Sunday, June 4, 2017


Cortland Evening Standard, Thursday, April 5, 1894.

Fighting All Over the Coke Regions. Unless Prompt Measures Are Taken Wholesale Slaughter May Result—A Foreman Brutally Killed by Strikers. Many Arrests Made—The Situation Constantly Growing Worse.
   UNIONTOWN, Pa., April 5. — It would take columns to tell in detail the exciting events of the third day of the big coke strike now on in the Connellsville region. At least nine lives have been sacrificed during the past 24 hours.
   Unless the strong arm of the military interferes the dead will be counted by scores instead of tens. So much excitement was never known in the region.
   The rioting began early in the morning, but the climax was not reached until afternoon, when a body of strikers numbering several hundred marched in the Davidson works of the H. C. Frick Coke company at Connellsville, Fayette county, where men were working.
   The strikers had been there in the morning to get the men out, but no one was working.
   In the afternoon when they returned deputies had been placed to receive them. When the strikers approached they were ordered to stop. They came on and tried to get at the men in the ovens. The deputies fired.
   The strikers returned the fire and charged, driving the deputies and men from the plant.
   Chief Engineer Paddock of the Frick company ran up in the tipple of the works. The strikers followed and shot him in the back of the head. They beat him and crushed his head with stones and threw his body from a tipple window to the ovens 40 feet below.
   They then attempted to fire the tipple, but left when they saw the deputies returning with a large force from Connellsville.
   Hearing of Paddock's murder hundreds volunteered to avenge his death.
   The pursuing party in command of County Detective Frank Campbell, overtook the strikers half a mile from Davidson and opened fire on them.
   The strikers fired in return, but ran on. [Ten] of the strikers fell, one was killed instantly, shot through the body, and two others were fatally wounded.
   Another of the strikers, who got the start of the main body, was shot by a deputy at Bradford, a mile distant. He was also killed instantly, the ball penetrating his neck.
   Eleven strikers were captured where the first battle took place and the pursuing party kept up the chase until Dawson, a point seven miles distant was reached, where 53 more of the strikers were captured.
   All the efforts of the deputies and more level-headed citizens were needed to prevent the lynching of the 11 who were taken back to Connellsville. The law-abiding element had their way, and a special train arrived here with many of those who were in the mob that killed Paddock. A great crowd greeted their arrival, and amid cries of "lynch them!" the prisoners were hurried up a back street to jail. A large body of the strikers were present, and made a rush to rescue the prisoners, but were held back by the big crowd and the deputies. At the jail Hugh Cole, assistant chief engineer of the Frick company, identified five of the prisoners as among those who killed Paddock. Thirty more of the same band of strikers have been arrested, and the deputies will return to bring them to jail.
   Paddock was highly esteemed and was widely known. His murder occurred in sight of his home.
   All the officials of the district organization of strikers will be arrested for complicity in the Paddock murder and inciting the riot and murder.
   At the Mayfield plant of the McClure company two men were fatally shot during the day. The strikers charged the men at work in the morning, but were driven off by the deputies after a striker was shot through the body.
   In the afternoon they returned and renewed the attack. There was much firing and a deputy was fatally wounded.
   At a riot at the Paintor works two men beat a workman fatally.
   One hundred rioters are now under arrest. Hugh Cole came and recognized nearly all of the Huns in jail as the ones who helped commit the assault at Davidson when Paddock was killed.
   Twelve hundred rioters are marching on the Moyer works of J. W. Rainey, where 150 deputies are on guard.
   A massacre will occur there if the projected attack is made. The latest news is that an assault will be made on the jail here to rescue the rioters.

The Sheriff is Powerless.
   CONNELLSVILLE, Pa., April 5.—The sheriff has to-day notified the governor of Pennsylvania that he is powerless to check the excesses of the strikers in the coke region. He says that ten thousand lawless strikers are now in possession of that region.

