego House at No. 40 Owego-st., has
been leased for a term of years by William Nix and Edward Dowd, who have thoroughly
renovated the same. Messrs. Nix & Dowd are popular young men and will do
all in their power to please their guests.
There will be a social dance at the Lake House
in Little York on Friday evening, April 27, 1894. Music by "Happy Bill Daniels
orchestra. Full bill $1.25, dance tickets 50 cts. The proprietor, Mr. Gay, has a
deserved reputation for giving excellent parties.
Last Friday morning while Mr. Fay Parsons, who
has charge of the DEMOCRAT press rooms, was at work on our large Cornell two
revolution press, the little finger of his right hand was accidentally caught
between the cylinders and was crushed. Dr. Higgins dressed the injury and hopes
to save the finger.
The Hitchcock Mfg. Co. are tearing down the
ruins of the old blacksmith shop that was partially burned a year ago, and expect
to put up a new building on the site sometime during this season.
The regular meeting of the Loyal Circle of
King's Daughter's will occur Friday at 2:30 P. M. at the residence of Mrs. A. M.
Johnson, 54 North Main-st. Please note the change of residence and all attend.
Last Monday afternoon Mark Donellon, an
employee in the Cortland Forging Co. shops, had two fingers of his left hand badly
smashed in one of the machines. Dr. Dana dressed them and says they can be saved.
Decoration day exercises will be held in the
afternoon this year. As soon as they are over the city band will go to Scott,
where they will give an open air concert and Daniels' orchestra will play for
the dance at the hotel in the evening.
James R. Robinson brought in a car load of
cattle from Alleghany county which are fine ones. A pair of Holstein cows were
weighed from the lot, and the two weighed 2,800 lbs. Hon. L. J. Fitzgerald of
Cortland came down yesterday afternoon, and bought several of them.—Marathon
The horses advertised to be
sold to-morrow at the Cortland House stables, arrived in town on Wednesday.
They are twenty-one in number and they are indeed a fine lot. They will be
guaranteed to be sound, kind and well broken to harness and any of our readers
who need a horse or a pair, will do well to attend this sale. The horses will
be sold to the highest bidder. No by bidding. They are by all odds the finest lot
of animals ever brought into Cortland.
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