Cleary Charged With Assault in the Third Degree.
   TROY, N. Y., April 5.—Jeremiah Cleary, whose connection with the events immediately preceding the death of Robert Ross on election day in this city, brought him into considerable prominence at the Ross inquest, was arrested last evening on a charge of assault in the third degree, Ellis Hayner being the complainant. Cleary, it is alleged, assaulted Hayner when the latter protested against the invasion by "Bat" Shea, John McGough and Cleary of the polling place in the Thirteenth ward. Before Magistrate Donohue in police court this morning Cleary pleaded not guilty, and his trial was set down for a week from to-morrow. He was committed to jail.

Some Excellent Suggestions.
   State Superintendent of Public Instruction Crooker has never failed in his annual report to make some valuable and practical suggestions in the line of educational improvement. His report this year is not an exception. While we are not in sympathy with his opposition to state aid for higher education—because we believe that the great state of New York is rich enough and ought to be liberal enough to provide both for elementary and higher training—we endorse most cordially what he says about the meager educational advantages offered to children in weak country districts, the need of improvement in this direction and the obligation resting upon the state to provide for all its children the means of obtaining a thorough common school education. To our mind this obligation is greater in the case of the child in the remote country district than in that of the city child, where private liberality supplements the work done by the state.
   In favoring a longer school term, in order to draw public money and in advocating better pay for teachers, the superintendent is decidedly in the line of progress.
   Perhaps the best suggestion in his report is that favoring taking out of the hands of school commissioners the work of examining and marking the second and third grade answer papers in examinations for teachers certificates and having it done by a central board. A higher and more uniform degree of attainment would thus be assured in teachers, the commissioners would be relieved of extra work and all chance of error or favoritism in passing unfit candidates done away with. This method of examination would mark almost as great an advance as the establishment of the uniform system itself.
   Superintendent Crooker also favors and wisely, the doing away with the two educational departments now existing in this state—the department of public instruction and the board of regents—and uniting them under one head. The board is really the one which ought to go, or be organized on a different basis. At present, membership in it is simply a kind of honorary position for a number of men most if not all of them actively engaged in other than educational pursuits, many of whom rarely if ever attend its meetings, and whose chief exercise of authority seems to be to appoint a secretary, who may be an impractical crank or a level-headed educator, just as it happens, with the chances about as much in favor of one as of the other.
   The appointing of the regents for life is one of the worst features about them. The constitution regards it as wise to dispense with the services of a judge after he is seventy years old, but a regent can live on into second childishness, sans eyes, sans teeth, sans brains, sans everything, and still lag superfluous as one of the directors of the educational system of the state. If their terms of office were limited, like those of judges of the supreme court, and one or more of their number went out of office at stated periods, and their secretary were nominated by the legislature and confirmed by the board, or the reverse, and given not only the powers exercised by the present secretary of the board but by the present superintendent of public instruction, and the two educational departments of the state thus combined, it might be a good thing all around—though the better way would be the conferring of all the power and the locating of all the responsibility on one man, with the regents simply acting as an advisory body, if existing at all.
Another wealthy farmer has been robbed of a large sum of money—$5,000. This wealthy farmer was luny enough to keep the cash in his house. Burglars got in, seized the rich ruralist and began burning him by touching him up with the flame of a lamp. They tortured him till he was forced to tell them where his money was hidden, and they got it all. It does seem as though some people are either crazy or else they never read the newspapers. Time out of mind these friends of the public have been publishing warning stories of how people who keep large sums of money in their homes have been tortured and robbed, often murdered, yet the warning is not heeded. Especially when persons live in small villages and in lonely farmhouses it is nothing less than inviting robbery and murder to keep so much as $100 in the house. Even when the money is locked up in a safe the owner of it can be tortured till he is forced to reveal the combination and give up the key.
Hapless old Kearsarge! After a record as glorious as any brave ship ever had it was her fate to be plundered and set on fire by wreckers as she lay helpless on Roncador reef. There her bones will remain till the kindly shifting sands bury the pitiful object out of sight.

Dray and Bakery Wagon Meet to the Disadvantage of the Latter.
   About 10:30 o'clock this morning J. B. Barrows, the drayman, left his team with an empty dray standing in an alley next the grocery store of J. S. Squires, while he did an errand. A shower came up and a conduit pipe from the roof of an adjoining building began to pour a stream of water upon the heads of the horses. They believed in cold water but they didn't like that kind of application, and they started out upon Main-st., turned and ran at full tilt northward on the west side of the street. A tug unhooked and let the tongue out of the neck yoke. The wagon wouldn't steer then, and with the tongue bobbing around the whole establishment went across the street to the east side.
   Chas. H. Smith, the baker, was coming down Main-st. in his delivery wagon when he saw the team come out of the alley. He was on the west side of the street and when he saw the runaways taking that side too be hawed over upon the east side. When the tongue dropped, the dray team made a bee line for his wagon. He tried to get out of the way, but couldn't. Directly in front of the Second National bank the smash came. The tongue of the dray struck the left front wheel of the bakery wagon and went through it taking out some of the spokes and striking the body of the wagon and forcing it against the curb with force enough to knock the spokes out of the left rear wheel, throwing the felloes and tire down upon the side and letting the wagon drop flat on the hub of the wheel. The other rear wheel also lost some spokes.
   As Mr. Smith saw the smash coming he leaped out upon the curb and seized his horse by the head. One of the thills of his wagon struck the breast of one of the horses of the dray team and then glanced along the side of the animal. It was a narrow escape for that animal.  The crowd gathered and quickly caught the runaways. The driver came up soon and claimed his property which was not injured. Mr. Smith and his horse escaped, but his wagon was a wreck.

   VIRGIL, April 3.—Mrs. Florinda Ellster Bloomer, wife of William Bloomer, died at her home in Virgil, March 23, aged 70 years, 2 months and 11 days. The funeral was held March 26, Rev. Mr. Dayton and Undertaker Crain in charge. Deceased has always lived in Virgil and for many years has been a member of the Baptist church. She leaves a husband and seven children to mourn the loss of a kind mother and a good woman. Her children George, William Fitch, Mary Jane, John A., Faith Dell, Charles and Nettie L., together with the husband wish to thank their friends for acts of kindness rendered them in their affliction.
   Of the three farms sold last week at mortgage sale the P. B. Bloomer farm was sold to Asa Davis and will be occupied by Mr. Farnum Wood.
   The Nathan Shults place was sold to Abram L. Hutchings and will be occupied by his son Fred. The Graves place was sold to Mrs. R. M. Price and will be occupied by Mr. George Darling.
   Mr. John Jewell has purchased the Jay Fortner place and moved onto it.
   Mr. Leroy Robinson has purchased the place owned by Mrs. John Sheerar.
   The cheese factory commenced taking milk on Monday and will doubtless receive an excellent patronage.
   At the regular meeting of the W. C. T. U. held last Wednesday at Mrs. J. C. Seaman's, an excellent supper was furnished by the hostess. We believe it was styled a "white ribbon tea."
   Mr. Frank Stillman has moved to Gee Hill and will have charge of the creamery there.
   Mr. and Mrs. Dell Dann, who have been absent some weeks, have returned home.
   Mr. William Bell has moved in the rooms over Winslow hall.
   Mr. B. J. Jones has rented his tenant house to Mr. Pudney.
   Mr. Henry Homer has let his farm to Mr. Jay Ballou.
   Mr. Frank Hutchings and Mr. Lewis Chrisman are each building an addition to their barns. Mr. Willis Foster has charge of both jobs.
   Mr. W. A. Holton is getting the frame ready for another large barn on his farm.
   The season for maple sugar making is not an average one thus far. There are plenty of freezing nights but the wind is so cold during the day that sap does not run. Much damage is being done to wet land meadows by freezing and thawing.
   Miss Maud McKinney of Cortland is visiting at Mr. Henry McKinney's.
   Sunday evening, April 1, a union temperance meeting was held at the M. E. church, under the auspices of the Woman's Christian Temperance union. It was led by its president, Mrs. Myron Ballou, who in her usual earnest and persuasive manner presented the needs of the work, and urged upon all the importance of personal responsibility, and conscientious action. Reports from departments were read and discussed by ministers and others. The united choirs gave excellent music, and altogether the meeting was one of interest, and we trust of profit. It is hoped there may be established a temperance service to be held monthly at the churches alternately.

   —The Cortland Manufacturing Co., Ltd., have just been connected with the telephone exchange.
   —The appropriation of $14,000 for the Cortland Normal school has passed the senate and now goes to the governor for his signature.
   —In another column we publish a list of hospital wants. The articles are very much needed and will ,be gratefully received.
   —The Grand Union Tea store is being freshened up in appearance by new paint outside and inside. Almeron Loucks is in charge of the work.
   —The plant of the Cortland Desk Co., which has of late been operated by the Jones Mfg. Co., was yesterday sold at sheriff's sale and was bid in by Hector Cowan, for the Desk company.
   —The Normal Banjo club has been entirely reorganized and two mandolins have been added. The club is now practicing for a recital to be given in Normal hall on Friday evening, April 13.
   —The will of the late Gen. Gustavus Sniper of Syracuse, the former colonel of the One Hundred and Eighty-fifth Regt. N. Y. Vols., was yesterday admitted to probate. The estate was valued at $54,000 of which $38,000 was in personal property,
   —Some Binghamton real estate dealers are trying to get the D., L. & W. station in that city moved from its present location to the south side of the Susquehanna river. This will necessitate a change in the whole line of the railroad through the city. There is not much prospect of success in the undertaking.
   —The Ladies' Foreign Missionary society of the First Methodist church met yesterday afternoon at the home of Mrs. L. H. Pearce. An appropriate program was presented. An elegant tea was served at 6 o'clock, of which about 120 people partook, quite a number of them being gentlemen.
   —The Misses Annie and Clara Keator last evening entertained about fifty of their friends at their pleasant home, 168 Main-st., at a 7 o'clock tea. The menu was about the most elegant and elaborate ever served upon a similar occasion in Cortland. Later in the evening cards were in order for those who cared for them. Others were entertained in a serial way, and the evening was passed in a most enjoyable manner.
   —Mrs. C. L. Kinney this morning received a telegram from her husband who started yesterday morning for Detroit, saying that he reached there at 10 o'clock, last night, and his brother Mason had died of typhoid pneumonia before his arrival. Mr. Kinney will arrive in Cortland with the remains on the 10 o'clock train Saturday morning and they will be taken to McGrawville for burial. Mr. Kinney left a wife and a son and daughter eighteen or twenty years old. None of them can come on, as the son is himself very seriously ill with typhoid pneumonia and hardly expected to live.
   —A Binghamton crook attempted to get Mrs. Weld, the mother of Mrs. I. T. Deyo of Binghamton to advance some money to him the other night, during the absence from the house of Mrs. Deyo and the absence from the city of Mr. Deyo of the local board of the Cortland Normal. He claimed to be a client of Mr. Deyo and said that that gentleman had collected $1,600 for him and he wanted a few dollars of it then. His tears flowed freely, but Mrs. Weld was unmoved by them. She thought his story was not very straight. He promised to call at Mr. Deyo's office the next morning and get the money there, but he failed to keep his appointment. Mr. Deyo is now trying to locate his "client."

What the Cortland Druggists Say About its Use.
   A STANDARD reporter lately called upon the Cortland druggists to inquire as to the sale of Paine's celery compound.
   G. W. Bradford says that the sale of Paine's celery compound is one of the heaviest of any medicine he has. The sale is steady and increases daily.
   F. I. Graham says it is the best seller of any patent medicine we have. The sale keeps up so we conclude that it is a good thing.
   Charles F. Brown says: We sell stacks of it. Have sold a gross in the last six weeks and hear good reports of it.
   Frank E. Brogden says: "P. C. C." gives as good satisfaction as any medicine I have ever sold.
   Maj. Aaron Sager of the firm of Sager & Jenninge, says: "We just received a gross of Paine's celery compound. We hear nothing but words of commendation for it. It is no uncommon thing for us to sell a quarter of a dozen to one customer. It is one of the most staple articles we have in stock.
   Mr. C. H. V. Elliott of the firm of Fitz Boynton & Co. says: We judge of the merits of a medicine by its sale. We find Paine's celery compound an excellent seller and it has given excellent satisfaction to all who have need of it, so far as we know. We buy it in gross lots.

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